Kiss of Fire: A Dystopian Shifter Romance (The Whitemoon Warriors #2) (The Whitemoon Warriors Series)

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Kiss of Fire: A Dystopian Shifter Romance (The Whitemoon Warriors #2) (The Whitemoon Warriors Series) Page 5

by Nichole Wolfe

  “Hey, gor---ummm” he hesitated. Shit. He had no idea what to call her. “Ummm…hey…you,” he said, smiling like an idiot. She didn’t smile back. Wow, smooth, Tor. Real, smooth.

  He cleared his throat. “I was wondering if you’d like to come down and help us with dinner.”

  She considered that for a moment, but looked to be quite torn.

  “Oh, come on. You can’t stay cooped up in here forever. Please.” He gave her his puppy dog eyes. They worked on Mum like a charm…at least they used to when he was younger. “Maybe I can show you how to make that stew you gobbled up yesterday. Huh, huh,” he coaxed, giving her a mega-watt smile this time. Maybe if he smiled at her enough, she’d come around. Or maybe she’ll just think you’re a crazy clown…

  He caught the corner of her lips curve just a nudge as she rolled her eyes and nodded, turning away to go back into the bedroom. He leaned against the doorframe, seeing that she had dragged the large blanket back onto the bed, which was now hanging halfway off the bed. Yep, she’d fallen off the bed. He smiled to himself as he glanced over at her as she pulled on the moccasins Kayline had brought for her.

  “They’re my old pair,” Kayline had said as she’d shoved them into his hands this morning. “I’ve outgrown them, but it looks like they might fit her tiny feet pretty well.”

  And the way the woman smiled to herself as she tied them made him want to give that annoying little sister of his a big, fat hug.

  “You like the boots, then?” he asked.

  Glancing up at him, she quickly wiped the smile off her face. Damn. He’d have to start stalking her if he wanted to see her smile apparently. Luckily, stealth was one of his talents. She nodded.

  “Good, I’m glad. C’mon, then. Let’s go see if Kay has burned anything yet.”

  She quirked a brow at him and followed him out the room.

  “Kay is a terrible cook,” he told her as they entered the kitchen.

  “Hey!” Kayline cried. “I heard that. I burned bread one time. Ten years ago.” She smiled at the woman. “Don’t let Torin fool you. He loves when I make him pizza in the summer.”

  “I showed you how to make that pizza,” he replied, messing her hair with his hand.

  Kayline swatted it away, scowling at him. “Stop that. We’re not kids anymore. Grow up.”

  The woman’s gaze darted between the two of them, still looking baffled.

  “Oh, you two. Always bickering.” His mother turned away from the stove. “Torin, why don’t you show her around the village. The winter solstice is coming up, so the village is simply buzzing right now.”

  “Good idea, Mum,” Torin said, about to grab the woman’s hand, but she yanked it away as soon as he brushed his fingers against her skin. He cursed himself. After what the poor woman had been though, he didn’t blame her for not wanting to hold his hand. Shit, he was lucky she was standing next to him.

  Torin led the way to the door, grabbing one of his mother’s shawls that hung by the door. He wrapped it around the woman’s shoulder, and she stiffened, her entire body freezing. It wasn’t until he stepped away that he saw her start to breathe again.

  He smiled at her, holding the door open for her. It took her a moment, but after he waved his hand toward the door, she stepped out the door.


  Walking through the new village, Autumn was amazed by how many children ran around, laughing and playing in the snow. One group of little ones had all fallen into the snow and were waving their arms up and down, giggling at each other. Another group of children were piling large balls of snow on top of each other. And when a ball of snow whizzed past her face, making her jump back into Torin, she had to suppress the urge to run back into the house. Torin touched her shoulder and she flinched.

  “Hey, Kalen! Watch where you’re throwing those snowballs!” Torin yelled to a boy several yards away, who had just whipped another ball of snow at another boy. Why would they do that?

  “Torin!” the boy named Kalen yelled. “Come play with us!”

  “Torin’s on my team!” another boy yelled.

  “No, he’s on mine!” a little girl yelled.

  It was a game? Why would the children be playing games? Children did chores. They didn’t play games.

