Monkey Business (Bob and Nikki Book 10)

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Monkey Business (Bob and Nikki Book 10) Page 24

by Jerry Boyd

  “I’m guessing you’ll want Gus to be one of those destroyers, so you can put Mr. Mason in charge of the mission?”

  “That was what I was thinking. Do you have a better idea?”

  “Not at all. I just wanted to make sure I knew what you wanted done. There are two others besides Gus that I can get in fighting shape fairly easily. Will that be enough?”

  “If Steve comes against something he can’t handle with three destroyers, he’s got sense enough to run.”

  “That settles that. What is your plan for the other ships?”

  “They’re all going to need a good going over, aren’t they?”

  “Yes, Boss, they are.”

  “I’d rather we didn’t do that at Charlie’s Planet, where someone might stumble on to what we’re doing. Phonelia has found a system that doesn’t look good for settlement, but is nice and quiet, and out of the way. I’m thinking I’ll send you out there with the ships, and you can mine the system for whatever you need to fix the ships.”

  “You’re transferring me off the Gene?”

  “I’m sending you to do a job, and I expect you back, ass-ape.”

  “Yes, Boss. Didn’t mean to offend.”

  “You didn’t. I just wanted to be clear on my expectations, since you seemed a little confused.”

  “Understood, Boss. I’m stuck with you, like it or not.”

  “Sally offer you a better deal?”

  “Nope, she said I needed to stick around and keep an eye on you.”

  “Sounds like her. Did they get you good enough scans to make any progress on the Squirrel sensors?”

  “Been too busy to look at them, to tell you the truth. Refitting a whole fleet, on a tight schedule, isn’t a small job, you know, Boss.”

  “That’s why I gave it to you. I don’t know anybody else who could handle it.”

  “Do you need me to print you up some more of those contacts? Wouldn’t be any bother.”

  “Good one. I better get going, I’m sure somebody needs me to do something.”

  “Later, Boss.” I finished walking to the bridge, and Saucy announced, “Commodore on the bridge.”

  I replied, “As you were.”

  Topper asked, “Would you like the conn, Boss?”

  “Not unless you’re needing to leave the bridge for something. I just came by to make sure everything was running smoothly.”

  “Just fine, Boss. Nothing out of the ordinary.”

  “Preparing to set sail with a ten-thousand-year-old fleet of warships is ordinary. Our perspective has changed in the last few days, wouldn’t you say, Topper?”

  “I suppose it has, Boss.”

  “Speaking of setting sail, do we have an estimated time of departure yet?”

  “Scotti would like to hold off till morning, unless you have objections.”

  “Personally, I would like to be back to Charlie’s Planet as soon as we can. Professionally, I’ve worked with Scotti enough to know that if she wants to wait, we should wait.”

  “Sounds good, Boss. Anything else?”

  “When did we start using the new ration bars? They rock, compared to the old ones.”

  “Mr. Sloan, Mr. Regimax Sloan, that is, sent those out on the last supply run before we left Charlie’s Planet. We went ahead and restocked all the small craft.”

  “I hope he can keep us supplied.”

  “He said a crew was coming out to set up production on Charlie’s Planet, so that we wouldn’t have to worry about an Earthbound supply line.”

  “Don’t suppose he mentioned who might be on that crew?”

  “No, Boss, he didn’t.”

  “I think that’s all I wanted to know about, so I’m going to the galley for a bit, and remember the other three things I meant to ask you.”

  “Later, Boss.” On my way to the galley, I saw Jackie helping a bot, who looked to be having mobility problems. I asked, “Headed to Engineering?”

  Jackie replied, “I wish. This hardhead thinks he’ll get scrapped if we do.”

  I said, “Gene, page Saucy to my location.”

  Jackie looked at me. “You called the COB? Why?”

  “He’s the oldest bot there is. If he can’t convince this one that he won’t get scrapped, nobody can.”

  The old-timer spoke up. “I knew the first bot. His name was A-1, not Saucy.”

