Doctor's Orders (Complete Series)

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Doctor's Orders (Complete Series) Page 35

by Lilian Monroe

  “You,” she spits as she walks by. “I should never have let you out of my sight.”

  I say nothing, only step aside and let her pass. They close the door on her and lock it, and I see through the one-way glass as she slumps on the chair, head in hand. Victor’s not far behind, grappling with the officers as they drag him across the room.

  Another officer rushes over.

  “Boss, check this out!” They turn away from me, forgetting I’m there. I look over, trying to see what he’s holding. Elliot’s voice drifts out of their huddle.

  “Why? Why did you do this?”

  And then Dr. Yates’ voice comes through, clear as day:

  “It’s not why, Elliot. It’s why not. She came to me with a proposition to make us both rich, and I took it. It would be stupid not to. Framing you was the easiest thing I ever did. You practically asked me to do it.”

  The realization dawns on me and I feel like I’m walking on air. He recorded them. I couldn’t get a confession out of him. I didn’t even have a chance to talk to Elliot but he got one on his own. The police officers laugh and clap each other on the back. The detective turns to me, smiling from ear to ear.

  “With your and Dr. Davis’ help this is going to be an open-shut case. We got them.”

  He extends his hand toward me and pumps my arm vigorously. He’s grinning nonstop, and I can’t help but smile with him.

  Then, I look over his shoulder and see Elliot. He walks out of one of the rooms and drags his fingers through his hair. He looks exhausted and relieved. Our eyes lock across the police station and suddenly my feet have a mind of their own. In seconds I’m flying across the room toward him.

  He opens his arms and I run into them, colliding with his broad chest. I inhale his scent, burying my head in his neck. The sobs start in my stomach and erupt in my throat as he holds me.

  He’s okay.

  Gracie is okay.

  We’re okay.

  I melt into his arms and I know I never want to let him out of my sight again.



  “I was a bit disappointed they didn’t let us ride in a police cruiser on the way to the station,” Emma says to me. I chuckle.

  “I don’t want to see the back of a police car, ever. And I definitely don’t want to see you in the back of one.”

  The adrenaline is still pumping in my veins as we make our way to my house. Once we park outside, I turn to Emma. I can’t wait any longer. I put a hand on her cheek and pull her into me. Our lips collide and she grabs my face, my neck, my hair, pulling me closer to her. I’ve never felt a kiss so passionate and so real.

  Our lips crush together and our tongues dance with each other. I can’t get enough of her. I’ve missed her smell, her touch, her taste. After what seems like an instant she pulls away, putting her hands on either side of my face. Her eyes are shining bright.

  “Elliot, I…” I shake my head slowly and she falls silent.

  “Not now. Let’s just get through this and then we can talk. I don’t want to ruin this moment.”

  She nods and places another soft kiss on my lips. We linger like that for a moment, and then fall apart and get out of my car. I jog around the front of the car to her side, extending my hand to her. She slips her fingers in between mine and we walk into the house together, as one. How we should be.

  I open the front door and take a deep breath, turning to Emma. My hands roam all over her curves as we fall inside the door. She’s here, and she’s mine. All mine. I close the door and lock it, pushing her up against it and pressing my lips against hers. My cock is throbbing in my pants already, but all I want to do right now is taste her kiss.

  Emma’s arms are around my neck as she responds to my kiss, pushing her body up against mine. Her breasts are round and soft as they press up against my chest. I can feel her nipples through both our shirts. They’re hard as rocks. The feeling of them pressing into me sends a shiver straight to my cock.

  My hands are all over her. I run my fingers up and down her sides, around to her back and down to her ass before feeling my way back up to tangle my fingers in her hair. I can’t get enough of her.

  “Let’s go upstairs,” Emma says as she looks me deep in the eye. I nod.

