His as Payment

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His as Payment Page 19

by Piper Stone

  “Smart men. They want to live their life in an honest fashion.”

  The words would normally rile me, but they were more truthful than I cared to hear. I turned to face her, nodding once. “What they never realized is that they were born into this family and by that I mean the Borgata. We are Italian, our heritage in settling in America was about forging a new life.”

  “That didn’t have to include murdering people.” She dared to inch closer to me, her wet hair framing her face in such a sexy fashion. The robe was far too seductive, drawing my mind in other more nefarious locations.

  “We do what has to be done, Caroline. Sometimes that includes eliminating problems. We also don’t talk about certain aspects of business in this house.” I kept my voice low.

  “You talk in code as if I’m wearing a wire. I think you know better.” Her eyes flashed.

  “But anyone could be listening. I’m certainly not immune to the law. The Feds have tried for years to take down my family for accusations that simply aren’t true. I can’t allow that to happen so I’m careful in everything I do.”

  “Except with me.” She took a sip of coffee, her eyelashes fluttering as she lifted her gaze.

  “No. Not with you.”

  “Are you saying that this house is bugged, that everything we’re saying is on record? No wonder your brothers bailed. This isn’t the kind of life to live.”

  “As I said, anything is possible.” Sighing, I folded my arms, trying to keep my distance. “You can’t run from who you are. Even you should know that. My brothers have no choice about who they are. My father never pushed them, allowing them to make a choice, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t required to protect our family. Every member.”

  “Including me?”

  The question drove a stake through my heart. “Including anyone I care about.”

  “Hmmm...” She looked away. “Are you ever going to tell me about my mother?”

  Once again, the question caught me off guard. I inched closer. “Why would your father lie to you about her death?”

  “Honestly, I have no idea. They didn’t get along, but he never abused her in any manner.”

  “Did she find out about his methods of business?”

  She looked me directly in the eyes. “My mother was formidable, refusing to back down to him and he hated it. There was never a time that I didn’t see them arguing. I honestly have no idea why they stayed married. Perhaps they were in love once, but from the time I was a small child, I never saw any kind of adoration. As far as business, he never talked to her about it in my presence. And before you ask, if she’d known about his sick desires, she would have taken me and left.”

  “Did your mother have secrets of her own?” There was a possibility she found out about his kinky needs, but I couldn’t imagine that would be the impetus to lock her away. There was a missing piece.

  Raw anger surfaced on her face. “Don’t you dare say anything about her, Dominick. Whatever she had to endure was much more horrible than anything you’ve experienced in your life.”

  “I’m not chastising your mother in any fashion, but there has to be a reason that your father carted her off to a mental institution.”

  “Where is she, Dominick? If you know something, I demand you tell me!” She was more rattled than ever.

  “All I know is that she’s somewhere in Canada.”

  “Somewhere? And you expect me to buy that?” Caroline shoved her cup onto the counter, backing away. “Just because I was stupid enough to say I love you doesn’t mean that you can hold this over my head. I’m no fool. There is something hiding in the dark and very murky waters of this situation. The question is, what does my father have on you?”

  I recoiled, another volley of anger sliding into my system. “Your father is a gnat and nothing more, a worthless piece of shit who uses people—”

  “Just like you?” she interrupted.

  Gripping the edge of the counter, I took a deep breath. “Maybe you’re right. I never lied to you about the kind of man that I was, but did your father?”

  She twisted her mouth, lines crinkling on her beautiful face. “You’re right. He’s capable of anything. That much I know. That’s why I wanted to get away, start a new life. I was a fool to think that would ever happen. If my mother is really alive, please find her, Dominick. Ruin my father. I don’t care, but please don’t ever lie to me. You have me. I’m yours now to do with what you want, but I won’t be some stupid patsy or arm candy. Never.”

  “You’re many things, Caroline but you’ll never be just arm candy. I promise you I will find her. My father...” I hissed, realizing I shouldn’t have said anything. I pulled her into an embrace but she pushed me away.

  “Your father what?”

  “He’s attempting to locate her. He has significant and very influential friends, much more so than your father and several of them owe him a favor. We should know something soon.”

  “I hope to God you’re right or I will get the answer from my father myself. There is nowhere that asshole can hide.”

  The phone interrupted the conversation and instantly my hackles were raised, seeing Lorenzo’s number on the screen.

  She glared down at the phone, snorting. “I’ll leave.”

  “Stay.” I no longer cared what she knew. “Lorenzo. This had better be good. Please tell me you found the fucker.”

  “No, although my father was very interested. The reason for my call is that you’re going to want to catch the morning news. Check NBC.” There was a level of fury I rarely heard in his voice.

  Immediately I stormed toward the television, flicking on the remote. “What the hell am I supposed to be seeing.”

  “Just wait,” he hissed. “And be prepared. That’s all I can say.”

  “What’s going on?” Caroline asked, moving closer to the television.

  “I don’t fuckin’ know.” When the commercial finally ended, the sight of Drummand’s face standing on a platform, various law enforcement by his side sent an immediate chill down my spine. This was on the national news. Fucking fantastic. “What the fuck is he doing?”

