Demise of the Demon King

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Demise of the Demon King Page 11

by Utkarsh Srivastava

  'Allow me, my lord. I want to atone for my sins, just give me one chance.' Vakrbaahu stepped forward.

  'You wounded me harshly, and now you are asking me for a chance, Vakrbaahu?' Suryam stared at him furiously.

  'I am sorry for that. But it was my oath, that the person who will rescue me by pulling out the sword of Sage Omeshwar, I will serve him for the lifetime.'

  'If it is true, then go and find Adheem.'

  'You don't worry, my lord, that demon is surely hidden somewhere in this forest only. My Mammoth form is my strength, I will uproot all the trees of the forest and will bring that Adheem in front of you.'

  Vakrbaahu turned in a huge mammoth and rushed towards the jungle, he uprooted many trees of that forest. That one mammoth was having the strength of hundreds of elephants, hundreds of trees were down. Adheem was hidden behind a huge rock, that rock was destroyed in just one hit of Vakrbaahu. Now Adheem was in front of him, Vakrbaahu bounded him in his trunk. Adheem tried a lot, but he was unable to rescue from this tight bound. Vakrbaahu came and slammed him in front of Suryam. Now, the sword of Suryam was on the shoulders of Adheem.

  'So Adheem, what shall I do with you? Your crime cannot be forgiven.'

  'Don't try to scare me, I don't have the fear of death. The moment you'll kill, your countdown will start. My elder brother Demon King Markesh will not leave you.'

  'Oh, is that so, you don't have the fear of death. Then why you rushed away from the battlefield?'

  'There were three fierce warriors in front of me, and I was alone. That's why I was going to my elder brother for help.'

  'At this time, you are disarmed and weak too, that's why I am leaving you. Just go to your elder brother and save your life.'

  One shadow behind the tree was watching all this. Akhand, Suryam and Vakrbaahu turned back leaving Adheem alive. The person who was standing behind the tree, saw Adheem standing and getting back to his steady state. He thought something, then he lifted a spear and targeted it towards Suryam, so that it appeared to be thrown by Adheem.

  'Be alert, my lord.' Vakrbaahu grabbed that spear with his trunk and saved Suryam.

  'These demons can never have an honourable fight, they don't have any Dharma. You are a coward Adheem, you don't deserve a duel, you deserve only punishment. You don't have the right to survive.'

  Suryam assumed that this attack was of Adheem, he targeted towards his neck and thrown the divine sword towards him.

  'B.. but…I have not...' Adheem didn't got the chance to prove him innocent. That sword beheaded him, his body falls on the ground, and soon he was dead.

  'Suryam, you are injured. You need treatment.' Akhand holds Suryam.

  'Until you are with me, elder. I'll be always safe.'

  Akhand hugged him. But at the next moment only, Suryam loses his consciousness.

  'Suryam, get up….., Suryam.' Akhand turned mad seeing him unconscious. Vakrbaahu kept his hand on his shoulder.

  'You don't worry, there are many herbs in this forest, which can easily heal his wounds.'

  'Then what are you waiting for? Just go and arrange that herbs for his treatment.' Vakrbaahu went in search of herbs, on his command.

  That shadow, who had targeted a spear towards Suryam, proceeded towards an unknown place.

  While Vakrbaahu brought the herbs, and Suryam got back his fitness within two days.

  'My job is done, my lord. I have to leave now.' Vakrbaahu stood up to proceed.

  'Wait, Vakrbaahu. It's our luck to have the loyal friend like you, we need you.' Suryam tried to stop him.

  'It's my duty to follow your orders, my lord. But I have to leave right now. You keep my ring with you, and whenever you need me, you kiss this ring and evocate me, I'll be there.'

  Vakrbaahu handed over the ring to Suryam, and disappeared from that place.

  'Now we have to search for our brothers.' Akhand decided.

  'Yes elder, now it's the right time.'

  Both the brothers stood up and proceeded to search their other brothers.

  When he met Suvarya

  After the separation of the four warriors, Akhand and Hidimb killed Adheem in just two days. They both started their journey again in search of their brothers. While on the other side Yugandhar met with the serpent demon Danshak.

  He was also astonished after being separated from his brothers. He raised his axe and walked towards an unknown path. Even after the hectic journey of two prahars, he was unable to think where he should go. Now only one praharwas remaining for the sunset, but still Yugandhar was unable to decide what he should do.

  'Help me, someone save me.' One shadow was screaming and rushing towards Yugandhar.

  Yugandhar noticed it closely, it was a girl running to save herself. Two demons were chasing her. She rushed and laid down in front of Yugandhar.'

  'Protect me, Youngman. Otherwise these demons will kill me.' That girl begged Yugandhar for help.

