The Core Four Series

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The Core Four Series Page 53

by Stacy Borel

  “I don’t think I’m understanding. How could you make a mistake like this?” she asked.

  I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. “It just sort of happened. I don’t know what else to say besides, I’m pregnant. I’ve known for a month now. I don’t want you both to worry, though. I plan on moving out and getting my own place. It’s probably way past time for that anyway.”

  “She will be moving in with me.”

  Once again Dodger’s voice seemed to keep popping up when it wasn’t called on. He really had a death wish.

  “No, I’m not.”

  The way he was looking at me said he was serious and he was daring me to argue. Ha! You son of a bitch, did you forget who you were dealing with? I wasn’t Dana and just rolled over on my back and said “Oh yes, please fuck me over some more, Dodger. Just like that, you know how I like it.” He was barking up the wrong tree right now.

  “Macie,” he warned.

  “Dodger.” I brought my hand up and out came my middle finger.

  He gaped at me, then narrowed his amazing blue eyes.

  “It’s his, isn’t it?”

  Both of us swung our heads to look at my dad. I knew instinctively that Dodger was gulping. My dad, as sweet and docile as I thought he was, I knew he was intimidating for others when they were in his presence. I had a healthy fear of him when I was younger, but I hadn’t felt that way in years. Now it was more about not disappointing him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dodger nod. All I could think was this was exactly why I wanted to do this alone. Daddy wouldn’t sling anger and maybe I could explain myself without finger pointing.

  “Before you say anything, I want you both to know that I plan on taking care of Macie and this baby. We may not be together, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be present. I take full responsibility for this.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Christ on a cracker, Dodger. Don’t go playing the martyr. Pretty sure I didn’t slip and fall on your dick and this is how we got here.”

  Mom’s eyes got huge. “Macie.”

  “What? It’s the truth. Sorry for being so crass, but I never asked him to come here and do this with me. I was going to tell you both by myself.”

  My dad straightened in his chair. “I don’t care how it happened, or who did what. Do you plan on getting married?”

  “No!” I nearly shouted.

  Dodger’s shoulders drooped. “I’d have her hand, if she’d allow it.”

  “Oh my god, seriously?”

  My dad’s mouth thinned into a line. “It’s my understanding that the two of you haven’t been together for a while. Maybe it’s time to make it work for the sake of the child.”

  “God, Daddy. This isn’t nineteen-fifty. I’m not going to go get hitched just because I’m knocked up.”

  He gave me a pointed stare. “No, it’s not the nineteen-fifties, but it is the south. Your mother and I are important people in this town.”

  “Oh, so this is suddenly about you?”

  “I’m not saying that. But seems to me that if you’re pregnant, getting married is the right thing to do. What are you going to do, raise this baby by yourself?”

  “Damn straight I am.”

  “No, you’re not,” Dodger growled.

  I ignored him. I was battling my father at the moment.

  “What do you plan on doing, Macie?” my mom chimed in.

  I sat back and sagged in my seat. “I’ll tell you exactly what I plan on doing. I’ve already made a call to Regina at the bank and I’ve been approved for a home loan. I’ll be meeting with a realtor on Monday to go see some houses.” I licked my lips. “Listen, I’m not looking for anybody’s approval here. I’ve been under yours and Momma’s roof long enough. I’ve graduated from college, I have a really good paying job, and a decent savings account. This may not be how I intended things to go, but here it is. And you know what? It’s exactly the kick in the pants that I needed to make me be responsible for something and be an adult. I’m very sorry this isn’t ideal for you, but it wasn’t ideal for me either. But I’m doing this. I’m having a baby, and you’re going to be the grandparents. I know you both would have preferred I’d been married, but you’re going to have to deal.”

  I nodded after my little speech. I mean come on, did anyone really have a choice here besides me? And my choice was made. I hadn’t actually made a call to the bank, but now that I’ve said it I probably should. I intended on moving out anyway, I just wasn’t sure when or where. My mouth just set in motion my plans. Way to really make it happen, Macie.

