For more on growing cut flowers:
Cool Flowers: How to grow and enjoy long-blooming hardy annual flowers using cool weather techniques Lisa Mason Ziegler
St. Lynn’s Press (2014)
A commercial cut-flower farmer shares her secrets to growing cool-season floral crops.
The Easy Cut-Flower Garden
Lisa Mason Ziegler
The Gardener’s Workshop (2011)
A flower farmer’s guide to growing a three-by-ten-foot cutting garden.
The Flower Farmer: An organic grower’s guide to raising and selling cut flowers
Lynn Byczynski
Chelsea Green (1997; second ed. 2008)
Considered the essential guide for aspiring cut-flower farmers.
Taming Wildflowers: Bringing the beauty and splendor of nature’s blooms into your own backyard
Miriam Goldberger
St. Lynn’s Press (2014)
The ultimate DIY book on wildflower gardening, including a primer on growing wildflowers for your floral arrangements and wedding bouquets.
For more on wedding floral design:
Bella Bouquets
Alicia Schwede
Flirty Fleurs (2011)
Floral designer, instructor and blogger Alicia Schwede showcases vibrant full-color photographs of over 100 stylish wedding bouquets.
Fresh from the Field Wedding Flowers
Lynn Byczynski and Erin Benzakein
Fairplain Publications (2014)
A complete guide to using local flowers for weddings, created for the eco-conscious couple.
*A more detailed version of this section is available at
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Page numbers in bold indicate the main source of information on a plant. Page numbers in italic refer to captions and illustrations.
Abyssinian gladiolus see acidanthera
accent flowers 29, 164
achillea 47, 90, 129, 192, 199
acidanthera 133-4, 192, 199
acorns 10, 134
adder’s flower see red campion
alchemilla 23, 47, 86, 87, 165, 192, 199
alliums 66, 192, 199
amaranthus 133, 192, 199
amaryllis 23, 27, 150-1, 154, 192, 199
forcing 149-50
majus 20, 23, 25, 27, 29, 86, 86, 90, 92, 112, 129, 164, 192, 199
visnaga 23, 87, 111, 112, 122, 136, 164, 192, 199
anemones 23, 72, 72, 74, 131, 144, 151, 164, 192, 199
see also Japanese anemones
annuals 23, 26-7
autumn wedding 26-7, 136-9
autumn-sown 26, 35, 94-5
catch crops 118-19
cutting 91, 119
early-summer wedding 26, 85, 86, 91-5
feeding and watering 118-19
hardy annuals 33, 35, 78, 91-5
high-summer wedding 26, 118-19
spring wedding 26, 78
successional sowing 25, 26, 41, 95
see also seed, growing from
apple / apple blossom 62, 63, 65, 192, 199
aquilegia 66, 165, 192, 199
arches 13
Arctic poppies see Icelandic poppies
artemisia 88, 192, 199
asparagus fern 180, 192, 200
asters 128, 192, 200
astrantia 185, 192, 200
autumn wedding 124-41
annuals 136-9
bulbs 133-6
choosing a date 124
colour palette 128
flower combinations 23
perennials 128-9
planting times 26-7
top tips 139
what to grow 130-9
what’s in the garden 127-9
wildflowers 129-30
baby’s breath see gypsophila
bachelor’s buttons see cornflowers
Balkan spurge see euphorbia
Ball jars 220
ball of flowers 120, 137
balm of Gilead see balsam poplar
balsam poplar 64, 192, 200
beech 64, 192, 200
bells of Ireland 23, 107, 112, 112-13, 137, 165, 192, 200
Beltane flower see hawthorn
berries 22, 23, 127, 128, 129, 130, 144, 146-7, 148, 165