  The little girl twirled over toward them. “Hey, Torin. Who’s your new friend?” she asked, smiling sweetly.

  Kalen whistled. “Torin’s got a girlfriend. Torin’s got a girlfriend.”

  Autumn glanced up at Torin, who was smiling at the children and shaking his head.

  “Well, Vicky, my friend hasn’t told me her name yet. Maybe you can help me with that?” He looked down at her, a smirk smashed across his face.

  The little girl, Vicky, jumped up and down. “Oh, oh, tell us your name! Tell us your name!”

  Crap. She couldn’t tell them anything. Nope. Nope. Nope. She backed away, shaking her head and waving her hands in front of her. She glared over at Torin. Stupid man. He’d gotten her into this mess.

  “Maybe she can write it in the snow…” one of the other children suggested.

  Autumn sighed, shaking her head and backing away as her shoulders slumped. She couldn’t even do that. No one had ever taught her to read or write.

  “Let’s give her a nickname!” Vicky chirped. The other children jumped in agreement and there was a chorus of suggestions.

  “Snow Angel!”

  “Pretty lady!”


  Autumn rolled her eyes and quirked a brow at Torin, who was shaking with laughter. And the names continued. She stomped her foot, turning away from him. Jerk!

  “Okay, okay. Settle down,” Torin finally called. He came up beside her, and she reluctantly looked up at him. “Sorry. They’re just kids, ya know.”

  She glanced back at the group of children and shrugged. She wasn’t used to children being so…vocal. Especially the girls. But this wasn’t Blackmoon, obviously. And it seemed the children here were much more carefree here. It was kinda nice to see so many smiling little faces.

  “Sooo…about that name…” He smiled down at her. “How about I just go back to ‘gorgeous’?”

  She gaped at him.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “What? I need something to call you, right?”

  She had the urge to smack that smile off his face, but instead, gave him a nasty look and stomped away, not having a clue where she was going. Just away from him.

  She heard Torin’s soft footfalls scurrying through the snow behind her, and she found herself glancing back at him every few minutes. He had his hands shoved in the pickets of his pants as he dragged his feet, giving her a sheepish grin whenever he caught her looking back at him.

  Oof! Stumbling backwards, Torin’s arms once again wrapped around her, saving her from landing in the snow and making a clumsy fool of herself. Well, more so than she already had, at least.

  “Sorry, miss. I wasn’t watching where I was --- Torin?” The man she’d crashed into looked at the two of them before grinning. “Torin, my man. Who’s your very pretty friend?” The man grabbed her hand and tried to bring it up to his mouth, but she snatched it back. What was with men and thinking they could paw at her all the time?! His big, fat grin faded as his blue eyes darted to Torin.

  “Alaric, this is my new friend, ummmm, Gorgeous.” Torin said, a smile stretched across his own gorgeous face, dimples appearing in his scruffy cheeks, which only added to his aura of attraction.

  Autumn sighed and rolled her eyes at him. Stop calling me that! She wanted to scream at him. And she almost opened her mouth to do so. She clenched her teeth and narrowed her gaze. Infuriating man!

  “This is my best friend, Alaric,” Torin continued, waving toward the other man.

  Alaric raised an eyebrow. “Gorgeous, huh? Well, the name suits you....Gorgeous.” He winked at her.

  Oh good gods. These men were insufferable! Then, Torin released her, his arms slipping from her waist. She jumped from his grasp, silently cursed
herself for not realizing she’d still been wrapped up in his arms. You’re getting too lax around this one, woman. Keep your guard up! She frowned at the two men who couldn’t keep their grubby hands off her.

  “She’s a jumpy one, isn’t she? Bet she keeps you on your toes, buddy,” Alaric said, nudging Torin’s side.

  Torin punched Alaric in the shoulder. “Don’t be an ass.”

  Autumn shoved her hands onto her hips as she shot them both a haughty look.

  Alaric chuckled. “Uh oh! Trouble in paradise already? Man, you never were good with the ladies.”

  Torin raised an eyebrow at his friend. “Oh, really?” He swiftly shoved Alaric’s shoulder, sending him tumbling into the snow. “Right back at ya...buddy.”

