Lawfully Wedded

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Lawfully Wedded Page 7

by Jenna Brandt

  The assembled guests all clinked their glasses and took sips as directed.

  Erica stood next and turned to face the couple as she spoke. “I’ve always been crazy about boys. Since we were in high school, I was constantly either with a guy or keeping an eye out for the next one, but not Lindsay. She cared more about horses and working on her father’s ranch. Then she went off to college. It was all about helping kids in the foster care system. Even on the weekends, she would spend hours in the nursery at church. I’ve never known someone who cares so much for other people, but spent so little time on herself.

  “That’s why Aiden took her by surprise. He came out of nowhere and showed her that good men were still out there. He gives all of us ladies hope,” Erica explained, causing the women in the room to laugh. “I’m grateful to be a part of their special day, and I’m so happy for the both of you. Congratulations, Lindsay and Aiden,” she finished as she raised her glass to them, causing the room full of guests to do the same.

  The DJ announced the cutting of the cake. The couple made their way over to the table that held the gorgeous white, pink, and silver cake. Everyone gathered around them to watch.

  Lindsay picked up the knife, and Aiden placed his own hand over hers. They pressed it down onto the bottom layer of the cake together, making a piece to share. She picked up a nearby fork and lifted a small chunk on the edge. Aiden did the same.

  Her eyebrow arched as she probed, “You'll be nice, won’t you?”

  He chuckled. “If I want us to have a happy honeymoon, I better be, right?”

  She nodded and held out her fork to him. He took the bite and smiled, offering his own to her in the same kind manner.

  The bottom layer was the chocolate, and it tasted delicious. Lindsay wished she had time to eat a whole piece, but the DJ was already announcing the bouquet toss. He played “Single Ladies” by Beyoncé to entice the women to take part.

  Lindsay made her way to the center of the dance floor. Erica handed her a toss bouquet she had made for Lindsay so she could keep her own as a memento. All the single women gathered behind her with excited anticipation.

  She lifted the bouquet into the air, glanced over her shoulder with a huge smile, and inquired, “You ladies ready for this?”

  There was a peal of laughter from the women as several moved for better positions in the group.

  Lindsay counted, “One, two, three,” and let the bouquet fly up and backwards. She turned around to see who would catch it. The bouquet landed in the middle of the group, but two women from church each had a hand on it. They eyed each other for several seconds, pulling back and forth, but their struggle caused the bouquet to go flying backwards again, landing this time smack into Erica’s hands.

  Her eyes grew round, and she looked around at everyone. She tried to push the bouquet off to one of the original women, but both were red with embarrassment. They shook their heads while averting their eyes.

  Erica made her way over to Lindsay and whispered, “I can’t believe I caught the bouquet.”

  Lindsay giggled. “I’m not surprised. You’ll be next. Who knows, maybe it will be to whoever catches the garter.”

  One of the workers brought a chair to the dance floor. Lindsay took her place in it as the men ushered Aiden forward to kneel in front of her. The DJ cued up “It’s Raining Men” as all the guys gathered behind Aiden.

  The children made oohing noises while the men whistled and the women laughed. Aiden rarely felt uncomfortable, but with all the eyes on him, he resisted the urge to squirm. Instead, he focused on the task at hand. He gingerly lifted the edge of Lindsay’s skirt, pushing it up to reveal where the garter sat just above her knee. His fingers brushed her bare skin, causing it to prickle under his touch.

  Lindsay’s eyes flashed down to meet his own and pink tinged her cheeks as she smiled at him. His fingers guided the garter down her leg until he reached her foot and removed it.

  Aiden stood back up and moved towards where the men were waiting. He swirled the garter around his finger as he winked at the men. Without warning, he flicked the garter towards the group.

  Zach was standing towards the back. The garter flew straight into his hands. He glanced down at it, then up at Aiden, then over at Erica who was still holding the bouquet. She looked as shocked as he did at their circumstance.

