by Mandi Oyster
When he pulled away from me, I shivered in anticipation of another touch. I leaned my head back and looked up at his face. His blue eyes shone with happiness.
“Missed you.” His voice was filled with desire.
I planted kisses along his neck. “I’ve missed you too.” I slid my hands under his shirt, kneading his back. “That was too long to go without you.”
We spent the evening lying on the couch in each other’s arms. The TV was on, but neither of us looked away from each other long enough to know what was playing.
When I could barely keep my eyes open, Cody got up, reached his hand down, and led me to his bed. I rested my head against Cody’s chest, his arms wrapped around me, and I felt a sense of serenity fill my body and mind. This is where I belong, I thought. There are no other options for me.
Chapter 35
The Way Life Should Be
I woke up in Cody’s arms, the morning sun streaming in through the window and Aurelia’s voice echoing in my head. Dacia, you need to get back here before too many people are awake. You cannot risk being seen teleporting into the bathroom.
Okay. Give me a few minutes. Nuzzled against Cody, I watched him sleep. This was what I wanted. It wouldn’t last for eternity, but a lifetime spent with him would be one of happiness.
I gently shook his arm. “Cody, wake up.”
“Everything okay?” He bolted upright, a look of fear chased away the peaceful expression from moments before.
I brushed my finger along his forehead, trying to erase his dismay. “Yeah, but I have to go.”
“You’ll be back tonight?” He propped himself on his arm.
I ran my hand along his bare chest, wanting to stay with him but knowing I couldn’t. “As long as Aurelia is okay with it.”
I started to roll out of bed, but Cody caught my wrist and pulled me to him. He brushed back my hair and sighed. His lips touched mine in a gentle promise. “I love you. Be careful.”
“I love you, too, and I will.” Before I teleported, I turned invisible.
Cody sat on the edge of the bed and pulled his hands through his hair. He stood. His eyes looked haunted. I didn’t know if I should wrap my arms around him or not let him know I’d seen his torment.
Still unsure of what to do, I stepped forward. The floor creaked.
Cody looked right at me without seeing me. “Dacia?” His face reverted to its expressionless mask. He stretched his arm out. Before he could touch me, I teleported.
Standing in the corner of the bathroom, I dropped my chin to my chest and tugged my hand through my hair, wondering if I’d made the right decision. I lifted my head. Aurelia, can you send my doppelganger out of the room?
She is on her way.
Okay. Guilt weighed on me. I hated what I was doing to Cody and that he felt the need to hide it from me.
Dan and Samantha were still sleeping when I crept into my room. I sat down on the couch and picked up my book. I was deep into reading when I heard my name. Looking up, I tried to figure out who said it. Samantha and Dan were still sleeping. I walked to the window. Damon stood on the lawn, gazing at my window. When I looked out, a grin spread across his face. He motioned for me to come down to him.
“Might as well,” I said to myself. “I’m sure I’ll have to spend time with him today.” I stuck a bookmark in my book and jotted down a quick note to Samantha before walking out into the hallway.
Aurelia waited for me, arms folded across her chest. “I sensed him calling you. Be careful.”
I nodded my head and sighed. “I’ll be glad when this is over, only five days to go.”
“I fear these will be the worst five.” Worry furrowed her brow.
“I know.” I looked down the hall toward the door. “I better go before he comes looking for me.” As I walked outside, I tried to get in the right frame of mind. I needed to leave my guilt behind and gather my wits.
Damon leaned against his Mustang, arms folded over his chest. As I approached, he opened up the passenger door for me.
Before getting in, I asked, “Where are we going?”
“For a ride.” He helped me into his car and shut the door.
Aurelia, I’m leaving. I don’t know where he’s taking me.
I will keep an eye on you.
Damon climbed in behind the steering wheel and peeled out of the parking lot. He turned onto a gravel road I’d never been on before. I looked out the window, enjoying the mountain view. A thrill of excitement ran through me when Damon took my hand in his.
“I thought it would be nice to get off campus for the day.” His voice radiated menace. “There are too many distractions there.”
My mind was filled with images of Cody and me. Somehow Damon projected them into my thoughts. Some were real, memories of mine seen from Damon’s perspective. Others were horrible, images of Cody suffering. Cody chained to a dungeon wall, deep wounds covering his bloody body.
“Stop!” I ripped my hand out of his. “Stop. I told you I’m trying.”
Damon’s lips turned up in a cruel smile. “Yeah, that’s what you said.”
“I’m here with you now.” I brushed my fingers along the back of his hand.
His fingers intertwined with mine. “For now, but what about tonight? Will you stay with me tonight?”
My breath caught, and I felt trapped. I couldn’t say yes. It would break Cody. I couldn’t say no because Mavros would know. “Oh … I, uh, I don’t know. Where do you even stay? Do you have a dorm room?”
“No, I don’t sleep.” He laughed. “However, I would enjoy the feel of you in my arms while you slept.”
