Demise of the Demon King

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Demise of the Demon King Page 7

by Utkarsh Srivastava

  Suvarna stood up, she was amazed listening this 'As you wish elder.'

  Raajveer stepped outside from the back door, ascended Suvarna on his horse and moved towards the dense forest. But Suvarna was still doubting him. Soon they both reached to Akhand in the dense forest. Suvarna was surprised, she can't think of, what was going on. Raajveer cleared all of his doubts, and he turned in his actual form i.e. Tejasvi.

  While soon Raajveer got to know about the abduction of Suvarna, he was quite sure that Tejasvi might have done this. So he took his army along with his brother Vrishbhaan and proceeded towards Vidarbh. Demon King Markesh was also aware of the situation but he was in search of his grandson Subaahu. He searched for him a lot but he couldn't meet him. Finally he decided to go on with Raajveer along with the demon's army.

  He was actually Tejasvi, who impersonated Raajveer earlier, Suvarna was delighted to see him.

  'I know you will come,Aarya, you'll surely come to protect me.'

  'But at present I am leading a life of exile, Suvarna. Can you handle the difficulties of exile?' Tejasvi asked Suvarna.

  'With your love, I could survive at any corner of this world. Now I'll be with you wherever you'll go.'

  'Then we shall leave from here now, Suvarna. I don't want that your brother should come here, and a war shall broke out.'

  But perhaps Subaahu was having doubt earlier only, so he had chased Raajveer and Suvarna, but when he saw Tejasvi impersonated as Raajveer, he turned furious. But then also he remained quite for a while, but when Tejasvi was about to leave he came out.

  'Suvarna….' Subaahu shouted furiously.

  'Oh, so you have also came here. Perhaps, your destiny is to die from my hands.' Tejasvi insinuated Subaahu.

  'Suvarna is mine, and she'll be mine forever, I think it's your last day of life Tejasvi. So be ready to die.'

  Both of them pulled out the sword from their respective sheaths and rushed towards each other. But Subaahu was not able to stand in front of Tejasvi even a prahar. Soon he was disarmed and was on the ground, his life was on Tejasvi's mercy.

  But then Subaahu joined his hand. 'Forgive me, Prince. I am disarmed now, you can't attack a disarmed warrior.'

  'I don't have any intention to kill you, Subaahu. I don't have any personal issues with you, my hostility is with Markesh. So it will be better, if you leave now. And remember one thing, Suvarna is all mine.'

  Subaahu's heart was filled with jealousy and vengeance. But he couldn't do anything, he was ashamed of himself, he left from that place.

  Raajveer, Vrishbhaan and the Demon King Markesh, were passing through the jungle with their army. Soon they found Subaahu, he explained them about the situation. Both the armies joined together and started chasing Tejasvi and Akhand.

  Unaware of this, Tejasvi and Akhand along with Suvarna proceeded towards Vidarbh. Then only they heard the sound of thousands of horses.

  The scroll sounds of this huge army was heard by Tejasvi and Akhand from a long distance.

  Tejasvi got the hint of the situation, 'Elder, we have to take Suvarna to a secured place, we are not in a position of war right now.' Tejasvi was worried.

  'We are in a position of war, Tejasvi. Didn't you noticed that we have crossed the border of Balishthgadh. And that coward Raajveer would surely not dare to bring the Divine Gem with him in the battlefield, because Demon King Markesh is with him. I know that this condition may come, Tejasvi. Therefore I planned for that earlier only. Turn around your back side and look over the hills, Suryam is there with the army of Vidarbh.'

  Akhand really meaned it what he said. Oneakshauhiniarmy of Vidarbh reached there, climbing up on the smaller mounds of the hills.

  'So elder brother, today will be the final battle with the Demon King. But then also, firstly you must take Suvarna to a secured place, and there is only one place which is most secured, and i.e. residence of former Army Chief of Balishthgadh Chakrsen. She'll be surely safe there, till then I'll face this army.'

  'This job should be done by you, as per my suggestion, Tejasvi. Till then I'll face them.'

  'No elder, I may get weaker after meeting my family and parents after a long time. Also I can't bear the eagerness to face the Demon King anymore, so you please go and secure Suvarna.'

  'Ok fine, I am going with Suvarna.' Akhand left with Suvarna from that place.

  Armies of Balishthgadh and Demon King Markesh, were coming nearer to Tejasvi. After half of a prahar on one side, armies of Balisthgadh and demons were eager to attack Tejasvi. And on the other side, Suryam ascended on his chariot with the army of Vidarbh, leaded by Tejasvi who dressed like an ascetic, ascended on his horse Vayujit, and who had the capability to frighten and destroy the opponent with the fierce attack of his arrows. Raajveer was furious seeing him.

  'Return back Suvarna to us, Tejasvi. Otherwise you and your whole army have to lose their precious life.'

  'You only think about the safety of you and your army. I think you are still not aware that, you are not in the land of Balsihthgadh now. Just go back, otherwise who knows, perhaps your destiny is to be destroyed along with your army today itself.'

