Kiss of Fire: A Dystopian Shifter Romance (The Whitemoon Warriors #2) (The Whitemoon Warriors Series)

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Kiss of Fire: A Dystopian Shifter Romance (The Whitemoon Warriors #2) (The Whitemoon Warriors Series) Page 9

by Nichole Wolfe

  Nodding, Torin whispered back, “I know. Must be all the tension spreading.”

  Alaric snorted, about to respond when a twig cracked up the path. Fingers gripped hilts in preparation for the coming kill.

  Instead of a deer or boar, a group of another kind of wild pigs came down the path. Blackmoon Warriors. Six of them. Fan-fucking-tastic.

  He and Alaric glanced at each other, communicating with a single look. Well, they are in our territory. And Torin didn’t need much of an excuse to wipe these fuckers off the face of the Earth.

  Jarden and Lucas peeked through the bushes at them and Torin gave them a stiff nod, counting down on his fingers. Three. Two. One.

  They leapt from the bushes, each targeting a different enemy. But they were expecting it, swords clashing in a scream of metal-on-metal. Torin smiled to himself, already soaking in the adrenaline. Time to find out if these bastards could fight like men instead of the dogs they were.

  Turns out. They could. Dammit.

  Though Torin could tell his own men clearly out-skilled Blackmoon, the enemy outnumbered them. When Jarden stumbled, and almost got gutted, Torin decided it was time to go. Better to go back and get reinforcements.

  Before he could signal the others, two more bodies fell from the trees.

  “What the fuck!” Alaric yelled as two of the Blackmoon Warriors roared. Each of them now sporting a leech on their back and the bitemarks to match.

  “Bloodsuckers!” one of the Blackmoon Warriors screamed as he watched his brother-in-arms flail at the intrusion.

  “Fuck this,” another one of them snapped, taking off in the direction they came. The other leechless cowards followed suit.

  The bloodsuckers released their victims as soon as the others were well out of sight. The female one smirked up at him, blood still dripping from the side of her mouth. “You’re welcome.”

  Torin rolled his eyes, sighing. “Hello, Nessie.”

  Alaric chuckled beside him. “Your sister certainly knows how to make an entrance.”

  Jarden and Lucas weren’t as amused, cursing at the two of them. “Filthy bloodsuckers. We didn’t need your help.” It was no secret that the new vampires weren’t welcomed by everyone in the Pack. After all, vampires were their kind’s natural enemy. In fact, not so long ago (a century or so perhaps), the two species had been at war over the control of humanity. It had eventually ended in a stalemate. The vampires holed up in the cities while the lycans occupied the rural areas. Nowadays, it was rare for the two to meet, let alone cohabitate the same area. So, yeah, tensions were sky-high right now.

  Charlie stood there looking bored with the whole thing, but not Nessie. Oh, no. Of course not.

  She tilted her head at the two others, raising her eyebrows. “From where I was standing, you were about to get gutted.” She snapped her fangs at Jarden. “And if anyone calls me a fucking bloodsucker one more time, I’ll give you a mark to match those Blackmoon cowards.”

  Jarden snarled at her, pulling Charlie’s attention. He bared his fangs at the other male in a clear warning. Don’t threaten his girl. Period.

  “Fuck you, she started it,” he snapped.

  Alaric laughed. “Really, Jar? How old are you? Twelve?”

  Jarden flipped him the finger and stomped away, back toward the village.

  “You’re really good at making friends, aren’t you?” Torin said, sliding his sword back into the sheath at his hips.

  Nessie snorted at him. “Who’d want to be friends with that asshole?”

  “Who’d want to be friends with a bloodsucking bitch like you?” Lucas growled as he turned to follow Jarden.

  Nessie leaped for him, fangs bared. Fortunately, Charlie knew her well and anticipated it, wrapping his arms around her waist and holding her back. It was obviously a struggle because he was losing ground.

  “I told them not to call me a fucking bloodsucker!” she yelled at Lucas’ back.

  “Look, Ness. Ya gotta give them a break. To them, you’re still the enemy. They’re gonna need more than a nanosecond to come around to the idea that you’re not.” Shit, he needed more time to come around. And they were fucking related, for gods’ sakes.

