Dacia Wolf & the Fallen Prince

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Dacia Wolf & the Fallen Prince Page 27

by Mandi Oyster

  His face hardened, and he pulled his hand away from me. His fingers curled into a fist. “If you’ve already made your decision, maybe I should just get rid of your friends now.”

  “No … no, you can’t.” I reached for his hand. “I have until tomorrow.”

  “Make the right choice.” He disappeared in a wisp of smoke.

  Not knowing what to do, I returned to my room. I sat on the couch with my knees folded into my chest, staring into space, unable to see through my clouded eyes.

  Aurelia teleported into my room. “I am sorry, Dacia. When Mavros came, I was powerless to stop him. I cannot interfere. Arion could have, but not me.”

  “No, he couldn’t.” It took all my energy just to lift my head up to look at Aurelia. “Mavros would’ve killed him.” I swiped at my eyes. “It’s my fault. If Cody wasn’t mad at me for kissing Damon and enjoying it, he would’ve been with me. Samantha and Dan would’ve been with us. Now they’re gone, and I don’t know how to get them back.”

  Aurelia rubbed my back. “Dacia, none of this is your fault.”

  “I don’t want to do this right now.” I grabbed a tissue and blew my nose. “Can you leave me alone for a while? I need to figure out what to do, and I can’t concentrate at all.”

  She nodded. “I will be here if you need me.”

  I wondered if she teleported to her room or just turned invisible.

  I sat in the dark, staring at the promise ring on my finger, wondering how Cody could want this life. He’d never be safe as long as he was with me. I understood now why Peter Parker tried to push Mary Jane away. As much as I loved Cody, it wasn’t fair to put him through this.

  Wherever Mavros took them, I was sure it wasn’t pleasant, and although I wouldn’t stop until I got them back, this night would stick with them for the rest of their lives. I hoped against hope they weren’t in the black nothingness where he’d stuck me.

  I’d never be able to guarantee their safety. Aurelia had all but told me that evil would find me no matter where I went or what I did. My powers were too intense to hide, and everybody would want me for their own.

  I twirled the ring around my finger. The selfless thing to do would be to give it back to Cody … to tell him to move on. It wasn’t a promise to a demon. It was breakable, but could I do it? Was I that selfless?

  My head bobbed, so I got up to get another pop. Without Cody here to keep my dreams at bay, I was terrified to sleep. I plopped down in Cookie Monster, drinking my fourth one—hoping the caffeine would keep me up—staring at the TV.

  A knock on the door startled me. “It’s three in the morning. Who’d be bothering me this late?” I asked no one. I got up and stumbled to the door, peering through the peephole before opening it.

  “How are you holding up?” Aurelia asked. I should’ve known it was her. I should’ve sensed her.

  “All right, as long as I don’t think about it,” I answered as she strolled into my room. “I figured out my mistake. The panther attacked me the day before Mavros showed up at the park. I forgot to count that day.” I plopped down, and my head landed in my hands. “I could’ve kept them safe if I would’ve realized it sooner.”

  She sat down beside me on the couch and put her arm around my shoulders. “None of us made that connection. Do not blame yourself.”

  I lifted my head. Anger chased away my self-pity. “Really, I’m the only one who should’ve made the connection. Nobody else was there when it happened.”

  “But we all knew.”

  “Whatever.” I shrugged, and her arm slipped down my back. “I don’t know how I’m going to stop Mavros or how I’ll get them free. I guess if worse comes to worst, I’ll have to join him.”

  “Dacia, no.” Aurelia gasped. “That will not help anybody. He will still kill them, and the world will suffer greatly.”

  “I can’t watch them die.” I looked down at my bare feet. “I’m not strong enough for that.”

  “I know.” She rubbed my arm. “However, no matter what, Mavros must return to the Abyss.”

  I stood up and looked into her golden eyes. “Are you sure he would destroy the planet? Are you sure he just doesn’t want to stay on Earth?”

