Unmistakably Us (Imagine Ink Book 5)

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Unmistakably Us (Imagine Ink Book 5) Page 24

by Verlene Landon

  Logan didn’t agree with the first one they saw but he did agree with her reasoning for it. So in true married fashion, they compromised—not the high-end he wanted to treat her with and not whatever pay by the hour they found, but a moderate hotel, with a nice suite.

  They had to get off the bike in tandem, being connected by her dress. Logan unzipped his jacket and let the now wrinkled skirt drift down to swirl around her. She tried to smooth it out, but it was no use. Logan got her attention. “Leave it alone, Mrs. Chapman. You’re still as beautiful as ever and I love you, and as soon as I get you out of that dress, I’ll show you how much.” An all too quick kiss and he was leading her into the lobby shouldering both backpacks.

  January caught their reflection in the mirror behind the check-in desk. “We look a mess, a happy mess, but a mess all the same.” After the gentleman gave them their card key, he disappeared. Logan made to turn, but January halted him. “Gimme your phone.” She pointed to the mirror. “Wedding portrait.”

  Logan grinned that panty-melting smile of his and dropped the backpacks. He maneuvered them into position to get their full-length reflection and snapped a series of pics.

  He handed her his phone and shouldered both backpacks, then scooped her up in his arms and practically ran down the hallway. January couldn’t remember feeling this free…happy. She hadn’t been a miserable person, but her happiness was always surface or just a few layers deep; this one went clear to the bone.

  If she wasn’t overestimating her effect on Logan, he was too. Then she remembered. “Oh shit, what about Michael? Did you tell him? How did he take it? How did everyone take it?”

  “Damn, Rabbit, slow down.” Logan stopped in front of the door bearing the number inked on the key card envelope. “I’ll summarize for you now, because once I open that door, no one else exists. The world will melt away until check out time tomorrow, deal?”


  “Yes, I told him and he reacted…not at all as I expected. He was actually a lot more welcoming than I would have been in his situation.” Logan nipped her cheek. “Most everyone else, the male half of the family anyway, knew the night before and took it beyond well.”

  January slapped his chest. “Seriously? Who knew early and why?” January was blown away by that revelation.

  Logan kissed her senseless. “All you need to know about that is, I needed sage wisdom and I got it. On a side note, we will be having all our disagreements naked. But as for everyone else, well, they all seemed to expect it. Not sure if it is just some sort of weird Panhandle voodoo, or the fact that not a single man could keep a secret from his woman. Either way, I’m in a good place with a family I never knew I wanted and an overly inquisitive wife, who is making me stand in a hotel hallway and answer questions when I could be feasting on her succulent pussy already, so if she’s done…”

  January wanted to be done, she really did. She was also a curious person by nature, but her lady bits won out. “Okay, just one more, how much do you love me?”

  “Fuckitall, Rabbit, do you want me to stand in the hall all night? You know I can’t put a value to it. I’m not good with numbers or poetic words and shit, but I love you as much as I am capable of love. Until you, I didn’t even know it was possible for me to love. I will love you through everything and anything and then whatever else you throw at me. Can’t you see? I’m fucking pussy-whipped. You can put a leash in my cock ring and lead me around through the town square and I would still fall at your feet and beg you to never leave me. However, you do that and I will serve all back to you in bed.”

  “Wow, as far as answers go, that one was pretty damned phenomenal, poetic as fuck. Trailer park poetry has always been my jam.” January goosed him and discovered he was a lot more ticklish than he let on.

  “Now, if you’ll reach in my pocket, grab the card key, and open the fucking door, I can dip my tongue in your pussy and we can play with some plaster.”

  January wasn’t sure she heard that last part correctly and was about to ask when Logan shut her down.

  “January, stop with the questions already or I will tie you to that fucking bed so tight, the abrasions won’t heal for a month.” Logan gritted the words through his teeth.

