Protecting My Heart

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Protecting My Heart Page 10

by David Horne

  The hospital wasn’t a good place for chips and beer. It was a place to sit on your butt and watch cheesy daytime television while he tortured himself with itchy sheets and a gown that let his ass hang out every time he had to get out of the bed.

  Tristan led the way to his car. It was much nicer than Zeke’s old truck, and probably a lot more comfortable. He eased himself into the passenger seat.

  “I’m just going to assume that you’re driving this time,” Zeke said in a silly sounding voice.

  “It’s my car. Of course I’m driving.” Tristan laughed.

  “Yeah, yeah. The big guy has to drive.”

  “Are you calling me fat?” Tristan asked, raising his right eyebrow.

  “Nope, just the top dog.”

  “You must be used to being the big guy in the room. Does it sting?”

  “That’s some big talk,” Zeke said.

  “Only because you don’t have your gun on you right now.”

  Zeke grinned. “I could have a backup weapon.”

  “Not at the hospital. Your partner came and picked it up.”

  “That I can believe.”

  “Can you blame her? The hospital was trying to figure out where to store a cop’s personal weapon. It was complicated. And we need to talk about your gun safe.”

  “You mean the one that’s not locked?”


  “You’ve been lecturing me on that all week.”

  “You would lecture me about it.”

  “Except I had that closet set up for you to hide in if you needed to. I just didn’t want to panic you by letting you think I was that worried.”

  “Were you that worried?”

  “I was, yeah.” Zeke nodded.

  Before Zeke knew it, they had arrived at Zeke’s place. It didn’t take them long to get to the house. Tristan got out of the car and helped Zeke out of the passenger seat. Then Tristan grabbed Zeke’s bag and walked him to the front door.

  Zeke unlocked the door and flopped down on the couch while Tristan carried everything in.

  Tristan then put down Zeke’s bag on the floor and felt around the wall by the door.

  “Where’s the light switch?” Tristan asked.

  “Haven’t you been in and out of here all week?” Zeke said.

  “Yeah,” Tristan answered.

  “Then you should be able to find it.”

  “Fine,” Tristan teased and flipped on the light.

  The entire room erupted in sound. “Surprise!”

  About a dozen people were there and Zeke nearly fell off the couch. “What the hell?”

  “They’re all here to welcome you home,” Tristan laughed.

  “A surprise party? Whose idea was this?”

  A woman walked up from the back. It was his partner. “That would be me. And you better be nice. Tristan baked all of these goodies himself. He even made fresh donuts in about a thousand different flavors and a cake for you.”

  “There are seven flavors,” Tristan corrected her, “And only a dozen of each.”

  “That’s a lot of donuts.” Zeke could barely believe it.

  “It’s not that many. These are the test donuts that we’ve been working on the past few days. The ones that my staff didn’t want to take home with them.”

  “How many donuts did you all make?”

  “Are you even going to ask about that cake?” Tristan put his hands on his hips.

  “I like him, he doesn’t take your crap,” Jennie butted in.

  Zeke rolled his eyes. “You don’t take my crap either.”

  “That’s a good thing with your ego,” she retorted.

  “I just got out of the hospital. Are you going to gang up on me now?”

  “That’s what partners are for.”

  Tristan laughed loudly. “I love hearing you two spar like that.”

  “You spar just as much with him.” She raised her glass. “Now I’m going to leave you two alone and go get myself some of those amazing donuts.”

  “They should be amazing. I made them with love. Do you want some Zeke?”

  “Mm. What else is there?”

  “We ordered pizza.”

  “No one else is going to cook for me, I see?”

  “I’m a baker, not a cook.” Tristan sat down next to Zeke on the couch. Zeke pulled himself close to Tristan, feeling like he belonged in close contact with the other man.

  “How long is this party supposed to last?”

  “Not long. They all figured that you needed some rest.”

  Just as Tristan was talking, all the people started to filter out. It had all been arranged that people were bringing in Tupperware so that they could pick up food and let the healing man rest if he looked like he was tired Tristan slowly explained. Zeke’s only thought was that he must have looked worse off than he felt.

  Not that he was complaining. Soon Tristan and he were alone, enjoying the evening in front of the television with Zeke’s head resting on Tristan’s shoulder.

  “Usually this is the other way around, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, but you’ll never hear me complain about that.”

  “You don’t complain about anything.”

  “Not when it means being close to you.”

  Zeke smiled widely, turning his face to meet Tristan’s. “I really like that. I was hoping that we could be a lot closer.”

  “Yeah? You aren’t worried it would end exactly the same way as before?” Zeke asked.

  “Not this time. This time I get it. I get that your job made it hard.”

  “I’ve probably been closer to you since this happened than I’ve ever been. It feels weird.”

  “Good weird or bad weird?”

  Zeke shook his head. “Good weird. Don’t you ever think any different.”

  Tristan leaned in and captured Zeke’s lips in another kiss, drawing him in so he could start to run his hands over Zeke’s body. He wanted more, to touch and feel everything that he could.

  “I’ll be gentle.” Tristan moaned into his lips.

