Doctor's Orders (Complete Series)

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Doctor's Orders (Complete Series) Page 23

by Lilian Monroe

  His laugh had echoed in my ears, sending shivers of fear through me. “Go ahead,” he’d taunted. His greasy, gnarled finger had reached up and twisted itself around one of my curls. He’d licked his lips and I’d felt like retching. “You wouldn’t want word to get out that your own father, politician, man of the people, was using taxpayer dollars to satisfy his own insatiable gambling addiction, now would you?”

  “I...I don’t believe you.” I’d hated how scared I’d sounded. How scared I felt.

  “Believe this.” He’d handed me a stack of photos. There he was, my dad. In what looked like a dingy basement, playing cards. He was in his usual grey pinstripe suit surrounded by thugs and greasy, dangerous-looking men. My stomach had dropped and I’d once again felt like throwing up.

  “Now since this is a hard time for you, seeing as your father just died and all, I’m going to be generous. He owes us forty-seven thousand dollars and normally I’d want it right away. But for you, I’m giving you some time. I’d better have my money in three months.”

  And just like that, he’d walked down the stairs and out of my building.

  Ever since that day I’ve been looking over my shoulder everywhere I go. The rage, the betrayal I’d felt that day is growing inside me again. I stare at my kitchen counter, running my fingers over the chipped laminate countertops and take a deep breath.

  Squaring my shoulders, I take my glass of wine from the kitchen and rush over to my living room table. I pull out the bottom drawer and fish out the photos at the bottom. The tears well up inside me. My father, my hero. He looks so handsome and so out of place at that poker table.

  I let the hot tears stream down my face like trails of lava on my cheeks. Ever since the day he died I’ve felt alone. It’s like the spark inside me has dimmed. I’ve always been the one to light up a room, the one with a quick comeback. Since that day, just over a month ago, it all just seems like a chore. Valerie was there for me. She knew I was hurting. But I couldn’t tell her this. I couldn’t tell her that the man I’d admired most was a fraud. A gambler. A liar.

  Pull yourself together.

  In two weeks’ time, with this job and a reference from Dr. Yates, I’ll be able to get a loan from the bank. I’ll still be in debt but at least then my debts will be legitimate and won’t come with the fear of death. It’s the only way I can see out of this.

  I tip the glass of wine back and finish it in one gulp. I need to pack. A few days away from this godforsaken city will do me good. I just hope Elliot keeps being civil with me and doesn’t go back to being the asshole he was last week.

  At this point, I don’t even care if I’m attracted to him or if he’s attracted to me. All I want is to feel like I don’t have to watch my back everywhere I go.



  The taxi pulls up outside the airport and I climb out, hauling my bag over my shoulder. I pay the driver and head into the terminal. Elliot is standing by the check-in desk, tapping his foot and staring at one of the doors. I walk over to him.

  “Hey,” I say.

  “You’re late,” he growls.

  “I’m not.” Looks like the asshole is back. I try not to let the frustration build up inside me. I’ve been with him for thirty seconds. “I checked in online. Let’s go through security.”

  He nods and we walk down to the lineup of people waiting to go through the security gates. I glance over at him. As much as I hate to admit it, he looks good. He’s dressed in a white t-shirt that grips his body perfectly. The thin cotton fabric hugs his muscular chest, leaving nothing to my imagination. His slacks show off his perfectly round ass. I try not to let my eyes wander up and down his body too much. My hands are itching to touch his shoulders, his chest, anywhere.

  I watch as he unbuckles his belt in the security line. He pulls it out of the belt loops and puts it on the conveyor belt. My eyes flick down to his crotch and I look away before he has a chance to catch me, my cheeks burning as I start taking my own belt and shoes off. It’s different seeing him dressed more casually. I don’t even care that he’s in a bad mood. His blue eyes look stormy, almost grey.

