Murder Most Studious

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Murder Most Studious Page 16

by L. M. Thornburg

  “She was going to kidnap Julie?” Cat asks, horrified.

  “Yes. I told the police so they’re aware of it. I’m sure they’re taking all precautions to keep her safe,” I say.

  “I’m sure her parents are terrified. I certainly would be. She sounds like she’s become utterly unhinged,” Freya says.

  “I hope they find her soon. Otherwise I might not let you go back to Edinburgh,” I say to Malcolm, squeezing his hand.

  “There are worse things,” he says, smiling at me. Then he helps himself to seconds. “Especially if Freya invites us over regularly.”

  “I like this chap,” Freya says, laughing.

  * * * * *

  After our indulgent lunch, Malcolm and I go for a long walk around campus, but not into the woods. It’s good for me to get outside, but I spend most of the walk looking behind me or worrying that someone’s watching us.

  I’m relieved when we get back to my apartment where I can lock the door. We go to my bedroom, where after Malcolm’s attentions, I’m relaxed enough to fall asleep.

  My phone rings, waking me. I take a second to wake up, but when I realize it’s the police calling, I’m immediately alert. I listen with more and more relief as Inspector Jeffers lets me know the police found Ms. Bowerton at an old cottage that she inherited from her parents. It was across the border in the Scottish Highlands. She’s been taken into custody and has confessed to everything.

  I hang up with Inspector Jeffers and tell Malcolm the news.

  “I feel so much better knowing she’s not out there somewhere waiting for me,” I say.

  “Me too. She sounds absolutely unstable,” Malcolm says.

  “Yes, but I honestly feel sorry for her and can even understand why she did it. She was just trying to protect her child. If she hadn’t also killed Frank, I might say she did the world a favor. Brigg was the worst kind of scum.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re safe and we can get on with things,” Malcolm says, pulling me close.

  “Speaking of getting on with things, how would you feel about going with me to the US to visit my family for Christmas?” I ask. We haven’t talked about how serious our relationship is, so maybe this is too much too soon. But he dropped everything to drive several hours last night just to make me feel better. That seems pretty serious to me.

  “I would love to,” Malcolm says. “As long as we can be back in time for New Year’s so you can meet my family.”

  “That sounds perfect,” I say, loving the thought of getting to know each other’s families. And loving the thought of sharing some peace and quiet with Malcolm.

  L.M. Thornburg resides in the Pacific

  Northwest with her husband, four

  sons, two cats, and one dog. It is loud.




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