"This way."
I follow trying not to trip as I look left, right, up, and down. The tapestries from different clans or different species around the world are so intriguing I am guessing I will spend a lot of time studying them. Likely when I should be doing other things…can anyone say class fail?
"This is the Vampire dorms. Stay close not everyone likes humans or the new rules you helped pass."
Why does the older generation understand the need for new rules, but the young one does not? Shouldn’t they be more with the times? Although living basically forever and seeing the world change around you might give you a type of wisdom the young can’t possibly possess. Yeah wisdom, I am going with that.
After dropping Al’s bags off he escorts me to my room. I pray that my witchy roommate is not offended by me and my quirk. I also hope that next year there are enough freak humans so I am not alone.
I am not sure how I feel about being described as a freak, but I get it. I am a kind of circus sideshow. Not normal, but not magical either. I had lightened the mood by jokingly saying I am the next stage of evolution…Fergus gave me a three-million-word lecture on how and why it is likely true, but why I shouldn’t say it out loud. Overkill much?
"Al we so have to find a time to go through the tapestries. Look at this needlework!"
"Made by hearth witches over time. They have impeccable cooking, cleaning, sewing, and all things considered domestic chores. Many now days take care of large households for nobility and whatnot."
"That is so righteous. Can we have one back home? I would love if someone else cleaned my room for me."
Al laughs and shakes his head. Party pooper. He could at least let me dream for more than half a second.
"This is your room number isn't it?"
I check my papers and nod. He opens the door and we walk in finding that I do have a roommate; it can’t be Heather because it is…. well vast consumerism comes to mind.
Shiny…bright, sparkly. Fuzzy pink and purple. Wow. It is…overwhelming. Luckily the roommate is not in the room so she misses my flinch and bleck.
"You roommate is going to be high maintenance."
"Agreed…. think it's too late to drop out?"
"You can't, it was your idea to take our high school experiment and make it a worldwide thing. You do realize the mixed community we live in is the only one in the world."
I sigh. Damn. Well hopefully we can find something in common.
"Need help unpacking?"
He drops my duffle on the empty bed next to my backpack. "No, I'm just going to unpack and sort. Come grab me for dinner?"
He nods and leaves. Everything is clean so unpacking is easy. We only have our clothes and school books. The parentals are bringing the rest this weekend when parents can come and see their kids, drop off anything they need and or have forgotten. Fiona already has a hotel room nearby booked and a U-Haul rented. I hope my roommate likes clutter. Fiona would bring everything including my cottage if she was allowed. Worrywart mother.
I finish hanging or folding my clothing and sit on my bed looking at the other side of the room. I will have some herbs on my windowsill. Books on my shelves. A throw blanket on my desk chair. Pictures of friends and family.
She has a crystal vase with silk flowers in them. Stands with jewelry on them. I hang out with Selene enough to recognize real diamonds and emeralds when I see them. The only books I see are books for classes and a couple of grimoires. I know my roommate is a witch, but it looks like she is the Kennedy of witches. How many carats are those earrings?
I pull my eyes away. I am almost sure that Rembrandt on the wall is a fake…I hope. That or I am rooming with the richest witch in the freaking world. Who has mother of pearl picture frames? Man, oh man. I won’t be surprised to see a bag of money just lying around to tempt us poor folk…poor being a relative term, but I have a feeling that here even our middle-class family will seem poor as hell.
I lean back and look at the painted ceiling. It is a bright sunny sky. Blue and clear of clouds. It has a relaxing lying in a field type of feel. It looks so realistic. Magic paint perhaps?
The door slams open and in walks three girls giggling and talking. I instantly know which is my roommate, not because I looked closely at the pictures…. truth be told I hadn't looked past the frames themselves. No what tells me is the way they act. The one in the middle and slightly in front looks like a queen who is lowering herself to grace the presence of her people. Like she is gifting them the chance to see her and for that they must worship her. And that’s what the other two are doing. Gushing. My roommate has to be entitled to afford the things she brought to school.
She stops and looks me over as I sit up. I look her over too. Golden blonde hair, eyes like sapphires, taller than me by at least four inches, and thin. Willowy and elegant. Her features are sharp, even sharper than Selene's. Well Selene is a bit softer because she is a succubus built for seduction. This one is built to intimidate.
"Hey, I'm Amber your roommate."
The others go on about it being so unfair you can’t pick a roommate yourself. Well they have no right to complain. I would have picked my witchy friend Heather. I don’t want to be stuck with the bimbo party.
"Amber is such a simple gem. As simple looking as you in fact. I don’t like you and I don’t want to be near you so keep your stuff off my side of the room and don't tell people you know me."
I want to roll my eyes and laugh. Like I want to be associated with someone so stuck up they can’t get their nose out of the air. I am not a model by any means, but I don’t exactly look like I fell off the ugly tree hitting every branch on the way down.
"Trust me, I don’t want to be known as someone that associates with people like you." I smile my sweetest smile, grab the one pleasure book I brought, and lay down to read ignoring all the placating and ass kissing the others do to the princess here.