  At the end of the day, I can deal with grumpiness as long as it means I won’t be cornered on the street by angry thugs asking me for money. I certainly won’t let someone like Dr. Elliot Davis get me down.

  We file through security and wait at the gate in silence. I sit next to him and can feel the heat from his body. His thick quads are straining against the fabric of his pants, and my eyes drift up to his stomach and chest. His hands are splayed over his legs, and I wonder what it would feel like to have those broad hands running up and down my body. He hasn’t said a word to me since he told me I was late.

  Finally, I’ve had enough. I shift in my seat and turn to face him.

  “Look, Dr. Davis,” I start, making sure to use his full title. “We are going to be spending the next two days together. Over the past week you’ve shown me that you do, in fact, have a personality.” He bristles, but I keep going. His eyes are narrowing on me. “I would like to avoid spending the rest of the week in misery just because you are deciding to be grumpy for no good reason.”

  I stop talking, staring at him. I know my eyes are ablaze with anger and frustration. I can’t stand being next to someone, being attracted to someone on such a carnal level and not being able to talk to him. We stay like that, eyes locked on each other. I’m on edge, my entire body is electric. It feels like an eternity goes by and finally his shoulders slump slightly and he looks away.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.” His eyes flick back up to mine and this time they’re clear and questioning. “If I’m honest with you, I’m nervous.”

  I frown. What is he nervous about? His speech? That’s understandable. But the way he’s looking at me… is he nervous about being here with me? I soften my voice before I start talking again. Before I can stop myself, my hand is reaching over to him and I place it lightly on his forearm. I try to ignore the sizzling heat that travels through my veins the second our bodies touch. His skin is warm, almost hot.

  “It’ll be fine. You’re a highly successful, qualified surgeon. You know what you’re talking about. Your speech will blow the roof off. Plus,” I continue with a wink. “You’ve got a kick-ass set of slides to go with it.”

  Despite his best efforts to be grumpy his mouth starts breaking into a smile. I pull my hand away and immediately wish I had left it there.

  “Thanks,” he says softly. “And please, call me Elliot.”

  “All right, Elliot,” I say, feeling how good the name tastes in my mouth. “And worst case, just like... Imagine everyone naked or something.”

  He grins and raises an eyebrow. My cheeks flush and I burst out laughing.

  “Except me. I forbid you to imagine me naked.”

  That amazing, bright, face cracking smile makes an appearance and I feel a warmth growing in my center as I look at him beaming.

  “You forbid it, do you?” he growls. My heartbeat speeds up and my lips are suddenly dry. I lick them slowly, loving the heat of his gaze on my body. His eyes flick down my neck, my chest, all the way down to the floor and then back up.

  My throat is tight and I’m stuck to my chair. I can feel my pulse in every part of my body as his eyes devour me. I can’t help it: I do the same. I take in his tight t-shirt, his jeans, his easy half-slouch on the small waiting lounge seats. It’s like he’s made of muscle and bone and sex. My eyes glance to his crotch again and I feel an intense, sparkling heat inside me. I can feel my wetness soaking my panties as we sit there, unmoving.

  An undeniable urge to touch him, to stroke his thigh, to touch his face - anything - grows inside me. I’m willing myself not to, but his eyes are burning into me.

  And then, I’m saved by the bell. An airline announcement comes on over the speakers and I snap out of my stupor. I shake my head, feeling my curls bounce against my cheeks. With a deep breath I glance over at him and see he’s picking up his carry-on
and getting ready to board.

  I follow his lead to the business class line and with deep breaths, try to understand what the hell just happened.



  The business class seats on this plane have their own little enclosures and I’m grateful for it. If I had to sit beside her with our bodies almost touching for six hours, I think I would explode. My cock is already throbbing, straining against my pants as I try to hide it behind my bag.

  That was…. God, what was it? It was inappropriate. And electrifying. She saw the way I looked at her body, the way I imagined what her skin would taste like, what her pussy would taste like. My mouth is still watering. I wanted to take those red lips in mine and kiss her right there. It took all my self-control to stop myself from reaching over and crushing my lips against hers.