  Nessie huffed, but stopped struggling, crossing her arms over her chest.

  He and Charlie exchanged a look. They both knew that the other lycans of the pack might never really come around at all. Nessie and Charlie were only safe here because the Alpha was her father. By all rights, that gave Nessie an automatic place within the Pack. The fact that she had fangs even in human form didn’t really matter. There were no laws for that because it had never been an issue before. And Charlie became protected because he was Nessie’s claimed mate. So now, they were housing two bloodsucker that put their pack on edge and on the brink of war.

  “If you two do any hunting tonight, make sure to bring the carcasses back to the butcher’s. We’re running low on meat,” Alaric said. He seemed to be the only one that didn’t mind the bloodsucker’s presence.

  Alaric even waved as they left the two to return to the village.

  “Why are you being so nice to those two, anyway?” Torin asked, wondering if his best friend had an agenda. Which wouldn’t surprise him one bit.

  Alaric shrugged. “Personally, I’d rather them on our side. Wouldn’t you?”

  And there it was. Alaric knew having two vampires on their side gave them an edge over the enemy.

  When Torin finally pulled the wagon alongside the butcher’s shack, the moon had finally crested over the treetops, illuminating the village in its eerie glow. Torin stretched his arms over his head as he walked back towards his house. His skin was starting to feel too tight. It always did when the full moon was close.

  And with all the bad blood boiling between the packs lately, this full moon was gonna be a doozy.

  He contemplated going for an evening run to stretch his legs in preparation for the full moon shift, but decided against it. He’d spent all day in those damn woods today. And if he was being honest with himself, he was dying to see Autumn. It felt like he hadn’t laid eyes on her for ages. Gods, you’re becoming pathetic.

  He opened the front door, heading through the dining room instead of heading straight upstairs. Unfortunately, he had to let his father know about the Blackmoon breach. Again. This was the second time they’d trespassed in less than a month. The first time had been to snatch Nessie’s boyfriend. He seethed as he stomped towards his father’s den. The bloodsucking sister of his had brought all this on their heads. Maybe his father should let the Blackmoon Alpha take her instead of Autumn.

  But even he cringed at his own cruel thoughts. No one deserved that shit.

  “Hey, Pop. Those Blackmoon bastards were snooping around our---” Torin froze.

  His father sat in his usual chair in front of his large desk. And lounging in the chair across from him was Jaxon Bearpaw, his long legs stretched out in front of him, his meaty hands behind his head.

  “What the fuck is he doing here?”

  “Torin,” his father growled.

  Jaxon, the giant beast of a man, chuckled at him. “I admire your son’s...bluntness, Talon,” he said, rising from the chair.

  He doubted that highly. This crazy mutt didn’t admire anything but his own twisted self. He could see it in the way he carried himself. Straight, chest out. Using every last bit of his seven-foot-plus height to his advantage. Torin dwarfed next to him, not even six-foot himself.

  “Torin, this is…” his father began.

  “I fucking know who he is,” Torin snapped. “What is he doing here?”

  Jaxon’s wide mouth expanded, teeth shining at him in an evil grin. “I’ve come to negotiate the return of the slave girl you stole from me.”

  Torin clenched his jaw at the mention of Autumn. Especially being called “slave girl.” She’d never be that again if he had anything to do with it.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he muttered, looking at the door for his es

  “Oh, I know it was you,” Jaxon sneered, standing from the chair. “I could smell her all over you the moment you walked in here.” His sneer flipped into an evil grin. “And, trust me, I know what she smells like.”

  Motherfucker. “You’ll never get your meaty paws on her again,” Torin snarled.

  He snickered. “Unfortunately for you, she’s mine.”

  Torin took those last steps toward the giant. “Not anymore.”

  Jaxon raised a brow as he snickered again. “Either return what’s mine, or deliver to me another female in exchange. I will accept no one older than her current age. And I reserve the right to deny any substitution upon closer inspection.”

  “We don’t have slaves,” Torin said, narrowing his eyes.

