A Luna's Curse

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A Luna's Curse Page 20

by Kassie Cox

  “Why are you not growling in anger and throwing things?” A wicked gleam in his eyes made me shudder above him, and somehow, he was hardening once more.

  My skin flushed with the idea of another naked roll around with this male, but this conversation was going to well. Nothing ever happened this easily, not with him anyway.

  “I can throw you around a bit, if that’s what you’re wanting?” He playfully nipped at my bottom lip, his large hand roaming down to grip my ass and push me hard into him.

  I must have looked like a fish out of water with my slack jawed expression, not understanding the sudden change. He gave me a smile before taking his hand away and laying his head back. A long breath left him.

  “If the Moon thinks we need to rule a Kingdom, then I’m not going to question it. I can only be lucky thankful that she’s chosen you to sit beside me as we kill that fuck head and find our way through this trial.”

  My eyes blurred, tears coming quickly as I grabbed him to place kisses on every available patch of skin. The idea of what we would be facing soon no longer placed me on the verge of insanity. A peace came over me as I realized I wouldn’t be alone in this.

  “Thank you.” I murmured repeatedly through my busy lips,

  “Just don’t die again.” He growled out, joining my mouth with his for the hundredth time. I sighed, not minding that we may spend the next few days in this bed. Wrapped in one another day and night, we would both be filled to the brim with satisfaction.

  My fantasies of forever ended with the long growl that left his stomach, an ashamed smile fell onto his face, and I laughed at the big, hungry man before me. I ran my eyes over him a few more times, enjoying what would forever belong to me before beginning my descent from the wild beast.

  “I think dying really killed my appetite.” I threw at him, beginning my search around his room for a random pair of clothes. When I entered the closet, I saw that it was now separated into two sections, one side his. The other appeared to be for a woman, and when I began looking through the mostly black colored wardrobe, my tears almost began all over again.

  Elias grabbed me from behind, softly kissing my neck once more as he rocked me back and forth on my feet. He’d done this before I’d ever come back to this pack, within days of my being gone he had packed this space full of things that would bring me joy if I returned.

  I had been stuck wearing random clothes from Audra or his shirts the first time I’d been here, so to see my own clothing made me giddy. Comfortable silence sat between us, crawling around as I leaned into him and enjoyed the moment. Every chance I got, I would do sit back and just take in the present because at one point, I’d never imagined this. Something as simple as clothes brought me happiness; that was amazing.

  “I noticed you weren’t much into dresses…” Elias nibbled on my ear, and my naked body shivered against his.

  I turned in his arms, my nails digging into his broad chest as I smiled up at him with a wicked look and a different kind of hunger in my eyes than he was expecting.

  “I’m sure a dress or two could eventually come in handy, depending on our circumstances.” He lifted me into the air immediately, my legs wrapping around him as our mouths met. We’d probably be starving to death before we ever left this room.

  - - - -

  Audra swiped my legs out from under me, her eyes watching me intently as I fell to the ground with a hard thump. I was back on my feet before Elias had a chance to end the exercise, but not soon enough to stop his displeased growls.

  I was not as quick as I was when I left the Kingdom, having not done much activity in a while. No training and not hunting anything certainly had put a damper on my skill set. I tried to look for a weakness, perhaps a hesitant blow or a step she preferred not to take.

  The wolf’s legs faked right repetitively, never trying to throw me left as her arm extended to grab at me. My elbow and kick to her stomach caused the beast to become angrier. This was her first time back in the ring since getting injured during the short attack, and I could see the desperation to get all her pent-up energy out. I wouldn’t say I was lucky to be on the other side of her fists, but it was great practice.

  My final move was quick.

  She launched herself for my legs, trying to pick me up and slam me back onto the ground, but I escaped the hold. When she stumbled past me, I wrapped my legs around her, slinging us onto the ground and squeezing with everything in me. Audra fought to loosen my legs, punching and clawing until Elias was threatening her life. She couldn’t breathe, unable to expand her lungs as I curled around her like a snake.

  Her punches quickly turned soft, and I unraveled us. I was a little surprised when I saw Draven run to her side, helping to lift her up as I crawled away from the scene. She’d landed some solid hits to my face and sides, yet sadly, I didn’t heal likes the wolves did. I would be beaten and bruised for a quite a while.

  Draven himself had just started returning to normal, appearance wise. His bruising finally faded to yellow and green hues, and the swelling was almost nonexistent, but what happened to him would always be known. The scars would stay—mental and physical.

  Elias picked me up like a child, holding me to his chest as he breathed in my scent to calm himself. I rolled my eyes as the pack around us watched with curious eyes. They’d seen their Alpha be touchy with me, but I didn’t believe they had quite gotten used to it yet, Leena and her mate have been the best so far out of all the wolves. I’d enjoyed everyone I’d met, as they had all been friendly and helpful in any way they could be.

  Leena had been helping Elias and me move into the Cabin, which was far from the pack. However, it was located on the most important part of the land. It was the only piece that didn’t have miles of excess around it; therefore, if someone attacked, we were the first line of defense.

  I didn’t understand why they would put the Alpha on the front line, but Elias explained that it was his responsibility to keep the pack safe. He was the one who warned them to get the women and children out, and in most cases in an attack, the invaders were coming for the Alpha.

  He preferred he be the only casualty of any war that may happen, and it scared the fuck out of me to think that he was prepared to die at any moment for his fellow wolves.

  Then I realized, I’d been the same way. I had taken a dagger for Draven. My entire existence since I was a child had been preparation to put my life on the line for the Kingdom. I protected a King who never would’ve done the same for me, but I didn’t have to be that way anymore. I could protect a pack that I’d been destined to run.