  “Yes.” She nodded. “I am.”

  “But … how do you know? What makes you so sure?” I started pacing behind the couch.

  She tilted her head, and there was a long pause while she had a conversation with someone unseen. “I can sense evil. It is a gift given to all gold dragons, and Dacia, he is evil incarnate.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me before?” I felt like she’d been holding back important information from me, keeping me in the dark.

  “I have to tread carefully.” She rolled her neck. “I am not sure I should tell you this, but after tomorrow—well, later today—it will no longer matter.”

  “So … what is it?” My teeth gritted together with impatience.

  “When I was gathering information about Mavros, I had to go to the council of elders.”


  “Elder gold dragons.” She looked over her shoulder at me. “They told me the truth behind the curse put on Mavros. At one time, he was free to roam Earth. When the elders found out his plot for destruction, they cursed him. However, in doing so, they gave up the rights for all gold dragons to stop him in the future.”

  I sat beside her. “So, that was why Mavros told you that you couldn’t interfere.” I remembered the day Aurelia had taken me out to see him.

  “Correct. I cannot interfere in any way.”

  “So, I’ll be on my own.” My hands twisted in my lap. “Good to know. I might’ve counted on your help.”

  “It is not much, but I want you to have this.” I looked up in time to see a dagger appear in her hands. She held it out, but I didn’t take it.

  Staring at the gold blade, I asked, “What am I supposed to do with that?”

  She slid it into its scabbard and pressed it forward until I took it from her. “The purity of the gold will be harmful to him. It might help you until you can figure out something better.”

  “Hopefully, I think of something soon.” I dragged my hand through my hair. “I’m … no, they are running out of time.”

  “Get some sleep, Dacia.” She squeezed my shoulder. “You are going to need your wits about you tomorrow.”

  “I can’t.” I heard the hysterical edge in my voice. “Cody isn’t here to keep the nightmares away, and I can’t face the dreams that are waiting for me tonight.”

  “Very well.” She patted my shoulder, then stood to leave. “See you in the morning.”

  Chapter 39

  It’s All Fun And Games

  Waiting for Mavros, I can’t remember ever feeling so alone. My heart aches for my friends. Cody’s absence is like a punch in the gut. It’s been years since I’ve gone this long without seeing him. I need his strength and love to help center me.

  I pace back and forth trying to discover a way to defeat him. Nothing has come to mind yet, and time’s running out.

  High above me, I hear the familiar sound of dragon wings. I look up expecting to see Aurelia, but it isn’t her. Instead, it’s an enormous three-headed beast. Close to the same size as Aurelia, it’s as black as night with wings that remind me of Nefarious.

  As it nears, I see the creature in more detail. Each of its three heads looks similar. They’re angular with a bony frill at the base of the neck. Instead of being scaly, the creature has smooth, greasy looking skin. Its long, muscular body cuts through the air. Its tail ends in an arrow-shaped tip. Hanging from its talons are Cody, Samantha, and Dan. They aren’t moving, but I sense their auras.

  Are you ready to give yourself to me in exchange for your friends’ lives? Mavros’ voice echoes in my head.

  Where are you? />
  Flying above you, he answers. How can you not see me?

  I saw that beast. I let him sense my disgust. I figured it was your pet.

  This is me. The real me. He laughs, and it’s an evil laugh.

  The hairs on the back of my neck lift in response. How am I supposed to stand against this monster? I glance at the jeweled hilt of Aurelia’s dagger stuck in my belt and laugh without humor.

  What will it be, Dacia? Mavros’ smooth voice coming from the beast flying above me is an affront to nature. Will you watch me tear your friends apart, or will you be mine? My time on Earth is coming to an end. If you don’t make your decision soon, your time will also be at an end.

  I rub the back of my neck. How much time?

  My time ends soon enough. When it does, you’ll either be standing by my side or lying lifelessly at my feet. Choose wisely.