  The wedding photographer rushed up, saying to Erica and Zach, “I need a picture of the two of you together since you’re the lucky ones.”

  Erica gave a scathing look to Zach who seemed to ignore it as he placed his arm around her shoulders, then smiled at the photographer.

  “Why don’t you both give me a smile,” the short, thin man encouraged, causing Erica to turn her withering stare towards him.

  His eyes grew wide with shock as he shrugged and mumbled under his breath, “Or not. Guess this will have to do.”

  Lindsay and Aiden looked at each other, laughing over Erica’s reaction, causing everyone else to do the same, though most the guests didn’t quite know why.

  Once everyone stopped laughing, the DJ announced it was time for the first dance. The couple made their way onto the center of the dance floor.

  “I can’t believe how lucky we are,” Lindsay whispered as Aiden gathered her into his arms.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” he stated as they swayed to the music.

  Aiden loved the feel of Lindsay in his arms. Her warmth radiated from where their hands met, causing an electricity to surge between them as they stared into each other’s eyes.

  “I feel like the luckiest man in the world to know I’m your husband.”

  Lindsay smiled. “That goes both ways. I’m finally Mrs. O’Connell.”

  Aiden noticed Alex standing at the edge of the dance floor watching them. He guided Lindsay over to the boy’s side with a series of twists and turns, then reached out his hand. “Join us, Alex.”

  The little boy’s face lit up as he took the offered hand. The three of them danced together for the rest of the song.

  Next, it was time for the father-daughter dance. Aiden handed Lindsay over to her father, explaining he would check on Cooper in his kennel.

  Once in the adjoining room, Aiden bent down and pulled out a treat for Cooper. He put the dog biscuit through the slat. “Can you believe Lindsay and I are finally married, boy? You better get used to a woman being in the house.”

  Cooper barked several times in response.

  “I guess you’re right. We both will need to adjust to that.”

  Aiden heard muffled voices from the hallway which grew closer until they were recognizable.

  “You know, it’s traditional that the best man and the maid of honor hook up at the wedding,” Zach’s voice remarked with a heavy flirtatious tone.

  “How many times do I have to tell you the same thing, Zach? I’m not interested. I can’t be with someone like you,” Erica insisted in an irritated voice.

  “You keep saying that, but I can tell you’re attracted to me. It's great because it goes both ways. It’s why I didn’t bring a date tonight. I wanted to be available for you.”

  Erica snorted. “More likely, you couldn’t get a date.”

  “Honey, I can get a date if I want to, no problem.”

  “Don’t call me honey. It grosses me out.”

  “Come on. You’ve got to realize its fate. We caught the bouquet and the garter. We’re supposed to end up together.”

  “Well, I’m a Christian, and I don’t believe in fate. I believe in what the Bible tells me, which means I don’t hook up with people, or date guys who do.”

  “Maybe I can persuade you to forget about all that religious stuff for the night. I promise I’ll make it worth it. All you have to do—”

  Aiden decided he had enough of Zach bothering Erica. He stepped through the door and entered the hallway. “Hey, Zach, do you mind helping me out with a few things before the night ends?”

  Zach looked irritated by the interruption, but he nodded an
d followed Aiden. As they entered the reception hall, Zach asked, “Block a guy’s pursuit much?”

  “Zach, I realize you have the hots for Erica, but you should know, it will never happen. She’s a good, Christian woman, and she wants a good Christian man. If you’re serious about her, take me up on one of my offers and come to church with me.”

  “You know I’m not into religion,” Zach stated as he rolled his shoulders.

  “Then you should look elsewhere. You’re wasting your time.”

  They made their way back in. Aiden asked Zach to make sure the limo was ready to pick them up. “Oh, and don’t forget, you agreed to keep Cooper while we’re on our honeymoon.”

  Aiden was taking Lindsay to The Clear Mountain Ski Lodge for the weekend, and when they got back, she would move in. Alex would join them once the inspection was approved.

  Lindsay was speaking with several friends from church. She smiled as Aiden approached. “Hello, Husband.”