  “You’re not moving into a house by yourself and raising my baby alone.”

  Dodger looked like he was about to flip the table. There was an underlying current of rage in his eyes, and I just realized that I’d pushed him too far.

  I sighed, completely exhausted. “Dodger, can we discuss this another time?”


  I blinked. “Well, princess, I’m currently not in the mood to fight. My eyes are heavy, my stupid delicious sandwich isn’t sitting well, and I need a nap. So if you want to keep this going in front of my already overstimulated parents, then by all means.”

  He closed his mouth. Whenever this conversation would be taking place, I knew it wasn’t going to be pretty. Hell hath no fury like Dodger when he’s this enraged. God, could just one thing go right with all of this? Pretty sure he wouldn’t be letting me go twenty-four hours before I hear an earful and he will want to meet.

  Standing up from his seat, he regarded my parents. “Mr. and Mrs. Rosewood, I hope you both have a good day. I apologize for the abrupt announcement. And I promise you, I will do everything in my power to make it right. Macie will not be raising the baby by herself.”

  He looked down at me as he said it. Bending down he came so close to my ear his breath from his words tickled. And fuck me if the sound of his voice speaking low didn’t turn me on a little.

  “I’ll be in touch. And get some sleep. You’re going to need it.”

  Before I could even reply, he kissed the top of my head and made his way out of the restaurant. That man knew how to get to me. I could push back all I wanted to, but Dodger had a certain power over me. I was very aware of that. If he hadn’t, he would be no different from any of the other males I’d had a short courtship with and walked away from. This one, however, he was under my skin. And now a piece of him was growing inside of me. Part of me knew he would eventually get his way with me. I was weak with him. But I’ll be damned if I didn’t make him work for it first.

  Bringing my attention back to my parents, they still appeared to have the whole Macie just hit us with a MAC truck look. Nothing more I could technically do here. I laid it out there for them to start getting used to. And they would. I had faith in them both to come to terms with it all. I was their only child. What would they do, disown me? Fat chance.

  “Well . . . good lunch,” I said sarcastically. “And would you look at that, he didn’t even finish his coffee.” I reached for Dodger’s cup and chugged. The warmth soothed my rattled nerves. “Mom, Dad, I’ll see you both at home.” I stood from the table and turned to leave. Nothing else needed to be said. “Oh, and I’ll take care of the bill.”

  Chapter Six

  “SOOO, HOW DID IT GO?” Keegan asked.

  “Oh, you mean my lunch that was ruined by that asshole brother-in-law of yours?”

  There was a pause on the end of the phone.

  “Uh, I guess that’s the one. Wait, Dodger showed up?”

  “Yep, he sure did. Strutted his ass right into the middle of me about to tell my parents the big news.”

  “You’re kidding.” She deadpanned.

  I threw on my coat and walked downstairs. “Does it sound like I’m kidding?”

  “What on earth. How did he even know you were there?”

  “He claimed he was walking past and saw me. You know what? The fucker probably followed me there.”

  Keegan giggled. “He probably did.”
/>   I shook my head and checked to make sure my wallet was in my purse. Grabbing my keys, I headed out the door. Today was the day of my doctor’s appointment. Last night was crazy long due to work, but I kept getting texts from Dodger all evening telling me that we were going to talk, and there was no way in hell I was buying a house by myself. Ha! He’s hysterical thinking he was going to tell me what I could and couldn’t do.

  “He’s absolutely psychotic, Keegan. I wouldn’t be surprised if the bastard put a tracking device on my car. I’ve heard of baby brain, or mental breakdowns. But, my god, I think he’s gone off the deep end. I told him I’d be there when we told his parents, not when I told mine.”

  “I’m sure he meant well.”

  I was stomping my feet as I walked to my car. “Are you seriously standing up for him?”