Well this semester will be fun.
Chapter 3
I hear the others gushing over Gwen, which apparently is my roommates name, before I grab my headphones to put on. I can't take the squealing shrill voices of entitlement anymore. Even if I am a peasant, I am one with pride…and more importantly eardrums.
I barely hear the knock on the door an hour or so later. Gwen sends a lackey to open it so I stay where I am lying on my bed reading. When Gwen practically leaps off the bed, I get curious. I look over and see Al. Oh. Well there is my dinner companion. I will have to beg him to beat the hell out of the princess so I can get a new roomie.
I close my book and remove my headphones and heard the conversation. I almost laugh. Gwen thinks Al is here to see her. They are both royalty, if my guess about her is accurate, so they must know one another a little. At least in passing.
"Al you didn’t forget to pick me up for lunch."
I figure that will shock the princess and honestly it is fun. I walk over elbowing the blushing beauties out of the way and hugged Al. Shocked murmurs fill the room. He one arm hugs me back and choses to skip over the PDA he dislikes just grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door in a hurry.
"I promised I would."
I hug his arm keeping our hands linked. "And you've never broken a promise yet. Such an honorable guy."
We are about to walk off when Gwen opens her mouth. The look of pure hatred tells me this won’t end well.
"Al? Who do you think you are to address him this way? I…"
"Can shut the hell up. Do not call or refer to me as Al. Amber alone is allowed."
Yup there it is. The protective streak of the big brother…the big muscular brother. Something in his face or tone must frighten her because she steps back and the others flinch.
"Come on Al I don’t want to miss all the good fresh food." I tug his arm and he walks away from the room with me.
Internally I sigh in relief. If I do it out loud, he will ask and I don’t want to answer because he really will beat her and get expelled. I can deal with girls hating
me because of my closeness with Alastair, but I can’t do it without him here.
"So, I guess you and Gwen know one another."
"Guinevere. Yes, we do. I avoid her when possible."
"Is that her real name?"
Al nods. Great, so some Arthurian princess whom Al hates is my roommate…. oh yeah, this is going to be soooo much fun.
"No wonder she acts like a diva."
"She is witch royalty. Descended from the first Guinevere. The name is passed on to witches that are born as powerful as she was."
Well that is heavy. And explains so damn much about the attitude. If she has spent her whole life hearing that story it is no wonder, she thinks her shit doesn’t stink.
"Can't they give her, her own room and let me bunk with Heather?"
I don’t bother asking for elaboration. I won’t get anything more than a suck it up speech.
"Hey promise me you won't stop visiting me because she's there."
He squeezes my hand a bit, his frown giving way to a smile.
"Of course not."
We are in sight of others, but Al shows no intention of letting go of my hand. I am guessing Fiona asked him to make sure I am safe and publicly declaring his 'claim,' so to speak, will ensure that. Really, they worry too much.
"Maybe I will just come hang at your place so I can avoid her."
He laughs and we enter the food line. He may be unaware of the stares following us, but I ‘m not. Can the day get any more exciting?
Lunch for me consists of a grilled chicken sandwich with lettuce, tomato, and a sesame seed bun. It also comes with an orange and milk. When I ask about the kindergarten version of food the human lunch lady says all meals are based around keeping the human students as healthy as possible.
I look over to the Vampire only line that gives out a sample of blood. If that is their idea of dessert, I am so fine skipping. Yay for having only one line to stand in. I sit at an empty table and Al joins me after getting a blood pack.
"It's cool they provide that…but where…"
"It's donated in exchange for money by those that know about us. Helps people in financial need and us with food. There are very strict rules in place about how many times you can donate and such so no one is hurt."
My face must give my thoughts away. Then again, he is not looking so he might just know my soft side will feel bad for the donors.
Heather sits down next to me and Selene drops next to Al. He says nothing just drinks the blood before getting to the food.
"Amber I heard you are rooming with prima donna bitch Gwen."
I’ve never heard Heather talk like that so it is obvious Gwen is hardcore.
"Is she really that bad?"
Both Al and Heather say yes at the same time. Well that is just great. Heather winks at Al and laughs.
"Alastair will need to hide. I heard her parents put in a bid for his hand in marriage at her request. What their princess wants she gets. Except this time, it was denied…emphatically from what I heard."
I look to Al. Okay where had that info been hiding? "Seriously?"
He sighs and puts down his sandwich without getting a bite of it.
Selene swallows her bite whole and laughs.
"I heard about that! It went through the whole supernatural community! He turned her down flat at a ball she threw to celebrate their engagement because she was sure he would say yes!"
Selene is the opposite of subtle…. or quiet.
"Selene shush, what if someone hears you!"
"Oh honey, everyone already knows. The second they sit in the same lunch room the gossip will hit nuclear levels."
Alastair chooses to silently eat. I give him a look and he shrugs nonchalantly.
"Okay first of all I need info like this to survive…"
I slap my forehead on the table and look up at Al sighing.