  “Hello, Wife,” he responded in return, reaching out his hand. “You ready to get out of here?”

  She nodded, placing her own hand in his. “Lead the way.”

  They made their way to the side exit of the hotel and over to the limo. Several of the guests were already outside waiting and the rest followed behind them. The guests blew bubbles as the newlyweds hurried down the walkway and climbed into the vehicle.

  Aiden turned to Lindsay and grinned. “You're gorgeous in that dress, but I can’t wait to get you out of it.”

  He leaned over and kissed her soundly on the lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  She leaned back and whispered, “Only a few more minutes, Officer, and then you can have at it.”


  Snowflakes fluttered down and landed on the top of Lindsay’s upturned face. She threw her arms out and twirled around in the fast falling flurries.

  The mountain was busy with tourists climbing off the lift and preparing to ski down the various slopes. Lindsay and Aiden were both expert skiers due to growing up in Colorado. They picked the difficult Black Diamond slope for their third run after already going down both moderate blue square trails.

  “You look adorable in that snowsuit,” Aiden observed. “You have to be the cutest ski bunny I have ever seen.”

  She arched an eyebrow and laughed. “What is it with you and bunnies? First it’s badge bunnies, and now it’s ski bunnies.”

  “I didn’t even think about it when I said it. Let’s forget about it,” he requested as he checked his boots for the upcoming run.

  “I’m not letting you off the hook that easy, Mr. O’Connell. Exactly how many bunnies have you been with over the years?”

  “Not as many as you might think. Besides, you’re the only one that matters.”

  "I am not a bunny," Lindsay stated adamantly. "You’re the only cop I’ve ever dated, and I only went skiing with the family growing up. I’m not like those other women."

  Aiden gave Lindsay a mock salute. “Yes, ma’am, you’ve made that loud and clear.”

  She playfully slapped his hand away from his forehead. “Stop it, stop making fun of me.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it,” Aiden teased.

  “Oh, you,” she said, reaching out to slap him again. This time, he grabbed her and yanked her towards him.

  “I don’t think so. You only get one free shot at me,” he stated with a smirk before claiming her mouth with his own.

  Lindsay shifted from play fighting to melting into his embrace. Aiden’s arms came around her, a warm contrast against the biting cold of the winter air surrounding them.

  Her green eyes fluttered open allowing her to take in Aiden’s good looks. He was so handsome in his blue snowsuit with matching beanie and boots.

  “Let’s get down this hill so I can take you back to our cabin,” Aiden suggested. “You’re too tempting.”

  She laughed. “I was thinking the same thing about you.”

  Several minutes later, they arrived at the bottom of the slope, both slightly out of breath from racing down.

  “You really are good at this,” Lindsay observed.

  “You’re not so bad yourself. I like it that you can keep up with me.”

  “And don’t you forget it.”

  Lindsay took off her skis, then slung them over her shoulder along with her poles as she shouted, “Race you back to the cabin? First one back gets the hot shower.”

  Aiden yelled back, “Or we can share.”

  “You got to catch me first,” Lindsay taunted as she ran towards the lodge, glancing behind her every couple of seconds to check on his location.

  “Oh, I will,” Aiden promised as he gave chase.

  The young, brunette hostess at the front desk of the Clear Mountain Lodge Restaurant smiled as Aiden and Lindsay arrived for their dinner reservation.

  “Good evening,” she greeted. “Your table is right this way, Mr. and Mrs. O’Connell.”

  They followed the woman towards the back where a table was placed next to the kitchen, allowing a view of the chef working. The table was elegantly arranged with lit candles, red roses in the center, and glistening plates and glasses.

  “It’s beautiful,” Lindsay stated with astonishment as Aiden pulled out a seat for her.

  “Not as beautiful as you look in that black dress,” Aiden observed as he took a seat across from her.

  The hostess handed them each a menu. “Enjoy,” she said as she left them alone.

  “Did you set all of this up?” Lindsay inquired.

