His as Payment

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His as Payment Page 10

by Piper Stone

  I yanked open the closest drawer, reaching inside blindly and wrapping my hand around a solid piece of wood. She wasn’t paying any attention, lost in her own moment of raw ecstasy. I sucked in my breath, seeing the thick wooden spoon. This was perfect. A simple reminder that I could spank her anywhere at any time and would do so without reservation.

  The soft thudding sound was like sweet music filtering into my ears, melodic in ways that few could understand. I twirled the spoon, smacking her again. And again. “Open your legs for me, sweet Caroline. Let me see your gorgeous pussy.”

  Blinking several times, she obeyed without question, even holding her knees in a subtle gesture of submission.

  “Now, take a look at this.” I held the spoon over her head, twisting the handle back and forth. Back and forth.

  She followed my every move, her eyes darting up and down. Still so defiant.

  “Even something as cheap as this,” I began, dragging the rounded portion down her neck, “can provide hours of pleasure.” I slipped the handle between her breasts and into the bodice of her lovely dress, the hindrance soon to be eliminated. I rubbed her skin gently, a lover’s gesture. I adored the way her eyes followed me, the way her breathing changed. Even her skin shimmered in a glow that seemed iridescent.

  “You like that,” I whispered, leaning over and blowing across her pussy.


  “Good girl.” I pulled the spoon into the air then traced her jawline before tapping the end all the way down her stomach, positioning the handle between her swollen pussy lips. “So much pleasure. Yes?”

  She nodded in a hesitant manner as I gently moved the rounded wood up and down, studying her facial features and the way her chest rose and fell. The scent of her was stronger, filling my nostrils and scalding my blood. I was nothing more than a carnivore, so damn hungry I could barely contain my needs. When she closed her eyes, I snapped her clit.

  “Mmmm...” The sound filtering past the gag was more intense, her eyes flying open.

  “Do not close your eyes. You will watch everything I do to you. Every. Second.”

  Another nod. Another whimper.

  “Better. You will learn.” I eased the handle between her pussy lips once again, taking my time sliding the slick wood up and down. I inhaled several times, savoring the delicious fragrance. So damn sweet. Sultry. “When you’re a very good little girl, the implement I choose will always find a way to bring you utter bliss.”


  I slapped the spoon twice against her pussy lips. “But when you’re bad, anything I choose, and I do mean anything can be used for punishment.” Unable to resist, I held the implement under my nose, taking several deep whiffs. “Divine, my sweet Caroline.” I spanked her upper thighs and bottom several times, finding it difficult to focus.

  She shifted and moaned, her fingers digging into her skin as she held her legs in place. The sheen on her face mixed with the blush creeping up from her neck to her beautiful cheeks. I was mesmerized by her beauty and the way she responded to my every touch.

  My body began to shake, the desire so intense. I tossed the spoon, using my hands to split her legs as far apart as possible and leaned over. “Watch as I feast.”

  Her eyes never seemed to blink as I darted the tip of my tongue around her clit, slow and easy, allowing my mind to wrap around the realization that she was truly mine. My grip was firm, pushing her knees all the way to the counter as I dragged my tongue up and down, relishing in the way her juice covered it, filling my mouth.

  “Pinch your nipples for me,” I commanded, delighted that there was no hesitation, her long fingers slipping past the thin material. I was so turned on as I kept my gaze on her, almost delirious as she pinched and twisted her nipples. Her mouth moved over the panties as her breathing became even heavier. “You enjoy controlled pain.” I didn’t need an answer.

  I already knew.

  The way her body responded was telling, allowing me a slight glimpse of the woman inside.




  I brushed my fingers down her inner thighs, using the tip of my index finger and thumb to tease her clit, rubbing then pinching. I slipped two fingers into her pussy, growling as her muscles immediately gripped the invasion. Then I buried my head, sliding my tongue all the way inside.

  “Mmm...” Caroline jerked up from the island, her back in a deep arc.