  “How are we supposed to take down an entire Kingdom when our beta can’t even take down a human!” A wolf from the back of the crowd began their yelling, as if questioning the leaders of this pack would be his best option for today.

  I was set down, my feet a little wobbly under me as I hadn’t quite recovered from the fight yet. I watched as my mate stalked through wolves, none of them trying to stop him from approaching the idiot who had made such a comment.

  When we’d called everyone together a few days ago to explain the situation, no one had had an issue. A few had been a little worried with the idea, but once we brought the Moon into it, no one had an issue. Most had wanted our game plan, how we were supposed to do this. When we told them it would take time, no one fussed. The wolves had been fighting harder, Elias finally getting back into a groove of training that I had not witnessed the first time I’d been here.

  The males and females of this pack were monstrous. Their sessions of sparring often ended in having someone dragged away. Their fierceness intrigued and excited me in all honesty, and I only hoped I’d be able to get in on the action soon. I’d taken down wolves before, and they had seen my skills when I had a dagger, but I wasn’t going to bet I could take an entire crowd of them down by myself. If we did end up being on our own to take down an entire Kingdom, and I was unable to change the Guards’ minds, then I had no doubt we would have the numbers to tak
e them down.

  “Do you doubt the abilities of this pack?” Elias was angry, fuming with the disrespect from the unworthy male’s lips. All I could do was watch as my mate stood over the poor beast, staring at him with blackened orbs.

  “It isn’t about doubt, Alpha. We had this big idea put on us that we need to unite with a Kingdom that we were in the middle of a war with not long ago. Our Luna almost died at the hands of the King you want to conquer, and you don’t expect a few questions? Or at least us wanting a bit more-“ I began my walk to the man; when he saw me his words cease, and my mate turned to look at me. A calmness washed over him when I reached his side.

  “We have to make connections with rebel groups, aim to get other packs on our side and make a statement to the King’s Guard that change is the best option for them all. That is all going to take time. We will not be running into battle anytime soon; therefore, the answers you want are nonexistent. Our struggle to take over a Kingdom will rely on who we can get on our side.” Elias took my hand in his, encouraging me to continue. The once hardened wolf with too many questions now looked at me softly, listening to every syllable from my lips. “This pack will be the first to unite with humans in so long. You will be a part of something great, something that saves lives and gives others hope. Fuck the war, fuck the King, and whatever else you’re scared of. Right now, we focus on becoming better and creating an army that will take down the one I helped build. You have me on your side, and I don’t lose.”

  My words buried themselves into the soil around every wolf, taking hold and soon to grow roots as I watched gold eyes turn to black. The beasts around me came to life in their human skins as I spoke of a future with them. Their Luna was making them see the opportunity not only to help others but to bring species together. I could only hope the Kingdom’s people were as accepting of the wolves; otherwise, this wouldn’t be our best plan.

  We needed to get started, take advantage of the time we had to assemble and train the army we would need. I doubted I’d be able to find any way to tell the Queen that we were going to help, but perhaps she wouldn’t get herself killed before I had the chance to end this one and for all.

  Elias pulled me into his body, his lips crushing mine passionately as he gripped my face between his large hands. His tongue was rough, fingers pulling hair and his hard cock pressing against me as I moaned into the kiss. When we pulled away, I was breathless and confused.

  “Your Luna will be on the front line leading this pack into battle.” He dropped to one knee, staring at me heatedly as he showed the respect that no Alpha has had for a human. “Keres will help us save a Kingdom full of helpless citizens, and she’ll lead us to greatness and make us all saviors. Our Luna is already doing great things for this pack.”

  His eyes fell shut, head falling back as he howled into the sky. This was also a show of respect for the Moon whose plan we would follow. Each wolf hit the knees, doing the same. I couldn’t stop staring as they gave their Moon her rightful praise, the action so much more than the men and women who’d kneeled at the feet of a King I had followed for so long. This was not a peasant forced to his knees.

  This was love for the one that had given so much to them, who continued to want the best for her creation. I was going to be like the Moon I decided. There would be no fear.

  I would love the people. They would never feel the need to fear their ruler again, and I would risk my life until I could give them the freedom they deserve. I stared into the sky and smile, the warmth of the sun on my skin brought a calmness to my bones.

  Both of my knees hit the dirt as I showed respect, love, and loyalty to the one who would give us the strength to overcome the obstacles in our way,

  I howled to the Moon and smiled as I imagined the days ahead.

  It was time for a revolution.

  Yay! Thank you for reading my story!

  The 2nd book “A Luna’s Throne” will be in the works soon!

  I do hope you enjoyed this story and keep your eyes peeled for the next one, or if you’re desperate for another title check out“My Lycan Mate”!

  A paranormal romance full of Viking vampires, possessive Lycans and a few returning demons from the past.


  If you find yourself feeling generous, go ahead and leave a review! I love to see what readers think, and it gives me honest feedback to work with!

  Again, thank you all for your time and I can’t wait to write more for you!

  Have a great day and I wish you the best on your reading endeavors!


  Mrs. Dufrene, you sassy woman. Thank you so much for putting your time into this story to edit and help me get through it. I love you and you’ve always been a light in my dark sky.

  My family, who without them I don’t know where I’d be.

  My peeps in Holden, my friends and people I consider family, you all helped me so much throughout this. I’m blessed to have been raised in such a great town!

  To coaches that told me to “work smart, not hard”

  Mrs. Gibbs, my lady. Thank you for making me finally see what my stories can do in others. I love you.

  Justin, you wanted a shout out so here you go!

  The ladies and gents at my dealership who gave me encouragement, and a few jokes, along the way.

  Jenna, thanks my dude for all the input, and help!

  The readers, on Wattpad and wherever else, thank you so much! I appreciate every page you gave time to! I love you all and am beyond thankful for you all.




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