  Demon King Markesh was surprised to see the bravery of the young man, he ridiculed Tejasvi.

  'You two kids. You will fight with this huge army? Abduction of Suvarna was a deceit, and I think this raised your confidence to such an extreme level, that you are thinking that you are as fierce warrior like Mahadev(Lord Shiva). Look over the strength of our army, it's three times as your army. Are you not scared seeing this?'

  'Mahadev can't be compared with any inhabitant of this earth, Markesh. But regarding me, I must tell you, that I am born kill you. And it's your destiny, that I'll be the cause of your demise. And the warrior who is born to kill you, how could an outbreak of fear could even touch him?'

  'Who are you? And how to do you know me?'

  'Son of legendary warrior Vikramajit, Tejasvi. And I have only one motive in my life, and that is your demise.'

  'Son of Vikramajit, Oh that's why I was thinking that how you could have this much bravery, It's in your blood. Let me see how much capable you are.' Demon King took up his bow and stepped down from his chariot.

  'No one will come in between us. This battle will not be between two armies, it will be duel among us. And the person who will win, Suvarna will go with him'

  'I welcome your challenge Demon King, so be alert and get ready for the duel.'

  Both of them challenged each other, and the next moment only there was the rain of arrows at that place. They both remained undefeated till the Sunset. Seeing this, Tejasvi downed his bow.

  'It's sunset Markesh, so let's pause this duel. Its result will be decided by tomorrow morning.'

  'We are Demons you coward, we use to fight in the darkness of night too. This war is not among the two armies standing here, it's just the duel between us. But now also, if you return Suvarna to us, I'll let you go alive.' Markesh was eager to continue the duel.

  At that moment only Akhand reached there, he raised his mace on the Demon King.

  'Markesh, Princess Suvarna is the bride of Vidarbh's family, she is pride of Vidarbh. And if you will raise your finger on our pride, I will crush your forehead through this mace.'

  'No elder, Markesh has challenged me. And only I will respond to this.' Tejasvi calmed down Akhand.

  'Markesh. It is said that after Sunset, Demons become more powerful. Let me see, that this power of yours, is capable of defeating me or not.' Tejasvi raised his bow for shooting arrows.

  'If that's your wish, then accept your death now.' Demon King challenged Tejasvi and started his rain of arrows towards him.

  This duel was unstoppable. If Markesh's grip on his bow weakens, then also Tejasvi's arrows were unable to harm him because of his boon. War continued, Tejasvi was severely injured by the arrows of Markesh's. The duel continued whole night. Sun rises once again.

  Suddenly hundreds of Serpents cracked a portion of the land, and came out from ins
ide the earth. Duel between Tejasvi and Demon King was paused. As soon as they came out of the land, they puffed their venoms on the army of Balishthgadh. Soldiers and warriors started falling, after losing their consciousness. Markesh was nervous to see that.

  At that time only one serpent, perhaps who was the leader of the Nagas, came in front of Demon King and raised the shape of his body. Demon King raised his bow to evocate Vishkat Astra, but before that, the huge serpent puffed his venom intensely. Demon King Markesh turned unconscious and fallsed down. All the serpents moved forward to bite Tejasvi's foes.

  Seeing this Tejasvi raised his bow and evocated a divine weapon. As soon as the weapon left from his bow, a huge defensive spherical shield surrounded the unconscious warriors of Balishthgadh, so that any serpents couldn't bite anyone.

  'What are you doing, Tejasvi? Why you are protecting your worst foes?' Akhand asked, as he was astonished to see this.

  'Markesh has been destinated to die from my hand, elder. And I'll kill him only if there will be weapons in his hand,and he will be present in the battlefield with all his strength in front of me for a duel. Before that I'll not allow anyone to kill him. And regarding other warriors, I must say that they will get to know that, scions of King Vikramajit don't use any deceit in the war. We can't commit a sin by killing these unconscious warriors.'

  Saying this Tejasvi turned towards the leader of serpents, 'So brother, you must come in your actual form.'

  On Tejasvi's command all the Serpents transformed themselves in humans. And that huge Serpent who sedated Markesh, turned into a human and came in front of Tejasvi.

  Journey Begins for Vijaydhanusha

  'King Vikramajit's eldest son Tejasvi, Yugandhar 'the leader of Serpents' is here to serve you.' Serpent who sedated the Demon King, turned into human and joined his hands towards Tejasvi to pay him respect.

  'Welcome brother, I was waiting for you.' Tejasvi also stepped forward and hugged Yugandhar. Akhand was amazed, he questioned Tejasvi.

  'Who is he Tejasvi, whom you are treating as your brother?'

  'The whole Asuras race has fear of his Axe. When he was just twelve, since then demons are afraid of his bravery. Because of his terror only, no one dares to enter Naaglok weather he is a Demon, or Serpent Demon. When my father Vikramajit went to Naaglok, he married Princess of serpents 'Kanishka'. Yugandhar is her son.' Tejasvi tried to sort out Akhand's confusion.