  Once I’m on the plane I glance over at her across the aisle. She looks over and smiles tentatively. I look forward and take a deep breath. I need to keep my distance. This conference is important. My job is important. Gracie is important. I can’t let my own desires get in the way.

  Desire. That’s the word. I open my eyes slightly and glance over again. I can see the curve of her tits straining against that sheer blouse. She’s leaning over to adjust something in the front of her seat, and I catch a glimpse of her cleavage. It sends another jolt of electricity through me. Her legs are stuck together and I can see how they widen up to her hips. I’d do anything to reach over and trail my fingers up her legs, to feel the slit between them.

  My cock twitches once more at the thought of it, the thought of her wetness, of my fingers running through it. I close my eyes and allow myself to imagine it some more. My kisses trailing down that long, slender neck to her collarbone. The way her big tits would feel in my hand. I’d kiss them, biting gently at her nipples if I got the chance. I’d tease her until she was a puddle of lust underneath me.

  The thought of her wanting me makes my cock even harder. I wonder if those big brown eyes of hers would beg me? Would her lips part as she gasped, waiting for my touch? What would it sound like when she moaned my name?

  I shift uncomfortably in my seat and open my eyes. I need to stop. I take out my headphones and browse the selection of movies on the plane. Without being able to help myself, I steal a couple glances over her way.

  She’s doing the same. She’s settling in for a cross-country flight. Ignoring me. At least we understand each other. I turn on a movie and keep my eyes glued on the screen for the next six hours.

  The flight goes by without any issues.

  When we get off, I turn to Emma. Thankfully, my body seems to be calmer now.

  “All right, so let’s grab a cab to the hotel. The conference center is just a few minutes away so we can get settled in and then head over. Say, 20 minutes and then meet in the lobby? There’s a welcome luncheon at noon.”

  Emma looks at me with those deep brown eyes and I try to ignore the heat coursing through my veins. I’ve been preparing myself for this all flight. I need to keep it professional. She nods.

  “Sounds good.”

  We hail a cab and Emma takes a seat behind the driver. I take the other seat in the back and glance over at her. She’s staring out the window, hands folded on her lap. Looks like it’s her turn to be the quiet one.

  I don’t mind, not really. I like silence. But then I glance over at her again and I wish she would flash that smile at me or say something and then laugh at her own joke. Her laugh is like a ray of sunshine through my heart. It hits me in my core and forces me to smile with her. As if she senses my gaze, she turns her head and looks at me. Her curly brown hair bounces and falls behind her head. She smiles tentatively at me and when I don’t react, she sticks her tongue out.

  I chuckle. She would get along well with Gracie.

  Whoa - where did that thought come from? She is most definitely not meeting Gracie. My one promise to myself, my one promise to Chloe was to take care of my daughter. I’m not going to have random women in and out of her life. I turn my head and stare out the window, suddenly feeling like there’s a dark cloud weighing me down.

  I need to get this conference over with and get back to my daughter.



  I can’t keep up with this hot and cold roller coaster. We had a ‘moment’, sure. And then the moment passed and we went back to being professionals. That’s all fine. But then in the taxi, it’s like he was punishing himself for smiling at me? He went from smiling to looking like he was in the foulest mood I’ve ever seen.

  I’m in my hotel room, freshening up and getting changed for this first day of talks. Elliot’s speech is in a couple hours, so I get to enjoy the afternoon with him being a nervous wreck before it’s over.

  Shaking my head, I tell myself not to let it get to me. I’m here for work, and work is what I’ll do. I’ll try to be supportive of him but I need to get these mood swings under control. I can’t let myself get dragged along by his obvious emotional issues.

  I sort through my small suitcase for something to wear. I pull out my lacy black thong and bra and shake my head. Why did I pack these last night? Where did I think I was going to wear them?

