Destructive Us: A Luxe Novel: 3

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Destructive Us: A Luxe Novel: 3 Page 11

by H. Q. Frost

  a stop. No more sharp turns will save me. He's pulling up the skirt of my dress

  and he gets it up to my stomach.

  "This is rape."

  Ignoring me, he rubs his hand over me then speaks to

  his friend. "How's that look, Trent?"

  "Like the whore shaved for the occasion."

  I look at his friend for the first time and he's holding his cock out of the zipper of his pants. I close my eyes and hiccup from an escaping sob that I quickly pull back.

  "Shh. Shh." Aaron's lips are pressed to my ear and he's still roughly rubbing me. The more he rubs the harder he's getting and his breathing is picking up.

  "Hey, whore," his friend says. "Open your eyes."

  If I attack this man I have a feeling Aaron would beat the shit out of me. This was such a mistake.

  "Lilith," Aaron says in a daunting tone. “Open

  your eyes, look what you do to men. You can't rape a whore, honey."

  I'm not going to open them.

  "They open?" Aaron asks Trent. I don't hear him make

  a sound but he's somehow told him that my eyes are not open.

  "Lilith!" Aaron snaps, grabbing my face.

  I quickly open my eyes.

  "Yeah, alright." His friend is grinning and stroking himself.

  "She has nice eyes," Aaron says.

  "A whore's eyes." His friend is talking in a creepy, breathy tone and it actually gives me the chills.

  "You cold?" Aaron asks close to my ear. "Kick up the heat, Trent."

  This isn't a situation I would have ever thought could happen to me. I was so stupid. Naive. But this isn't behavior expected from the son of an important political figure. Then again…he's doing this because of who he is. Because repercussions will never happen.

  "You watching him, Lilith?" Aaron is still holding my face but not tightly.

  I shake my head yes because I know if I don't answer he'll squeeze. I can already feel finger marks bruised into my flesh.

  "You like that?"

  I nod my head again. I don't want to be hurt anymore

  and now it's to the point that I'm not just fearing rape, but I'm fearing for my life.

  "Yeah you do, you little slut." I feel him fidgeting with his pants. "Are you a little slut, Lilith?"

  I nod my head as a whimpering cry escapes.

  "That's right, and that's why I can do what I want to you."

  "No," I sob and they start to laugh.

  "No?" Aaron questions. "No?" he growls.

  He lets go of my face and uses that hand to push me up off him. Relief is floating over me and I'm thinking maybe he just wants me to watch them masturbate.

  "You crying? She crying?"

  "Yeah she fuckin' is." Trent's grinning while perversely staring at me as tears flood down my face.

  "Let me use those tears to get you wet." Aaron reaches to my face, swiping his finger over my eye. I dip my face into my hands because he's jabbed me. His finger reaches down. "She's still not wet, Trent." He sounds amused and I sob into my hands before looking for my purse again.

  Maybe I can hit the intercom and ask the driver for help but the button is right next to Trent. I reach for the door because if I get it open I can scream for help but Trent leans toward me, grabbing my hips. I try to stop his head from going between my legs.

  "Ah-ah." Aaron grabs my wrists and pulls my arms behind my back.

  I try to close my legs but Trent stops me and his mouth is on me.

  "Watch him, Lilith," Aaron says, wrapping his hand around my throat.

  Not wanting to be choked, I quickly look down. Trent's looking up at me and I don't mean to but I close my eyes as tears fall.

  Trent's hand let's go of my leg and he slaps me in the face. "Watch, you bitch!" His hand goes back to my leg, pushing it open.

  "Lilith." Aaron's daunting tone is back and he's

  rubbing his hand up then down my throat and I know it's a threat.

  "I'm watching." I cry.

  "How does she look when she's crying?" Aaron asks Trent in that sickly amused and turned on tone.

  "Like a true whore," Trent says.

  "Stop. Trent, stop." When Trent backs away Aaron pushes me up and turns me to straddle him. "What's wrong, Lilith?"

  Fighting tears and the churning of my stomach I keep my chin down but he keeps dipping his head to look

  at me.