  Put them down. I step toward him. Put them down and come to me as Damon—the man who won my friendship.

  I never cared about your love or friendship. His voice is filled with disdain. All you ever were to me was a gateway … a gate that I needed to open in order to avoid defeat.

  I’d known he was a demon all along, but I’d thought I’d meant something to him. I thought our friendship had been real. A lump wedges in the back of my throat, but I won’t let him see me cry over him. “I’ll make you a promise, Mavros. As long as you’re in this form, I’ll never be yours!”

  He drops Samantha and Dan from where he soars. I lift my hands up as if to catch them. It’s an instinctual reaction, but it cushions their fall.

  Mavros lands with Cody on a ledge high above me. The beast dissolves into a black mist and floats down. When it reforms, Mavros stands in front of me. “I’m here, not quite as you requested.” His expression is tender and loving.

  “Did you mean it?” My eyes burn.

  He tilts his head. “Mean what?”

  “That you never wanted my friendship or love … that I was only a gate.”

  “I don’t know if you realize this, so I’ll speak slowly for you.” His eyes darken with hatred. “I … am … a … demon! I don’t care about you. I don’t care about any lowly human—never have, never will.”

  “Then why did you act like you did?” Tears pool in my eyes, and that makes me even angrier. “Why didn’t you just kidnap me or them from the beginning and force me to choose? Why didn’t you drop me in the Abyss and leave me there until I caved? Why did you lie and manipulate me?”

  His eyes twinkle with amusement. “Ah, can’t you see how much more fun it was my way? I spent 999 years waiting to get back to this rock. Why shouldn’t I have some pleasure? The end result is the same.” He trails his finger down the side of my face. Gone is the magic, the electricity of his touch. Now my skin crawls with revulsion. “But seeing you—someone with such high morals—befriend a demon, that makes life worth living. Now you can choose me, or you can choose death.” He steps away from me, lifting his shoulder in a halfhearted shrug. “It doesn’t matter either way.”

  Still staring into his eyes, I slide the dagger out of my belt. I plunge it deep into his chest. He screams in pain.

  I teleport to Cody, grab him and teleport to Samantha and Dan. As I reach for Samantha’s hand, Mavros grabs my shoulders and jerks me backward.

  “Nice try.” He snarls, throwing me to the ground.

  I land with a thud. The breath escapes from my lungs. A wave of dizziness crashes over me. I lie gasping for air and watch Mavros slash his claws across Cody’s neck. Blood gurgles up from his mouth, and his aura flickers out. Mavros moves on to Samantha, killing her in the same fashion. Then Dan. There’s nothing I can do to help them. I can’t move. I can’t think. I still can’t even breathe.

  I close my eyes, and when I open them, the panther stands over me. You made the wrong decision, Dacia. We could’ve been great together. Now, you will rot in the ground like all your kind.

  His teeth tear into my throat. With my last breath, all I can think about is how I failed my friends.

  “Dacia.” I heard Aurelia say. Had she been there? Did she stop Mavros?

  “Dacia,” she said again. “Dacia, wake up.”

  I opened my eyes to find her standing above me. “I fell asleep?” My voice was hoarse.

  “Yes. You are injured. Hold still while I heal you.” She held her hands to my neck, and a cool sensation ran through my body.

  I went to the sink and cleaned the blood off me. “If that was a premonition, today isn’t going to go very well.”

  “Then, we should hope it was not one.”

  “Are you going with me?” I changed shirts, throwing the blood-soaked one in the trash.

  “I plan to.”

  “Well, then it wasn’t a premonition. You and Arion were nowhere to be seen in my dream.”

  “I may not be able to help you defeat him, but I will be there to support you and to heal you if I can,” she said. “If it is within my power, I will also try to get our friends to safety.”

  Chapter 40

  No Greater Love

  Far from Phlox University, I awaited Mavros. Mountains rose up all around me. Boulders the size of cars littered the ground, stacked haphazardly on top of each other. Tucked against the rocks, clumps of wildflowers thrived. Marmots sunned themselves on stones. Pikas scurried about, collecting grasses.

