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Kiss of Fire: A Dystopian Shifter Romance (The Whitemoon Warriors #2) (The Whitemoon Warriors Series)

Page 6

by Nichole Wolfe

  “Torin,” his father growled.

  “What do you mean, dear?” Lauren asked, her gaze flickering over to the older male. “Talon?”

  Talon shrugged. “Don’t worry yourself over it. It’s my business, not yours.” He threw a frightening glare at Torin.

  Lauren pursed her lips as she quietly returned to her meal. The remainder of the meal passed in silence, the tension making Autumn’s skin prickle.

  Torin stood the moment he’d scarfed his food down, his chair screeching against the floor. “Would you like to resume our walk?” he asked, looking down at her.

  Autumn found herself nodding without hesitation. In such a hurry to get away from the awkward tension, not to mention she seemed to have bad luck with Alphas, she mindlessly grabbed his hand to pull herself out of her chair.

  Torin glanced down at her hand before his lips curved in a barely-there smile. As she followed Torin outside, she glimpsed the two women at the table smile at each other while the male sat rigidly, scowling after her.

  “Sorry about Pop,” Torin said as he fell into step beside her. “He doesn’t warm up to people easily.”

  No kidding, Autumn wanted to say and barely caught herself before the words blurted out.

  An hour or so later, Autumn had been introduced to half the village it seemed. The lady that milked the goats had laughed at Torin’s silly nickname, making her want to kick him in the shins. The boys had teased, and the girls had giggled. By the time they made it back to Torin’s house, even the chilly air couldn’t account for her flushed cheeks. When Torin’s fingers brushed over her shoulders as he slid her coat off of her, her body stiffened. But she didn’t jump away, eager to flee from him. In fact, even though he had just embarrassed the ever living shit out of her, she wasn’t in a rush to get away from him. His energy was contagious, and he seemed to always be smiling, which made her want to smile, too.

  But as she glanced out the window at the setting sun, she knew the day was coming to an end. And that meant everyone retiring to bed.

  She followed Torin up the stairs, mindlessly heading towards his room. Until he veered down a different hallway. He opened the door at the end of it, beckoning her inside. Quirking her brows, she stepped into the spacious room. A small bed was situated in the far corner, a deep sage colored quilt atop it. Another oil lamp stood on the bedside table and a fire crackled in the little fireplace in the opposite corner of the room, a hand-woven rug that matched the bed lay in front, and a garland of pink flowers sat across the mantle.

  “Mum and Kayline got the guest room all ready for you,” Torin stated, a hint of a frown on his face.

  Autumn glanced around the room, warm and cozy as the rest of the house, wondering what could be making him frown.

  “Well, I’ll leave you alone to rest, then,” he muttered, dragging his feet out of the room.

  Wait, what? The thought of being all alone in the strange room her hyperventilating. What if that other male came for her in the night? He hadn’t set off any creeper alarms, but she got the distinct feeling he did not want her here at all. What if he threw her out in the snow while Torin was sleeping in the other room?

  She rushed after Torin, tearing straight into his room, a wave of relief settling over her as his face came into view.

  Torin stared at her, both eyebrows raised. “Is something wrong with the guest room? Do you need something else?”

  She nodded. His eyes did a quick sweep of her before he nodded and snapped his fingers. “Of course. Pajamas!”

  What the hell were those? No! Torin grabbed something from one of his dressers, holding it out for her. She shook her head, sighing. This no-talking thing wasn’t working out so great here. Then again, she’d never had so many people to talk to in her life. She opened her mouth, her frustration getting the best of her.

  In a second, Torin’s gaze locked onto her lips. Eyes sparkling with interest. And that had her clamping her mouth shut and all thoughts of actually utilizing her vocal chords gone.


  Torin cursed as the woman closed her mouth without uttering a peep. He’d been so close to finally hearing her voice. He dropped his arm, shirt still clutched in his hand.