  "Come on, look at me." He sounds like he's trying to coerce a kitten from a corner.

  I know he's going to hurt me somehow so I quickly open my eyes and stare him in the face.

  "You're a pretty sight when you look like a whore."

  I want to spit in his face and claw out his fucking eyes! This man is a sadistic fuck!

  "You like your job?" When I don't answer he says, "I bet you do. You

  want to keep your company up and running, don't you?"

  "Fuck you," I manage to get out around the lump in my throat.

  "That's not a very good girl." He kisses my lips softly. "But don't worry. Trent, knows what to do." He pushes me off him and jerks me to face Trent again.

  They both start laughing and Aaron grabs my wrists, pulling my arms back while Trent's face goes between my legs and he bites me to inflict pain. I can't stop the full-blown sobs now. If that bite didn't draw blood, it'll be a bruise.

  "Shh. Shh," Aaron keeps repeating in my ear as I cry.

  When Trent forcefully spits between my legs I gasp because neither have penetrated me with anything but a finger yet but I think this is it.

  This can't happen. None of this should have happened.

  He sits back down and now Aaron is freeing himself from his pants.

  "No," I scream and start to squirm.

  His hand slaps over my mouth then a fist blasts into my stomach and I double forward, almost losing my lunch. Aaron grabs my wrists, holding my arms back. I can't breathe and the pain is such a shock I don't feel it yet. Just as I'm about to gasp in a breath and release it as a shriek I feel something sharp jab into my neck.

  "I'll slit your throat," Trent snarls.

  The pain from being punched has set in and I can't catch a breath. When I finally gasp in air something blasts me in the side of the head.

  I think I blacked out.

  When I open my eyes I'm staring at the ceiling of the limo. I blink once and my head is spinning in so much pain I'm not sure I'll survive this.

  "She's waking up," I hear a voice say.

  "So, Lilith." That voice. I will never forget his voice.

  I'm trying to keep my eyes open and remember what happened. If they raped me, I wasn't awake for it.

  "This is our little secret, right?" Aaron looks over at me

  but I can't focus on him through the spots I'm seeing. "Because you want to stay in business and don't want to go to prison for an illegal sex ring."

  "You raped me," my voice comes out not sounding like my own.

  "You can't rape a whore, Lilith." Aaron laughs. "We didn't rape you. We just like to have a little fun with girls. You can say you were mugged or fell down some stairs. So what we're going to do is take you to your car and you're going to get in it and drive around awhile. In about an hour you can go home or back to work, wherever you need to go."

  I shake my head yes because if I can get out with my life, that's enough for now.

  "You sure you understand us?" Trent. His is the other voice I'll never


  I nod again. It's all I can do. I'm in so much pain and disbelief this happened to me. I really see the need of being escorted by our own personal drivers now.

  "Just to make sure you understand." Trent kneels next to me and Aaron slides out of the way. I don't move my head because Trent has a knife to the bottom of my chin. "If you go to the police I will be sure to fuck you up." He's talking in a low tone and I feel his spit spray my cheek.

  "I w-won't," I stutter.

  "You're a really pretty girl, Lilith." Aaron swipes h
is finger down my cheek and Trent kneels in front of me, still pointing the knife at me. "You don't want anything to happen to your pretty face, do you?"

  "No." The frantic small jerks of my head try not to push the knife into my flesh.

  "Ever wonder what it's like to stab someone?" Trent asks Aaron. My fearful gasp is audible and Trent looks at me with a grin. "I'm not going to stab you, not yet, not unless you make me."

  "N-n-no cops," I stutter, shaking my head again.

  "Good girl." Aaron leans over kissing my temple.

  I don't like the way Trent's looking at Aaron, it's like he's looking for permission for something, like one final blow.

  "So, Lilith." Aaron wraps his arm around my head and

  pulls my temple to his lips. The pressure is almost unbearable but I don't pull away because Trent's still pointing the knife at me. "We just want to be really clear. You understand?"