  It turned January on to know that a man like Logan was on the ragged edge because of her. His threat didn’t sound like punishment at all; it sounded like foreplay. They’d discussed this aspect before, and she knew if they got back together, their relationship would progress to involve ropes and ties…at least she hoped.

  When she reached for the key, she thought to ask just one more question. Not because she wanted anything urgently answered, but to see if he would follow through with that threat.

  “January,” he scolded. When she dragged her gaze to his, he looked like sex on a stick. One eyebrow was cocked up and his tongue swept over his full bottom lip before he sucked it into his mouth, worrying it with his even teeth.

  That was when she realized Logan was either very in tune with her or she projected her moves before she made them. She swallowed hard to keep from wrapping her legs around his waist and just getting fucked here in the hallway.

  She leaned over and pressed the card to the door, and when the green light lit, she depressed the handle. Before she had a chance to draw her hand back, Logan kicked the door open and strode into the room.

  Unceremoniously, he dropped her on the large bed in the middle of the room and shrugged the backpacks off. Before she could even slap all the satin out of her field of vision, Logan had toed off his boot and doffed his jacket and shirt.

  January raised a hand to his chest. He fascinated her every time he got undressed. She traced the lines of ink while he removed his belt. She added her other hand, and she stroked up and down his chest, stopping to play with his nipple piercings.

  Logan’s hands landed on top of hers. He guided her caress a few times before using them to pull her up from the bed. With their hands linked, he stepped back and accessed her. Letting one hand go, he raised the other and slowly twirled her around.

  The appreciation in his eyes swelled her heart. “How did a loser like me end up with the likes of you…as my wife, no less?”

  “You just got lucky,” January teased, and she fell into his arms. “But you’re not a loser, Logan. Not even close. You’re a good man with a big heart even if you never realized it, and just for the record, I’m the lucky one.”

  His mood shifted suddenly. Logan seemed sad or remorseful, and January didn’t know what to say, so she said nothing. She just enjoyed the embrace, hoping he would be able to voice it, whatever it was. She didn’t have to wait long. When he sighed, she knew heavy words would follow, and she was slightly terrified. Does he regret us or is he slipping back into that place where he doesn’t believe he deserves happiness?

  “January?” She chanced a glance up through her lashes at the pain that laced her name. “What Andy said, what…you know I can never give you kids. I mean, sure we could reverse it, but you know that’s no guarantee. I never thought I’d ever regret that decision…until I met you and you introduced me to this me.”

  January couldn’t speak when he got choked up like that. Her man was hurting, but not for himself; he was hurting because he thought he had somehow wronged her with something he did before they met.

  “I mean…we can try if that’s what you want. I’ll do anything to make you happy, even God forbid, let you…” Thank fuck he trailed off because January couldn’t take it a minute longer.

  “Logan, I do want kids, eventually.” January felt his arms tense, so she spoke quickly, “But kids are the ones you choose, just like we chose each other, like Frank and Francis chose all of us. They don’t have to come from our bodies for me to be their Momma or you their Daddy. We’re proof that blood doesn’t make good parents automatically. You’ll be a great dad, you know?” January kissed his still lips. “But not for a long, long time, okay? I want you all to myself for a while. I’m going to be selfish like th
at for at least a year.”

  Logan’s arms tightened around her almost painfully until he took a deep breath. “Good, because naked fighting could get awkward with kids running around.” She still wasn’t sure what that was all about, but she didn’t care. January was in the moment not thinking about the days to come, even if they involved nudity.

  After a few short moments, Logan shifted slightly. January gave him room, and he reached between them. He kept one arm firmly around her while he messed with his phone. “I know this wasn’t the wedding you dreamed of, hell, we didn’t even have colors or get a wedding dance. At least I can fix one of those things right now.” He turned and docked his phone in the hotel speaker on the desk.

  “Look at us. We had colors—blush pink, leather black, and,” she grabbed her hair and tossed it over her shoulder, “a hint of royal purple.”

