A Flawed Scotsman

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A Flawed Scotsman Page 7

by McQueen, Hildie


  Tired of rolling from one side to the other, Esme sat up in bed. It was dark, much too late not to be sleeping. Her mind kept returning to Catriona’s comments. Was she, indeed, to marry a stranger? What did she know about Ruari other than speaking to him but a few times?

  Her chest tightened. There was so much at stake and she had little choice. There were others making sacrifices much greater than her. Even Ruari, who was leaving his home to come and live there.

  What of the fifty men coming to Fraser lands? They were leaving all they knew. Families would be displaced. All because of one overbearing and cruel man.

  In that moment, she hated the Mackenzie and hoped to never have to see his face again.

  Sliding to the edge of the bed, she sat with her legs hanging over the edge and allowed her mind to wander. What would it be like to marry Ruari Ross? Although he seemed like an even-tempered and fair man, only time would tell.

  His chamber was only two doors down. A thought came to her and, before she could ponder overmuch, Esme crept to the door and out into the corridor.

  The guard sat on the floor, wrapped in a tartan. He started and looked up at her. Esme put a finger to her lips. Then she whispered, “I am going just two doors down.”

  Although he frowned, he didn’t speak, but got to his feet.

  A bit mortified at the man following her, she would rather that than be killed in her sleep. “I will not be but a moment,” she whispered to the guard who didn’t reply but, instead, put his back to the wall and stared straight ahead.

  She pushed the door open and peered in.

  Moonlight shined in through the window, landing on Ruari who slept soundly. With one arm up over his head and under the pillow, the other was across his midsection. She gazed at him from the doorway, unable to keep from scanning his unclothed chest.

  He was formidable. Even while asleep, he exuded raw masculinity.

  Emboldened by his light snore, she walked in, pushed the door to almost closed and took several steps closer to the bed. As crazy as it was to be in his bedchamber, she could not turn away.

  Slowly, she reached to touch his shoulder. Quick as lightning, Esme was yanked forward and flipped flat onto her back. Ruari’s body crushed hers and he held a dagger at her throat.

  A whimper escaped despite her inability to breathe. Surprisingly, she was not in a lot of pain, but he was much too heavy, and her breathing was constricted by his weight on her chest.

  He blinked several times before rolling off of her but kept the dagger at her throat.

  “What the hell are ye doing here?”

  Esme swallowed while he groaned and moved the dagger away. “I w-wanted to talk.”

  Before she could see anything, he pulled the bedding up to his waist. The look he gave her was a mixture of disbelief and curiosity. “Now?”

  She remained silent as he shoved the dagger back under the pillow and yawned loudly.

  When he gave her a questioning look, Esme shrugged. “I suppose it could have waited until morning. But, ye see, I cannot sleep and I thought it would be a perfect time to speak without interruptions.” She gave him what was, hopefully, a friendly smile.

  Ruari shook his head and raked his right hand through tussled hair. “I suppose ye are right. What do ye wish to speak about?”

  Caught by surprise at his patience, she scrambled to sit and lean back on the headboard. Her injuries smarted, and she grimaced at the reminder that much healing still had to happen.

  “First of all, what do ye expect from me once we are married? Am I to submit to yer every whim?”

  “Whim?” He remained on his back, but now both arms were under his head. She couldn’t help but wonder if he was completely nude.

  “Aye. Husbands can make a woman’s life miserable.”

  “Esme,” he started and stopped. “What is really bothering ye?”

  She sighed. “I do not know ye. We are to marry and spend our lives together. What if ye do not care for me?” She hesitated. “I know it is not a high price to pay, not compared to keeping my clan safe.”

  He rolled to his side, the bedding slipping from his waist to his unclothed hip. The man’s body was distracting her from why she was there. Esme curled the hand closest to him to keep from reaching out to touch him.

  Chapter Eight

  Ruari wasn’t sure why the beauty was truly there, in his bed, but he thanked the gods for it. If they were to be married, he preferred a woman who was bold and confronted situations.