  I nod frantically, fighting back tears and failing as a quiet sob slips. Trent's hand is sliding up my leg and I close my eyes, still failing to fight back sobs.

  "Shh. Shh," Aaron says into my temple.

  He's pushed my dress up again and he's spreading my legs apart.

  "How is it that a whore's not wet?" Trent laughs.

  I stop crying and my body is convulsing because I'm fighting for air, afraid of what's going to happen now.

  "This will be just a fraction—" I feel something sharp between my thighs. "Of what we'll do to you," Aaron says into the side of my head.

  I open my eyes to Trent holding the knife between my legs. I take in a gasp and kick him in the face with my heel while pushing open the door and elbowing Aaron in the chin. Aaron grips my hair but I throw myself out of the limo. Before getting to my feet I see the handful of my hair he's clutching and he's holding his face still bent over on the seat. I'm running now, I don't know to where and I'm scared to look behind me. There's no one on the streets! Where

  the hell is everyone!

  A familiar awning comes into view and I bolt into the street. I'm only eight buildings from Justin's work. While in the street I run in front of a car that I didn't even notice and he slams on his brakes but I'm still running. The man's screaming at me and I think he's trying to help, but I can't stop. I'm in a thin strapped dress with no jacket running through the streets of Chicago in winter.

  As I get closer to Justin's building I look back unable to see the limo anymore. Through the alley I slip toward the back of the building and as I round the corner into the back lot I slow down to catch my breath. The building holds me up as the frigid air finally hits me, waking me up to what just happened. Standing upright I lift my head seeing the limo in the street next to the parking lot. It halts to a stop and I run into the building through the back door. I really don't want to barge into his office but I need to know I'm safe. The repercussions from all this are going to be massive but I can't stop my legs from running me to my safety. I really hope he doesn't have anyone in his office.

  Justin's office door is open but it seems so far, especially when I look back and see Aaron yank open the door. I slap my hand over my mouth to muffle my yelp then round the corner to Justin's office and I slip, just narrowly missing hitting my head on his desk. With a kick to his office door, I then lunge at it, locking it.

  I'm safe.

  Lilith slid down the door, putting her face into her hands and began sobbing. She didn't even know if Justin was in his office or if there were other people watching her break down. Justin yanked her up and was screaming at her but she was crying too hard, her pulse was too loud, and her head throbbed too painfully for her to understand him.

  The second he went to open the office door she screamed, "No!" and threw herself forward, blocking the exit.

  The shock and terror on his face was heartbreaking for her.

  "Who's out there, Lily!" he screamed at her. "Who's fucking out there!"

  He forced her away from the door and pulled it open, stepping into the hall looking left toward the exit but the hall was empty. He looked right and Pam was staring at him, startled by his door slamming and now him menacingly standing in the hall.

  Justin stepped back into his office looking at the pile that was Lilith crying on her knees and hunched over next to his desk. He ripped his arm sling off, throwing it to the side and squatted next to her. Carefully, he put his hands on her shoulders pushing her to sit up. When she looked at him she threw herself into his arms, wrapping tightly around him. The force knocked him back but she couldn't let go and he could feel her trembling while her wet dress seeped through his shirt. With ease Justin stood, still with her wrapped around his neck. He held her tightly with his hurt arm then took a step back and pushed the door closed.

  "Lily." He was terrified. The thoughts that were going

  through his head all ended with Ian.

  The unsettling grasp she had on him was more heart wrenching than her sobbing. It was like someone who was drowning, it was like someone trapped in a fire, someone falling from a building. Whatever it felt like he knew it wasn't right and something very bad was behind it.

  "Lily," he said in a shaky tone. "You have to talk to me, princess. Please talk to me."

  Panting sobs continued to rack through her as she tried to catch her breath. He softly rubbed her hair and closed his eyes to keep from losing it.

  "Calm down," he said softly. "Calm down. Take in a deep breath." His

  grip tightened as more confusingly treacherous thoughts filled his head.

  "Breathe in," he encouraged quietly, softly. "That's it, princess, take a breath."

  She was beginning to calm in his arms and her clutch of death was beginning to loosen.