  “Gods, why won’t you just talk to me?” he snapped, fingers spearing through his hair. “I’m not a fucking mind reader, woman.”

  After taking a breath, he glanced over at her again, finding her stunning gaze wide with fear as she backed away from him, heading for the door. The fear in her eyes had his chest clenching in regret. Without thinking, he reached for her to apologize. And she bolted.

  “No, wait. I’m sorry...Gorgeous? Shit!” He needed her goddamn name!

  He paced his room as he tried to figure out how to handle such a clearly damaged woman. He’d barely raised his voice and she’d fled in fear. After stewing in contemplation a while longer, he decided it was best he left her alone...for now, at least. She needed time to heal and his presence probably wasn’t helping. He had a dick, after all. And after what the woman had endured, she didn’t need another one of those in her life right now. And the more he was around her, the harder it was becoming to keep his fingers to himself. Because they were constantly itching for a touch, a simple glide over her skin to ease his curiosity. He shook himself. She doesn’t need another man pawing her up, you perv.

  Just as he was about to go find Kayline to ask her to lend the woman a pair of PJs, his mother came storming into his room.

  “What in the gods’ names did you say to that poor woman?”

  “What? Nothing.” Automatic response when Mum has a “you’re in big trouble” tone in her voice.

  “She was about to run out of the house until she realized it was past dark and she has nowhere else to go. Thank the gods she has some common sense about her. I can’t believe you’d scare her off like that!”

  He opened his mouth to ask if she was alright and apologize, but his mother hushed him up with a finger.

  “Now, you listen to me, Torin Delaney.” Oh, shit. Full name meant serious business. “That woman has been through more than enough. You mind your manners and make her feel welcome in my house.”

  She obviously didn’t know of her husband’s plans of throwing the woman back into that pack of dogs known as Blackmoon. But he wasn’t about to open that can of nasty worms. Gods help Pop when Mum found out that dirty little secret.

  “I’m trying, Mum. You know I want her to stay here. For her own safety. I was the one who brought her here in the first place. I just...I don’t know how to talk to her when she won’t talk at all. Nothing. I don’t even know her name.”

  His mother sighed, then smiled as she led them over to sit on his bed. “I know patience isn’t always easy, but the fact that she even touched your hand earlier is already amazing progress for her.”

  He nodded in agreement. The woman had been through hell, and at the hands of his own kind. It was a wonder she could even be in the same room with him and not be shaking in fear. Just having her look at him in pure terror had made his chest ache. “I’m going to give her some space. I think she needs some time away from men for now.”

  His mother glowed at him. “That’s very mature and unselfish of you, especially when I know how much you like her.” He rolled his eyes. “But...if she should seek you out…”

  He didn’t need her to tell him to keep his temper in check around the fragile woman. He’d learned that lesson the hard way today.


  Autumn threw the thick quilt off of her, growling at the ceiling. She’d spent the last several hours tossing and turning in the perfectly comfortable bed in the “guest” room Torin had frightened her back into earlier. He’d been angry at her for not speaking. Typical male. They didn’t know what to do with themselves without a woman praising them or screaming in fear. She’d been fooling herself into thinking Torin was any different.

  Unfortunately, her body was itching to go back to his room. It was the familiar sheets and carvings, of course
. Not the man that most likely occupied the large bed, sound asleep. Must be nice.

  Well, he did save you from the monster.

  Only to be a monster to me himself.

  He only wanted your name. How bad could that be?

  And on and on it went as she argued with her own mind, trying to convince herself she was much better off here. Alone. Unprotected. Vulnerable.

  Cursing herself, she tiptoed out of the room.


  Torin groaned as his eyes peeled open, his skin feeling uncomfortably tight. It always did when the full moon drew near. Specks of dust floated in the beams of bright sunlight that fell through the curtains, reminding him how neglectful he’d been to his room. His mother and Kayline refused to clean his bedroom. Even though they cleaned every other room in the house. What was one more? Really? But they insisted keeping his personal space clean was not their duty. Fine. Whatever. When he realized that their new guest had seen his room in such disarray, he climbed from the bed intent on tracking down the dusting rags.