  The lovely woman had more freedom than he did at the moment being that he was totally naked. Upon further consideration, perhaps he was not at a disadvantage upon noting the way Esme’s gaze kept moving over his body when she thought he didn’t notice.

  After allowing the bedding to slip precariously low, he met her gaze. “I would not ask ye to do anything that ye would find distasteful. I look to my uncle, Robert, for the way he treated his wife. Always with respect and mindful of the position he placed her in. Although as yer husband, I would have final authority over ye, I do believe ye should have a say in matters that are important to the marriage.”

  For a long moment, she studied him as if assessing the truth of his words. “What if I defied ye?”

  “I would hope ye would not without a strong reason. Do not mistake my being fair to mean I would allow ye to walk over me.”

  Esme looked to the doorway. The door had swung almost closed and he wondered what she would do next. “Do ye think ye and I will be compatible?” When she turned back to him, her gaze roamed down from his chest. “I-I do not know much when it comes to what occurs between a man and a woman. My maid tells me sometimes couples are not compatible in bedsport.”

  His cock stirred at her perusal and he fought not to slip a hand under the bedding. “There is only one way to find out.” Ruari allowed his gaze to touch on her lips before traveling down to her breasts. The flimsy chemise did a poor job of hiding the firm mounds beneath.

  Esme inhaled sharply. “Will ye kiss me?”

  It was a mistake. There was nothing to stop them from taking it too far. It had been an entire season since he’d last laid with a woman so, at the moment, he was not strong enough to keep from taking her fully.

  “Aye, I will.” Ruari reached for her, sliding a hand around her neck and pulling her down to him. Upon their lips touching, his entire body came to life, but he refrained from drawing Esme against him.

  At first, she did nothing. But soon, Esme responded to his kiss. Ruari deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue past her lips and she reacted by opening for him. When her hands slid from his shoulders to embrace him, he fortified himself. However, moments later, at the feel of her plush breasts against his chest, he could not stop from wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close.

  Being she was injured, Ruari was gentle when he rolled her over him and then ran his hands down her body. Esme had the most delightful figure; a small waist, wide hips and long legs. While their tongues twisted around the other, each of them took turns suckling.

  She was passionate. Possibly, it was that he knew it would be best not to take things too far, but the tryst was proving to be the most enjoyment he’d ever had with a woman.

  “Teach me what to do,” Esme said breathlessly into his hear. “I feel as if my center is aflame.”

  He was harder than a rock and considered if he should show her how to pleasure him.

  “Lay on yer side,” he instructed, careful to turn to his. She complied and did not move away from him, but lay closely, her hand on his waist. Like her, he did not want to stop touching.

  With slow and deliberate movements, he pushed the strap of her camisole off her shoulder and exposed her breasts. “Close yer eyes and allow yerself to feel.”

  He took the tip of her left breast into his mouth and drew on it, enjoying the taste of her skin.

  “Oh,” she responded and arched her back, pushing the breast against his mouth. Ruari could barely keep
from rolling over her and taking her then and there. Instead, he continued sucking at the tender tip, enjoying the sounds she made.

  He lifted up and once again took her mouth while guiding her hand to his throbbing cock. Esme instinctively knew to wrap her fingers around it. He wrapped his own over hers and guided her to slide it up and down his shaft.

  The feeling was like no other and he groaned at the pleasure of it.

  “That’s it,” he gritted out, taking breaths as a climax threatened to hit.

  When Esme took control, her hand moving with precise strokes, Ruari thrust his hips forward to match her rhythm. Within moments, he shuddered in release.

  Before she realized what had happened, he slid a hand under her chemise and in between her legs.

  She was hot and wet, aroused by what she’d done. With his index finger, he caressed the very center of her, and she gasped. “What are ye doing? It feels…oh.”

  Esme clenched his shoulders, her head falling back when he flicked the tiny nub between her nether lips. He did his best to keep her steady so as not to cause pain to her injuries, but when he slipped a finger into her, she began to shake uncontrollably.

