Blood Casino: Vampires & Vices No. 1

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Blood Casino: Vampires & Vices No. 1 Page 9

by Nina Walker

  I cheer up. “That sounds fun.” A thought occurs to me. “Why don’t we start with the silver bullets? Seems easier than having to get close with a stake.”

  “It’s not possible to kill a vampire with a small bullet, unfortunately. It will slow them down and sometimes scare them off, but it’s not enough to actually end them.”

  We walk from the training room and down the metal free-standing staircase. Below me, Felix and Seth are fighting on the sparring mat. They’re evenly matched, and from the sweat pouring down each of them, they’ve probably been at this for a while.

  “Silver immobilizes vampires, it weakens them because they’re allergic to it, which is why we tip a lot of our stakes with it, but doesn’t kill them on its own,” Tate continues our conversation. “Always remember, wood through the heart or direct exposure to sunlight are the best ways to kill a vampire.”

  “Oh yeah, I’ve seen some videos of them bursting to flame in the sun. Everyone has.” A few years ago one went viral online. It was shared millions of times and sparked quite a bit of debate. Facts are, there are people out there who support vampire rights. And then there are even some vampires who are on social media. They’re basically celebrities now but I refuse to follow any of them. I chew my lip, wondering how vamps must feel about the sun—the one thing that they’ll never ever be able to stop from happening every day. “I’m sure they’d do anything to become immune to the sun, wouldn’t they?”

  “Oh, they would, and trust me when I say they’re researching how to withstand sunlight and staking.”

  Research? I try to picture it and grimace.

  The idea of vampires withstanding death would only lead to one thing: human harvesting. There’s no other way I can see that going except for us to be treated like cattle while they lord over the world. They may be great at spinning the facade, but they’re never going to live peacefully with us since they need our blood to survive. Right now they’ve got a good thing going with this whole blood bag in exchange for vices thing, but that will be pushed aside if they have nothing to fear. If they can’t die, then humans are doomed to a life of servitude.

  “Is there another way to kill them?”

  Tate looks at me sidelong and I can’t help but wonder what he is if he’s not a werewolf. He said he wasn’t. Whatever he is, I hope he’ll tell me soon. “Vampires can rip each other apart. They can also starve to death without blood, which is a slow agonizing death that can take decades.”

  Huh, well they would deserve it. Same as I’ve seen videos of them bursting into flames, I’ve seen videos of them killing innocent humans, not to mention, I’ll never forget what Adrian did to that Paulo gambler guy right in front of me as if the man’s life meant nothing.

  “Do you know why they won’t drink from humans directly?” It’s the question the world has debated for ages but has never been able to find an answer.

  “They do drink directly from humans sometimes. When they do, I can guarantee it ends in a kill or the making of a new vampire. Turning a new vampire is highly regulated by their royals. They’re picky about who they allow into their covens.”

  “Yeah, but what’s the big secret with the bites? What does the vampire venom do to humans that would make the royals be so strict about something like that?”

  “I have theories, but I don’t know for sure.” Tate’s gray eyes sparkle, like now I’ve really got him going on a subject he’s passionate about. “But we’ll save that for when I can confirm one way or another.”

  I’m beginning to feel like he’s dodging my question.


  He holds up a hand to silence me. “Unfortunately, when it comes to vampires, speculation can mean the difference between life and death. I’ve learned the hard way to keep my theories to myself until I can prove them.”

  “Well, that sucks.”

  “Not as much as vampires do,” he cracks a total dad-joke and I roll my eyes.

  It also sucks that I still don’t know how or why he’s immune to vampire compulsion. It also sucks that my team won’t talk to me about this either. Anytime I ask about Tate, they tell me I need to take it up with the man himself. For now, I’m being patient, but hopefully I’ll have answers soon.