  But halfway to his dresser, he froze.

  There, lying curled in a tight ball on the rug, was said new guest. Even in sleep, she shivered from the cold. Because the fire had gone out and the room was obviously chilled more than his body could detect. His kind had a high tolerance of the cold. If not for the human women that resided in the home, there wouldn’t be much need for fireplaces at all. He promptly snatched his heavy quilt from the bed and gently laid it over her. A few moments later, she sighed, smiling as her body relaxed into its warmth. It made him want to snuggle under those covers and keep her nice and toasty with his own body heat.

  He suppressed a groan at the thought of his skin pressing against hers, how soft all that paleness would be against his own tanned and weathered hands.

  Whoa, buddy. She needs space, remember?

  With one last longing look, he snatched a pair of leathers from the floor and fled the room. Before his imagination got the best of him.

  Once in the hallway, he moseyed through the house in search of his original agenda for the morning. Dusting supplies. On his way downstairs, he caught sight of his Mum rummaging through some boxes in the storage closet. Probably where the cleaning supplies were located.

  “Hey, Mum, where are the dusting rags?”

  She took a nanosecond to give him a droll look before returning her attention to the boxes. “You’ve lived in this house for twenty years and you still don’t know?”

  He sighed. Typical Mum response. “Well, Kay keeps moving them.”

  Now, she gave him a “You’re full of shit” look. “They’re in a bin under the kitchen sink where they have always been. Ah, here they are!” She pulled several tiny bottles of paint from the box and a can of brushes.

  The sight of them gave Torin a marvelous idea.


  You caved.

  I know, shut up.

  I can’t believe you caved.

  Growling under her breath, she threw the heavy quilt off of her. Wait, quilt? She hadn’t gone to sleep with a blanket. Because she was an idiot who forgot to bring one from the other room in her rush to get here in the middle of night.

  I can’t believe you caved.

  Shut it!!!

  Torin must have thrown it over her sometime after she’d finally fallen asleep. Bringing the material up to her face, she inhaled, her stomach fluttering at the fresh scent of pine and...Torin. She’d never thought she would actually enjoy the smell of a man. Ever. The monster had always reeked of...pure evil. There was no other way to describe him really. But Torin...Torin’s scent was completely different.

  After pulling herself away from the heavenly smell, she stood and peered at the bed, frowning when she saw it empty.

  The man just yelled at you last night and you’re already disappointed he’s not here?

  He didn’t yell, he just...raised his voice a tad.

  Now you’re defending him!

  She threw the quilt back on the bed, cursing. She was defending him. What was wrong with her?

  When she heard whistling outside the door, she bolted behind the bed...for some reason. Apparently, even though she was disappointed he wasn’t in the room earlier didn’t mean she wasn’t still terrified.

  You make no sense, woman.

  Tell me about it.

  The door clicked open and she ducked under the bed. Large and unmistakably male feet padded into the room and she heard the clinking of glass as he came to an abrupt halt. Surprised she wasn’t still huddled under the quilt, was he? Oh, no, instead you’re cowering under his bed.

  He set something on the bed, rustling the covers in the process. After padding over to the fireplace and depositing some twigs and a small log, he threw a match into the hearth igniting some sweet-smelling chips on the bottom. He turned back toward the bed, his feet crossing at the ankle as he leaned against the door that led to the small en suite bathroom.

  He chuckled. “First of all,” he began, amusement dripping from every syllable. “I could smell you the moment I walked in here. Supernatural senses, remember? And second of all.” He paused, stepping closer. “Your cute, little feet are sticking out from under the bed, Gorgeous,” he teased, bending down in a flash of movement and running his finger along the bottom of her foot. Sending tingles up her leg and making her squeal. She jerked her feet under the bed, her head slamming into the bedframe, making her curse at the sharp pain in her head.