  “Ahhh,” Esme cried out. Immediately, he covered her mouth with his. It wouldn’t do for the guard to overhear and burst into the room. Although he imagined the man knew she was there, it was better not to take a chance.

  Placing his thumb over her nub, he slid his finger in and out of her steadily, trying to match her movements that, within moments, became erratic.

  As he watched, his cock reacted, hardening at the beautiful spectacle before him.

  When Esme’s mouth fell open and her entire body shook, once again he covered her mouth and swallowed her screams of release.

  “I feel light as a feather,” Esme said, her head on his chest. “That was wonderful. Although we did not join, did we?”

  “No,” Ruari replied, tracing a finger over the soft skin of her shoulder. “That will wait for the marriage bed.”

  She looked up at him. “I wish I could remain here tonight.”

  A chuckle escaped and Ruari pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. “It would be dangerous. It would be impossible for me to keep from taking ye fully.”

  “Hmm,” was her only reply. “Ruari?”


  “Why have ye not married before?”

  “Because I had not met ye yet.”


  He’d had a successful meeting with the laird’s brother and would be purchasing several horses. Clan Ross would probably purchase more since, according to the older man, he was not as interested in continuing to breed horses as he preferred to spend his days with his hunting dogs now.

  The Fraser’s brother had offered Ruari to take over the breeding and his stables once he married. It was an incredibly generous offer that Ruari promised to consider.

  Returning to the keep from the laird’s brother’s home, Ruari had a good view of the area surrounding Fraser Keep. It was useful to have a good understanding of the lay of the land where he would be living. Although hilly, it was lush, with farmlands to the left of the keep and a rather large village south of it. A bit further south ran a river that divided the Fraser clans.

  Atop a hill was a large keep, which he guessed belonged to Laird Chisholm, who had always managed to remain neutral despite his lands lying between the Fraser’s and the Mackenzie’s.

  Ruari guessed the man’s alliances, whoever they were, were strong. Although he wasn’t sure who they’d allied with.

  The way of men, to form alliances and fight for power, was interesting to Ruari. At times, it was wearying to worry about such things when there were people to help and stronger causes than battles between clans. There were always the threats of the Norse or the English to contend with.

  Deciding to ride to the village on Fraser lands, Ruari urged his horse forward. The beast had seemed less temperamental that day. In a way, it was a bit alarming being the animal did not enjoy the saddle or being ridden.

  Deciding not to worry overmuch, Ruari allowed the horse to set the pace. When crossing the field and into a small portion of wooded area, something caught Ruari’s attention. Broken green branches signaled that someone had ridden past recently.

  Normally, it would not worry him to be on the same path as someone else. But being that he’d been warned that the Mackenzies often trespassed, he ensured to keep on guard.

  The unmistakable sound of movement made his steed jerk, its ears moving toward the noise.

  Ruari drew his sword.

  “Do not move,” a voice from atop a tree called out and he looked up. On tree branches over him were four archers with arrows pointed at him.

  Horsemen appeared from behind the trees and he recognized the colors of their plaids.

  Just a few moments later, Ruari fell from the horse and onto the ground. Someone had thrown a rope around him and yanked him off the horse.

  He struggled to pull free, but the rope held his arms tight against his sides. Before he could do more than kick, they dragged him backward to the bushes.

  Ruari caught sight of the men on the ground. There were three of them. The men on horseback joined them as he fought the trio who tried to bind his hands.

  “Whoever ordered this will pay,” Ruari gritted out and then let out an “ooof” as someone kicked him in the stomach.

  At the painful strike to his head, he fought not to lose consciousness. Ruari grunted and kicked at one man so hard that the aggressor stumbled backward and fell to the ground. Taking advantage of the momentum, he struggled to stand, but the other men were able to shove him back to the ground.

  Finally, they managed to tie his hands and legs and blindfold him.