  'H..How it is possible?Tatshree (Uncle) never told us about this.' Akhand was unable to bear the truth.

  Then one aged serpent came in front of Akhand and described him the whole past.

  'I'll tell you, Prince. I am 'Vishandhar', former leader of Nagas (serpents) and maternal grandfather (Pitamaah) of Yugandhar. When your Uncle Vikramajit was cursed by Sage Shankracharya and was injured too, he falls in the deep trench, he went through the waterfalls. And streams of his destiny brought him to Naaglok. I can remember that scene today also, right in front of my eyes.' Vishandhar could visualize that incident, it appeared to be in front of his eyes.

  Story of Naaglok

  From higher mountains Vikramajit flowed through the river, he was wounded and unconscious. His body was floating and soon it came near a coast of a river. He was still unconscious, and bleeding too. There were no sign of the existence of a human being at that coast. It was the land of Ichhadahari Nagas.

  At the coast of the river, a human body was lying, but no serpents had compassion to touch his body. But one female serpent turned compassionate on that human. She took her human form, and supported King Vikramajit and took him to the palace. She was none other than, Princess Kanishka (daughter of King of Serpents Vishandhar) and successor of the Nagas. He brought Vikramajit to his palace. Seeing this, the Naagraj (King of Serpents) Vishandhar loses his temper.

  'You're my daughter Kanishka, it doesn't means that you are allowed to do anything you want. You have committed a sin by bringing a human on the land of Nagas. Don't you know that entry for them, are banned here?' Vishandhar was furious.

  'Forgive me father, but he is injured. He don't have much time, please allow me to help him.' Kanishka requested.

  'No, it can't be. We are serpents, why should we help a human?'

  'Don't be so ruthless, father. I know, you hate human beings. But all humans are not same. We are not like humans, so it's our duty to help a person came in our shelter.'

  'I cannot defeat you in a debate, Kanishka. Ok fine, but he can remain only until he would gain his consciousness.'

  'As you wish, father.' Kanishka agreed with Vishandhar.

  After three days, Vikramajit gained his consciousness. He saw Kanishka in front of him, he asked her.

  'Where I am? And who are you?'

  'I am Princess of serpents, Kanishka. Try to recall, how you got injured and lost your consciousness?'

  'I just don't know, I am unable recall my identity.'

  Then one slave entered the room

  'Princess, there is a raid of Demons once again for the sake of Naagmani. They are under leadership of 'Dudumbhi' (one of the brother of Markesh 'The Demon King'). He have about one akshauhini army with him.'

  'Our army is not weaker than them. They could reach to Naagmani, only if they could face the venom power of around fifty thousands of Serpents. Naagmani is the source of our power, till we have it, we couldn't be defeated. Go and send my command to Army Chief 'Vishketu' to be prepared with the army.'

  Within short duration of time, both the armies were in front of each other in the battlefield. Before the battle starts, Dudumbhi (brother of Markesh),evocated a divine weapon and targeted it towards the sky. One circular type of mist formed in the clouds, and overshadowed the army of Serpents. After sometime when fogs disappeared, then Dudumbhi challenged the Serpents.

  'Vishandhar, I have stopped the flow of venom in the veins of your Serpents, with my divine weapon. For next three prahars (1/8 th part of a day), all your soldiers are as like an ordinary warrior. Now I want to see that how much time your army could survive in front of my one akshauhini army.'

  'I'll never give you Naagmani, Dudumbhi. Our each warrior will fight till his last breadth.'

  'But if you want, we can skip this huge destruction and we could solve this problem too,Naagraj Vishandhar.'

  'I know that, deceit is your habit. But then also I'll listen you, because I just want to know about your proposal.'

  'Send me a warrior from your side, who could defeat me in a fair duel. If I lose,I'll return back, and if you lose, you have to give Naagmani to me. So what you say, do you have any warrior in your army who could defeat me?'

  'I'll face you in a duel, Dudumbhi.' Naagraj Vishandhar challenged Dudumbhi and rushed towards him.

  Dudumbhi also jumped from his horse, for replying his challenge. They both clashed. Dudumbhi made a fierce smash on the chest of his opponent. Vishandhar was pushed back few steps, blood spilled out of his mouth. He rushed back again and the duel continued, but within half of the prahar(1/8th part of the day), King Vishandhar was lying below Dudumbhi's feet. Seeing this Dudumbhi laughed.

  'It was not the challenge anytime. Don't you have any warrior in your Serpent's race who could defeat me in Mallyudh (a type of wrestling). Well, I shall give you all one more chance, send any capable warrior from your side who could defeat me.'

  Everybody was silent, no one has dare to accept this challenge.

  'You all cowards must wear bangles in your hand, you all deserve to see the death of your leader in front of your eyes.' Dudumbhi laughed and stepped forward to kill King Vishandhar.

  'Wait.' Vikramajit stepped out from the crowd of Nagas army and interrupted.


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