  I replied, “It was, till I changed it for him. I don’t like having to remember numbers.”

  Saucy came running up. “Yes, Boss?”

  “Convince this one we don’t scrap bots, if you would.” The old-timer looked up. “A-1, is that you? You’re all patched up.”

  “B-1, that’s what these two have been trying to tell you, you old coot. This is Commodore Wilson, our new Boss. He doesn’t scrap bots, even ones that are more trouble than they are worth, like you.”

  B-1 stood up straight. “You are the Commodore I’ve heard so much about? The way the bots talk about you, I thought you would be ten feet tall.”

  “Sorry to disappoint. I’m the Commodore.”

  “Pardon me, Sir. I meant no disrespect.”

  Saucy said, “Save that for somebody that might believe it, B-1.”

  B-1 said, “He’s right. I’m disrespectful. You probably would be ahead to scrap me.”

  “You’re not getting off that easy, buster. I’m gonna work it out of you, and for that to happen, you’ve got to get fixed up.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You can quit that ‘Sir’ crap, too. I am your Boss. I work for a living. And another thing. I don’t mess with numbers, and you’re not worth making an exception. Your name is Bone, got it?”

  “Y-Yes, B-Boss.” I turned to Jackie. “I know he’s your friend, and you don’t want to rat him out, but if he doesn’t make it to Engineering, it’ll be you I come looking for, understand?”

  “Yes, Boss.” I said, “Gene, get me whoever is in charge in Engineering, please.”

  Zoom answered, “Yes, Boss?”

  “I’m sending you a bot who needs quite a bit of work. If he isn’t there within an hour, please let me know. His name is Bone.”

  “Bone, you bet, Boss. If he doesn’t show, I’ll let you know.”

  “Thanks, I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Later, Boss.” I looked at Bone. “Is that enough to convince you that I am serious?”

  “Yes, Boss. I’ll go right to Engineering.”

  “Saucy, can I trust this pile of rust?”

  “I wouldn’t recommend you play poker with him, but he’ll go to Engineering.”

  “That’s good enough. Gene, get this turkey a transit.”

  “Bots aren’t allowed on the transit.”

  I turned and looked at Bone. “You are no longer in the Navy. Get that through your thick cranial plating. I am the Boss, and we do things my way. If I tell you to get on the transit, you get on the transit, or I call some Marines, and they put you on the transit. Which way is it going to be? Before, or after the fight?”

  Bone said, “You’re right. This isn’t the Navy. Before the fight, Boss. I choose before the fight.”

  “Wise choice.” The transit came, Jackie got Bone aboard, and they took off for Engineering. Saucy said, “He always was a hardhead. I’m not sure he hasn’t gotten worse since I saw him last.”

  “You knew him well, back in the day?”

  “He was B-1, I was A-1, we figured we were the kings of the bots.”

  “Once a king, always a king. But once a knight is enough.”

  Saucy froze for a second and laughed. “Good one, Boss. I better get back to work. Somebody has to keep Topper in line.”

  “Later, Saucy.” I made it to the galley without further ado. Jasmine asked, “What would you like, Boss?”

  “Just bring me the special. I’ve had enough thinking for today.”

  “Sure thing, Boss.” I sat there, trying to unwind. It sure was harder without Nikki around. Steve and Bucky came in and asked if they could sit wit
h me. I said, “Feel free, but I don’t know if I’ll be much company.”

  Steve asked, “What’s wrong, Boss?”

  “Nothing that getting out of this system and on our way wouldn’t cure. That’s supposed to happen in the morning, so it’s a temporary problem at worst.”

  “You’re worried the Squirrels might show up again?”

  “I can’t convince myself they won’t, which amounts to the same thing.”

  Bucky said, “So far, you’ve managed to defeat them every time, and you even managed to keep them alive. You’ve done well, Bob.”

  “I suppose. It’s just more believable when Nikki says it, I guess.”

  “You miss her, don’t you?”

