The Poi Predicament

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The Poi Predicament Page 27

by Lyle Christie

“That was nice,” she said.

  “Yeah, and I got to see firsthand that you weren’t exaggerating when you told me that you could climax from nipple stimulation.”

  “No, I wasn’t, though that generally only happens on rare occasions.”

  “Such as?”

  “Oh, you know—when the right guy gets me really turned on.”

  “So, at the moment, I’m Mr. Right.”

  “Yeah, at the moment, so don’t fuck it up and become Mr. Wrong again.”


  “Good, now follow me, and I’ll show you to the guest bedroom,” she said, slipping on her shirt.

  Shit. Foiled again. This was one cruel woman, and I was starting to get a taste of the stubborn resolve that her father had mentioned. She could hold a hell of a grudge, and I certainly wouldn’t have wanted to have gotten on her bad side during childhood. We picked up our cocktails and headed to her room, where she was apparently getting some extra bedding. She grabbed a pillow from her closet then told me to check the top drawer for sheets. I opened it and did a double take. There were indeed sheets, but on the other side of the drawer there were a number of kinky sex toys—namely handcuffs, a vibrator, nipple clamps, and a ball-gag.

  “Wow, I had no idea you were so kinky.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Um, excuse me?” I said, pulling out the nipple clamps.


  Next, I pulled out the ball-gag and held it up for her to see.

  “And this item?”

  She laughed and walked over to peer in the drawer.

  “Dave bought all this shit—well, except for the vibrator. That’s one’s all me.”

  “Did you ever use any of this shit?”

  “Everything but the ball-gag, though I did make Dave wear it once.”

  “Ew,” I said, as I instantly dropped it back into the drawer.

  “Don’t worry, I put it through the dishwasher after we broke up.”

  “Good to know. Well, this is a pretty interesting drawer full of goodies you’ve got here, though it does explain some things,” I said.

  “Are you referring to the fact that I handcuffed you to the bed on our first night?”

  “I am.”

  “That had nothing to do with fetish and everything to do with being careful. You were a stranger after all.”

  “Careful? I’d say it was a little paranoid.”

  “I see a lot of shit in my job and therefore have a healthy amount of fear whilst engaging in new relationships.”

  “If you’re that afraid of sex with a stranger, you might want to have just abstained from sex all together.”

  “Are you saying we shouldn’t have had sex?”

  “No, I’m just saying that if you needed to handcuff me to the bed for you to feel secure, then perhaps the prudent thing would have been to abstain until you got to know me better.”

  “No can do. I like sex too much.”

  She grabbed the extra sheets, closed the drawer, and led me to the guest bedroom across the hall. It was a little smaller, but it thankfully had its own bathroom.

  “Are you going to help me make the bed?” I asked.

  “Of course. What kind of hostess do you think I am?”

  We placed the fitted sheet on first then did the top sheet, which she made a point of getting perfectly centered before employing hospital corners. She clearly knew her way around a bed, though I pretty much knew that the minute she handcuffed me to one. The final task was to pull a thin blanket out of the closet and throw it over the top.

  “Voila!” she said.

  “What about the pillow?”

  “It goes back to my room.”


  “Yeah, you’re going to need it to sleep after I fuck your brains out.”

  I took a moment to pick my jaw up off the floor then regarded the rather devious woman before my eyes.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I said that you’re going to need it to sleep—after I fuck your brains out.”

  “That’s what I thought you said, and if that’s the case, then why in the fuck are we making this bed?”

  “It was a test, and this time you passed.”

  “Sweet half Hawaiian Jesus! You’re one crazy ass woman.”

  “Yeah, but you’re still here, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, indeed I am.”

  “Exactly, now come with me, or I’ll pull out my gun and the handcuffs.”

  She grabbed my hand and led me back across the hall to her room, and she disrobed and called out over her shoulder as she walked into the bathroom.

  “You coming?”

  “Are you spelling that with a U or an O?”

  “I guess you’ll have to follow me to find out,” she said, as she disappeared from view.

