Ancient Enforcer

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Ancient Enforcer Page 20

by Reus, Katie

  Brielle blinked once. “You’re a feisty little thing.”

  Avery frowned at her and started toward the open gate. Little thing?

  “Look, we’ve got a car,” Brielle said. “Unless you just feel like walking.”

  Avery looked at Hunter and then Brielle.

  “I’ve seen him follow King around when he’s driving. He’ll follow us.”

  Avery looked at her new shadow. “You’ll follow us?” she asked, wondering how much he even understood.

  Probably more than she thought. More than any of them thought. Every time she looked into his bright purple eyes, intelligence shone back at her.

  Sure enough, by the time they reached Thurman’s brick building downtown, Hunter swooped down in front of them as Brielle snagged street parking out front.

  “No offense, but I am never riding in a vehicle with you again if you’re driving,” Avery said as she stepped outside and resisted the urge to get on her knees and actually kiss the pavement.

  The tall redhead sniffed haughtily. “I’m an excellent driver.”

  “Whatever you tell yourself,” she mumbled. Avery didn’t like to stereotype, but something about supernaturals driving cars was terrifying. None of them drove well. Probably because they had no fear of death.

  Before either of them could knock, the wooden doors opened and to her surprise Thurman himself was standing there. He pulled her into a hug and gently kissed the top of her head. She didn’t realize how badly she’d needed the comfort until then. She resisted the urge to break down because she’d come here with a purpose. To save her dragon. She trusted King and Mikael’s brothers to find her brothers. King said he had a lead. Meanwhile, Mikael was stuck in a Hell realm. Well, not on her watch.

  He nodded politely at Brielle before opening the door fully so all of them, including Hunter, could come inside.

  Hunter darted past the three of them as they entered the courtyard and started flying from bush to bush, smelling everything, his curiosity vivid.

  “I won’t bother with small talk,” Thurman said as he motioned for them to sit at the round mosaic table.

  Her surprise at his gift of “knowing” had long since dimmed, because there were three teacups already waiting and a pot of steaming tea on the center tray.

  If Brielle was surprised, she didn’t let on. Instead she poured tea into each dainty cup as they sat.

  “Your dragon is safe for now,” Thurman said without preamble, sitting across from her. “And no, I do not know which realm he is in.”

  The little crack in her heart split open wider at his words. She’d been banking on him knowing. She swallowed hard, forced the tears back. Tears solved nothing, her mom used to tell her, and it was true. “You don’t know how I can find him?” Now it looked like she might lose her brothers and Mikael. She was fighting every ounce of the terror forking through her at the thought of that. Of a world without any of them. A world she didn’t want to be in.

  “I didn’t say that. I just said that the cemetery is not a known portal. At least not to me—and I’ve already made a few calls. No one else knows it to be a known portal either. However,” he said, glancing once at Brielle before focusing on Avery, “if you go there, you will find what you’re looking for. All you have to do is use the right key and you will be reunited with Mikael.”

  Okay, that was about as clear as he could be. He didn’t have to draw her a damn map, thank you very much. She stood abruptly, energy vibrating through her. She might not be able to help hunt down her brothers, but this she could do. She wasn’t going to sit on her ass at home and wait for Mikael to come back. “You’re sure?”

  “Very.” He looked at the tiger female again, then pinned Avery with a hard look. “You will be protected as long as you keep the pendant around your neck. Do not lose it,” he ordered as he stood with them.

  All of their dainty teacups remained untouched, steam rolling off the cups in faint white wisps.

  “What key are you guys talking about? Please tell me you’re not thinking of doing what I think you are,” Brielle snarled, hands on hips.

  “You can’t stop me.” She didn’t care if she was “just” a human. She’d take on anyone or anything who stood between her and Mikael. “Try it and see what happens.”

  “I can haul you over my shoulder and take you out of here right now.” Brielle moved toward her as if to prove just that point, but suddenly bounced back as she hit the invisible barrier created by the pendant.