  “God, I fucking love you.” Logan held her face to his, drinking from her lips. He broke away, and the strong arms she loved returned where they belonged. He started swaying their bodies as the music started. January’s tears fell free against his chest when she heard Stone Sour’s, “Song #3” floating through the hotel room.

  As the song was winding down, January looked up into Logan’s relaxed face. “You’re right, you know. It wasn’t the wedding I dreamed of. It was so much more.”

  January’s words were the ones he needed. Yes, he had come a long way, but as much as he wanted to, he couldn’t change years of programming overnight.

  He only hoped he didn’t drive her away with his insecurities and constant need of reassurance. January, even with all she’d been through, was a confident person. Would she be able to understand his fears? All it took was a look in her hazel eyes and the answer was clear—yes, she would. Oh, but she’d have fun messing with him, of that he was sure.

  The music shifted, and Logan grinned. It only took seconds for January to recognize it, too. Her laugh and playful punch told him that much. “That’s perfect. You are an ‘All American Nightmare.’” Logan released her, strolled past her, and sauntered over and relaxed on the bed. With his hands under his head, he just watched her appreciate his body.

  “As much as I love that fucking dress, and I do love it, it’s time to lose it. First, take off the leggings and shoes, then peel it down slowly, revealing the rest of that red lacy fuck-me get up you wore for me.”

  No one had ever worn lingerie for him before, and when he glimpsed it earlier, he about came all over her. It wasn’t like either of them had too many firsts to share with each other, and Logan felt good about his first being with her…until a unbidden thought raced through his head.

  “How many of those teddies do you own?” That wasn’t the question he wanted to ask, but he also didn’t want to spoil the mood.

  With leggings and shoes gone, January approached the side of the bed and pulled her hair to the side. “Just this one.” Logan leaned up and undid the back of her gown and dropped a kiss on her shoulder before returning to his previous position.

  Gracefully, she returned to the foot of the bed, but more to the left where he had a full view. Her arms were free, and she held the dress to her breast. “So, you said you wore that for me. Did you buy for me too?” Damn it, shut the fuck up, you idiot. You’re going to ruin this night for her.

  January let her arms drop and the dress followed and pooled around her calves. That was his first full view of the red lace kissing her skin, and he damn near choked on his tongue.

  The top was cut low, all the way to her navel, the hips cut high, sitting atop her hipbone. She was exquisite. “Logan,” she started slinking toward him, “is this your way of asking if I wore this for someone else?”

  Her eyes sparked but not with anger. Still flustered, he was tired of beating around the bush; she was on to him. Shit, he was already whipped, may as well embrace it.

  “No. I’m asking if you’ve ever worn one for anyone else.” He pulled her down on top of his body and pumped his hips up involuntarily when the lace touch the skin exposed by his open zipper.

  “No. Never. You’re the first and last man I’ll wear one for.”

  Those words were jet fuel on a raging fire. He flipped her body under his and devoured her mouth. The kiss was more teeth than tongue, but he didn’t give a shit; he was her first in this too. It was ridiculous how such a little thing could mean so much, but it did.

  When Logan felt January’s delicate fingers encircle his throbbing dick, a feral growl was ripped from his body. He remembered the special project he had for a wedding night activity, but he was reluctant to leave her. Finally, his pride won out. He knew if he fucked her first, the end result wouldn’t be the best representation of his cock as it could be, and he wanted the end result to be fucking impressive.

  With great reluctance, he levered up off of his beautiful wife, leaving her in stunned silence, and went to his backpack. “What’s so important that you left me here on the bed literally lying in my own wet spot?”

  Logan began laying out everything that came in the kit. “You’ll see.” The music shifted again. Now it was his turn to giggle. He had only planned the first song, everything else was a just random grab from his library, and of course, “Domino” would come up.

  January sat up and started grabbing the different items, examining them and putting them back. Logan enjoyed the puzzled looks that crossed her beautiful face. When everything was there, he stripped and lied down on the other side of the bed.