  We start at 6 a.m. and train for six hours every weekday morning, ending right on time for lunch. I’ve been able to get my schedule moved over to three weekly night shifts at Pops so I’m busier than ever. I make the same amount of money in three night shifts at Pops as I do in five day shifts, so I’m ecstatic about this new development. But since my Pops shifts go from 4:30 p.m. until we close at 10:30 p.m., and half the time I have to take the bus home, it’s made for a crappy sleep schedule. Needless to say, by Saturday night of my second week of this, I’m beat and in desperate need of a massage and a good long nap. Neither of which is going to happen.

  Luckily, I don’t have a Pops shift tonight. It’s Ayla’s last night at home before she’s heading off to college and the two of us are planning to stay in and have a movie marathon of all her favorite romantic comedies. Cheesy unrealistic movies aren’t really my thing, but I’ll endure them all for her sake, say goodbye, and then crash at home and sleep in until eleven. Sounds like bliss.

  I catch a ride home with the guys after training. Tulane started back up a few days ago so Felix moved back into the city but he’s still been helping me out with rides when he can since our neighborhood isn’t far. All his classes are in the afternoons and evenings to allow for the “internship”, plus there are the lacrosse practices. These guys are super busy and I don’t take these rides lightly—I know they’re sacrificing their time to help me out. Sitting in the backseat next to Seth, my muscles practically melt into the leather and my eyes flutter closed. I don’t have an ounce of energy left. Everything is sore. Felix pulls up next to my duplex. “See ya, Eva.”

  Kenton taps me on the shoulder just as I push open the door. “Hey, we’re having our annual kick off party at my fraternity house tonight. Wanna come?”

  I turn back to the guys. A slow smile creeps across my face, and what do you know, I’m not so tired anymore.

  Felix shifts uncomfortably in the driver’s seat and rubs his hand over his face. Seth groans, which I don’t even know how to take. Last I heard, Seth is too cool for those parties. It’s not his fraternity, anyway. Kenton is the only one who pledged, but when it comes to the big parties, everyone’s friends are invited. Kenton waggles his eyebrows and nods encouragingly. “You know you want to.”

  Actually, I do. I’ve never been to a college party before, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be welcome. I mean, this is a fraternity we’re talking about here. So what if I’m not enrolled and can’t answer when someone inevitably asks what my major is? I’m single, I’m pretty, and I’m not shy. I’ll probably fit right in.

  “Hmm . . .” I pretend to think about it, like it’s a hard decision.

  I’ll have to clear this new plan with Ayla, but that girl is always down for a good party. I have no doubt she’d ditch the movies and demand we get all dolled up. Felix has never invited us to his parties before. We’re only a year younger, but even in high school he managed to keep the line drawn while still being friendly. And I know it’s not his party, but I also bet he’ll be there. The thought of seeing him outside of the Moreno house and in his friend element makes me giddy. How much longer will he be able to think of me as a friend if I keep showing up around him in places where people can become more than just friends? Time to find out.

  I wink at Kenton. “I’m in.”

  Chapter 12

  The place is packed. Bodies move together to the low bass beat of the music. It thumps through the house so loudly that the walls shake. The people who aren’t dancing mingle along the edges of the rooms and in the hallways. They stand around in small groups with red plastic cups in their hands, trying and mostly failing to hear each other over the music. There’s so many people here that some have spilled out onto the front and back yards.
It’s exactly what I’d picture a fraternity house to be with the crimson brick and creeping ivy, columns and balconies along the front, and loads of party boys intermixed throughout the crowd. Honestly, I can’t picture Felix or Seth fitting in here, but it’s no wonder that a guy as outgoing as Kenton found a place with this fraternity. He’s got stereotypical-partier written all over him, but that’s not a bad thing, not for him—he’s fun!

  Ayla and I snake our way inside. She’s done her blue hair back in two curly loose braids and sprayed silver sparkles down the part. Her silver crop top, black shorts, and silver gladiator sandals complete the look and accentuate all her natural curves. She can pull off that sexy latin flare like nobody’s business.