  Yugandhar didn't thought of anything, he decided to protect the girl who was in his shelter now. Seeing this the demons warned him.

  'Just stay away from that girl, she is our victim.'

  'If you both want to save your life, then just leave. Otherwise you both will be killed through my Axe.' Yugandhar raised his Divine Axe and warned those two demons.

  'Don't you think that we are ordinary demons, we are Serpent Demons (Naagrakshas), We don't need to attack you, our venom puffs will be sufficient to destroy your existence.' One of the demon tried to horrify Yugandhar.

  'If that is so, let me introduce myself, you wretch demons. You want to defeat me with your venom? Well, It's not your fault. You don't even know that, who is standing in front of you. I am an extremely venomous Serpent, Yugandhar, the King of Serpents.'

  Both the demons got scared, they talked among themselves.

  'Look, we have heard about him earlier. He has defeated even Hidimb. We don't have to mess with him, otherwise we'll be surely dead. It's better to escape now.'

  'What happened, coward demons? What you talking among yourself, are you scared?'

  'Right now we are leaving, Yugandhar, but when our leader Danshak will get to know. He will come with his troops, to destroy you and this girl.'

  'Go and tell your leader Danshak, that Yugandhar has reached in his region. Soon he will be destroyed, and his brother Markesh too.'

  Both the Serpent demons escaped from there.

  'I am very thankful to you, Youngman. Who are you?' That girl expressed her gratitude towards Yugandhar, she wants to know more about him.

  'I am the leader of Serpents at Prithvilok. Who are you? And why these demons were chasing you?'

  'I am Suvarya, Youngman. I am serpent girl, my father 'Vishank' is the prisoner of Serpent Demon Danshak. I too escaped from his prison, that's why these demons were chasing me.'

  'You don't worry, Suvarya, you are safe with me. Any troop of Danshak could not harm you now. So take me to his residence.'

  'What.., What are you saying? I have escaped to save my life, and you are again forcing me to go their?'

  'Don't you want your father to be freed?'

  'Of course I want, but I am not capable of this.'

  'Then trust on my strength, and on the divine power of my Axe, Suvarya. I will kill that Serpent Demon Danshak, as well as will rescue your father too.'

  'You have scared just two demons, and you are having this much confidence. This is overconfidence, Naagraj. There are many fierce warrior who are appointed to guard the palace of Danshak. Firstly prove your capability, then I will take you to Danshak's palace. And how could I believe you, that you are actually the Serpent King?'

  'So you are doubting my capability. Then you only tell me, how could I prove my strength in front of you?'

  'Right now it is too difficult to survive in the darkness of this dense forest. At every step, the snoops of Danshak are spreaded, to prove yourself just survive in this forest for two days. I think, that Danshak might have got the information about you, he will
surely attack you.'

  'It seems that you know much about him. I don't know where my other cousins are, but if they would be with me, I don't had to seek your help.'

  'You are too egoistic. If you don't need me, I don't need you too. I can find my way.' Suvarya stepped forward leaving Yugandhar alone.

  'Stop Suvarya.' Yugandhar grabbed her hand.

  'Why shall I stop? It's better to walk alone, rather than coming with such an egoistic Serpent.'

  'If anything happens to you, I will be responsible for this. And I cannot carry this burden. So, it will be better for you to be with me. This Jungle is full of danger, we don't know what might be the danger waiting for us.'

  'I don't have the fear of death. I can protect myself, and could rescue my father too.'

  'It's my words to you, I'll save your father and will rescue him too.'

  'How can I trust you, I don't even know you? You could be a snoop of Danshak.'

  Yugandhar grabbed Suvarya's hand and looked over her eyes 'Trust me Suvarya, I am not like those wretch demons. I am the son of worst enemy of Demons, King Vikramajit. Demise of my father was the deceit played by the demons. I have come here with my brothers, not just for the sake of Vijay Dhanush, My aim is to discover the secret of the murderer of my father too.'

  'You narrated all about you, without thinking anything. I don't know why, but my soul is willing to trust you. Your enlightening face is the sign of your honesty. I trust you.'

  'Then you are my responsibility, Suvarya. Now take me to the palace of Danshak soon. Firstly I will rescue your father, thereafter I will kill that wretch Danshak.'

  'The palace of Danshak is miles away from here, it will take approximately two days to reach there, Naagraj.'

  'So we should start our journey now, let's go.'

  Both of them started the journey for Danshak's palace. The darkness of night was spreaded all over. Seeing this Suvarya said, 'Darkness of night is increasing, Naagraj. It will be better if we stop here, and take rest for some time. Also we should lighten the fire, so that any wild animal could not reach us.'