  We stumble upstairs and I bring her to my bedroom. She pushes me gently, backing me into the bed. Once I’m there I fall backwards and Emma gets up on top of me, straddling my hips with her legs. She sits up and looks down at me, hands on my chest, stroking me gently. I bring my hands to her ass and feel the warmth of her body. My eyes close and I shiver in contentment.

  “Elliot,” Emma says slowly. I open my eyes to see her looking at me. Her eyes are bright, shining like two stars on her face. She’s almost glowing. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my life.


  “I love you.” It’s a whisper, I can hardly hear it, but the words send a thrill straight through me. My face cracks into a smile and I grab her, flipping her over so I’m lying on top of her. She yelps and giggles and I cover her face and neck in kisses. My heart is singing, I feel like my chest is going to explode. My lips find hers and they tangle together, locked in an endless kiss.

  Finally I pull myself back and look at this beautiful woman in the eye.

  “I’ve loved you since I first laid eyes on you, Emma. Since you covered yourself in water and steam from the coffee machine, I’ve been all yours. I’m never letting you go.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” she responds, and I dip my head back down to kiss her tenderly.

  Our bodies melt into each other like they were made for one another. Her hands find the buttons of my shirt and it’s like a switch flicks. We both start frantically undressing each other. I need to feel her skin against mine, I need to feel her body under my hands, to taste her tits and feel her wetness.

  Her skirt comes off with one tug and I wrap my arms around her to unclasp her bra. Within moments we’re both naked. My cock is rock hard, ready for her. She lies on the bed in front of me and bites her lip seductively. It sends a thrill straight to my groin and my cock pulses with every heartbeat.

  I’m the luckiest man in the world.



  Looking at Elliot makes my whole body hum with desire. He looks amazing, and he’s mine. His muscular chest looks broad and strong, and his abs are chiseled to perfection. My eyes drift down to his hard cock and I feel a quiver pass through me. I want nothing more than to feel him drive it into me, from tip to hilt.

  He watches me with his eyes half-closed and I feel like a goddess lying in front of him. The adoration in his eyes is making me wild.

  He loves me.

  He’s loved me from the start.

  I spread my legs tentatively and bring my knees up, letting my hand travel down my chest to my mound. Elliot exhales gently as I toy with myself, using my other hand to massage my breast. I’ve never touched myself in front of someone else and it feels so dirty but so, so hot. My hand explores between my legs and I watch as Elliot licks his lips, transfixed by me.

  Elliot’s hand grips his thick cock and he starts gently pumping his shaft, up and down. It’s mesmerizing to watch. My own hand dips into my slit, feeling the wetness that’s already gathered between my folds. I close my eyes gently, letting my lips fall open as my fingers circle my bud, sending tiny shivers down my legs.

  It feels so right to be doing this with him. To be completely open, unashamed, totally vulnerable in front of him. We are one.

  My hand moves faster, circling my clit with more intensity. I moan gently, unable to contain myself. My hand is sending warmth through my entire body, but more than that, Elliot’s gaze as he watches me is turning me on fiercely. His hand speeds up, jerking himself off as he watches me. It’s exhilarating, having him watch me do this. It makes every touch feel ten times as sensitive.

  “Emma,” he says, and then pauses. He grunts and I slide my fingers down to my opening. His mouth opens to a
small ‘o’ as I slip two fingers smoothly inside. My walls grip down on my fingers with a strength that even surprises me. He groans as he watches my fingers slide in and out. My wetness is complete.

  I slide my fingers out and bring them up to my mouth. Elliot groans again as I touch my wet fingers to my lips, darting my tongue out to taste my own juices. I close my eyes and slide both fingers into my mouth, inch by inch. I can hear Elliot’s breath getting faster, shallower and more ragged as he watches me lick my fingers clean.

  Finally I feel his hands on my body. He grabs my thighs and spreads them wider, running his hand down closer to my slit. His fingers find my opening and slide in, and he reaches for my most sensitive spot. Electric heat explodes inside me as he touches me, teasing me closer and closer to orgasm.