biennials 26
early-summer wedding 85, 95-7
sowing seed 95
spring wedding 78
billy buttons see craspedia
bird pests 36, 75
bistort 66, 165, 192, 200
black elder see elder
black-eyed Susan see rudbeckia
blackberries 10, 130, 134, 193, 200
blackthorn 23, 130, 193, 200
blogs 213, 218
bluebells 23, 63, 72, 165, 193, 200
books, recommended 214, 218
botrytis (mould) 38
Bowden Cornish lily see nerine lilies
bride’s bouquet 165
autumn wedding 129, 132, 134, 138, 141
early-summer wedding 9, 86, 90, 100
high-summer wedding 108, 122, 123
spring wedding 21, 63, 66, 70, 76, 81
stem-counting 21, 162, 164
winter wedding 144, 147, 148, 158
bronze fennel 23, 193, 200
buddleja 107, 107, 109, 112, 193, 201
bulbs 71-8
autumn 130, 133-6
buying 71-2, 212, 215
container bulbs 77, 150
cutting 47, 57, 78, 155, 157
forcing 27, 148-50, 152-3
planting 78
winter wedding 148-54
bullwort see ammi majus
bupleurum 23, 87, 88, 92, 107, 188, 193, 201
buttercups 20, 23, 62, 67, 68, 86, 88, 165, 193, 201
butterfly bush see buddleja
buttonholes/corsages 109, 170-5, 173, 175
autumn wedding 140
fruit blossom 80, 81
high-summer wedding 104, 120, 122
ingredients 171
making 172-3
spring wedding 69, 74, 80, 81
stem-counting 21
storing 54, 173
tools and materials 170-1
wildflower 69
winter wedding 158, 159
wiring 173-5
calendula see pot marigolds
California poppies 118, 137, 138, 188, 193, 201
Cambridge, Duke and Duchess of 18
campanula 35, 193, 201
candles 144, 144, 158, 159, 176, 176
Canterbury bells see campanula
careless see amaranthus
catch crops 118-19
catmint 87, 193, 201
centrepieces 176-8, 176, 177
containers 176
grid system 176
making 177-8
posies 81
spring wedding 62, 81
tools and materials 176
winter wedding 158
Chelsea chop 88
chequered daffodils see snake’s head
cherry laurel see laurel
chicken-poo pellets 38, 129
choisya 66, 193, 201
choosing what to plant 22-3, 27-9
Christmas box see sweet box
chrysanthemums 90, 130-1, 131, 171, 193, 201
buying 213
growing 130-1
church weddings 37
cineraria 88, 107, 172, 193, 201
clary sage 20, 92, 193, 201
nbsp; clematis 165, 169, 193, 201
colour palette 24-5, 28-9
columbine see aquilegia
comfrey 193
comfrey tea 38, 39
Common Farm Flowers 13, 32, 38, 39, 55, 127
common names 12, 192-8
compost 32
seed compost 34
compost tea 38, 39
conditioning see cutting and
confetti, fresh petal 187-9, 187, 189
bulbs 77, 150
for cut flowers 46-7
cornflowers 23, 27, 78, 86, 92, 112, 118, 185, 188, 189, 193, 201
corsages see buttonholes/corsages
cosmos 23, 29, 105, 112, 112, 113, 113, 133, 137, 164, 180, 193, 202
‘Purity’ 28, 111, 137
cost of wedding flowers
growing your own 22
professional floristry 18
country-house weddings 135
cow parsley 23, 63, 67, 68, 72, 164, 193, 202
cow parsnip see hogweed
cowslips 23, 25, 63, 67, 67, 68, 71, 72, 165, 193, 202
crab apples 130, 140, 141, 159, 193, 202
craspedia 104, 112, 193, 202
crimson flag lily see schizostylis
crocosmia 134, 193, 202
crocuses 151, 151, 194, 202
cuckoo flower 67, 68, 194, 202
cutting and conditioning 44-57
containers 46-7
counting stems 45
directly into water 46, 57
flower food 48
foliage 45
how to cut 44-5, 55
schedule 54