  Autumn shook her head as the two commenced a wrestling match, which turned into a snowball fight. She almost laughed out loud when Alaric managed to smash a snowball right in Torin’s yelling mouth, effectually muffling him. Clutching her hand over her mouth, she tried to stifle the roar of laughter that was making her whole body shake.


  Torin spat the snowball out of his mouth and crouched down as he prepared to spring up and tackle Alaric. Alaric was about to let another ball sail when a loud snort made them both pause. Torin turned his head, finding the woman in a fit of laughter. Her body shook with it, and the hand clasped over her mouth stifled the snorts of laughter, but didn’t silence them completely.

  “You think that was funny, do you?” he asked her, gathering snow in his hands.

  The snorts ceased as her eyes widened catching sight of the ball in his hand. She shook her head frantically, stumbling backwards.

  “Well, personally, I think your ugly mug looked much better that way,” Alaric said, slapping his knee as he gave a goofy grin.

  “No one asked you,” he snapped at Alaric, his gaze on the woman as he jumped towards her, making her squeal as she turned and took off. He launched the snowball, falling just short of her, but making her shriek again.

  After she was out of earshot, he whispered to Alaric, “Hey, got a secret mission for us. I’ll give you details later, but it involves some Blackmoon heads rolling.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows, and Alaric gave him a sly smile, rubbing his hands together. “Blackmoon bowling. My favorite game.”

  He clapped Alaric on the shoulder and winked. “I knew I could count on you, buddy.”

  Alaric’s smile widened as he flashed some pearly whites. “Always, brother.”

  Chuckling, Torin took off to catch up with her, which was easy enough. He found her huffing and puffing as she slowly ran out of steam halfway through the village. “Almost got you with that snowball,” he said easily as he jogged backwards beside her, smiling at her flushed cheeks and puffs of mist as she huffed.

  Halting, she grasped her thighs as she heaved in great breaths, glaring green eyes narrowing on him.

  He reached his hand out, grazing her fingers. “Hey, come on. I’m sorry. I thought you could use a bit of fun.”

  She snatched her hand away, glaring even harder at him.

  “Shit, sorry.” He had to remember the no touching thing. “I know you don’t like being touched.”

  Her gaze softened instantly, sadness dimming the fierce glare and making him want to throttle those responsible for that sadness.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Nessie and Charlie gliding through the snow in that all-too-graceful way bloodsuckers walked. Nessie’s gaze landed on his face and she waved. Charlie whispered something to her even his ears couldn’t pick up. And then, they were walking toward them. He groaned, and the woman turned to see what he was looking at. She didn’t like what she saw any more than he had. She scurried backwards, her eyes wide as she shook her head frantically. It was Nessie she was staring at before she collapsed into the snow, clutching her ears and snapping her eyes shut.

  The two vampires stopped in their tracks, staring at the woman with curious faces. He stepped in front of her body, blocking her from view. Not wanting them to see her so vulnerable. For some reason.

  Nessie, the persistent pain in the ass, peered around him. Her hazel eyes that regrettably matched his own widened as she glanced back at him. “I know her.”

  He quirked his brow. “Really? How?”

  “I was thrown into a room with her while I was a captive at Blackmoon.”

  His heart clenched, the soppy bastard. “Why were you taken captive?” What a stupid question. As if he didn’t already suspect the answer. It was Blackmoon, after all.

  “It was before I was turned. They tried to auction me off as a slave. But…the Alpha claimed me instead.”

  That son of a bitch needed to go. Pronto. Just another thing to add to his secret mission agenda, then. Oh, fun. Alaric would be thrilled.

  “Thankfully, Charlie showed up before happened.”

  “Did he try…” Oh, gag. Did he really want to know?

  Nessie’s throat contacted as she swallowed hard. She nodded stiffly, Charlie’s jaw clenching as he wrapped an arm around her.

  He looked at the male, the vampire that had saved the sister he hadn’t know about until a few days ago. He glanced down at the woman curled in the snow, his chest aching for her. Charlie had saved Nessie from the fate that both his mother and this poor woman had suffered. He wished he could have saved them, but he couldn’t. There was, however, one thing he could do.