  "Just breathe. Breathe," he whispered still stroking her hair.

  He needed to know what was happening but he knew he had to wait, get her calm first. When her sobs turned into soft hiccups and few and far between shaky exhales left her lips he let her go and put his hands to her face to look into her eyes. She winced, pulling away from his right hand that touched where she was punched in the head. His eyes studied her face, going back to the swelling. Her black makeup ran in streaks down her face and her red lipstick was smeared almost to her neck. All the colors made the bruises confusing and he wasn't sure what he was seeing. As he followed the streak of lipstick he saw the bites on her neck. Teeth marks indented almost breaking flesh and leaving purple pools of blood just under the surface. There were several marks, both upper and lower jaw. He knew the look on his face probably didn't make her feel at ease but fury was burning deep. The thought it was Ian that did it to her faded. There was no way in hell Ian would ever do something like that and he knew it.

  "Where's Ian?" His tone was a little more frantic than calm now. Rounding his desk, he grabbed his phone.

  "Please don't call him!" she bellowed as he began to dial. "Please!" The tears poured once again.

  His finger pushed into the switch hook to hang up and the thought it was Ian was surfacing again.

  "He can't know," she whispered.

  "Who did this to you?" his threatening tone bellowed.

  The tone that would normally turn her on didn't, it made her flinch and back away. He knew she wasn't afraid of him or the demanding tone he used, but when he saw her flinch his chest constricted. He was almost afraid to find out what happened to her. She was shaking visibly again and he quickly rounded the desk. Carefully grabbing her arms he lowered her into the chair. Before he could get answers from her a knock came over his door.

  "Go!" Justin screamed and felt Lilith jump in his arms. He quickly pulled her to him and she didn't deny his comfort while she cried. "Lily," he exhaled quietly. "Please, please tell me what happened."

  "I want." She hiccupped from crying so much as she tried to get in a solid breath. "I want to go home." Her voice shook and her breathing was unsteady.

  "Where's Ian, Lily?" Justin slowly asked and she let him go, looking him in the face.

  Lily. He never called her Li
ly and it was starting to make her feel panicky again, like things weren't normal. She just wanted to feel something habitual.

  "Princess?" he whispered, thumbing away her tears.

  She grabbed his arm and started to kiss his wrist and the palm of his hand. "I'm sorry," she repeated while kissing up and down his flesh.

  The scar on his arm from having the rod placed left a long raised line almost not visible because of his tattoos. She kept kissing up and down that line and repeating she was sorry. The fear her frantic behavior caused made him stop her. It was so trance-like and seemingly possessed.

  Justin stood and went to his closet; Lilith looked at his desk and slowly began to zone out until everything was a blur. He grabbed his coat putting it around her shoulders and pulled her to stand. His heart was racing as he led her out the door. She didn't seem to be present in the body he was guiding.

  "Justin," Pam said when he stepped into the hallway.

  Justin shot her a startling look and she froze. He directed Lilith down the hall and out the back door to his jeep. Physically having to pick her up and sit her in the seat he got her in then ran to the driver's side, jumping in. It was obvious Lilith was a shell at the moment so he reached over, buckling her before quickly pulling out of the parking lot.

  "Lily baby, talk to me." When his fingers delved into her hair he got stuck on a snarl and accidentally yanked her head but she didn't react. A blank stare fixed on the dashboard.

  The thought to get her to the hospital was front and center but through her hypnotic state she noticed the approaching hospital.

  "Home." She didn't break her trance-like stare and her voice was alarmingly deep.

  Justin had seen too many horror movies for it not to frighten him. He looked back at the road.

  "Take me home, Justin," she said with frantic worry.

  Even though she asked him not to, he had to call Ian. She was his wife and Justin needed his help. Like

  usual, Ian didn't answer his cellphone so he tried Luxe.

  "Ian Jacks," Justin barked into the phone.

  "Who's calling please?" Veronica asked.

  "Borg, Justin Borg," his frenzied tone bellowed and caused Veronica to hurry and buzz into Ian's office.


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