  “You’ve been sleeping next to me. It’s been driving me absolutely crazy.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yeah,” Zeke groaned, “Help me with this shirt.”

  “Just let me do it. Last thing I want is all of this ruined because you over worked that arm and hurt it again.”

  “I’m not an invalid,” Zeke added in his defense.

  “I know you’re not.”

  Tristan carefully worked Zeke’s shirt up and over his arm, making sure not to jostle his shoulder too much. It took longer and wasn’t as sexy as it could have been, but Zeke didn’t have a care in the world. Instead, he sat back and let Tristan kiss all over his body, working his way down the hot flesh of his chest and to the waistband of his sweat pants.

  Zeke considered his underwear. They were clean. He knew that much. That was the thing his mother had warned him about. Zeke found his hands running through Tristan’s hair as he worked Zeke’s pants down.

  It took a few seconds, but the warm mouth enveloping Zeke’s manhood made Zeke throw his head back with a moan.

  Tristan was there, on his knees, working himself around the shaft with ease, his tongue working on Zeke’s body in ways that he couldn’t explain. Not that he wanted to take the time to. Right now, the sensations were just too good.

  He kept his hands running through Tristan’s hair and face as long as he could.

  “I want you right now,” Zeke groaned, begging for more.

  Tristan looked up and grinned. Then he slid his right hand beside the couch’s right cushion and pulled out lube and a condom.

  “You were prepared for everything I see,” Zeke said, laughing out loud.

  “You’re not getting away from me this time,” Tristan said.

  Tristan stripped out of his clothes giving Zeke a “show” before giving Zeke what he really craved.

  Tristan looked into Zeke’s eyes as he opened the condom’s package with his t
eeth. Then Tristan slowly slid the condom down Zeke’s hard shaft. Lubing his massive cock, made Zeke moan in anticipation

  Tristan practically climbed up Zeke’s body, straddling his lap while Zeke laid back on the couch so that he could reach all of Tristan’s body. They felt each other, touching and playing. Then two bodies became one.

  The rest of Zeke’s world disappeared. That was all that existed. All that could exist. Just Tristan. Tristan was there. Tristan was who he loved. Tristan was the body that he would sleep next to for a long time. Maybe even the rest of his life.

  “I love you,” Zeke said.

  “I love you too.”

  Zeke moaned as he heard Tristan reciprocate his feelings. His hand wrapped around Tristan’s shaft, working it at the same time he was pistoling inside Tristan. The bouncing was driving Zeke mad, and Tristan was only speeding up. He could feel every inch of his body, working his shaft up and down.

  They were touching each other when they both came, flooding each other at the same time. The experience leaving a mess on the couch.

  Tristan was panting heavily as their bodies pulled apart.

  “How are you feeling?”

  Zeke reached up to brush some hair back from Tristan’s face.

  “I’ve never been better.”

  “Even if you’re down to just one arm?”

  “Yeah. None of that matters. Are you going to stay the night?”

  “I figured I would.”

  “Would you like to stay more nights? I should have done this the first time. And maybe it’s too early this time.”

  “What are you getting at?”

  “That I made a mistake. I was scared and I ran away.” Zeke picked himself up on his good elbow. “And I don’t want to make that mistake again.”

  “You didn’t make any mistakes last time,” Tristan said.

  “Yeah, I did. I got scared. I should have asked you to move in. We were serious. I was feeling a lot more serious than I allowed to show.”


  “Yeah, really.”

  Tristan looked taken aback. “Is this really what you want?”

  “I’ve been thinking about it for ages. I want you to be happy. But I want you to be happy with me. I know you still have that little apartment. This place is a little nicer. You should move in here with me.”

  Tristan thought about it. “Yeah. Yeah, that’d be good.”

  Zeke pulled Tristan in with his good arm. He didn’t think he would ever find this. Someone who cared enough to be with him through everything. And he had found it before. But let it go. He wasn’t going to let that happen this time.

  He pictured the future for them. The wedding eventually. Maybe even a family of their own. There was so much to look forward to. And he couldn’t wait for it all to happen.

  “Hey,” Tristan spoke quietly.


  “Happy Thanksgiving.”

  “Is it really Thanksgiving?” Zeke asked, laughed lightly.

  “Yep. Probably the weirdest Thanksgiving ever, but it’s still a great day.”

  “That’s part of what the party was for, wasn’t it?”

  Tristan shrugged. “Maybe a little bit. But they’re mostly thankful that you came home and you’re doing all right.”

  Zeke looked the man next to him up and down. “That’s definitely something to be thankful for.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m thankful for. That and actually being here with you now. And a little bit for what we just did.”


  Tristan watched Zeke sleep. He had an idea. Something that he wanted to do. He wanted to love this man forever. The months since the shooting had found them in a solid sort of normal. A life the likes of which they never thought they would have. It was a fairy tale. They wanted each other. They had spent almost every day since then together.

  Zeke woke up, stretching.

  “Hey,” he mumbled through half open eyes. “Is there a reason you’re watching me sleep?”

  “Can’t I enjoy watching you?”

  Zeke chuckled lazily. “You can. I was just wondering why. What’s going on?”