  Goose bumps broke out across her skin, power and urgency racing through her. “Like I said, try it.” Avery motioned for Hunter to come to her and the little guy immediately flew to her side. He was definitely big enough to hold her weight, and even though she knew Brielle was going to be really mad, she looked at Thurman and nodded. “Thank you. I know Mikael already said it, but I am forever in your debt.”

  The seer, who had likely seen far too many dark things in his long life, shook his head. “I won’t take any favors from you but I will from that dragon of yours. Go get him back.”

  Avery might only be human but she had a freaking magic key to open any portal and a spelled pendant that should keep her safe. She was probably in a lot more danger than she wanted to acknowledge, but she was getting Mikael back. And then they were going to save her brothers. Because screw this new insane world. She hadn’t survived The Fall only to lose the people who meant everything to her.

  Brielle stepped forward. “Let’s just think about this—”


  Avery jumped on Hunter’s back. He let out a squeal of delight and shot up into the air as she wrapped her arms tight around his neck. She was so glad she’d practiced flying on her friend Dallas’s pet dragon, Willow. Because this felt more than familiar. It was a bit like riding a horse. Kind of. A wider one, and the ride was more awkward, kind of like riding a baby elephant, she imagined. But the concept was the same.

  “Dammit, Avery!” Brielle cursed below them, but Avery ignored her, petting Hunter’s beautiful gray wing. It sparkled under the moonlight as he flew through the opening above the courtyard and cleared the top of the building.

  She was going to get her dragon back. And she didn’t care what she’d said before about things being casual. She was so full of crap.

  Yes, she was still terrified of any sort of true commitment because she’d seen what happened when you give your heart to someone, but… No matter what, she was finding Mikael. He would do the same for her.

  And she didn’t want to imagine a world without him in it. She’d been a coward so far, too scared to claim what was hers. She couldn’t let Mikael go, couldn’t let fear rule her anymore.

  * * *

  Avery’s heart hammered a wild, staccato beat in her chest as Hunter landed in the middle of the cemetery. With all the toppled gravestones, upturned grass and dirt, and…a downed oak tree, it was clear there had been a battle here. Even if King hadn’t told her where that portal had opened up, she could see where a huge gravestone had been split down the middle, debris sprayed in every direction around a shallow crater. Other gravestones were broken as well but this one looked like a bomb had gone off in the middle of it, carving out the ground beneath.

  Mikael had been taken, trapped, because he’d been trying to save her brothers. Even though she was terrified and felt wholly out of her depth, she couldn’t abandon him. She had the key that could supposedly open any door to any Hell realm. And what if he was stuck there and the only way out was with this key?

  No way was she abandoning him. Maybe she should have asked for backup or asked his brothers to come with her, but she wasn’t going to wait for them. She knew they wouldn’t let her go and time was ticking. Besides, she had the spelled pendant and Thurman swore it would protect her. She was going on raw instinct right now and she was going to trust herself.

  She stepped over a chunk of broken concrete and through piles of fallen leaves, her boots crunching softly as she stalked toward the blast site. Hunter w
as right with her, a silent companion. Normally he was so chirpy, but now he was simply looking around, taking the whole scene in. She could even swear his wings had changed colors a couple times so that he almost seemed to blend in with the shadows around them.

  “Hey!” a familiar female voice called out.

  Avery turned and frowned to see Delphine striding across the cemetery. Oh, God. Had Brielle called her?

  “What are you doing here? And why is Hunter with you?” Her amber eyes flashed bright against her brown skin, her suspicion clear.

  Hunter animatedly chirped in greeting, but stuck close to Avery. Facing the wolf shifter with what she hoped was a friendly smile, Avery petted Hunter’s head, scratching behind his ear the way he liked. His wings flapped animatedly. In a way she was glad Delphine was here because she could leave Hunter with her. She might be on a mission but she couldn’t take him and put him in danger. She was willing to risk her own neck but not this sweet dragonling.