My stomach constricted, and I discreetly swallowed the lump in my throat. “I don’t know if I’m ready for that.”
He squeezed my hand. My fingers pressed together, grinding the bones against each other. “Then how can I believe you’re trying?”
“That’s a really big step.” Images of Cody and I sleeping on the couch flashed through my head like a slide show.
“But with him, you’re ready?”
“He’s been part of my life forever. You’ve been part of my life for a few weeks.” I tugged my hand through my hair. I needed to find the right argument without upsetting him. “Where would we even stay?”
“Your room.”
“Think about it.” His voice softened, and he turned toward me.
Looking into his eyes, I felt my trepidation fade away. A warm tingly sensation spread through my body, and I thought about what it would be like lying with him, feeling his muscular arms holding me while I slept.
No! The thought struck me like lightning on a clear day. You cannot give into him, Dacia.
Damon slammed on his brakes. I lunged forward, stopped by a jerk of the seatbelt. He turned in his seat and hissed through gritted teeth, “Tell your dragon to stay out of this.”
“You heard her?”
“Not exactly.” He snarled at me. His canines elongated. “I know she’s in your head, but I can’t hear what she is telling you.”
Aurelia, he can tell when you contact me. Please don’t make him angry.
I waited for a response, and when I didn’t get one, I assumed my message went through loud and clear. I looked over at Damon and smiled. “I told her to stay out of this.” I reached up and traced my fingers along his jaw. “What I do when I’m with you has nothing to do with her.”
“Precisely.” He cupped my face in his hands and drew me closer to him. I expected him to press his lips against mine. Instead, he said, “And that’s why dragons shouldn’t be allowed to live. If she tries to interfere again, I’ll end her. Understand?”
The pressure increased on my jaws, making it hard to think or move. �
�Yes,” I squeaked through immobile lips.
“You might want to let her know.” He relaxed his grip. “I’m playing for keeps this time.” He slid his hands down to my shoulders. His features softened, warming his eyes. “I can’t lose you. You mean too much to me.”
The dark depths of his irises drew me in. “I’ll let her know next time I see her.”
He faced forward, put the car in gear, and drove off. I stared out the window.
Damon’s wrath terrified me. I had no idea where he was taking me and if Aurelia was still watching over me. He sped down the gravel road, fishtailing around the curves. Veins bulged in his neck.
“Wh—” My voice cracked. I cleared my throat and started again. “Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
My imagination was getting the best of me. My heart raced, and my hands shook. He’d always told me where he was taking me. He’d never been this evasive before. Nefarious’ cave and Draconian’s dungeons popped into my mind. Would he try to keep me somewhere until I gave into him? Would he return me to the Abyss?
I stuck my hand in my pocket and clutched Cody’s note. Then I focused on my breathing. I needed to control my fear. I needed to play my part and keep myself and my friends safe. “I’ve never been this way before. It’s pretty.”
“Not many people come back here. It’s secluded, the perfect place for a picnic.” He smiled at me, a smile that made warning bells ring in my head.
I shifted in my seat. “That sounds nice.”
Damon pulled off the road near a creek. He stepped out, then walked around to my side opening the door for me. He held his hand out, and I took it, allowing him to help me out of the car.
Water rushed over rocks, smoothing and rounding them as it called me closer. “I love this sound.” I closed my eyes and let the rhythm of nature calm me. “That and the smell of pines. They bring me to life.”
Damon grabbed the picnic basket out of his car before taking hold of my hand and leading me over boulders and across the stream. “On the other side of these trees”—he lifted my hand with his and pointed in front of us—“is a lake. That’s our destination.”
Leading me through the forest, Damon never let go of my hand. Normally, I wouldn’t have been able to fight his hold on me, but I clutched Cody’s letter and pictured his blue eyes.
We stepped out of the trees, and mountains rose up behind the lake, casting their reflections over the calm water. “This is beautiful. I can’t believe we’re the only ones here.”
“Most people only venture where their maps tell them to, but for you, I needed to find someplace magnificent.” He lifted my hand, brushing his lips against the back of it. Then he pulled away. He took a blanket out of the basket and spread it over the grass. I sat down and focused my attention on the scenery. Damon’s fingertips brushed against my cheek. “You can’t give the mountains all your attention. Save some for me.”
“This is the perfect spot, but I could never ignore you.” I smiled at him, hoping I was a good enough actress for him to think I was under his control.
Damon pulled me closer. Our eyes met, and he held me transfixed with his gaze. It felt like he was peering into my soul, searching for answers I wouldn’t give him. While held by his stare, I tried to read his mind, but I was met by a brick wall.
Damon’s expression hardened, and he turned away from me. “Would you like to go for a walk, or are you hungry?”
“Let’s walk.”
We strolled to the lake. My left hand was held in Damon’s, and my right one was shoved in my hoodie pocket, clutching Cody’s letter. At the water’s edge, Damon spun me around, yanking my hand out of my pocket and sending the letter flying through the air. He clasped my hand in his and danced to a song I couldn’t hear. A chill shuddered through my chest as I watched the paper sink below the surface.