  Curious, she turned, dragging her knees up after her. Sitting on her hip with her legs curled beside her as she leaned over him, she looked like seduction incarnate. “Are you going to tell me about all that or do I have to guess?”

  One hand snaked behind her neck, and he brought her in for a kiss. One with significantly more finesse than the last. With his lips just a breath from hers, he answered…sort of. “Remember when I said you’d only ever be allowed to get off on my mouth, my hands, my cock, or any other part of me or representation thereof?”

  January’s laugh was infectious. “I think you’ve been spending too much time with Stacy and Andy because you’re sounding a little lawyery, but yes, I remember a text to that effect. Without the flourishes, of course.”

  The urge to kiss her overwhelmed him once more so he indulged a little. “Well, I brought us a little wedding night craft project.” Another kiss followed; this one drifted to her neck. She smelled like Heaven. Logan breathed her in, holding that scent inside him, committing it to memory. That fresh beginnings smell took on a whole new aspect in that moment.

  “Everything we need to create your own,” kiss, “lifelike,” this time, he indulged in sucking the sensitive skin at the base of her neck, “Logan Chapman dildo.” Her neck left his questing lips groping mid-air.

  “Look at that.” Logan lay back with his hands back under his head. “I’ve just rendered January Snow Thorne speechless.” He had to admit, there was a certain smug satisfaction to be had at the thought.

  After sputtering a bit, January gathered her thoughts. “I just…never knew there was such a thing.” Her quick recovery impressed him.

  “Yep. It’s a thing. Now, grab the tube labeled one. You’re going to have to get me hard as fuck, then lube me up real good.” Logan allowed one of his hands to drift down his body and take his cock in hand. The look in January’s eyes almost had him saying fuck it to the mold and just pummeling the fuck out of her sweet pussy. He knew she loved it when he touched himself.

  A few strokes had her licking her lips. He had to break eye contact or risk not getting this done, and he was serious about it. Any thing used to get her off was going to be him, at least in a way.

  January turned and palmed the green tube. Squirting a generous glop in her hand, she rubbed them together. When she knelt over him and wrapped her hands around the shaft, his hand fell away and his eyes rolled back in his head. Bliss, sheer fucking bliss.

  She made two strokes agonizingly slow before returning to the tube for m
ore of the thick, sticky lube. Her dainty hand swept around his balls, forcing a hiss from him. “Fuck, Rabbit, you better not do that too many times or you’re going to have a limp toy, sweetheart.”

  His eyes shot open when her lips touched his nose. He’d been so lost in the moment, he didn’t notice her face above his. “It said to protect the area, and it is certainly one area I want protected.”

  The way she bounced back toward the table, it seemed she was enjoying this way more than he expected. Logan watched as she grabbed the blue and red tubes, read them and then mixed them in the squirt bottle provided. Returning to his hips, she meet his gaze. “You ready? It’s going to be cold.”

  Logan nodded. “As ready as I’ll ever be, but I need to stay hard, so as soon as you coat that goop on my junk, you better get up here and ride my face to keep me at optimum horny husband level.”

  Plan agreed upon, she started coating his cock in the cold molding material. “Shit, that’s cold.” As soon as he felt like she was making mud pies in his crotch, January made to get off the bed. “Uh-uh, get over here and sit on my face, now!”

  “But my hands.”

  “I don’t give a shit about your hands, I need that pussy on my face. My pussy.”

  Right as she straddled his neck, he had an idea. “Grab the bottle, and the lube.” She leaned over and snagged it in her ash colored fingertips, the mold material already starting to set on her hands. Logan took them from her. He set the bottle on the bed. After squirting lube in his palm, the tube joined it.

  Lubing up her breast was borderline orgasmic, especially with the little mewls she made as he did so. He took her hands in his, and he rubbed them roughly against her perfect tits to clean them as best he could. He retrieved the bottle and drizzled the gray liquid over her chest. Tossing the empty bottle aside, he swirled it around her nipples, taking care to get every dimple and embossed landmark.


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