  “I was told that this is where Mikael got sucked into that Hell realm.”

  Delphine nodded once, her expression grim. “Yeah. Still doesn’t explain why you’re here.”

  Damn it. Okay, so Delphine wasn’t buying anything right now. Avery flicked a glance at Hunter, who had inched closer to Delphine to butt his head against her once in greeting. Delphine laughed lightly and rubbed his head.

  “Am I not allowed to be here?” Avery asked.

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Okay, well I’m going to try something. I want to see if I can get the door to open again.” She’d decided on full honesty right now. Delphine would scent a lie anyway. And screw it. The wolf couldn’t stop her while she wore the pendant. “Can you take Hunter over there with you?” She didn’t want either of them to accidentally get sucked in.

  Delphine’s expression hardened. “No way! In fact, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave now.”

  “King knows Hunter is with me,” she said. That was true enough, but she hoped Delphine wouldn’t pick up on what she hadn’t said.

  “Of course he does. He wouldn’t leave Hunter with you otherwise.” She frowned as she pulled out her cell phone. “You sit tight,” she said, holding up a finger as she lifted her phone to her ear and stalked away.

  Avery made a shooing motion at Hunter to follow Delphine. He tilted his head as he watched her, and if dragonlings could frown, he definitely was. But he went along with Delphine, hopping backward of all things, his wings flapping as he watched Avery intently, not taking his eyes off her for a second.

  She reached under her shirt and pulled out the necklace Mikael had given her. She had no idea what to do with it or if this would even work but Thurman had made it clear that she should go after her dragon.

  Well here I am, universe.

  She was really putting all of her trust in him—and herself—right now. She held up a finger to her lips, hoping Hunter would understand as she tugged on that stitch Mikael had showed her and fully pulled the leather cover off the necklace.

  Delphine didn’t have her back to her, she was half turned as she talked on her phone, but she wasn’t paying enough attention.

  She was vaguely aware of Delphine getting more annoyed on the phone, and the wolf turned just as Avery held the glowing pendant out in front of her. She wasn’t sure what she expected but the blast of light that exploded from the gem was not it.

  “Stay back!” she shouted just as a giant, swirling hole opened up underneath her. A cacophony of noise, flashing colors as brilliant as the aurora borealis swirled all around her as she fell through space.

  “Damn it, Avery—” Delphine’s voice faded away.

  Avery clutched the gem to her chest tightly as she fell and fell and fell—

  She yelped as she landed facedown on a thick patch of grass. As she shoved to her feet, she realized a couple things at once.

  One, Hunter had apparently decided to follow her, and two, she was most definitely in another realm, given the two purple suns illuminating the violet sky. Not to mention when she’d left…earth, or whatever, it had been dark. So this was wild.

  All around her a beautiful forest that reminded her a bit of a Thomas Kinkade painting surrounded her. Thick, lush trees with leaves the color of a rainbow jutted up from bright green grass. The sound of running water—like a babbling brook nearby—filled the air, and little birds were chirping.

  The place was so beautiful but she remembered everything Mikael had said about these realms. It would be filled with predators.

  “We are definitely not in Kansas anymore, Hunter,” she murmured, reaching out to stroke his head.

  He didn’t look scared at all, simply curious, his big eyes taking in everything.

  As she looked around, she could see heavy boot prints going in one direction. Assuming this was where Mikael had landed… She decided that was as good a direction as any. She refused to doubt herself now, refused to question her decision as she and Hunter took off after the footprints.

  Chapter 33

  Mikael glided through the quiet air, scanning the dense forest below—or as much of it as he could through the triple canopy. For a moment, he thought he might be going crazy because he smelled Avery.

  But he knew that was incorrect. Still…he glided lower, straining for another hint of the peaches-and-sunshine scent lingering on the air. He’d been here before and this was a fairly calm realm. As far as he knew, no humans or supernatural beings lived here—because the foliage itself was sentient and wild, the kind of place that could devour you in your sleep.

