Kiss of Fire: A Dystopian Shifter Romance (The Whitemoon Warriors #2) (The Whitemoon Warriors Series)

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Kiss of Fire: A Dystopian Shifter Romance (The Whitemoon Warriors #2) (The Whitemoon Warriors Series) Page 16

by Nichole Wolfe

  “Yes. I do.”

  “Trust me, he does.” Kayline’s voice cracked from the doorway. Autumn had never seen her pale eyes so red, so full of sadness. It broke her heart seeing the spirited young woman look so…shattered.

  Torin bowed his head, closing his eyes. “I had no choice.” Glancing up, he caught his mother’s shocked gaze. “I couldn’t let him take over our pack.”

  Without uttering a word, Lauren nodded.

  “I’m sorry, Mum,” Torin croaked, his fingers tightening as he took a shaky breath. “Please don’t hate me.”

  Lauren’s shock melted away. Her one eye drooping and her mouth falling into a frown. Pulling her son into her body, she pet the back of his head. “Oh, my dear boy. I could never ever hate you.”

  Torin wept into his mother’s shoulder and she rocked him in that ancient maternal way. Watching the two of them brought tears to Autumn’s eyes and an ache to her chest. Because she remembered. A vivid image of her own mother holding her in just the same way came flooding back. She recalled that feeling of love and tenderness. Of having that one person who would love you unconditionally. The woman who had haunted her dreams, her beautiful face always smeared with tears. It was her mother. On the day she couldn’t save her. And somehow fate had given her the same face. The same wild red hair and pale, freckled skin. As if the universe was trying to make her remember. Or trying to make sure she’d never forget. Her mother had loved her. But hadn’t been strong enough to save either of them.

  And now fate had gifted her a second chance. Another person who cared for her. Someone she could care for. She sent up a silent thank you for being one of the lucky ones. Because she knew how lucky she was and how rare her circumstances were. So many like her didn’t get rescued by a handsome stranger with heart of gold. And with a family with hearts just as brilliant.


  A few hours later, after checking in on the other warriors and setting up a quick guard schedule, he went to grab Autumn from his mother’s room. They’d found an alternative home on the other side of the village. The dozen or so homes that remained standing were being used as temporary shelters while the village rebuilt itself. The months ahead would be the hardest the village faced since he’d been born. Homes to be rebuilt and refurnished, families grieving for the ones lost in this first battle. Because like it or not, his first true act as Alpha had been a declaration of war. The entire village had all been there when he’d broken the hard news. They had to know what was coming. It was the only way to be prepared. Alaric had looked a tad too happy about it, honestly. But Kayline had been pissed enough for everyone. Screaming and running off as was her signature move. Well, he’d deal with his emotional sister tomorrow. When she’d had time to cool off. Why were all the women in his family such hotheads? Well, except one.

  As his bedroom door came into view, an odd sensation coursed through him. Grief weighed heavy on his heart, compounded by the guilt of his actions. He had saved his mate. At the expense of his father’s life. And what made it worse? As he gazed over at Autumn walking beside him, he wasn’t really sorry. He should be. His father had meant just as much to him as Autumn. How could he value one life more than another? But just as when he’d first laid eyes on her all those weeks ago, saving her had felt...right. Meant to be. As if fate had a hand in their chance encounter. And he’d run like hell chasing that fate. This fate. These last weeks had consisted of the best and worst moments of his life. But would he really trade all of his moments with Autumn to get his father back? Would he rather she be rotting in that shed while he and his father had another day to spar and joke about Kay’s terrible cooking? As much as he hated to say it, no. He wouldn’t. Saving this innocent woman had been the right thing to do. He had to believe that.

  Walking into his room, he caught Autumn’s hand with his own. He needed to tell her. She needed to know. And there was no point holding off the inevitable. He turned her to face him. “Will you sit with me for a minute?”

  She gazed up at him, with those haunting eyes that seemed to reach inside his very soul, and nodded.