  “Just wait,” Lorenzo huffed.

  I scanned the screen, able to see Dick Markus standing in the background. While he had a smug look on his face, he seemed disinterested in the proceedings.

  The small crowd of mostly reporters jumped closer to the makeshift stage, jutting their microphones in front of Drummand.

  Drummand waved his hand, a huge smile crossing his face. He looked directly into the cameras. I could see the smirk in his eyes. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m Senator Drummand Hargrove of the great state of New York. As many of you are aware, I’ve been involved with cleaning up the streets of New York for some time. I take pride in the fact that we’ve been able to reduce crime by almost ten percent in the last year alone. That is why I’m very proud to announce a joint taskforce, headed by the organized crime units for both New York and Chicago. We are very close to several indictments involving members of two highly noted crime families. With our success, this will pave the way into other task force units, erasing aspects of organized crime all across our country.”

  “This has to be a joke,” Caroline whispered.

  “What in the hell.” My grip on the counter increased as pictures of my father and Carmine Francesco popped up on the screen.

  “They’re a little out of their jurisdiction, aren’t they?” Lorenzo hissed. “Imagine what the other boys will think. They could be playing one of us against the other.”

  This was a damn good possibility. Why not have the various regimes fight it out amongst themselves? For that, he’d need some significant help.

  “You heard anything on your front?” I asked, studying every person standing on the platform. There were some dudes in suits, but from what I could tell, they weren’t Feds.

  “You know my father. He says little. Nothing on the streets here yet. This is coming from your end, brother, but the ramifications a
re shit.”

  “Uh-huh. Talk to your father and I’ll talk to mine. We may need to set up a meeting of the group.” I exhaled as Caroline walked closer, staring at the photographs in a horrified manner. “The trickledown effect will be coming.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of,” Lorenzo huffed. “We need to take care of this quickly.”

  “What is going on?” Caroline whispered.

  “As you know,” Drummand continued, “there have been recent bombings in several casinos run by both families. This is only the latest in crime-related activities causing the death of several innocent people. With confirmed sources, we have proof of drug-related activity as well, centering on the casinos.”

  “Fuck!” I slammed my hand on the counter.

  “He’s insane if he thinks he’s going to get away with this,” Lorenzo hissed.

  “He will be dealt with as necessary,” I countered, able to tell she knew exactly what I meant by the harsh statement.

  Caroline placed her hand on my arm, but there was no crying hysterically or begging me not to take her father’s life.

  There was utter silence.

  The man droned on with far too many details for my comfort level, making certain that both the Francesco and the Lugiano family were placed on notice, but this appeared to be the beginning. He was ceremoniously daring us to continue operations on any level.

  Fuck him.

  “While there will be no additional details given and I will not be answering any questions at this time,” Drummand said, his smile more like a smirk as he faced the main camera, leaning forward, “but I assure you, the indictments will hold.” With that, he walked off the platform.

  A cold chill swept down my spine. He’d called my bluff. He’d also just put an end to his world.

  One way or another.

  I knew in my gut the man was talking directly to me. “We are running out of time, Lorenzo.” I thought about Dick’s actions, the way he glared at Drummand the entire time. Something didn’t smell right about the entire event.

  “Yeah. I hear that. I’ll have my capos scour the streets. We will come up with something by tonight. Or heads will roll.”

  “Call me when you know something.”

  “You bet, brother.” He ended the call and I stood still gawking at the television. Lorenzo had taken a significant chance calling me. If there really were indictments on the horizon, nothing and no one could be trusted at this point. The street vendors would sell their soul if it meant they could stay out of prison. Damn this shit.

  “The pictures you showed me with my father and the girls. They’re real?” Caroline asked quietly.

  Exhaling, I turned toward her, trying to control my rage. “They are very real. Evidently, he’s running scared. You don’t understand politics in my world yet, but your father just circled several cities in blood. If he causes a war between families or any deaths, there isn’t a location on Earth he can hide.”

  “Maybe I understand more than you know, Dominick. Then there has to be more to his timing. The scandal will ruin his career, but why would he purposely decide to take out not one but two kingpin families just to start? Think this through.”

  “That is a very good question.” One that needed an answer sooner versus later.

  “Maybe there is something even more horrific than drugs and being caught with young girls and you’ve stumbled onto it.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “Pretty smart there, lovely painter.”

  “Another question. If my father is so terrified of you then why would he risk my life by doing this?” Her voice sounded far away, as if the remnants of her entire world had just been shattered. “Simple fact is that he doesn’t care about me. I don’t think he ever did. I’m just baggage at this point. Hell, maybe you actually did him a favor and just didn’t know it.”

  I wasn’t going to sugarcoat any of this. My thoughts drifted to Giordano and his reaction when I’d told him about Margaret. Whoever she was had some vital impact on what was going on. Finding out wasn’t going to be easy. “He might not be capable of love, not the kind the most women need.”

  “Are you?” she challenged, her eyes holding the same fire as the first day I’d seen her. Even the light in the kitchen cast a shimmering glow around her.

  There was no viable answer, no comforting tone that I could use. Instead, I dialed Bruno’s number. This was going to be one fucking long day.