"Because that girl be crazy and she is going to give me crap for being close to you. If I know the extent her of anger I can prepare. Oh God, you held my hand in front of her. If I had known this beforehand, I wouldn’t have hugged you in front of her."
"We hug all the time, who cares?"
Al doesn’t understand girls. Heather rubs her hands together evilly and giggles. I'm glad she finds this so damn amusing.
Selene nudges her elbow into Al winking when he looks at her wondering what the hell she is doing.
"Smart dude. Stake your claim now. Otherwise these supernatural freaks will eat her alive. I know Amber is far too kind to be here and live…I mean even the high school was a disaster until she took up with you. Hey, maybe you should stand on the roof and make a declaration. That will keep them away huh?"
She laughs and he growls at her and returns to eating. Selene has a way of annoying Al just by existing. The fact that she purposely pokes and prods doesn’t help. She finds him an interesting challenge. His royal blood means he is too powerful for her to enchant and she is not used to something like that. Normally, no one is beyond her enchantment. She likes the challenge…. he, on the other hand, gets annoyed but refrains from beating her to a bloody pulp because she is my friend. That makes her far braver than is healthy for her, especially if anything ever happens to me.
"Selene, he is protecting his little sister leave him alone."
"Oh please. Little sister my ass. They are so not sister and brother. More like lovers in training. They are both just too dense to know how to do it."
I let my head hit the table again. Forget food. Earth just swallow me whole please. Al long ago heard their arguments about this, but he never flinches, blushes, or responds. I, however, still turn fifty shades of red. I don’t want others to hear this argument…. I don’t want to hear it either, but if they insist on doing it can’t they keep it to my bedroom back home?
"Selene, Heather, drop it. Now is not the time and Amber needs to eat."
They respond to the power he puts in the simple quiet statement and stuff their faces with food. A few minutes later I am not as red and can finally look up and eat. Please, please, let the rest of the day be less intense.
The rest of our first day seems like it will be a breeze. We have safety and emergency response classes. These are split by group and this time I am with the humans. Our response to injury is very different than say, a Vamp. A Vampire has to get to a cage so they don’t dig into the nearest human around. A human has to get to a doctor so they don’t bleed out…like I said, very different.
I luckily know most of the things they are teaching, all I have to do is memorize where human emergency buildings and rooms are located on campus. Fiona had me certified for all kinds of first aid, for others and myself, when she adopted me. She wanted me prepared and my wanting to become a doctor to supernaturals means I have to know these things. I took human and supernatural self-defense and first aid.
"Those of you that are already certified will be given an arm band to wear. If someone comes to you needing help you will be excused for any lateness in classes to help stabilize them. The arm band will vary in color depending on how thoroughly you are trained. Have your parents bring any papers to prove you are certified when they visit this weekend. We will provide a class if you wish to become certified."
I pull out my cell, which is on silent mode, and text Fiona asking her to bring my certification papers. She agrees and I look back up to see the teacher glaring at me. I smile and pretend I don’t have a phone in my pocket. I hadn't held it in sight. Does he have cell phone detecting brain waves or something?
"Now let's move on to the campus tour."
"Finally, something useful." I put my notebook back into my bag and stand. Not a single note. College better not be this easy.
"I didn’t learn anything either."
I look to the person standing next to me smiling. She winks at me and walks off. Well I hadn't meant to say that out loud, but at least someone got it. Huzzah for solidarity. I follow her to the group gathering at t
he door.
"Hey, I'm Amber."
"Ahh the human with the quirk. You live with Vamps, right? Have you been fed off of?"
"That’s illegal..."
"That’s not an answer."
I like her. She is quick with the quips. Not that Selene is not fantastic with that, but it will be nice if she has someone able to take her on in that department.
"No. They always keep blood in the fridge. The only time I can really tell they are Vampires is when I watched them train."
"A nice normal Vampire family. How quaint."
"How about you?"
"I'm Shayla. My mom is a Vampire pet. I am being raised to take her place. Well, I was. With these new rules I can do other stuff as well. Is it true you were the one to make these new rules?"
"I gave a presentation to the council or all councils I should say. They decided things after that."
"That’s brave. I would have offered my neck and backed away slowly. I've seen angry Vampires and that’s bad enough…. all the races, oh hell no."
While Shayla talks, I remember the pain of Alastair's bite when he lost himself. I stop myself from rubbing my neck. There is no scar to prove it happened so we pretended that, and what came after with the licking, never happened. No one else can know or he will be punished. It is my fault it happened…. well, my garden's fault. Still he will be punished. He doesn’t deserve that.
"You okay you look red?"
"I'm not great with large groups. Reminds me to much of being hunted by werewolves." That is not a complete lie. I had been hunted by them at school. Until Al had staked a claim and fought them off so I could be in peace.
"How did you survive?"
I smile and shrug. "A Vampire took care of it for me. He made sure they would never bother me again."
Her face is full of shock and delight. Others around us are listening and turning to watch us too. I hate all these people looking at me, but it is true. Al saved me…in so many ways.
Rooming With the Supernatural Page 2