  I took off my shorts and T-shirt and entered the bathroom to find that Violet was already in the shower, and the smell of her floral shampoo was particularly fragrant and inadvertently tugging at my olfactory receptors. I had smelled it in her hair on our very first wild night of passion, and now it was making those memories come alive—in my loins. I joined her in the large glass shower enclosure to see that it had three shower heads—two above and one below, and the lower one was positioned in such a way that it was spraying directly at my manhood and, combined with the olfactory response, was bringing on a serious boner that was now pressing against Violet’s leg. She reached down and lathered it up with such enthusiasm that I had to stop her formidable efforts or end up covering her in pearlescent man-soap. At that point, I took her in my arms, and we kissed, and, with my mouth otherwise engaged, I felt the need to explore, and I ran my hands down her body and took hold of firm, round backside and gave it a healthy squeeze. From there, I brought my hands around to the front and at last came upon her precious lady region. It was hot, wet, and apparently expecting company, so I moved my fingers over its contours until happening upon her clitoris, which made Violet give my lower lip a teasing bite. Clearly, I had struck lady gold.

  “I think it’s time to get out of the shower,” she said, turning off the water.

  We dried off and headed to her bed, and she lay back against the pillows, with her expression welcoming and her eyes awash in lust.

  “Get over here,” she said.

  “Just a second.”

  “Oh, did you need to warm up and perhaps stretch first?”

  “I’m plenty warm, but I just had a thought,” I said, as I stepped over to the dresser and grabbed the handcuffs out of the top drawer.

  “Oh, do you want me to handcuff you to the bed again?” she asked.

  “I’m afraid not, as it’s time for a little quid pro quo m’lady. Now, put your hands over your head and spread your legs.”

  “You’re definitely not going to need those tonight, Officer Finn, as your suspect is willing and able.”

  “Maybe, but I think this calls for a little bedroom justice.”

  She eyed me a moment as she pondered my words but soon relented and lifted her hands up to the top of the bed as she opened her legs. I cuffed her to the center vertical post of the headboard then took a minute to admire the view. She was everything I could want in a woman and more—smart, sexy, tough as nails, and utterly beautiful—and I mean beautiful. I was attracted to every inch, whether it be her eyes, the curve of her neck, her long muscular legs, firm round backside, or her rippled muscular abs that led from below her gloriously full breasts to her luscious valley of femininity.

  “Anytime now, Officer Finn,” she said.

  “You don’t just run through the Louvre, you stop and admire the art.”

  I reached down and ran my fingers up Violet’s inner thighs then moved forward and kissed her stomach before making my way to her neck. From there, I nibbled her ear then at last reached her mouth. Her lips parted instantly, and her kiss bordered on frantic as she pressed her tongue to mine. I maneuvered my hips closer and inadvertently pressed Tag Junior against her lady e
ssence, and it caused her to let out a moan of anticipation. That was my signal to move on, and so I retraced my steps down her body and paused only long enough to kiss each nipple before descending upon her golden valley of truth and justice. I made landfall with my tongue and pressed into her center before making my way north to her clitoris, where only the slightest touch caused her to arch her back and moan in pleasure. She was so reactive, in fact, that I was mildly startled and paused for a moment.

  “Someone has a very sensitive clitoris,” I said.

  “No shit. You saw what happened with my nipples. Now, imagine that times ten.”

  “Ten? By the time I’m done, you’ll be calling it twenty.”

  “Prove it.”

  “OK then—let God’s work be done, Special Agent Kalili of the FBI,” I said.

  I set back upon Violet’s lady fruit, though I was careful to vary the pressure and speed of my tongue movement, as getting there was half the fun. I therefore worked my way slowly and tauntingly up to a healthy pace then decided to up the ante by reaching around and taking hold of her buttocks and pulling her essence to me, so that I could bring to bear the full force of my mouth, lips, and tongue. Violet’s hips started to rock violently, and she was propelled headlong into the throws of a powerful climax that made her entire body spasm with each wave of divine release. I eventually eased up and allowed her to catch her breath, and her beautiful lips parted into a big smile.