  I stood in the shadows, praying Mavros would show up with my friends and I’d somehow be able to save us all. If I had to promise myself to him to save them, I would.

  Even though I couldn’t see or sense them, Aurelia and Arion came with me. Aurelia hoped that by remaining unseen Mavros wouldn’t be able to tell they were with me.

  While waiting for Mavros to show up, my imagination wandered down dark paths. Images of my friends being tortured and dying flashed through my mind. I saw their bodies broken and bleeding. A hundred different scenarios. A hundred different deaths. With each vision that pulsed in front of my eyes, my resolve weakened.

  As I paced the clearing for the nth time, I heard the sound of enormous wings above me, and I realized I was about to relive my nightmare. My hands trembled, and my skin was cold and clammy. I fought to steel myself, but the fear only worsened.

  I reached out for Cody’s aura, finding his strength and love. There was something new mixed in with it. It took me a moment to realize what it was … sorrow. My heart dropped. It was my fault that emotion was tied to him now.

  The regret lessened my fear. I looked to the sky, searching for any means to defeat Mavros.

  Watching the beast, it occurred to me how graceful he soared through the air. His body moved in sync with the breeze as he made his way toward me, and I wondered if air was Mavros’ element or if it was fire.

  He landed fifty yards from me. Before my eyes, the creature morphed into Mavros. Samantha and Dan fell to the ground in front of him, but he held Cody by the neck. Relief washed over me. This was not going to be an instant replay of my nightmare. Mavros had already changed it.

  “What is your decision, Dacia?” he asked in his silken voice. “If you choose to be mine, I will let your friends live. If not … I’ll tear them apart limb from limb, piece by bloody piece. You won’t be able to save them.”

  “Let them go.” I clenched my fists and stepped toward him. “Once they are safe, I’ll give you my decision.”

  Laughter was his only response.

  His reaction infuriated me. “I don’t trust you.”

  “You have my word, Dacia. I cannot go back on it.” He eased his grip on Cody’s neck. “My word is binding.”

  “Why me?” I asked.

  “Power.” He smiled, and it was wicked.

  “So many girls would’ve bound themselves to you already.” I strode closer to him. “Why not choose one of them?

  “To you, 999 years is ten lifetimes. To me, it’s the blink of an eye. I’m a demon. I’d rather twist somebody who is righteous and moral than somebody who’s already repulsive and vile. If you send me back to the Abyss, it was worth it to see you befriend a demon.” His features morphed until he looked like Damon. Then he changed back into Mavros again.

  “So, it was just a game to you?” My stomach dropped. “None of it was real?”

  “None of it. I. Am. A. Demon!” His roar echoed through the clearing. The sounds of the forest hushed. His lips turned up in a sarcastic smile. “And, you were right about demons. We’re all evil. If you live through this, you’ll do well to remember that.”

  It shouldn’t have bothered me, but I was crushed. How could all the time we spent together mean nothing to him? I knew he was a demon. I knew there was a chance he was evil, but some of the time I’d spent with Mavros and with Damon had been enjoyable. I’d thought he liked me. I’d thought there was good in him.

  “But …” I pulled on my bottom lip. Why did it matter what he thought of me? Why did I care? “I saw all those emotions in your eyes. You couldn’t have been faking that.”

  “A gift of mine.” He laughed. “Apparently, one that works well on you.”

  A mixture of emotions had my stomach twisting and turning. I felt betrayed, stupid, scared, and angry. How could I have trusted a demon? How’d I think this would end? Did I really think he’d just walk away without a fight?

  “Your decision, Dacia.” The words were filled with revulsion. “Cody will die first if you choose incorrectly or wait too long.” Cody squirmed as Mavros’ grip tightened around his neck.

  I held my hand up. “Wait.”

  He cocked his head and loosened his grip on Cody.


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