  Which made him roar with laughter. What a prick.

  After several minutes of him trying to get himself under control, he bent over again, his face smiling upside down at her. “Are you gonna come out anytime soon? I brought you something.” His smile brightened, if that was even possible, his face practically glowing. Someone looked very excited. Which only put her on edge. She hated surprises. Because they always ended with her wanting to scream in agony.


  The woman gulped, a flash of fear in her eyes as she reluctantly crawled out from beneath his bed. He kept the smile on his face despite the guilt and shame he was feeling. He shouldn’t have lost his temper last night. He rocked on his heels. “So...I got you something.”

  Apprehension oozed from her every pore.

  Ignoring it, he continued. “You wanna see what it is?”

  She hesitated, pressing her lips together as her eyes darted around the room.

  “No, no. It’s hidden. You have to close your eyes.”

  Instead, her eyes turned into giant emeralds and she took a clumsy step back, bumping into the bed. Whoa, she did not like that idea.

  He held his hands up. “Okay, okay. You don’t have to close your eyes. Way to spoil my fun, though.”

  She edged further away, terror turning her pale face stark white. Which made no sense. If she was so afraid of him, why had she come into his room in the middle of the night to sleep on the floor? Wouldn’t she just avoid him? She had sought him out. Didn’t that mean she wanted to be around him?

  “C’mon. I’m pretty sure you’ll really like it,” he coaxed, keeping his voice soft and soothing.

  Or at least he thought he was until she ran out the room again.

  What. The. Fuck.


  They’re all crazy, sadistic bastards! Autumn thought as she once again found herself making a mad dash through the house. In less than twenty-four hours. Why did all men have to be complete perverts?

  This time she didn’t make it to the front door. No, this time she crashed headfirst into Kayline, dishes crashing to the floor along with both of them.

  “You need your own warning sign.” Kayline chuckled as she helped Autumn to her feet. Icy blue hues studied her face. Kayline frowned. “Dear gods, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Sighing heavily, she shook her head. “What did that brother of mine do now?”

  See, even his own sister knows he’s done something unspeakable!

  “Wait until Mum hears he’s gone and scared the shit out of you again…”<
br />
  “Wait until Mum hears what?” Lauren snapped from behind them, making Autumn jump ten feet away clutching her chest. These people were going to give her a heart attack.

  Lauren glanced at her. “Sorry, dear. Didn’t mean to frighten you. What did Torin do now?”

  “Spooked her again, I guess,” Kayline answered, shrugging. “She was running from upstairs when we bumped into each other...well, more like collided, actually.”

  Lauren’s face puckered in confusion. “That’s odd. He was jabbering on about giving her a gift earlier.”

  Kayline clapped her hands. “Oh, a gift! What was it?”

  Why in the world did she look so excited? Gifts were terrible!

  “Torin wanted to surprise her…” Lauren whispered.

  Surprises were even worse! What was wrong with them?

  “Did Torin give you the gift?” Lauren asked her.

  She shook her head violently, waving her hands in front of her. No way, and she didn’t want it.

  “Why would she be afraid of a gift, Mum?” Kayline eyed her like she was crazy.

  Lauren on the other hand, had a face full of pity. “I know.”

  Autumn pointed at Lauren as she gave Kayline a stern look. See, I’m not the crazy one!

  “Dear, what those other men said were ‘gifts’...well, that’s not what Torin is giving to you. I promise. He showed me this morning. I think you’re going to love it.” Lauren smiled at her, nodding her head.

  Autumn stared at the woman in disbelief. This woman. Who’d been a slave like her once.

  “What did those other men give her?” Kayline asked, making the blood drain from Autumn’s face in mortification.

  Lauren gave her daughter a hard look, which made Kayline scurry back to the kitchen, snatching up dishes as she went.

  “Torin won’t give you his gift until you’re ready to accept it. But you won’t regret accepting, trust me.” Lauren gave her another gentle smile. “Whenever you’re ready, dear.”


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