  “I was just thinking. How long have we lived here now?”

  “About six months. You aren’t planning any of those half anniversaries, are you?”

  Tristan laughed loudly. “No, not at all. Who even does that?”

  “Those prissy couples who are way too happy.”

  “They always end up breaking up.” Tristan teased. “I don’t see that happening to us.”

  “What happened with all the doubts and fears. And I thought you hated my job?” Zeke poked Tristan in the ribs.

  Tristan smirked and leaned in to plant a soft kiss on the other man’s lips. “Sorry. But it’s looking like you’re stuck with me at the moment.”

  “Not seeing us breaking up any time soon?”

  “Nope. Why would I see that?” Tristan laughed and slowly climbed out of bed. He wanted to ask the question, but his nerves were shot. He was almost sure he knew what the answer was going to be, but he had to be sure.

  Zeke’s eyes narrowed. “What’s going on?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re acting all shifty.”

  Tristan shook his head. “What did I tell you about going all cop on me?”

  Zeke grinned. “That it drove you crazy that I could read you like a book.”

  “Exactly. So, stop it.”

  “You’re hiding something. I hope it’s something good.”

  “Really? You’re going to try to get romantic surprises out of me?” Tristan countered. “I’m not going to let you do that.”

  Zeke’s eyebrow raised. “Romantic surprises. Tell me more.”

  “Then it wouldn’t be a surprise.”

  “Should I turn on my old investigator skills?”

  “Those skills are not exactly old.”

  Zeke finally followed Tristan out of bed and wrapped his arms around Tristan’s waist from behind while he pulled on his pants. It melted Tristan’s heart.

  “They’re not. And they tell me that you’re nervous about something. Which makes me even more curious. This is what you get for living with a cop,” Zeke said, gently kissing on Tristan’s nape.

  Tristan laughed. “Having no secrets at all? I guess so.”

  “Not when they’re little romantic things.”

  “Yeah, I guess not,” Tristan grinned.

  Zeke paused for a second. “Big romantic things. This is a big thing.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “You’re still hiding something from me. It’s not anything bad, but I can’t help but be curious about it. What exactly don’t you want me to know? Why can’t I know about this whole big romantic thing? What’s going on?”

  “You aren’t going to get it out of me that easily,” Tristan tsked.


  “Really, now get dressed. We have plans for lunch.”

  “We’ve got time before lunch.” Zeke laughed.

  “Not so much. We slept until ten and we’re supposed to be there at noon.”

  “How long is the drive?”

  “Not telling you that, but we’ll leave as soon as you’re ready to go.”

  Zeke pouted a bit as he pulled some clean clothes out of the drawer, throwing them on.

  “You’re lucky we took that amazing shower last night.”

  Tristan laughed. “That was all your idea.”

  “Which makes me wonder. Why didn’t I notice that you were planning this last night?”

  “You were thinking with another part of your body.”

  “Is that so?” Zeke said.

  “Yeah. Now get dressed.” Tristan laughed as he finished up and started to put his wallet in his pocket.

  “You’re in a hurry.”

  “I’m a little eager.”

  “This must be something amazing for you to be so excited.”

  “Stop asking me questions a
nd meet me at the car.” He warned Zeke.

  There was too much risk if he kept talking to him about it. He would tell Zeke everything that he had planned and then there would be no surprise. And this was one of those things that was vital to pull off correctly. He had to stop this conversation.

  Tristan’s heart was beating like a drum as he made his way to the car. Zeke wouldn’t be long. The man never took long getting ready. He sat behind the wheel and reached into his pocket. The box was still there. This was going to happen. Today. He was going to do it. After months of recovery and physical therapy Zeke would be going back to work very soon. It was time to get this over with.

  He couldn’t deny the fact that there was some fear that he would never have the chance to ask the question if he didn’t do it now.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  He hadn’t even noticed that Zeke had climbed into the passenger side of the vehicle. He jumped. “Ah!”

  Zeke laughed. “Completely distracted.”

  “Sorry.” Tristan reached for the keys that he had thrown onto the passenger seat, managing to snag them before Zeke sat down.

  “Now, where are we going?”

  “To the bakery.”

  “The bakery?”

  “Yeah.” Tristan nodded. “Don’t worry, it’ll be fun.”

  “Did you plan a party?”

  Tristan laughed. “Maybe a little bit of one. You’re going back to work, remember. Just a few people coming to wish you well.”

  Zeke nodded. “That sounds like fun, actually. How early are we?”

  “Not that early, actually. We have to stop and take care of some stuff on the way.”

  “What stuff?”

  “I ordered some food that I have to pick up.”

  “Getting all fancy with the food, are you now?”

  “I even made a cake yesterday.”

  “You’re going to spoil me with all those cakes you make.”

  Tristan grinned. “Good. After what you’ve been through, you deserve to be spoiled a little bit.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yeah, absolutely.”

  “Where would I be if you weren’t around to spoil me on a daily basis?” Zeke teased him as the car pulled out of the driveway.

  “Why don’t you take it a little easy on the compliments. You have to save your ability to be nice for my parents and your partner.”


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