  She tried to soothe me. “Macie, I’m not picking sides at all, nor am I standing up for him. But I think you need to remember that he just found out. It was probably a huge shock to him, not including the fact that he’s a Brooks.”

  I turned the key in the ignition. “What does that have to do with anything.”

  She laughed. “Everything!”

  “I’m not following.”

  “Macie, think about it. You’re carrying some serious alpha male DNA. Not to sound cliché, but Dodger is a strong male. He thinks like a strong male, and he acts like one as well. The very idea that the woman he’s been in love with is now carrying his baby, he’s not going to take very well that you are pushing him away.”

  Everything she was saying made perfect sense.

  “Okay. But why do I have to bend on everything? I needed to tell my parents in my own way, in my own time. He knew exactly what he was doing when he interrupted. My god, you should have seen my dad’s face when he found out that Dodger was the father.”

  I heard some rustling around on the other end and a bark. Camden and Keegan’s dog was a mouthy Husky that was about as demanding of her attention as Camden was.

  “Yikes. Did he threaten to castrate him?”

  I grinned. “Shockingly, no. Even though my dad has never come outright and said it, he’s always liked Dodger. Frankly, my parents probably discussed that who the father was could have been a lot worse. They aren’t oblivious to my reputation.”

  “Oh hell,” she said sarcastically.

  “Anyway, I’m almost to the doctor’s office. I’ll text you.”

  “Sounds good, honey. And do me a favor.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Try to give a little. Dodger needs some wiggle room. He’s new to this all just like you are.”

  I sighed, Keegan was right. “Okay.”

  “Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  I switched my Bluetooth off and drove the rest of the way in silence. When I pulled into the parking lot, I recognized the familiar Charger in one of the spots. Of course Dodger was already here. Wonder how early he got here. The spot next to him was empty, and I pulled into it. I looked in my rearview mirror at myself, taking a deep breath. Time to learn a few things about this little peanut growing inside of me. And please, Lord, let Dodger behave.

  Before I could even touch the handle on my door, it was already swinging open. A very domineering Dodger stood there waiting for me to get out.

  “Hi,” he said meekly.

  Geez, he almost sounded nervous to see me.

  “Hi,” I said back as I stood up.

  Shutting the door behind me, he lifted his arm to place his hand on my back, but thought better of it and let it drop to his side.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Uh, you seem nervous.”

  “Nah, I’m good.”

  Liar. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye. He was too stiff. Still incredibly delectable, but that was a given. He was wearing a pair of worn jeans, and a black Henley that hugged his skin nicely. His blue eyes stuck out in stark contrast to the colors he had on. Don’t even get me started on his scent. Dodger’s very presence screamed sex appeal. God, I’d have to get control of these pregnancy hormones.

  We made our way inside of the building. It was several stories. I told him we had to take the elevator to the second floor and directed him down a couple hallways. I wasn’t unfamiliar with where Doctor Carrie worked. I’d been here a few times to deliver lab results because he’d rushed them. The waiting room was a calm environment. There were two rows of chairs, along with one black leather couch up against the wall that faced the front desk. The wall beside it had a counter with a Keurig and K-cups galore to choose from with all the fixings. There was even a mini fridge under the counter that held small bottles of water. Dr. Carrie really wanted his patients to be as comfortable as they could be.

  After being greeted by girl behind the desk, she handed me some paperwork to fill out and photocopied my ID and insurance card. It didn’t take long to get it done before I was being called back. The nurse handed me a cup to go pee in, and instructed me what to do with it when I was done. She weighed me after that. I’d lost several pounds from being sick. Dodger didn’t seem pleased by the number. Jack ass, it wasn’t like I had gained. Just wait, I’d be as big as a house. We were led to a room and the nurse did a few standard things.

  “Blood pressure is perfect, and temperature is ninety-eight point seven.” She wrote the information down on a new sheet to start my record. After that she stood and took out two paper cloths from a drawer. “Put this one on, open in the front. And this one draped over your legs. Dr. Carrie will be doing a pap smear, lab work, and gathering all of your family history.”