  'Why? Are you scared of travelling at night?' Yugandhar smiled at Suvarya.

  'I am not scared. But I must say, that I am tired and I need rest.'

  'Ok as you wish. I shall arrange for the dry woods, to enlighten the fire.'

  Soon the fire was enlightened with the stack of fire woods. Yugandhar and Suvarya lied down to take rest. Yugandhar was still worried that where his brothers gone. Soon his tiredness forced him to sleep.

  'Where are you…brother, Tejasvi?' Yugandhar was babbling while slipping.

  When Suvarya heard this, she cannot resist herself, she asked 'What happened,Naagraj? Who is Tejasvi?'

  Yugandhar was disturbed from her voice, Suvarya got scared seeing this,

  'What happened? You were in deep sleep?' Suvarya asked.

  'No No, it's ok. A deep sleep in this dense forest could be too dangerous, it could be the invitation for any wild animal.'

  'You are actually right regarding that. But who is Tejasvi? Whose name were on your lips while sleeping.'

  'Tejasvi is the name of my elder brother, I am still worried about him. My two more brothers came with me in Patallok, but I couldn't find them now.'

  'If they are your brothers, then undoubtedly they must be fierce warriors as like you. So you should not worry about them. Perhaps, they might be also worried about you.'

  'Yes, that could be possible. May be they are safe, and they might be facing the brothers of Demon King Markesh, with all their strength.'

  'Just leave that topic, Youngman. It seems that you are not like a normal Serpent, you are different than the ordinary Ichhadhari Nagas.'

  'Yes, it's true because I am the son of a human and serpent, i.e. King Vikramajit and Kanishka 'The Princess of Serpents'. So you can say that, I am half human and half Serpent. This also a truth that my mother Kanishka has lost her venom for the sake of her love. My grandfather Vishandhar transferred that venom in by body through my mother's womb, that's why my venom is too dangerous, which forced even the Demon King to lose his consciousness, Ordinary Serpents could never bear my venom.'

  Yugandhar started narrating about the glorious history of his father Vikramajit, Soon due to tiredness he falls in a deep sleep.

  Suvarya was staring over the sleeping face of Yugandhar with some deep feelings in her heart. Soon her eyes were also closed, and she also falls in a deep sleep.

  The last prahar of night was about to pass. The fire in the woods was extinguished till then.

  Then from the dense bushes, one tiger was moving towards Yugandhar very slowly, the rustle sound of leaves of the bushes disturbed Suvarya, she got awaken. When she saw a tiger, inspite of awakening Yugandhar, she took up her poniard and decided to face the tiger. Soon that tiger came nearer to Yugandhar, but Suvarya came in between him and the tiger. The tiger roared and jumped on Suvarya. Suvarya was facing the tiger for the first time, she failed the poniard to attack the tiger. The tiger roared, he attacked Suvarya's hands with his sharp nail, she falls on the ground. Yugandhar got awaken listening the roaring sound of tiger. He predicted the situation soon and took up a poniard lying on the ground, and stared towards the tiger. The tiger was aggressive, he jumped on Yugandhar. But in place of stabbing him with the poniard, he thrown him back with his punch. The tiger got scared with that mighty blow and rushed away in a deep forest.

  Yugandhar looked over Suvarya, her hand was bleeding.

  'What you have done, Suvarya? Can't you wake me up?' Yugandhar confronted Suvarya.

  'What can I do, Youngman? While sleeping your face appeared to be so attractive, that I was wishing, that you should not be awaken.' Suvarya was blushing.

  Yugandhar was freezed, he was not able to think, that what should he say now. Thereafter, he said ignoring her, ' are distracted, Suvarya. Just concentrate on your aim, and come with me.' Yugandhar treated the injuries of Suvarya and stood up from the ground.

  Suvarya grabbed the hands of Yugandhar, she stood up from the ground and looked over in his eyes.

  'Can't you see in my eyes, which is filled with the feelings of love, Yugandhar?'

  'I have come here just to achieve my aim, Suvarya. Don't distract me.'

  'If that is so, I'll wait for you. But now you are only my life, and you have to accept this truth as well as me.'

  'Ok I will think about it. Now we should leave from here, these feelings of love could distract us from our aim.'

  After that, both of them started towards the palace of Danshak. After long journey of two days, they both reached near the palace of Danshak on the third day a prahar after sunrise.

  The palace of Danshak was actually too large. That palace was surrounded by a special circle, rounded at the ground.

  'Let's go, young man. What are you thinking about?' Suvarya was eager to enter the palace.

  'Wait, Suvarya. We have to make our every step with caution. See the circular lines which surrounds the palace of Danshak, there could be something wrong.' Yugandhar warned Suvarya to be alert.

  'So, now what you will do?'


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