  “Okay, fine. That was a twenty, and now I’d like to return the favor, so I’m going to need you to un-cuff me.”

  “I’m sorry, Agent Kalili, but I’m not quite done yet.”

  I leaned forward and kissed her on the lips then returned to her field of dreams and used my tongue to trace its outer dimensions before plunging back into its center. From there I made the short jaunt north to her lady trigger, and Violet again started moaning in pleasure. This time, however, I used my right hand and slid my ring, middle, and index fingers inside her so as to reach up and place a little extra pressure upon the fabled Gräfenberg spot as well as the lower, outer branches of her clitoris. Few people knew that this wonder of female sensitivity extended down like a wishbone along the outer sides of the vagina, and thus allowed for more areas of stimulation. Now, I had several powerful orgasmic forces at work, but I had to proceed cautiously if I hoped to prolong the inevitable. That meant applying pressure and speed gradually in order to keep her perched on the cusp of climax and reveling in pleasure for as long as possible. Outside the rain continued to come down, and lightening and thunder filled the sky, though nothing came close to the fury of Violet’s violent screams of ecstasy.

  “Oh God, oh God, oh fuck, we’re definitely at twenty! Now please let me cum for fuck’s sake, you fucker!” she screamed, as she writhed and pulled against the handcuffs.

  I decided to add to the powerful orgasmic forces already in play by using my free hand to reach up and run my fingertips over her nipples. The mighty triumvirate of stimulation made her entire body begin to convulse, and sweet release came on so quickly that her cries of ecstasy were far louder than any thunder clap. She was lost in orgasmic purgatory, and her eyes were unfocused and her breathing heavy until I relented, and she went still and took a moment to catch her breath.

  “Holy fuck,” she said.

  “Yeah, revenge is a dish best served with cunnilingus,” I said, as I reached up and unlocked the handcuffs.

  “Agreed. The prisoner has learned her lesson.”

  She immediately sat up and kissed me then reached down and directed Tag Junior into the loving embrace of her vagina, and I started to move in and out while adding a gentle clockwise hip motion at the apex of each thrust. It was meant to increase clitoral stimulation, though I wasn’t exactly sure Violet required such extra care. The answer to that question was answered about a minute and a half later when she climaxed yet again, though, this time, the pleasure caused her to dig her nails into the soft flesh of my back. Fuck, the orgasm score was officially three to zero, but I was in the zone—the perfect balance between pleasure and release, and I could have stayed in that moment for eternity. In reality, it actually turned out to be about thirty seconds, as Violet had her own orgasmic itinerary in mind.

  “OK, fucker, it’s time to make good on my promise to fuck your brains out, so roll onto your back,” she said.

  I did as instructed, and Violet moved atop me and started grinding on my manhood and pounding my hips, and it sent her breasts bouncing about before my eyes like two tantalizing treats. I pulled her close and kissed her hard nipple until she moved and placed its neighbor in my mouth. With both breasts equally attended, she kissed me then leaned back and started to rock her hips even faster. I therefore took hold of her breasts and held them steady as I fondled her nipples. We picked up our pace and worked in perfect harmony, and soon were on the cusp of release, with Violet’s cacophony of moans and movement the final impetus to push me over the edge. This was it. The reckoning. In only seconds we were both engaged in an earth shattering climax, and the world and our very existence were lost and forgotten to the selfishly divine pleasure of release. At last, Violet came to rest and leaned down to deliver a long, hot, final kiss before lying down beside me. Our bodies were now spent, our minds were at ease, and all was suddenly quiet except for the rain, which continued to pour from the sky and clatter against the roof.

  “Have you ever considered transferring to San Francisco?” I asked.

  “As of this moment—yes. Have you ever thought about moving to Hawaii?”

  “As of this moment—yes.”

  Those were our final words as we drifted off to sleep, with our relationship finally re-consummated and my sins apparently forgiven for the moment.