  I’m wearing a little black halter top dress and red Chuck Taylors. Not quite as dressed up by Ayla’s standards but definitely by mine. Little does she know, I’ve got a stake strapped to my upper thigh. A girl’s got to be prepared for anything. Since my hair doesn’t curl to save my life, I’ve ironed it extra flat and added my favorite shine spray. Ayla’s applied my makeup, complete with winged eyeliner and matte red lipstick, and I have to admit I look as good as I feel––and I feel like a badass.

  “Come on.” I tug at her, pointing to where Kenton is tearing it up on the dance floor. “That’s the guy who invited me.”

  Kenton spots us right away and waves us over. “You made it!” His short curly hair shines under the dimmed lights and his eyes narrow in on my friend. “Hey Miss Ayla, it’s good to see you again.”

  She grins and then the two start dancing as if they’re old friends. They must have met through Felix this summer too. I wonder if Ayla has any idea what Kenton really does in his spare time and what she’d think if she knew he was a vampire hunter. Knowing her, she’d probably find it hot. Ayla isn’t a virgin like me. It’s not like she’s out there hooking up with everyone, but she does like to have her fun as long as she feels respected. She says it’s what young people are supposed to do and I need to get with the program, but I can’t help that nobody else lives up to Felix’s high bar. And I don’t know, but the idea of sleeping around has never appealed to me. Maybe it’s because I have a hard time trusting people. Maybe it’s because I’m protective of my body. But I think it’s because I’m holding out for true love. Sappy, I know, but it’s important to me.

  Large hands clamp down on my eyes from behind and Felix’s voice murmurs in my ear, “Guess who?”

  I twist around and wrap him in a tight hug. His body is lean and rippled with muscle from all of our gym time. “Hey! It’s good to see you outside of work or your house, Felix.”

  And it is.

  He chuckles. “Same.”

  His energy is looser, but I’m not sure if it’s the booze or just catching him in a different environment. Even though the vamps were able to change the legal drinking age to eighteen a few years back, I don’t drink because I hate the feeling of losing control. I also didn’t miss the lecture from Leslie on the dangers of alcohol while being a vampire hunter. It was one of the first ones I got. The nature of our work puts a target on our backs, and mixing alcohol with that, especially at night, is a lethal combination. It’s not that hunters have to swear off drinking, but we know that inebriation could mean the difference between life and death.

  I catch the clean mint and rain scent that is Felix’s signature smell and notice there’s not a hint of alcohol underneath. Smart man. He turns and scans the room full of people, same as I’ve been doing every few minutes. Felix isn’t going to let his guard down. Not really. Neither is Kenton for that matter. He may be dancing with Ayla, but he’s not one hundred percent focused on her like he’s pretending to be. Not being able to let our guard down is our shared curse it seems. One day, Tate says this will all be washed from my memory, but that’s years away, and until then, I can’t unknow what I know.

  The party gains momentum and an hour later my heart is light with happiness, the muscles in my face have relaxed, and my body is loose and heavy all at the same time. A result from dancing along with my friends song after song after song.

  A hot guy moves in on me and we introduce ourselves by yelling over the loud music. Carter has cornflower hair and dimples and good ‘ol boy baby blue eyes. We start dancing straight away. Dancing with him sends a little shiver of excitement up my spine when I notice Felix watching us. The music changes, slowing into a low thumping beat. Carter has no problem using it as an opportunity to get closer to me. He smells good, a little heavy on the cologne, but at least it’s a yummy one. His hands wrap around my hips and tug me closer.

  “Alright, that’s enough,” Felix butts in.

  Carter shoots him an annoyed glare which only grows into a full on grimace when Felix physically inserts himself between us.

  “What’s the problem, man?” Carter raises his hands, his eyes darting between us.

  I pop my hip and smirk up at Felix. “Yeah, what’s the problem?”

  Over his shoulder I catch Ayla rolling her eyes and mocking throwing up. “Ew, I can’t watch you guys flirt-fight. I’m going to pee.”

  I know she doesn’t like that I have a thing for her brother, and it’s not like I blame her, but who can blame me? Felix is by far the sexiest guy here. Girls have been throwing themselves at him all night. And this whole dominance thing he’s doing to me right now just proves my point.