  Jaxon smiled. “I’ll give you one week to decide. Consider it a kindness after your unwarranted attack last week.”

  “You kidnapped one of our member’s mate. Under Pack Law, we were completely within our right to retrieve said mate. Under any circumstances,” Talon stated, stepping around his desk.

  Jaxon shook his head, sneering. “Mating with bloodsuckers now. That’s low even for your pack, Talon.”

  Despite his feelings towards his father at the moment, he wasn’t about to let this dickhead insult him. He tilted his head towards Jaxon, getting the dickhead’s attention. “I heard the female one did quite a number on you. How’s the ribs feeling today, asshole?” Because he’d heard talk that Nessie had kicked the shit out of them during their attack, knocking the cocky son of a bitch out cold.

  Jaxon growled at him, taking a long stride towards him as his father came between them.

  “That’s enough,” his father shouted, throwing his arms out.

  “Save it, Pop. I was on my way out anyway.”

  He left the den with a hard pit of determination in his stomach. He headed straight for the shower before he went to reassure himself that Autumn was still in his room. He wanted to wash the stench of animal carcasses off him. She probably wouldn’t appreciate that particular aroma. And he needed to at least smell inviting. Because, tonight, he wasn’t leaving her side. Not with that beast in the same house. What the fuck was his father thinking?!


  Something was off. Autumn could tell as soon as she opened the door to find Torin staring at her with a mixture of worry and anger. Which confused the shit out of her, but she said nothing. Because that’s what she always did. And it was beginning to get a little annoying, actually. Her questions always went unanswered because she didn’t actually ask them. Stupid vow of silence.

  “Mind if I come in?” he asked, even though he was already stepping through the door.

  Rolling her eyes, she nodded, but he wasn’t paying attention. Yeah, something felt very off. Most of the time his eyes were glued to her whenever he was around her. Which should have creeped her out, but she found it oddly comforting.

  His head was shaking as he sighed to himself over and over. Clearly agitated about something. She put her hand on his arm, drawing his attention. Finally. Good gods, was she really that desperate for his attention? She gave him a concerned look.

  Shaking his head, he muttered. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.” He pulled his face together, planting a smile on it. The fakest smile she’d ever seen on his face. “So, what are you painting tonight?”

  She smiled at him, hoping it might bring him out of whatever funk he was in. Walking over to another canvas set up in front of the fireplace, she showed him her latest project. It was the Winter Solstice piece she’d started that morning. The children had been a slight distraction so she hadn’t finished it as early as she’d planned. She’d wanted to give it to him as a gift, but she hadn’t finished it in time.

  His face brightened, his phony smile replaced with a real one. “Your talent still amazes me every time I see it.”

  Blushing, she nodded in thanks.

  As he’d done for the past few nights, he sat with her as she painted, chatting about his day. Only tonight, he kept pausing, stopping himself from finishing a sentence, and then quickly changing the subject. Eventually, she got up from her chair to stretch and headed for the door.

  He planted himself in the doorway. “Where are you going? Do you need something?”

  She furrowed her brows. What was his problem tonight? She mimed drinking, and he nodded, holding his palms up.

  “Let me get it for you. I’ll bring us some hot tea. Just stay here and relax,” he threw her a hurried grin as he shut the door and she heard him scurry down the hallway. She blinked at the door, wondering what could have gotten him so worked up. She grabbed the doorknob, checking to see it if had been locked. It hadn’t. Of course. She had to stop being so paranoid.

  Not really wanting to stay in the room by herself pacing, she moseyed down the hallway, intending to help Torin with the tea. Instead, she heard shouting from the bedroom at the other end of the hall. And she just couldn’t stop herself from being nosy.

  “How dare you, Talon Delaney! How dare you make our son take that poor girl back there!”

  “Now, Lauren. I cannot have us going to war over one slave girl,” Talon said calmly.

  Lauren bristled. “She is a person, you jackwagon! I thought you understood that, or are you just like all those other Alphas? Who see us humans as things instead of people. To be traded and thrown around at your whim.”

  “You don’t understand, woman! Blackmoon will overrun us if they gain support from the other packs.”