  With every swipe of my tongue, she moaned. With every thrust of my fingers, she shuddered. I continued the actions, licking then nipping her clit, biting down on her tender tissue. I could tell she was close to coming, her entire body trembling. “Do you want to come?”

  Her nod was vehement.

  “Will you obey me?”

  Another nod as well as a twinkle in her eyes gave me pause. She was a damn good actress, but this was only the beginning.

  Exhaling, I pushed her dress further up her stomach, leaning over and peppering her heated skin with kisses and licks, moving down ever so slowly. When I reached her pussy again, I winked. “You’re free to come.” I licked her almost brutally, dragging my tongue all the way up and down, shoving the tip inside. Thrusting two then three fingers inside, I kept my rhythm even, plunging over and over again.

  Her body tensed as her toes pointed and only seconds later, her hips began to rock back and forth as she came, juice trickling into my mouth. Her agonized yet muffled cries were like sweet music.

  The taste of her was like no other. I opened my mouth wide, taking every drop. My vision was foggy, my heart beating rapidly and as she climaxed in wave after wave, cream spilling down my throat. I kept my grip firm until her body stopped shaking, finally easing her legs down until they dangled off the island. “You are magnificent, Caroline.”

  She had the audacity to look away, closing her eyes.

  Huffing, I counted to ten, controlling my anger. Using a single finger, I pressed the tip into her cheek, forcing her head forward. Then I removed the panties from her mouth. “Do you feel alive?”

  “Yes.” The answer was laced with rebellion, a test of will.

  “Do you feel sated, even hungry for more?”


  I leaned further over her, gripping her chin. “Do you know you belong to me?”

  A blip of a hesitation.

  “Yes...” This time, her answer was in the form of a nasty hiss.

  Disgusted, I backed away, pitching the spoon across the room. Her only reaction was a single blink. I turned abruptly, unsure if I was angry with her or with myself for letting my guard down. “You will learn to obey and follow the rules of this house. I don’t want your life to be miserable, Caroline, but I will not tolerate your attitude. If you continue to act like a child, you will be treated like one. This is my house and I deserve respect. Something for you to keep in mind before continuing your holier than thou attitude. Bruno will show you to your room. While I’m not locking you in, you will need to stay there. I will come for you when it’s time.” I’d taken only two steps when I heard the melodic tone of her voice.

  “If you don’t want me miserable, Dominick, I suggest you give me something useful to do like bringing my paints and canvases here. Trust me, I will then stay completely out of your way and be a very good little girl.”

  I took a deep breath, holding it in while I debated. “Very well. That can be arranged.”

  “And another thing. Respect isn’t owed to anyone, including you. Respect is only earned and that takes time. Master. Dominick.”

  She thought she was drawing a line in the sand.

  I took my time, taking several deep breaths.

  “We are going out tomorrow night. I have business to attend to, which will prevent any further conversation at this time, but you will have suitable attire available to you in the morning. Make certain you do not decide that this is the one particular event you will attempt to thwart. I will be reasonable with your... particular needs, but this isn’t one of
them. Do you understand, Caroline?” I heard the hiss under her breath, could even feel the stagnant air surrounding her. This wasn’t a battle she was going to win.

  “I understand.”

  “Good. Learn to obey.” I clenched my fist, biting back any kind of retort. As I walked out, I could swear I heard her laughing.

  Chapter Seven


  Learn to obey. The asshole had to be fucking out of his mind. I was furious, my mind reeling at all the horrible things I wanted to do to the man. Hissing, I was actually stunned that his anger wrapped around him like a viper. He was volatile, capable of flying off the handle at any moment. I seemed to have a very distinct effect on him. What the hell was the night in my studio about? Lies? Deceit? Yeah, he did everything in his power to make certain I fell for his bullshit. He had another think coming.

  I eased off the island, struggling to right my dress. I was quivering to the core, and I wasn’t entirely certain it was because of the nastiness of our exchange or the way my body had reacted to his touch. And I hated myself more than ever, shame enshrouding over me, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

  My hands were shaking as I attempted to step into my panties. The scent of my climax made me sick to my stomach. I wanted a long, hot shower to wash away the ugliness. I heard the sound of his office door slamming, his rage continuing. I’d pushed his buttons. What a pity. Chuckling, I glared at the spoon, surprised that he hadn’t broken anything after his second temper tantrum of the day.