searing woody plants 45, 65
top tips 57
when to cut 44, 55, 57
wildflowers 69, 89
winter flowers and foliage 155-7
daffodils 25, 194, 202
see also narcissi
dahlias 23, 25, 27, 29, 40, 41, 87, 105, 112, 113-16, 115, 127, 130, 131-3, 132, 133, 134, 164, 179, 185, 194, 202
‘Apricot Desire’ 114, 114
buying 212, 216
‘Café au Lait’ 113
cutting and conditioning 115-16
growing 114-15
‘Karma Fuchsiana’ 114
pompon 171
daisies 87, 164
see also ox-eye daisies
dame’s violet see sweet rocket
damping off 37, 41
delphiniums 23, 87, 129, 129, 165, 194, 202
dermatitis 47
devil’s bit scabious 110-11, 110, 194, 202
dogwood 10, 23, 130, 134, 148, 165, 194, 202
early-summer wedding 82-101
annuals 85, 91-5
biennials 85, 95-7
foliage 87-8
perennials 85
planting times 26
top tips 97
what to grow 89, 91-7
what’s in the garden 86-8
wildflowers 88-9
ears of corn 27, 87
eBay resources 153, 214
echinacea 109, 110, 194, 203
elder 194, 119, 203
environmental benefits of growing your own flowers 8, 116
euonymus 146, 194, 203
euphorbias 23, 47, 146, 194, 203
euphorbia oblongata 87, 194, 203
fallback flowers 29
suppliers (UK) 213-14
suppliers (US) 216-17
feeding plants 38-9, 41
feverfew 90, 139, 164, 194, 203
field scabious 110-11, 165, 194, 203
filler 164
seasonal 23
installing the flowers in the venue 54, 140
mirror, viewing through a 164, 168, 169
practising 52, 55, 67, 91
sequence and timing 56-7
working space 56
workshops 11, 214, 218
see also individual types of arrangement
flower crowns 184-6, 184, 185
alternatives to 185
flower choices 185
making 185-6
tools and materials 185-6
flower foam 69, 89, 107, 180, 182, 183, 185
flower food
commercial 48
home-made 48
flower meanings 87
flower shapes 29, 164, 165
foliage 21, 64-6
autumn wedding 128
cutting and conditioning 45, 128
early-summer wedding 87-8
seasonal 23
silver 88
slumbering wildlife 157
tendrils 165
tree and shrub foliage 64-6
winter wedding 144-5
bulbs 27, 148-50, 152-3
tree blossom 62, 64
forget-me-nots 67, 72, 194, 203
fox-and-cubs 20, 194, 203
foxgloves 89, 90, 95, 95, 96, 165, 189, 194, 203
‘Pam’s Choice’ 96
‘Sutton’s Apricot’ 18, 96, 96
fresh petal confetti 187-9, 187, 189
fringe cups see tellima
frost 27, 37, 115, 124, 127, 140
fruit-tree blossom 23, 62, 63, 64, 65, 80, 81
forcing 62, 64
garlands 99, 101, 155, 159, 179-83, 179, 180, 183
flowers and foliage 179-80
heart 101
making 180-2
tools and materials 180
water reservoir 182-3
giving the bride away 74
granny’s bonnet see aquilegia
grape hyacinths 23, 73, 73, 74, 76, 77, 194, 203
greenfly 36, 129
grey poplar 64, 194, 203
ground preparation 32-3, 32
growing your own wedding flowers
cost comparisons 18, 22
environmental benefits 8, 116
good reasons for 7, 18-19
quantities 11, 21, 22
space requirements 21-2
time commitment 18
see also planning; plot
guelder rose 65, 194, 203
gypsophila 118, 194, 204
hand-tied posies and bouquets 162-9, 162, 168
collars of greenery 168-9
flower/foliage proportions 162
ingredients 164-5
keeping flowers and foliage in water 166
method 166-8
practising 162, 168
stem-counting 162, 164
time element 166
tools and equipment 164
hardheads see knapweed
hardiness zones (US) 12