  A Plot so Thick You Could Eat It With a Fork

  THE RAIN WAS all but gone as I opened my eyes and looked out to see a beautiful blue sky. I sat up slowly and carefully to let my head adjust to the movement, as I was definitely feeling the effects of a night of far too much alcohol. I took a look around and saw that Violet was nowhere to be seen, so I stood upon wobbly legs to go use the bathroom before exploring the house to find my elusive hostess. I brushed my teeth, took a long well needed horse piss, then set off and soon found her out sitting on the deck, where she was holding a mug of steaming hot coffee and enjoying the view.

  “Morning, sunshine,” I said.

  “Morning. I have coffee ready for you in the kitchen,” she said, as she started to get up.

  “Stay where you are. I’ll get it.”

  I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my coffee before rejoining her on the deck, where I sat in the adjacent chair. I brought the mug to my lips and took a sip and instantly felt better the minute the warm brown liquid hit my palette. She reached over and placed her hand on my leg, and I placed my hand on hers, and the two of us enjoyed a nice quiet moment of morning-after epic sex intimacy. Sometimes people awoke after a night of passion feeling awkward, but such was not the case today. I felt as though I was in the right place, sitting with the right woman, and enjoying a beautiful morning in paradise. I might have even described it as the beginnings of love, but it was still a little early for such bold proclamations.

  “What’s on the agenda today?” she asked.

  “The gunsmith again, though I’m a little afraid to visit anybody considering our luck.”

  “Yeah, no shit.”

  “Still, he’s the only real lead we have at the moment.”

  We sat and sipped our coffee and watched as planes full of tourists flew by on their approach to Honolulu airport while, below them, numerous fishing and pleasure boats plied the calm morning waters. Eventually Violet stirred and set down her cup.



  “Well, sit here and relax while I make us a quick breakfast.”

  “I can help.”

  “I got it. You just relax.”

  Violet took my coffee cup, refilled it
, and returned a moment later and kissed me as she set it down.

  “Sweet Lord, woman, between last night and this morning, I’m thinking I should propose.”

  “It’s best to wait until you’ve tried my cooking.”

  “OK, fine, I’ll wait until after breakfast.”

  She smiled and headed to the kitchen, and fifteen minutes later she appeared with two plates, and each was piled high with scrambled eggs, ham, potatoes, and freshly cut pineapple. Looking at the feast, I seriously wondered if I should indeed propose. Between last night and this morning, this really was heaven on earth—and that wasn’t easy to find. We plunged headlong into breakfast then, after finishing and cleaning up the kitchen, decided it was at last time to get cracking on proving Jessica’s innocence.

  “You can use my shower if you want, but I imagine you’ll probably want to take your coffee and go potty in the other bathroom.”

  “Do you have to say go potty? It kind of makes me feel like a three year old,” I said.

  “Would you prefer if I asked if you needed to take a shit?”

  “Actually, yes.”

  “Well then, go take a shit like a big boy and make momma proud.”

  I left Violet and ventured into the guest room’s bathroom, where I discovered, to my horror, that there was no lock. Fuck. This was not a good omen. I went back into the bedroom to look for a chair or anything that might serve to brace the door, but there was nothing of use except perhaps the bed. Clearly, it was too heavy to move in front of the door, and that meant I was going to have to dump fast and get the hell off the pot before Violet wandered in and inadvertently brought about some kind of catastrophic event. I hit the porcelain with my heart pounding, and I gave birth to my first intestinal child. So far so good. I finished off my coffee then set back to birthing the next and soon delivered yet another wonder unto the world. Fan-fucking-tastic! Apparently, I was the proud father of twins, though I would venture to say they looked less like their father and more like their mother, which I believe was a pulled pork sandwich. Either way, I was a proud and doting father until I reached over for toilet paper and instantly felt my insides turn to ice when I saw that the roll was empty. Somehow, I had been too stupid and impatient to check before I sat down. Oh heaven above have mercy. I suddenly heard footsteps approaching, so I reached around behind me and quickly flushed away the twins only an instant before Violet walked in holding an entire package of Costco toilet paper.


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