“I hope that wasn’t anything important,” Damon whispered.
His words caressed my ear, and my control slipped. “Just a list of things to do.”
“If you choose me—” he trailed kisses along my neck and up my ear “—servants will be responsible for all the mundane tasks. Your only job will be to enjoy life.”
My legs weakened, and I slumped against him. “That’s hard to imagine.”
“But, once you have it, it’s hard to imagine life without.”
By the time we got back to campus, the sun sat low in the sky. Damon took my hand in his. “Did you decide?” His eyes filled with hope.
I knew this was coming, but I wasn’t ready for it. I shook my head. “How can I say yes with Aurelia right across the hall? I can’t let the two of you hurt each other.”
His grip tightened on my hand, igniting a spark of anger in his eyes. “That dragon has caused me nothing but trouble.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, though; won’t I?”
“Yes, tomorrow.” He raised my hand to his lips, then got out and opened my door for me, reaching down to help me out of the car. “Today was a good day. They could all be this way.” He kissed my ear, my neck, and my cheek, finally bringing his lips against mine. Warmth tingled through my body as all thoughts of Cody were replaced with Damon. “Invite me in. Let me stay with you tonight.”
I led him toward the dormitory, urging him to walk faster. What are you doing? I heard Arion’s voice in my head. You can’t do this!
I stopped near Wisteria Hall’s entrance and shook my head, dropping Damon’s hand. “I … I’m sorry. I can’t.” I turned and ran inside, not stopping until I was in my room. I leaned against the closed door, resisting the urge to bang my head on it.
Are you okay? Aurelia’s voice rang through my head.
Yeah. Damon was controlling me. I almost let him in here.
Lying in Cody’s bed with his arms wrapped around me, I couldn’t keep my mind from wandering, from wondering how it would feel to lie in Damon’s embrace. I let out a long, dramatic sigh.
“What’s wrong?” Cody lifted his arm out from under me so he could prop himself up with it. With his other hand, he ran his fingers through my hair, brushing it back from my face.
I looked over his shoulder, knowing there was no way I could look in his eyes and answer him. “I can’t stop thinking about Damon.”
His arm slipped, but he didn’t say anything.
“I’ve been keeping your letter with me.” I looked into his haunted eyes. “I think it was keeping him from controlling me. But, Damon must’ve known. He made me lose it today. It’s at the bottom of a lake somewhere up in the mountains, and I can’t help but think that if I’d had it with me all day, I wouldn’t be feeling this way now.”
“So you think he was controlling you?” His voice was flat and emotionless.
“I know he was, but what I don’t know is why I can’t stop thinking about him now.”
Cody rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling.
“I feel like I’m losing myself.” My voice cracked at the end.
“If he’s what you want—”
“He’s not!” I sat up and looked into his eyes. “You’re the one I want.”
“Then why?”
“I don’t know. That’s what I’m trying to explain.” I let out a huff and flopped down on the pillows. “Maybe I’m not saying it right.”
The look he gave me was filled with unbridled pain. He turned away. “Help me understand.”
Clutching the hair on top of my head, I stared at the ceiling. How can I explain so he’ll understand? “I guess I wonder if there’s some residual effect. Like somehow he’s controlling some of my thoughts but not all of them, kinda like when he used to call me to him.”
“Think that’s it?” His voice rose. “Maybe he’s calling, but since you’re farther away, it’s making you think of
him, not go to him?”
“I don’t know.” I rolled onto my side and put my hand on Cody’s chest. “What I do know is that this is not me. He is not what I want. That’s why I’m so frustrated. I don’t want to think about Damon, especially when I’m with you.”
He put his hand over mine. “We came up with one way.” His eyes lit up mischievously, and he pulled me on top of him.
“How could I have forgotten?” I laughed before bringing my lips down on his.
Chapter 36
Playing For Keeps
Mavros stands with one foot on Cody’s bloody chest. “You’re not fooling me, Dacia.” His mouth turns up in a sneer. “You’re only fooling people like Cassandra, people who aren’t intelligent enough to see beyond what’s on the surface.”
I try to keep my focus on Mavros. Every time I glance at Cody, Mavros inflicts more pain on him. “You can’t expect me to give up nineteen years of my life just because you showed up on my doorstep like a little, lost kitten.” The wind whips my hair around my face.
His face twists in anger. “Yes, I can. I am a god.” He presses his foot down, and Cody moans. “He’s a mere mortal.”
Thunder crashes in response to Mavros’ actions, and rain hammers the ground.
“No,” I say softly, shaking my head. “No, you’re not a god. You’re a demon. There’s a big difference, one I thought even you could see.”
Mavros pounces, transforming into the panther. His claws dig into my shoulders as he knocks me to the rocky ground. His fangs press into my throat, not breaking the skin but threatening to. I close my eyes, waiting for his jaws to clench, to pierce my jugular vein.