  But I know the answer to that, and I shake my head. Not going to happen, not in a million years. I look at my phone and there’s a message from Val:

  Part of the mile high club now, I imagine?

  I roll my eyes and break into a reluctant smile.

  Not even close. He was basically eye fucking me before we got on the plane but now has gone back to being an asshole. Prob for the best.

  Sounds like he wants to kiss you on the playground and hold your hand at recess.

  I snort. I might as well be in grade school. I finish getting ready and check myself out one last time. I’ve chosen my favorite dark red business dress. It’s fitted and shapely and flattering, perfect for a woman with curves. I touch up my favorite shade of red lipstick and head down to meet Dr. Grumpy.

  He changed as well, and he’s looking out the lobby window. His ass looks as good as ever in those navy pants. His hands are in his pockets and it’s pulling the fabric tight.



  I need to get a grip. This is professional. That lacy black thong and bra are not going anywhere near him.

  “Doctor,” I say as I walk up. He turns around, not acknowledging the fact that I used his title instead of his name.

  “Should we head out?” We start walking, hailing a cab to get to the conference. Another short, awkward taxi ride later and we’re at the venue just in time for lunch. We get our name tags and seating assignments, and head to our table. We’re seated beside each other. I’m not sure why I’m surprised, we’re from the same company so it’s obvious that we’d be seated together. Still, my heart skips a beat when he pulls out my chair for me and takes the seat next to mine. We’re near the stage at the front. I glance over at him and I know he’s nervous. He still hasn’t looked at me, let alone talked to me.

  The emcee takes the stage and the first event of the afternoon begins. I’m just going to relax and try to enjoy myself. At least I got a free trip to San Diego out of it, even if I have to spend it with a guy with the emotional maturity of an eight year old.



  She looks so fucking good. It’s been torture sitting here beside her all afternoon. My thoughts keep drifting between her body and how much I want to wrap myself around her and then the fact that I need to stand up in front of two hundred people and talk about my work. My cock doesn’t know if it wants to be hard as rock or shrivel up inside me and pretend it doesn’t exist.

  Then, it happens. They call my name.

  “Straight from New York City, we have a special guest this afternoon. He’s revolutionized the way rhinoplasty is performed, cutting recovery times in half. Here to tell us all about the leaps and bounds that are being made is Dr. Elliot Davis.”

  Applause fills the room. My heart leap
s into my throat and suddenly my legs feel like jelly. I’m stuck to my chair. A spotlight swings around to me and beams down on me with the brightness of a thousand suns. People are clapping. I’m frozen.

  Like a wave of relief I hear Emma’s voice in my ear, I feel her breath on my neck.

  “Remember, just imagine us all naked. I’ll even allow you to imagine me naked just this once.”

  The words snap me back to the room and my head whips around to her. She’s laughing and clapping. She raises her eyebrows and nods to the stage and like a puppet on a string I start moving.

  The applause dies down as I make my way to the podium. The first slide of my presentation comes up on the screen behind me and I stare out into the audience. I’m not good at speaking to people one on one, let alone a group of two hundred. And it’s not like it’s just two hundred regular people. No, it’s two hundred of the best and brightest in the industry. Why do they care what I’m doing at work anyway?

  I take a deep breath.

  My eyes scan the audience, but still my voice won’t work. There are people here that have been in the industry for longer than I’ve been alive. Brilliant surgeons, researchers, businessmen. There’s a lump in my throat and I can’t seem to swallow properly. My gaze swings over to our table and I see Emma. She’s waiting patiently, her curly brown hair like a halo around her head. I can see her red lips from here.

  I’d love to have those lips wrapped around my cock.

  The thought comes to mind without warning and my cock responds by standing to attention in my pants. I clear my throat and try to focus. I glance at Emma and she moves her hands. It takes me a second to realize she’s miming unbuttoning a shirt and taking it off. The corners of my mouth curl up and I clear my throat. I’m finally able to speak.


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