  Leading her over to the bed, he sank down on the mattress beside her. “By now, I’m hoping you know how I feel about you.”

  Her lips curved into a tiny smile as she nodded.

  “You seem pretty happy about that, which is good. It’ll make what I’m about to say next easier for both of us.”

  Now, she quirked a brow. Yeah, he could bet she probably had no clue what he was talking about. Gods, did she even know about mates?

  “Do you remember when I told you you could have my last name?”

  Those big, green eyes got bigger. “Torin…”

  “I claimed you,” he blurted out.

  She blinked up at him. “What? You did what?”

  “As my mate. I claimed you as my mate.”

  “Is...isn’t that marriage?”

  “Kind of. Only we lycan won’t ever divorce our mates. The mating ceremony bonds more than just bodies. We are soulbound.” He stroked her cheek as he saw a twinge of fear in her eyes. “It’s a vow of protection, of companionship,”

  Her eyes grew even bigger, if that was possible, shimmering at him. “Are love me?”

  In one hell of a roundabout way. “Yes,” he whispered, running his fingers over her face. “I love you.”

  She stared at him then. Unmoving, speechless, looking like she would burst into tears at any moment. But a few moments was all she needed. Her throat moved as she swallowed hard, her eyes searching his face. “I...I think I love you too.”

  He gave her a weak smile. “You think, huh?”

  “I’ve never felt...this way...before.”

  “How do you feel?”

  She hesitated for a moment. “ without you, I’d fall apart. But with you, I’ve never felt stronger. Like every happy moment I’ll ever have is in your eyes.”

  Okay, now he was about to burst into tears.

  “Is that love?” she asked.

  He shook his head, smiling like the fool he was for her. “I don’t know, but whatever it is, I want that.”

  “Yeah?” Her face lit up in the most beautiful way.

  He kissed her hand. “All I want is you. Forever.”

  She squeezed his hand, her eyes sparkling at him. “Show me.”

  “Show you?”

  In a brazen act, she climbed atop him, straddling his hips. “I want to know what love feels like.” She bent down, placing a scorching kiss on him, teasing at his mouth. “Show me, Torin. How does a man love his mate?”

  She was taking this whole mate thing a hell of a lot better than he’d expected. Good gods, was this really happening? Her words were doing wicked things to his body. Already ready to show her exactly how he loved her.

  But he pulled back, his fingers spearing through her wild tangles as he gazed at her. “Are you sure? We don’t have to do this.” Though, good gods, did he want to. “I understand how this might not be something you’d want to do.”

  She bit her lip as she stared at him. Not helping his body get the message. “I want to be with you.”

  Cupping her face, he smiled up at her. “You are with me. Like this. I will love you even if you don’t want me...that way.”

  Her eyes shimmered at him as her fingers skimmed over his face, through his hair. “And that is exactly why I do want you...that way. Maybe I’m just being greedy. But I want all the love you can possibly give me.”

  Well, how could he possibly say no to that?

  He pulled her down to him, skimming his lips across hers. Wanting her to feel even this gentle touch down to her toes. Like she’d die without one more touch from him. He kissed her slowly, gently, unhurried. Savoring every moment of her in his arms. And, oh, did she feel good. Like she was the something that had been missing from his arms. The puzzle piece that fit into his heart perfectly.

  Her hands splayed on the warm skin beneath his shirt. The touch radiat
ing through him, making him want to get closer. Feel more of her touch. Her scent drifted up to him, a sweet, heady perfume that drove him wild, feeding his starving senses. With his mate so close, her mouth on his, her hands on his body, it was hard not to completely devour her. Throw himself upon her and find himself inside her body. Bind them as true mates. One in body and soul.

  Peeling his shirt off an inch at a time, she smiled up at him, a sexy glint in her eye. She enjoyed taking control. That was good. Because he enjoyed it, too. She could do whatever her precious heart wanted to him if she kept smiling at him like that.