  His gaze found Charlie’s bright blue hues, narrowing. “That motherfucker needs to die,” he growled.

  The corner of the vampire’s mouth kicked up for a moment as he nodded. “Agreed.” He stuck his hand out. “You have my aid whenever it is needed, I assure you.”

  Torin hesitated. To work with a vampire was against everything he had ever known. They were the enemy. Period. But this vampire was his sister’s mate, and he was proving far less dangerous to his family than that fucking Blackmoon Alpha. Finally, after a long moment, he grasped Charlie’s hand and shook. So be it.

  Torin crouched down, tempted to reach out and touch the shaking woman. His body hummed as he drew near, and it took effort to deny himself a simple caress. Touch was how his people offered comfort, but he knew as he pulled his hand back from her that she would not be comforted by his touch.

  “Gods, I wish I knew your name,” he murmured to her. To at least be able to speak to her and call her by her own name.

  Those frightfully mesmerizing eyes peaked out over her arm, surveying him and softening for a moment before she caught sight of Nessie behind him and hid her eyes again.

  He glared behind him. “Just go. You’re making her worse.”

  Nessie’s eyes dropped as she nodded, glancing down at the woman one last time before turning away. Charlie gave him a stern look before turning and following his mate.

  He watched them until they disappeared around the edge of a shed. Turning back to the woman, he stretched his arm out, clenching his fist as he stopped himself just short of touching her. His instincts were proving difficult to ignore. He gazed down at her, thinking she could use a hug, and wondering if she’d ever be able to accept one from him. Or anyone for that matter. It was that bastard Alpha’s fault. Yeah, he was definitely going to blood. Buckets of it.

  “It’s okay. They’re gone now,” he whispered.

  The woman lifted her head, her eyes darting around before settling on his face. The intense look she gave him made his heart race. He found himself holding a hand out. Her throat moved as she started at his hand and his chest tightened painfully.

  After long moments, she took a deep breath and slid her fingers over his open palm. Warmth spread through him as sparks of pleasure radiated from their joined hands. He pulled her gently to her feet, her eyes captivating him. Suddenly, the thought of kissing her flooded his mind. Without realizing, he leaned in. Her eyes widened, drawing him deeper, as her lips parted in a silent gasp. It only made him want to devour that perfect mouth of hers even

  “Gee, Tor. I don’t think she wants you all up in her face like that.” Kayline’s voice chirped as she skipped towards them. The woman slid her hand out of his and averted her gaze away. He threw a glare at Kayline, growling. She only smiled wider. “Time to eat,” she said and beckoned them to follow her back to the house.


  Autumn fidgeted in her chair that Torin had pulled back for her. He then swiftly claimed the chair next to her. She kept catching him watching her when she tried to glance at him. She didn’t know why she wanted to look at him, other than he was quite nice to look at. And she was pretty sure he had wanted to kiss her…

  What was he thinking? And why hadn’t she run away screaming? She had removed her hand from his easily enough once Kayline had showed up. Even felt a twinge of disappointment at the girl’s arrival. Gods, what had she been thinking?


  Autumn looked up at Torin’s smiling face as he held a large bowl and spoon. She nodded and he piled a mound of fluff onto her large plate. Lauren slapped a chicken leg alongside the potatoes, and Kayline followed with a gracious helping of carrots. She looked down at the mountain of food in front of her. How did they expect her to eat all of that?

  Then, another man swept into the room. Her body seized up as she saw the familiar paw mark on his forehead. The mark of an Alpha. Yes, she was all too familiar with that mark. She just about fell off her chair at the sight.

  And then Lauren gave the man a smile and handed him a plate piled with even more food than her own plate. “Good evening, my love. We have a guest tonight.” Lauren turned toward her and the male’s hard gaze landed on her, making her want to fade into the chair. “Dear, this is my husband, Torin’s father, Talon.”

  Talon quirked his heavy brow, his face tense and unsmiling. Serious wasn’t even close to describing him. He was…pure intimidation. And it was clear this powerful male didn’t like her being here.

  “Don’t mind my father,” Torin interjected, narrowing his eyes on the male across the table. “As Alpha, he’s not sure what to do with you.”


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