  I managed to open the wine, pouring then almost sloshing over the rim. After taking several gulps, I gripped the counter, trying to calm my nerves. This was a freaking nightmare.

  I heard thudding boots coming down the hallway only seconds later, the same hulking mass of a man appearing in the doorway. At least I had a name. He said nothing at first, studying me with much kinder eyes than I’d experienced in the car. Perhaps he felt sorry for me given Dominick’s bad behavior. “Bruno, I presume?”

  He nodded as he folded his hands in front of him.

  “I don’t bite, Bruno.”

  He said nothing.

  “Although I have been known the throw a mean punch now and again.” I couldn’t help but smile. He was just a man trying to do his job. Hell, I honestly didn’t know how the regime of a Mafia kingpin was comprised or what his role truly was.

  This time, Bruno snorted.

  I took my time refilling the crystal goblet, placing the opener back in the same drawer I found it. I’d not certain why I was surprised Dominick’s kitchen was equipped just like any other household, complete with messy drawers. He was a human being after all. I took another sip of wine then noticed Bruno’s intense stare. “Would you like to share a glass with me?”

  Bruno blinked once as if in reply.

  “Oh, that’s right. You’re on duty. I certainly hope you don’t work twenty-four hours a day.” I took a sip, studying his physique. He was well dressed for a henchman, a nicely tailored suit, even for his size, a sharp and obviously expensive tie and a crisp white shirt.

  Bruno seemed uncomfortable, aware that I was scrutinizing him, shifting from foot to foot. He finally glanced at his watch.

  “Am I keeping you from something, maybe wiping Dominick’s ass?” If I didn’t know better, I’d say the man actually cracked a smile. “Fine. I guess we won’t have a conversation.” I headed in his direction, stopping short before reaching him and grabbing the bottle. “Fuck it. A girl needs something to do in this mausoleum.”

  He blinked again, allowing me to pass and I headed directly for the stairs. I was still cautious of him, uncertain what to expect. I’d spent the first night in a guest room, or so I’d been told. Where was I being led to now? Had Dominick assumed that I’d be spending my nights with him? Was there a cage in an empty room somewhere, complete with chains and baffles so no one could hear me scream? A cold chill swept into my system. I was just as sick to my stomach as when I’d arrived, but there was also a part of me that was forced into at least limited resignation.

  For now.

  I had to learn the lay of the land and Dominick’s schedule if there was any hope of escaping. And where the hell would I go? Bruno led the way to the end of the hall, opening the door for me and ushering me inside. He flipped on the light and stood in the doorway like before. The room was gorgeous, much like the rest of the house. Everything was very relaxed yet opulent, reminiscent of an expensive beach house. The bed was massive, no doubt a king filled with pillows and a dazzling comforter. However, everything had a feminine touch, complete with all my favorite colors, shades of tangerine and violet, fuchsia and shocking blue. There were even new perfumes on the dresser, all three of my favorites.

  “Does Dominick the Enforcer think he’s going to win me over by providing my brand of perfume?” I knew the question wouldn’t be answered. There were even hairbrushes and combs, books and magazines that I could enjoy. What was the man thinking?

  There was a French door on the opposite side, no doubt leading to a balcony or small deck, a comfy overstuffed leather chair positioned near a floor-to-ceiling window. Every piece of furniture was warm, the wood bird’s-eye maple.

  Another surprise regarding Dominick. Another blasphemous wave of yearning.

  “This is beautiful.” I ran my hand along the top of the dresser, marveling at the feel. I noticed an attached bathroom and what appeared to be a walk-in closet.

  “Dominick has excellent tastes in all things, Miss Hargrove.”

  “He speaks,” I said, giving him a hard stare as I took a sip of wine. He was also uncomfortable around me. “I apologize. I don’t mean to take this out on you. You’re just an employee.”