  “The first time I saw you like this,” she purred, running her fingers down his chest, over the hard ridges of his abdomen. “My heart raced. I couldn’t catch my breath. My fingers itched to touch you.”

  He kissed her hard and fast. “You take my breath away, gorgeous.”

  Scooping her into his arms, he carried her to the bed, setting her on her feet just beside it and climbing onto the mattress himself. He sprawled out, propping his head up on his hand. He patted the mattress next to him and wiggled his eyebrows at her.

  She giggled at him before her eyes glazed over with lust, her fingers clutching the hem of her shirt. He watched with sweaty palms as she stripped out of each piece of clothing. Baring all that alabaster skin to his greedy gaze.

  “I know you hate when I give you compliments, but I can’t help myself. You are so beautiful.”

  She gave him a sheepish smile.

  He shrugged his shoulder. “I know you’re not the type to care about that stuff either.”

  Laying her hand on his face, she leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss on his lips. “I only care if you think I’m beautiful.” She climbed in next to him, pressing herself against his body.

  He captured her lips, deepening the kiss. Testing her limits as he skimmed his fingers over the deep curve of her waist. There was no resistance. No hesitation. She fell into his kiss with absolute trust.

  He tried to take it slow. He really tried. But keeping his hands from venturing to all her secret places...well that wasn’t happening. Because he wanted to know all of her body’s secrets. He wanted to know that kissing her ear made her sigh, stroking her back made her arch into him, suckling her breasts made her pull him closer. It was knowledge he didn’t just want, he needed. Pleasing his mate was priority number one.

  “Gods, what are you doing to me?” she moaned as he ran his palm down her the center of her abdomen, circling her belly button and smiling at her.

  “I’m loving you like you asked,” he whispered into her ear, stroking it with his tongue.

  “But now I feel, I don’t even have a word for it!”

  His lips curved into a knowing smile. “I think I know what you need.”


  He slipped his hand lower, keeping a watchful eye on her face. “You can tell me to stop at any time. Remember that. Okay?”

  Her hooded eyes widened, but she nodded.

  His fingertip slid over the little bud where he knew she required his attention. She sucked in a breath at the gentle touch. When he repeated the motion, her eyes fluttered. Again and again, he stroked her, watching her, amazed by how easily she succumbed to his touch. When she finally surrendered, shuddering as her body pulsed against his palm, instinct had him pushing her into the mattress, hovering over her, his shaft pressing against her, seeking her warmth.

  His hand slid beneath her head, positioning it so he could look into her eyes as they became one. But she refused to look at him now.


  Even though her body still shook with pleasure, cold dread coursed through her the moment she felt his maleness pressing against her. She knew she was safe here. With Torin. Her mate. The man who loved her despite her contamination. She even knew he wouldn’t hurt her, especially after the fireworks he’d just set off within her. But knowing all this didn’t stop her body from freezing up. The love he’d just shown her had been a revelation to her, an experience she’d never thought to have, let alone enjoy. But there was no getting around the fact that he would still be shoving that thing inside her. Same as all the others.

  And then the weight of his body lifted from her as he rolled to one side. The next moment she found herself scooped into his lap, his arms pulling her into an embrace.

  “What are you doing?” This isn’t what was supposed to come next. In fact, this (whatever this was) never came next.

  He stroked her back as he gazed into her eyes. “I could tell something was wrong.”

  Her mouth fell open. “So you just...stopped? Just like that?”

  He pressed his forehead against hers. “I told you I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.”

  “But...I do want you to.”

  He eyed her suspiciously. “Are you sure? You couldn’t even look at me.”

  She gulped. Because he was right. “I’m sorry.”

  He cupped her face and gave her an intense look. “Gods, stop apologizing. You have nothing to be sorry about.”

  She cursed the tears that strayed from her eyes, sliding down her cheek. “I’m ruining this. I just wanted to feel...feel real love. And I can’t even do that right.” Gods, he deserved so much more than her.

  “There is no right way.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Well, this isn’t the right way. I know that much.”