  “Do you want Carter’s hands all over you?” Felix glowers at me. Okay, so he knows this guy. Maybe they’re close, but I like that what I want is Felix’s first priority, not what Carter wants. Still, I can’t help but like this newfound attention. He’s never shown it to me before despite my efforts over the last five years.

  I smile ruefully. “Maybe I do.”

  “See!” Carter moves back in.

  “Or maybe I’m just having fun, Felix,” I continue, not even bothering to glance sideways at the other guy. Felix is the only one I see. “Haven’t you ever heard of a girl wanting to have fun? Or maybe you’re too serious all the time to recognize social cues?”

  Carter lets out a resigned growl. “Okay, I see what’s going on here. Sorry, but not my scene.” He turns away, disappearing into the crowd. Gone to find new meat, just like that.

  Well shoot, I didn’t realize I was being so obvious.

  Felix steps back.

  “As far as I’m concerned you owe me a dance partner.” I raise an eyebrow at him. To my surprise, he slips his arm around my waist and pulls me against his body.

  “Don’t make me regret this,” he says playfully, his earlier tone completely gone. He sounds like the kid I grew up with, but his liquid brown eyes tell a different story. They’re older, more experienced, and linger on my lips. It’s all I need to know. I’ve been given the green light––Felix is officially interested. We begin to move together to the beat of the music, our bodies aligned in a way I’ve only ever dreamed about, and before long it feels like we’re the only people in the room.

  “Where’s Ayla going?” Kenton interrupts.

  “Bathroom.” My voice is breathy.

  “No.” Kenton points and we turn to see the back of Ayla’s head disappear out the front door. “She’s with some guy.”

  I pause. “That’s not like her.”

  Sure, she likes to party with guys, but she’s careful and smart. She wouldn’t normally take off with someone random, especially without telling anyone. Felix catches the same train of thought and peels away from me to catch up to his sister.

  I’m quick to follow. Kenton, too. Seth isn’t here since he’s “above” the fraternity parties, but if he were, I’m sure he’d be by our sides. In that moment, it finally feels like we’re a team. It’s amazing to know someone has my back. Together, we weave in and out of the college students, dodging flinging arms and elbows, many with cups of sloshing drinks in their hands.

  When we get out to the front porch, we spot Ayla straight away. Too bad we also spot her with them. They’re way too beautiful to be human, with skin too pa
le to be alive.


  Chapter 13

  I reach for the stake strapped high on my thigh, but Felix stops me. “Not yet.”

  He strolls up to the group as if he either has no idea what these guys are or he doesn’t care. “What’s up, bloodsuckers?”

  Well, that answers that question.

  They turn on us with a sneer, and one extends his fangs. Ayla’s eyes go wide as saucers and she begins inching toward us. Unfortunately, one of the vamps tugs her back. “Where do you think you’re going, Babydoll?” His group snickers. The three of them look like regular college aged guys, except their skin is too oddly pale to be normal, their best features are somehow accentuated to make them more attractive, and their eyes have a slight glow. I want to slap Ayla for not picking up on it straight away, but not everyone does, especially if they’re inexperienced with vamps.

  Kenton laughs darkly. “You do know you sound like a sexist prick, right? You might be ancient as dirt, but the rest of us are living in the twenty-first century. Go get your breakfast from a willing donor at one of your filthy little blood banks.”

  “You don’t know who you’re talking to,” the sucker hisses and tightens his hold on Ayla. She squeals and goes white as a sheet.

  Kenton lifts his shirt to reveal a stake strapped to his waist. “Right back atcha, buddy.”

  The vampires’ eyes glow brighter at the threat, and all hell breaks loose.

  The one who has Ayla arches down to bite her. She screams, and Felix pushes her out of the way. He punches the vamp square in the nose one second and procures his own stake the next. The other vamps have readied their stances, fangs extending. They move unnaturally fast, to the point of almost being blurry. Around us, the front yard partiers scream and scramble away, but I pay them no attention. My mind goes completely focused on the moment which seems to slow everything down as it plays out as if in slow-motion.


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