  Luckily he knew a few safe places to hunker down before flying to the exit tomorrow. Because there was no way he would be able to make it tonight. It wasn’t that far and he could easily fly at night, but he needed to recharge after going through the portal. Especially since he’d have to be in top form during the exit tomorrow.

  Hurry! The urgency hit him with the intensity of another dragon slamming into him.

  And that was when he scented something else. An escorpara, a predator native to the realm. He’d eaten it as a snack before. The panther-scorpion-like creature was racing through the trees below him, jumping from branch to branch. He got a glimpse of the scorpion-like tail before it quickly disappeared. The leaves rustled again, then… He heard a very soft thud.

  Though he couldn’t see through the thick canopy, the beast had taken to the ground.

  And that was when he heard Avery’s voice. “We’ll just have to figure out where we’re going to sleep tonight,” she said.

  Avery? No. She couldn’t be here.

  He heard a sort of chirping sound in response but…it didn’t sound human. What the hell? He didn’t question what he was hearing, if it was real or not.

  He arrowed downward, drawing his wings back and out, skimming over the top of the trees. He could hear Avery far ahead, and the escorpara up in the trees again.

  Fire burned the back of his throat. He wanted to simply burn away everything in sight, but he’d learned the hard way not to damage any of the foliage or plant life here. It was a quick way to make an enemy of the sentient beings that called this place their home.

  When he saw the escorpara rush by underneath him, he dove down through the opening in between two purple-tipped trees. He shifted to his human form, calling on all his magic as he landed on the hard ground. In a crouch, he immediately scanned, spotted the beast. About fifty feet away, it turned and looked at Mikael, hissed—then turned away and ran off.

  He could smell Avery stronger here, and didn’t question that scent anymore. Did not question the need to find and protect her even if it was somehow manufactured. If Ozias had somehow created an illusion or…

  Whatever. He could not ignore her scent, her voice. This could be a trap and it didn’t matter.

  Pulse pounding, he raced after the beast, his feet slamming into the hard earth, though he barely felt the impacts.

  The animal was fast, sprinting ahead of him before it took to the trees, usi
ng various limbs to springboard itself from branch to branch, tree to tree. Hunting Avery.

  They were coming up on the hill and Avery’s voice was growing stronger.

  He had to get the predator before it got to her. As he crested over the hill, he jumped over a thick blue root just in time to see the beast a mere twenty feet from her.

  He let out a roar of fury and released a stream of fire, aiming straight at the animal, clipping its tail.

  Avery screamed as he made contact.

  The beast turned, baring its fangs in a raging fury as his tail grew back almost instantly. Sharp fangs similar to those of a shark descended as it raced straight at Mikael.

  He breathed out another ball of fire, trying to avoid the trees and roots even as he incinerated the rampaging beast.

  The beast’s scream was short-lived as his fire did its job.

  As his fire died down, a blur of sunshine and peaches threw herself at him, wrapping her arms and legs around him even as the dragonling Hunter swooped down, chirping excitedly to see him.

  “We found you!” Avery shouted as she grabbed his face and kissed him hard. Then she peppered kisses all over his cheeks, nose and forehead.

  Oh goddess, she was safe. Alive. Here. She shouldn’t be here.

  He held her close, very aware that his cock was heavy between them and that if she wasn’t wearing any clothing he could easily slide inside her. Not that his thoughts should be heading in that direction right now. But he was only a male and this was his female.

  “I’m pretty sure I found you,” he murmured as she kissed his mouth again. “And that escorpara was hunting you.” She could have died, something he wasn’t going to say aloud. It wasn’t something he wanted to even think about.

  Still holding her tight—he was not letting her go anytime soon—he looked over her shoulder at Hunter who was basically dancing around, his wings flapping excitedly as he chirped at the two of them.

  “You’re going to need to work on your hunting abilities and your spatial awareness,” he said pointedly to Hunter.


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