  “I want you,” I pant. “I want your cock.”

  He grunts again and reaches to his pants for a condom.

  “No,” I almost yell. “I want to feel you.” The surprise on his face is obvious, but it quickly turns to animalistic desire.

  He doesn’t wait for me to say it again. His hands are all over my legs, spreading them wider. I can feel the tip of his cock at my entrance and my heartbeat quickens. My breath is coming faster and faster. He glances up at my face and then pushes himself inside me.

  My head falls back as his cock enters me. I can feel every inch of it, the heat of his skin, the slight friction as he slides inside for the first time. It’s slow, controlled, but he plunges himself inside me deeper than ever before. My walls stretch to accommodate him and I groan as he stretches me wider, filling me up completely with his cock.

  Elliot’s face is pure ecstasy. He leans down, pressing his body against mine and our lips collide in a passionate kiss. I want to devour him. I want every inch of his skin against mine, every inch of his cock inside me. He drives his cock into me harder and harder and I moan in response. It’s never felt so good.

  His hands are all over me, tangling into my hair and pulling my head back as he covers my neck in kisses. He grabs my breasts, pinching my nipples and sending sparks straight down to my center. Every touch is sizzling on my skin, every thrust sends fire into my core.

  I buck my hips toward him, wanting more, more, more. He gives it to me, driving his cock into me deeper. I’m filled, and I’m in complete bliss. The pleasure coursing through my veins is like the heat of a thousand suns as I sprint closer and closer to the edge.

  One more thrust and I’m hurling into the abyss. My body is no longer my own. His hands grip my waist, my neck, pulling me into him as his cock grinds further into me. My blood is pure fire and the electricity coursing through me makes every muscle in my body contract at once.

  I’m screaming, screaming his name, screaming for more as my orgasm rips me in half. And then, at my peak, I feel his cock get hotter and harder and bigger inside me. His seed pulses into me as he shudders and convulses with me. Every thrust fills me more and more until our orgasms finally subside.

  He collapses on top of me, both of us covered in a sheen of sweat and musk. My chest is heaving as I struggle to catch my breath.


  I can’t even finish my sentence. He chuckles deeply and shifts his weight off me before finding my lips for one more kiss. We fall apart and lie motionless on the bed for a second, a minute, an eternity. Time has no meaning.

  All that matters are his fingers intertwined in mine, his leg thrown over my leg, his breath washing over me and his heart beating with mine.

  All that matters is him, and me, together.



  Emma is smiling at me, eyelids heavy as she recovers from her orgasm.

  “I love you,” I tell her again. I can’t help myself. I want to tell her again and again, and never let her out of my sight.

  She grins. “I love you too. It feels good to say it.”

  She crawls closer to me and I wrap her in my arms. I bury my face in her curls and breathe in deeply. I trail my fingers down her arms and gently touch the raw skin at her wrists. She winces gently.

  “What happened to you? When you were gone for those three days?” I ask gently. She still hasn’t told me, and the marks on her wrists and ankles are as red as ever. I feel her stiffen in my arms and I run my fingers up and down her spine until she relaxes. She takes a deep breath and starts talking.

  “Remember when I told you about my dad? How he died of a heart attack three months ago? Well, shortly after he died, I got a visit from a guy. Turns out my dad owed a lot of money to some pretty scummy people.”

  My hand pauses from its movement up and down her spine. She takes another breath and keeps going.

  “I got a visit from this guy a few days after my dad passed. Guy with a big scar on his face, telling me about my dad’s debts. He had photos, proof. Said he’d ruin my dad’s reputation and come after my friends if I didn’t pay.”

  “Victor,” I breathe. I remember him, the muscle that followed Melodie around whenever she was doing business.