  “Yes, I did. I heard the chef here at the lodge is the best in all of Boulder County. I knew they offered this kitchen-side table, but you had to call weeks in advance to reserve it.”

  She smiled. “I've never had anyone do something so thoughtful for me. I love it.”

  He reached out and pulled her hands into his own. “I want to make our honeymoon as special as possible. I still have several surprises lined up for tomorrow.”

  “Really?” Lindsay’s eyebrows shot up with curiosity. “Are you going to give me any hints what you planned?”

  Aiden shook his head. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  The server arrived to take their order.

  Lindsay ordered the rack of lamb with a carrot soufflé while Aiden ordered the braised duck with a cauliflower puree. They talked about the wedding and how nice it would be to settle into the ranch house together once they returned from their honeymoon. They also watched the chef prepare the meal. Aiden marveled at how expertly the chef handled the knives, creating food like it was art.

  The smell of the food arrived before the actual plates. The scent was heavenly and Aiden’s mouth watered in anticipation. His first bite of duck melted like butter in his mouth. Each bite that followed was just as good as the one before. By the time they finished, Aiden realized it was the best meal of his life.

  “Did you enjoy your lamb?” Aiden inquired.

  “It was excellent. I’ve never had better.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. Before we head back to our cabin for the night, I have one more surprise for you,” Aiden informed her. He stretched out his hand and helped her from the table.

  “What about the bill?” Lindsay inquired.

  “It’s taken care of.”

  Aiden took Lindsay to the adjoining lounge where soft jazz music was playing. He led her onto the dance floor, then pulled her into his arms.

  “I know how much you love to dance, and you didn’t get to do much of it yesterday during the reception.”

  Lindsay leaned her head against Aiden’s shoulder and let out a soft sigh. Aiden loved the way the music encompassed them as they moved to the rhythm. It felt wonderful to hold his wife in his arms.

  “I love you so much, Lindsay. I’ve never been happier.”

  “Me too,” she whispered. “I never knew I could be this happy.”

  They danced to two more songs, enjoying the music before heading off to bed.


  Lindsay and Aiden had a leisurely morning spending time in their cabin. They ate breakfast in bed, then played a game of cards before getting ready for Aiden’s surprise.

  “You won't give me any hint? Do I need to wear my snowsuit?” Lindsay probed.

  Aiden shook his head. “No, just dress warm.”

  Lindsay made a little huff under her breath as she slipped on her lavender sweater over her white t-shirt. Next, she put on her fur-trimmed boots, tucking in her black jeans. She grabbed her navy-blue coat, gloves, and scarf from the back of one of the chairs by the fire.

  “Okay, take me to your surprise, Officer O’Connell,” Lindsay ordered in a joking tone.

  “Yes, ma’am, right away,” he teased back as he grabbed his own leather coat, gloves, and scarf.

  They walked hand-in-hand along the paths of the lodge that weaved through the snow-covered garden and hedges. On the back side of the property, Aiden stopped, causing Lindsay to do the same.

  She looked at him with a puzzled look. “What’s going on?”

  “Wait for it,” he instructed with a grin.

  The jingle of bells echoed from down the snow-covered path to the east. Lindsay’s eyes snapped in that direction. A horse-drawn sleigh came into view, and she felt her heart race with excitement.

  “I didn’t even know they had one of these up here,” Lindsay stated with surprise.

  “I found out when I booked our reservation. It’s new this year.”

  The driver of the sleigh came to a stop in front of them. The tall man with a head of brown hair and stubble chin to match, hopped down from his driver’s seat. “Good afternoon. My name is Liam Davis and I will take you on a horse-drawn tour of the property and along the mountainside.”

  Liam helped both into the back seat and handed them several blankets which they arranged on their laps. As they took off down the path, the jingle of the bells resumed.

  Lindsay nuzzled up against Aiden and wrapped her arms around his waist. “This is so romantic,” she whispered, intoxicated by the fresh air, the softly falling snow, and the warmth of being next to Aiden. “I love it.”


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