  His lips curved in a little smirk. “We just have to find our way.”

  “What if I can’t?”

  “Then I’m gonna have a hell of a good time finding more ways to pleasure you.”


  “Gorgeous, I plan on watching you come for a very, very long time.” He winked at her before he gently removed her from his lap and set her on the mattress. “In fact, let me start the fire I completely forgot about, and I’ll show you.”

  And, good gods, did he ever show her. By the time he was through with her, her body was limp, exhaustion swiftly setting in. She fell asleep as soon as she felt Torin slide up her body, tucking her gently into his side.

  She awoke hours later to the woodsy scent of her mate bringing her body back to life. Warm tingles coursed through her as she peeled her eyes open. She smiled as she spotted Torin’s handsome face beside her. Drawn to the scent of him, wanting to feel the roughness of his stubbled chin, she leaned in, running her lips along his skin. It only took a few well-pleased kisses and he finally stirred.

  He groaned, stretching his head to the side as she nuzzled the crook of his neck. “Someone woke up in a good mood,” he murmured, wrapping his arms around her to tug her flush against him.

  Nodding against his skin, she smiled. “Someone gave me a very good reason to.”

  His chest rumbled with a chortle before he pulled her up to take possession of her mouth.

  Crash! The sound sent Autumn flying away from Torin. A tad too far as she swiftly landed on the floor scrambling to cover herself as she realized she was still naked.

  “Tor.” Alaric’s familiar voice broke through the quiet morning air. “Shit, sorry,” he mumbled as he threw his arm over his face.

  “Learn to knock!” Torin snapped as he threw the comforter over her shaking body on the floor. He climbed down, kneeling next to her, naked and shameless. He glared over at Alaric, who snapped his head away and stared at the far wall.

  “Marcus and Devon just reported in. Blackmoon has just crossed into our territory. They’ll be here within the hour.”

  Torin cursed. “Gather the others. I’ll meet you outside in five.”

  Alaric nodded and dashed from the room.

  Torin looked into Autumn’s wide eyes, a sense of sadness coming over him. His fingers grazed along her cheek. “I need to tell you something. And, this time, you may not like it.”

  Her already-frightful gaze widened further, but as much as he didn’t want to tell her, she needed an explanation.

  “You must stay hidden while I deal with Blackmoon. It is still
day, so Nessie and Charlie will be forced to stay hidden as well. I will take you to them. Mum and Kay will be with you.”


  “Because until you bear the mark of a true mate, Blackmoon has right to take you from me.”

  “What mark?”

  “It is a sort of tribal design that appears along a mate’s skin once the bonding ritual is completed.”

  “I haven’t seen these marks on any of the women…”

  “The marks are only visible to the opposite sex. It’s the human equivalent of the old wedding bands. The gods decided ours would be permanent. They only disappear if one’s mate dies.”

  “And how do I get, umm, marked exactly?”

  He hesitated a moment. “The bonding ritual must be performed.”

  She nodded, taking a step toward him. “Well, hurry up and do it, then.”

  “You would be bound to me forever.”


  “Are you sure that’s what you want? To be bound to...a man...forever?”

  She gazed up at him, studying his face, a deep frown coming to her lips. “Are you sure this is what you want? I’m not exactly easy mate material. You could do loads better.”

  He took her little hands inside his own, kissing her fingers. “I have never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  Her frown flipped into a shy smile. Much better. “Well, then, what are you waiting for?”

  He closed his eyes, pulling her into a tight embrace. “The ritual requires the joining of bodies,’re not ready for that.” He cupped her face, sliding his thumbs over her lips as she tried to argue with him. “If and when you are, I will mark you quicker than you can say ‘I love you.’” He paused a moment, running his lips across hers. “Well, maybe not that quickly.”

  He gave her a peck on her nose. “But for now, I need you safely tucked away with the rest of our family.”


  “That’s what being mates means. They’re your family too now.”

  She threw her arms around him, giving a tight squeeze before dashing into her clothes.


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