  “Yeah, Victor. Well he kept coming to see me. My plan was to make an impression at the practice and get a reference from Dr. Yates so I could be approved for a big bank loan. That way I’d still have debt but at least it wouldn’t come with threats against me and everyone I cared about. I don’t know if that would have worked. I don’t know if they would have left me alone after that but it’s the only thing I could think to do.”

  She shifts her weight and looks up at me. Her eyes are watering, I can see the tears building up and spilling over as she talks.

  “I wanted to tell you everything. I wanted you to know, but I couldn’t risk bringing you into this, bringing Gracie into this. It was better if you had no idea.”

  “You were thinking about Gracie?”

  “Of course I was. When they took me, all I could think about was you and her, all I could think about was how I needed to get all three of us out of this.”

  All three of us. It feels good to think about that.

  “Anyway, Victor got impatient. Or maybe Melodie put him up to it, I don’t know. And then my plan of impressing Dr. Yates backfired and I stumbled onto this whole money laundering thing. They took me–“

  A sob catches in her throat. I pull her into me tightly and whisper into her ear.

  “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” I say. “It’s okay. It’s over now.”

  “No, I want you to know.” She pulls away and looks deep into my eyes. Her brown eyes are shining bright with determination. “She offered me a deal. She told me I could turn you in and I’d have my debt wiped clean. Gone, like it never existed.”

  “And you risked yourself for me.”

  “For you and Gracie. For us,” she corrects. “Elliot, I wasn’t joking when I said I love you. I want to be with you.”

  I can’t wait any longer. I tilt her chin toward me and kiss her deeply. Our lips come together and I can feel the power of her love in every touch. I pull away and look at her again.

  “I love you too, Emma. When you were gone this week, I…” I can feel the tears welling up in my own eyes now. “I didn’t know what to do. I went crazy. I couldn’t take it.”

  “I know. I wanted to tell you when I got back but it was too risky. They were watching me. And then I thought I’d messed it all up when I couldn’t get Dr. Yates to admit to anything.” She looks at me and smiles. “But you did.”

  “At least I could do something in the end,” I respond, grinning. She pauses and chews the inside of her mouth.

  “Elliot,” her eyes are lasered in on me now. “What was your involvement in all this? I overheard you and Dr. Yates about him helping you out a few years ago. I… the gambling…”

  I know what she’s thinking. She’s thinking of her father.

  “That was only a desperate attempt to pay for Chloe’s medical bills. I don’t gamble anymore, Emma. I haven’t played poker or stepped foot inside a casino in seven years. Well, except for this we
ek when I was tearing the city up looking for you.”

  “You looked for me?”

  “You have no idea. I’m not kidding when I say I went crazy.”

  “So the gambling… that’s over?”

  “The thought of it makes me sick. I asked Stuart for a loan, as a friend and a boss, and he said we could run it through the practice to make it legitimate. Legitimate. What a fucking fool I was to trust him. I didn’t think about it at all until he told me it was my name all over this whole thing.”

  “He set you up from the start.”

  “And that bastard looked me in the eye and told me he was doing me a fucking favor.”

  She nuzzles into me.

  “I only had enough evidence to implicate him. I was hoping Melodie

  would turn on Yates when the police questioned her but it was still a risk. If you hadn’t gotten that confession from him… I was so worried. I was so worried it would all fall apart.”

  Her voice cracks and I pull her in closer. We stay motionless in each other’s arms.

  “Thank you,” I whisper to her. “What do you say we go get Gracie from her grandmother’s house?”

  “I’d love that,” she says with a smile. “And Elliot… There better be brownies left over. I didn’t stay locked up in a dark room for days to miss out on Gracie’s baking.”

  I laugh and give her another kiss.

  “There’s brownies left. And when they’re gone, we’ll make more... As a family.”



  Two months later...

  The room fills with thunderous applause and I am beaming as Gracie takes her bow. She is a natural, born to be on stage. Elliot looks prouder than I’ve ever seen him, clapping his hands together with enough force to be heard across the country.


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