  After she left, I looked over at Dodger. He sat with his back straight. He looked so ridged.

  “Relax. It’s not like they are going to be probing around in your vagina.”

  He pierced me with a sharp stare. “Not funny.”

  I cracked a smile. “Awe, come on. It’s a little funny.”

  He shook his head. I fidgeted with my paper gown. I hated these things. At least they told me which side to have open this time. Last time I had to wear one of these the doctor wanted it open in the back. When they came in, there were my boobs in all their glory. Talk about embarrassing.

  “Could you please close your eyes, or turn around or something?”

  He furrowed his brows. “I’ve seen you naked, Macie.”

  “Okay, and that was when we were dating or about to fuck each other. Please, entertain me and close your eyes.”

  The blue of his eyes disappeared behind his closed lids. He wasn’t happy that I was shutting myself away from him, but undressing in a situation like this was nothing like stripping down and getting hot and bothered. Call me crazy, but paper gowns and needles just didn’t get me off.

  “Okay, you’re safe.” I was sitting on the exam table, my legs dangling.

  He looked at me, completely perplexed. He seemed like he was about to say something to me, but there was a knock on the door and Dr. Carrie came walking in. I sat taller and brought the front of the gown together.

  “Good afternoon, Macie.” He beamed at me.


  He looked at Dodger and went to him holding his hand out. “Hi, I’m Dr. Carrie. I believe I’ll be the one treating Macie for the next six months. You are?”

  “Dodger,” he replied, shaking his hand.

  “Ah, the baby daddy.” He joked.

  I could tell he was trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere in the room.

  “That’s me.”

  I laughed even if I didn’t find it funny. I felt nervous despite knowing everything that was going to go on today.

  “So,” he said, flipping through a couple of papers. “What I’d like to do is get some general information from the both of you. Family history, information when your last period was, stuff like that. Then I’ll have the nurse come back in to take a few tubes of blood. After that I’ll wrap this all up with a quick exam and you both can be on your way.” He sm

  “Sounds good.”

  The doctor asked all of the usual questions like history of cancers, if we smoked or drank. He wanted to know if I had any sort of birth plan, which was something I hadn’t even given thought to. For heaven’s sake, I just decided not too long ago to keep the baby. The thought of pushing it out didn’t even register with me at the moment. The longer we sat here going over everything, I slowly began to relax. Dodger on the other hand looked like he had a two by four shoved up his ass, he was so rigid.

  “So, do either of you have any questions for me?”

  “Uh, I do.” Dodger raised his hand like he was in middle school.

  I busted out laughing. “What are you, twelve? Put your hand down.”

  He glared at me.

  “It’s okay,” Dr. Carrie said. “Ask away.”

  “Is the baby okay?”

  The doctor looked at him kindly. “I’m not sure yet, but I should know more after I run some lab work.”

  Dodger looked at the both of us expectantly. What else was going through that male brain of his? God, you’d think he’s never been around pregnant people before, or how babies are born.

  “Dodger, it’s not like the good doc here has a magical crystal ball that can tell him everything he needs to know. It’ll be a couple of days before he even gets the results back.”

  Dr. Carrie nodded in agreement. “That’s correct, but Macie is far enough along we should be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat on this handy dandy little Doppler.” He reached over and opened a drawer, pulling out a small handheld tool.

  My freaked out baby daddy swallowed hard. “You can hear their heart on that thing?”

  “Mhmm. We can take a listen when I do all of the other stuff. Right now I was just knocking out all of the mundane paperwork.”

  Dodger nodded. Guess that was good enough for him.

  Doctor Carrie looked at both of us. “Okay, if there’s nothing else, Erin, my nurse is going to come back in and draw some blood. I’m stepping out to check on one of my patients that delivered this morning, but I’ll be back in to do the exam.”

  When he got up and left, Dodger blew out a breath.


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