  “I’ve been Dominick’s friend for almost twenty years.”

  The words I wouldn’t have expected. “Really?” I walked closer. “And you can call me Caroline.”

  This time, his eyes flashed perhaps out of amusement or out of some limited gratitude. I made no mistake about his level of danger. I could imagine he was able to break a man in half with his bare hands, not to mention the fact he had a pistol attached to a holster under his arm. The outline was clear and I knew my guns very well.

  “While I understand that you have concerns about being here, Dominick is a good man. He has a lot to deal with right now.”

  “And I’m just another tick on his check sheet. Destroy a man and his career. Check. Abduct the man’s daughter for the heck of it. Check.”

  For the first time, I saw a level of emotion on Bruno’s face, even a bead of sweat trickling down the side.

  “There are many things you don’t understand, Miss Hargrove, and I suggest that you try and listen instead of demanding. I have no intention of hurting you, but I will if necessary.”

  “You’re that close to... to that monster?”

  “As I said, that monster is my friend and yes, I’d die for him.”

  The words seemed to echo.

  I walked closer, forced to tilt my head in order to look into his eyes. “Then help me understand. Why couldn’t there have been a different arrangement with my father?”

  Bruno cocked his jaw, shifting a quick gaze over his shoulder. “Your father isn’t who you believe him to be.”


  He refused to answer.

  “Meaning?” My tone was much more demanding.

  “In truth, Miss Hargrove, I hope that you never have to find out. That would shatter the very concept of him as your father. I will bring you something to eat if you’d like.”

  I opened my mouth, trying to think of some horrible retort, but I knew in my gut what the man was saying was right. My father had sold his soul to the devil years before. “I’m not hungry, Bruno, but thank you.”

  He nodded and backed out of the door, grabbing the handle. His hesitation was followed by a gruff exhale. “While you may choose not to believe this, Dominick has never cared for another woman the way he does for you.”

  “He doesn’t care a
bout me, Bruno. I am an object. A thing. That’s all. Don’t fool yourself. You believe in your friend and I can respect that, but he’s no better than my father. Dominick is a murderer and a vile dangerous man. Nothing more.”

  His smile was one I couldn’t quite figure out. “That’s where you’re wrong. Goodnight, Miss Hargrove.” I knew his words would stay with me long after I turned out the lights. For a man like Bruno to be absolutely transfixed by a man like Dominick was... “Huh.” I couldn’t even find the right word.

  I kicked off my shoes and studied the room, finding my things still in suitcases on the floor. The bathroom was posh, complete with a shower and a whirlpool bathtub. So much for the steel cage and chains. I walked toward the French doors, peering out into the night sky. The snow continued to fall and there was only landscape lighting marking the driveway, illuminating the falling flakes. I had no idea where I was, but I assumed outside the city limits.

  I was exhausted, more so than I’d realized. I was also filthy, at least in my mind, covered with Dominick’s stench. I gulped more wine, nearly breaking the stem when I slapped it on the dresser and yanked my suitcase on the top of the bed. My fingers were stiff as I fumbled to yank the zipper, tossing what few clothes I’d brought all over the bed. I finally found the soft robe, perhaps the one piece of clothing I would live in.

  Snarking, I kicked off my shoes, not caring where they flew and stalked into the bathroom, turning on the water in the tub. I enjoyed jerking open the cabinets and drawers, some of my angry steam stripped away upon finding everything fully equipped. Bath beads and shower gel. Plush towels and even a bathrobe that was so soft and luxurious, I buried my face into it. There was even a music system. This just didn’t seem like Dominick.

  I refilled my wine, found some Spanish guitar music, tossed my clothes, and finally eased in the warm bubbles, sinking all the way in. Everything was out of sorts. Everything was crazy. No, I was losing my mind.

  A range of emotions flooded my mind, drilling into me as visions of the past two days flowed. I grabbed the wine, lifting the glass in a silent salute. Dominick was a damn good poker player, the best I’d ever seen. He’d plied me with bullshit and I’d bought into it. Hook. Line. And...


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