hare’s ear see bupleurum
hawthorn 68, 127, 129, 130, 148, 194, 204
hazel 146, 194, 204
heleniums 25, 194, 204
hellebores 144, 145, 145, 194, 204
helpers and the boss 49, 52-3, 55
herbs 23, 35, 107
see also individual herbs
high-summer wedding 102-23
annuals 118-19
colour palette 104
perennials and shrubs 105-10
planting times 26
top tips 119
what to grow 111-19
what’s in the garden 105-10
wildflowers 110-11
hogweed 47, 129, 148, 195, 204
holly 23, 195, 204
honesty 72, 127, 195, 204
honeysuckle 87, 144, 195, 204
winter-flowering 146, 148, 198, 210
hornbeam 64, 127, 195, 204
horticultural names 12
hosta 88, 195, 204
hyacinths 23, 27, 151-2, 152, 154, 195, 204
forcing 149-50
hydrangeas 45, 105-7, 106, 195, 204
buying 213
cutting and conditioning 45, 106-7
dried hydrangea heads 146, 155, 156, 159
paniculate hydrangeas 96
Icelandic poppies 96, 195, 204
international flower trade 13
ses 23, 66, 73, 195
bearded irises 73, 195, 204
Dutch irises 73, 195, 205
wild iris 130, 148
Irish bell flower see bells of Ireland
ivy 23, 24, 87, 141, 144, 144, 146, 159, 165, 180, 185, 195, 205
Jacob’s ladder 25, 195, 205
jam-jar posies 10, 29
autumn wedding 141
early-summer wedding 93, 99
high-summer wedding 121, 122
jam jars, sourcing 214
pew-end posies 73
spring wedding 66
stem-counting 21, 162
Japanese anemones 23, 119, 195, 205
jasmine 165, 169, 195, 205
jug arrangements 18
autumn wedding 128
high-summer wedding 104, 105, 112
spring wedding 20, 26
stem-counting 21
knapweed 23, 23, 195, 205
lady’s mantle see alchemilla
lady’s smock see cuckoo flower
Lagerfeld, Karl 146
lamb’s ears 87, 88, 195, 205
language of flowers 87
larkspur 112, 165, 189, 195, 205
Latin names 12, 192-8
laurel 180, 195, 205
lavender 35, 44, 195, 205
lichen-covered boughs and twigs 64, 146, 148
lilac 65, 65, 195, 205
liquid feeds see comfrey tea;
compost tea; nettle tea; seaweed solution
loosestrife ‘Firecracker’ 67, 195, 205
love-in-a-mist see Nigella damascena
love-lies-bleeding see amaranthus
lungwort 144, 155, 195, 205
manure 32, 33
maples 127, 141, 195, 205
Mason jars 81, 217
masterwort see astrantia
may see hawthorn
meadow cranesbill 89, 196
meadow grass matting 89
Mexican aster see cosmos
Mexican orange blossom see choisya
mice 36, 75
Michaelmas daisies see asters
mildew 34, 38, 39, 131, 137
mint 23, 88, 107, 196, 205
pineapple mint 35, 35, 107, 108, 196, 207
mock orange see philadelphus
montbretia see crocosmia
monkshood 189, 196
mood boards 28-9
muscari see grape hyacinths
myrtle 87, 196, 206
name cards 44, 44
narcissi 21-2, 23, 25, 62, 71, 76, 77, 145, 150, 152-3, 153, 196, 206
‘Erlicheer’ 152
forcing 149-50, 152-3
‘Grand Soleil d’Or’ 152
paperwhites 27, 131, 134-5, 135, 144, 145, 152-3, 154, 154, 158, 164, 196, 206
‘Thalia’ 77
neighbours’ gardens 24
nerine lilies 10, 130, 134, 134, 196, 206
netting 40, 41, 91
nettle tea 38, 39
nettles 196
deadnettle see white deadnettle
nigella 20, 33, 87-8, 93, 118, 185, 188, 196, 206
Nigella damascena ‘Miss Jekyll’ 93
Nigella papillosa ‘African Bride’ 92, 93
ninebark see physocarpus
oak 10, 64, 87, 134, 196, 206
old man’s beard 10, 23, 127, 134, 146, 165, 196, 206
Grow your own Wedding Flowers Page 18