  “Yeah, boss?”

  “Get in here. We have some serious work to do. Call Angelo and the other men. I want the shipment shut down now.”

  “What’s going on?” Bruno obviously hadn’t been watching the news.

  “We’ve been compromised. Scrub everything.” The one thing this could do is drag the drug lord out into the open. Or maybe the entire thing was a hoax, engineered by the Feds with the good senator. I wouldn’t put anything past them.

  “Shit. Will do, boss.”

  “And make certain no one is talking.”

  I didn’t bother waiting for an answer. I could see the look of horror on her face, the uncertainty about what she’d been placed in the middle of. My heart ached in a way I wasn’t used to. She was my kryptonite, my complete weakness; something that Drummand must have seen. Why risk her life? Why now?

  Unless he found out about my father’s search for Margaret.

  I inched closer, expecting she would move as far away from me as possible. She stood her ground, only her brow furrowing. “I need to ask you a difficult question but it’s important. Did your mother ever tell you about her past, maybe someone she cared for before your father?”

  She tensed, shaking her head but the second she dropped her eyes, I could tell she was harboring some kind of a secret. “My mother never talked about her past. In fact, my father never allowed her to.”

  “Was there family of any other kind?”

  “I have no other family. Nothing. No cousins or uncles. No grandparents. The three of us were an island. My father made certain it was that way. Why are you asking me this? Why? What does this have to do with my father’s accusations, which by the way I’m certain are true. Was it all a lie about my mother? You’ve never given me any evidence. You just expect me to believe you.”

  I bit back a retort then took her hand. “Come with me.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “To give you some answers.” Whatever my father was hiding would need to be revealed. He had no other choice. I took her into my office. “We all have secrets, Caroline, and some of them are deadlier than others.” I unlocked the bottom drawer, grabbing the plain manila file from the very bottom. I’d kept a copy of Margaret’s pictures, as well as what limited information I’d found on the woman. She was as much a mystery as the reason Drummand had her locked away.

  “What?” she demanded, leaning over the desk.

  “I’m not a liar.” I fingered the file before sliding it across the desk. I held my breath as she peered down at my offering, her fingers shaking as she held them aloft.

  Inhaling, she finally managed the task, pulling the picture closer to her face.

  For a man like me to admit that I’d fallen hard for anyone had always been considered a pathetic attempt at keeping a normal life. What was normal about children being raised in a brutal environment?

  As tears formed in her eyes, her face falling, I knew in my heart that I was ready and willing to give up the money, the expensive toys, and all the perks. Fuck the consequences. I wanted that normal life and I would have one with the woman who’d awakened every emotion, allowing me the first taste of real love.

  But there was something I needed to do first.

  God’s will be done.

  Or maybe the devil himself.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Within two hours the operation was shut down, the streets quiet. The ripple effect of the broadcast had far-reaching tentacles, the entire city on edge. Perhaps everyone anticipated a blood bath. One raid
had occurred not long after the press conference, gathering up three of our best soldiers. The hit had been a direct warning.

  The shit was coming down.

  As I walked into the bar, I thought about Caroline. She was never far from my mind, even though a flag remained, churning in my gut. Another tough conversation would need to be held. Whatever she was hiding, much like that of my father, was at least a partial key to the bullshit going on. After our conversation, I’d banished her to her room. Protection? Only from my world, my ugly life. She didn’t need to hear the crap that was going down. Bruno and one other soldier were on detail protecting her, although I doubted at this point anyone would be foolish enough given the morning’s broadcast.

  The call had been put out by my father to meet in the afternoon, avoiding all our usual businesses. He was as rattled as everyone else, not a good sign of things to come. Giordano Lugiano had never buckled to the Feds or any of the local police for any reason. And there had been plenty. Why now?

  He’d also made a private request to me. A sit down afterwards with just the two of us. Using those words indicated the conversation had a serious overture.

  I’d heard plenty over the last two months, rumors surfacing that my father was losing control, some calling for his retirement. Hell, the man was only sixty-six years old. And I sure as shit wasn’t ready to take over the kingdom. Maybe I never would be. Why the sit down?

  What the gossip mill had succeeded in doing was placing a question mark over the entire regime, indicating a solid weakness. Right now, we couldn’t afford any kind of Achilles heel. I parked the Ferrari, taking mental note of anyone who might be watching. I’d seen my share of cop cars, but they were placed in idle locations.

  Another warning.

  Drummand and good ole Dick were enjoying their game. What they didn’t know about that game of cat and mouse was that they were the prey.

  They would find out soon enough.

  The location selected was nestled in the back room of a local restaurant and bar. Even the Feds had never found it, the access limited to a secret passage two buildings down. The old way of doing business, over good food and copious amounts of liquor. I marveled at my father’s reaches, the number of friends he had. If the city government wanted a war, they were about to have one. At least the owner of the place was loyal and never asked any questions, serving the hard-working community of Brooklyn for more than forty years. Danos had grown up with my father, forging a bond long before the Lugiano regime had taken over. However, Angelo had swept the joint before a single capo arrived. We could never too careful given the atmosphere.


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