  “Let me go at once,” Ruari hissed, annoyed at the situation. Obviously, they did not mean to kill him, else they’d not bother with the blindfold.

  “Bring the wagon,” a man said, barely able to speak. He was too winded from the struggle.

  Moments later, despite his struggles, Ruari was loaded onto a wagon.

  “What about his mount?” someone said. “It acts as if it’s wild. I cannot get it.”

  “Leave it then.”


  It was a long time later, perhaps an entire day’s length, that he was pulled from the back of the wagon and half-dragged into a building. Upon being placed in a chair and the blindfold removed, Ruari glared at the Mackenzie.

  The man sat in his study, a tankard next to his right hand.

  “I apologize for the manner in which ye were brought here. I did not expect them to mistreat ye. But when laymen do the work of warriors, one cannot know what will happen.”

  “Ye could have sent a messenger. I would have come willingly,” Ruari replied through clenched teeth. His head throbbed and throat was dry from a dirty cloth being shoved into his mouth.

  The man’s shrewd gaze met his. “I could have, I suppose.” He looked to a guard and motioned to Ruari impatiently. “What are ye waiting for? Untie his hands and legs. Ruari Ross is not our prisoner.”

  A servant neared and held out a tankard. The woman’s hand shook as she took in his bruised face. “Tis ale,” she said in a soft voice.

  Furious but at the same time needing to know what the imbecile would say, Ruari shook his head and glared at Laird Mackenzie. “What do ye wish to speak about? Surely ye do not wish to gain the ire of my cousin. Although I am sure ye could have me killed and none would be the wiser. However, ye would be the first he comes to for answers.”

  The Mackenzie didn’t seem fazed. “Yer cousin is tired of battles.”

  What the comment was meant to do, perhaps scare him, Ruari wasn’t sure. All it did was annoy him more. “Speak. My head hurts and I must find my mount.”

  Clearly the Mackenzie was not pleased at his lack of appropriate reaction because his nostrils flared. “Drink the damned ale. I know ye must thirst.”

  The Mackenzie lifted a tankard and took a long draw.

>   Ruari did the same, drinking while keeping his eyes on the man.

  It was at that precise moment that he realized how precarious the situation was. Depending on how things went, it could mean war for his clan or the absorption of Clan Fraser into the Mackenzie’s.

  On this day, Ruari carried a burden like none he ever thought to bear.

  Ruari met the laird’s gaze. “What do ye wish to speak about?”

  “Is it true yer clan plans to unite with Clan Fraser through marriage?”

  His blood ran ice cold but, somehow, he managed to keep his demeanor unchanged. He gave the laird his best confused look. “Nothing has been agreed upon.”

  Laird Mackenzie was older, perhaps almost sixty. At his age, the strength of character was evidently larger than the physical. “I do not wish to have any conflicts with yer clan. It is best that ye leave and return to Ross lands. What happens between Laird Fraser and me should not be interfered with.”

  “I went to see the laird’s brother about purchasing horses. Why did ye instruct that I be brought here in such a manner?” Now that he was untied, Ruari stood to his full height and towered over the man.

  Two muscular warriors moved forward. One of them held up a sword and pointed it to the center of Ruari’s chest. “Move away from the laird.”

  It would take three days to ride to Dun Airgid, the Ross keep, from the Mackenzie keep, another two from Ross lands to the Fraser keep. At that point, Ruari wasn’t at all sure which direction he’d ride in upon being let go. If it happened.

  The Mackenzie could have him killed and his body left out in a field. No one would be able to prove who’d murdered him.

  Ruari mentally calculated what would happen once he left. Did the Mackenzie plan to immediately overtake Fraser and his lands?

  He fought to come up with something to do or say that would appease the power-hungry man who mulled over a reply.

  “I have ears everywhere. I am told ye and Laird Fraser were discussing marriage between ye and his only daughter. Interesting that ye tell a different story.”

  Ruari shrugged. “I do not have a stake in this. I am a Ross and we have nothing to gain from an alliance with a small clan like Fraser’s.”


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