  “That is not the point and you know it!”

  “Then what is the point?” he yelled back.

  “You banned slavery for a reason, Talon. Or don’t you remember why?”

  He huffed. “Of course I remember. But she is not my wife, and she isn’t part of my pack.”

  “Neither was I once upon a time. I was a slave. In Blackmoon, you pompous a-hole!” She jabbed at his chest, raising on her tiptoes as she shoved her face as close to his as she could get it. “That girl is absolutely no different than I am. And I swear to the gods, Talon. If you send her back there, I will go to Blackmoon myself. And if I make it back alive, trust me, you will have a war on your hands.”

  “You would risk your life for that girl?” he asked, his eyes wide with disbelief.

  “Thank the gods your son has more compassion than you do, Talon Delaney. I won’t let him lose her because of your cowardice.”

  His gaze narrowed, his nose scrunching in anger. Autumn clamped her hands over her mouth to stifle the gasp. She’d just called him a coward…to his face?! No fear. Just brutal honesty. That woman was her hero.

  Lauren stepped through the door, jumping as she turned toward her. “Oh! My dear, you have become quite the eavesdropper, haven’t you? No doubt I can blame those children of mine for teaching you their bad habits.”

  Tears stung her eyes as her throat clenched. The kindest woman she’d ever met had just took on her own husband. A man twice her size. All for her. She’d never felt anything like it before. This sense of safety. The reality of having others care for her well-being was completely foreign to her. Not since her own mother had something bothered to protect her. And, from what she could recall, her own mother had been too sick and frail to do much protecting. If anything Autumn had protected her more than the other way around.

  She threw her arms around Lauren’s neck, weeping into her shoulders.

  “Oh, dear. I’m so sorry you had to hear my husband say those things.” Lauren stroked her hair. “You aren’t going anywhere. Not if I have any say in it.”

  Autumn shook her head, sniffling as she lifted her head and gazed into Lauren’s kind eyes. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice cracking.

  Lauren smiled at her with tears forming in her own eyes as well. “Oh. My dear girl,” she said, pulling Autumn back into an embrace. “You are most welcome.”

  “What’s going on?” Torin’s voice pulled Autumn from Lauren’s arms. She wiped her tears away hast
ily. Why, she had no idea. Not like the man hadn’t seen her cry before.

  Lauren cleared her throat. “Poor Autumn just overheard me and your father arguing. That’s all.”

  Torin narrowed his gaze on his mother. “What were you arguing about?”

  “Never you mind. That’s none of your business.”

  “Was it about her? If so, then it is my business.”

  A hint of a smile broke across Lauren’s face, but she quickly composed herself. “Fine. It’s probably best you know anyway. Your father plans on giving Autumn back to Blackmoon. I just ran into him and---” She shivered, struggling to continue. “Jaxon discussing the situation.”

  Autumn gasped, smashing a hand over her mouth as her eyes widened. Jaxon? Was here? IN THIS HOUSE? Shaking her head, she backed away, turning to flee back to Torin’s room.


  Torin’s jaw ticked before he caught sight of her. He placed a gentle hand on her arm, but she flailed at the touch. “It’s okay, Autumn. I told you I wouldn’t let him take you.”

  But she was still shaking her head before she turned tail and ran. Luckily, she was headed back to his own room. He breathed a sigh of relief. Well, he was headed there anyway with their tea in tow. He looked back at his mother.

  “Pop told me the day I brought her back that she couldn’t stay. He’s actually given me longer than he originally said. But now Jaxon has put an official deadline on it. We have one week.”

  His mother shook his head as tears welled in her sad, brown eyes. “We can’t let her go back there. We just can’t.”

  He threw an arm around his mother, knowing now how this must bring back painful memories. “I won’t let them take her. I can’t.”

  She smiled up at him through her tears. “I know she means a lot to you, dear. I hope she knows that, too.” She patted his cheek as she stepped out of his arms. “You go make sure our girl is safe. She deserves to be happy. You both do.”

  “Thanks, Mum,” he said, giving the well-deserving woman a quick hug.


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