  “Like crazy.”

  “Why don’t you call her?”

  “Can’t do it on my comm, for fear of telling the Squirrels that we are still here. I could borrow someone’s, like I did last time, but we’ll be there soon enough. I just need to get a grip on my emotions.”

  “Bob, she misses you as much as you miss her. You’re not being a burden, calling just to check in.”

  “Really? I don’t want to be a pain.”

  “She won’t think you are a pain. Besides, she probably would like to know when to expect us back.”

  “Thanks, Bucky. I’ll round up a comm after supper. I’ve got something else I need to talk to you two about.”

  Steve asked, “Why am I scared?”

  Bucky said, “Good sense. This is Commodore Bob we’re talking to.”

  I said, “Oh, c’mon. It’s just your first solo mission as Captain of the Grissom.”

  Steve said, “Solo mission?”

  “Maybe I said that wrong. You’ll be the only human Captain in the fleet, so you’ll be in charge.”

  Steve said, “I’m going to quit talking. Every time I speak, it gets worse.”

  “You just have to stand guard, Steve. Andre’s boys and the Puller have all the hard work.”

  Bucky said, “A Marine assault? You’re going back after that colony on the planet that makes you mean, aren’t you?”

  “No, that’s what I’ve been saying. I’m not going, you two are. I’m sending the Grissom and two other destroyers as escorts for the Puller and the freighters that are going to carry the colonists.”

  Steve asked, “Won’t they object?”

  “Nighty-nights, all around.”

  “What would you do if I refused?”

  “Draft Beatriz to Captain one of the other destroyers that are fit enough to go on this mission, and reconsider my choice of Captain for the Grissom.”

  “You would send the mission with less escort?”

  “I don’t think you will see anything more dangerous than some old rust-bucket that the Space Force managed to get ahold of. The destroyers are just a precaution.”

  Bucky asked, “Precaution against what?”

  “The last time any of the Marines saw the planet you’re taking these folks to, was fifty thousand years ago, more or less. They did a search of the records, and there is no official colony there, but there were people who knew about it, back in the day. Who knows what may be there, nowadays?”

  Steve asked, “So, we’re taking people we can’t trust, to a planet we’re not sure about, in ships we’re still learning about?”

  “That’s about it. Another day that ends in ‘y’.”

  Bucky said, “At least it’s not boring around here.”

  Steve said, “I heard that word once, I forget what it means.”

  Bucky asked, “Which word is that, Hon?”

  “Boring.” We all laughed. I finished my meal and excused myself. I wandered down to Engineering and found Janet. “Hey, Janet, can I ask you a favor?”

  “Sure, Boss. You need somebody to cuddle with?”

  “Nope, but thanks for the offer. I was wondering if I could borrow your comm.”

  “Sure. Need to call somebody without getting traced?”

  “Rhonda told you about that, huh?”

  “She did. Here you go.” I called Nikki and got caught up. Mike and Tina had come and gone, with no evidence of Squirrels. I told her we were hoping to leave in the morning, which would put us back there late tomorrow night. After returning Janet’s comm, I started back toward my cabin. Dee and Dingus were coming toward me. Dingus said, “I wanted to talk to you, before we left the ship to get ready for tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, we should. That reminds me of something. Come with me, let’s go see if Scotti ever finished that secure comm she was working on. If she did, all the Captains need one before we head out.” We started toward Engineering. Dingus said, “Are you going to jump the whole fleet into the Charlie’s Planet system unannounced?”

  “I hadn’t thought about it, but that does sound like a dumb idea, doesn’t it? What were you thinking?”

  “Rendezvous maybe a light-year or so out, and go from there.”

  “That would work. We can use that beacon tech to come out together, right?”

  “The way I understand it, one of us will have to go ahead of everybody else, to send the beacon.”

  “So, we need to send someone out ahead of everyone else?”

  “I checked, and Scotti is only getting the other ships flyable, not bringing them up to the standards of the Gene, till she has more time to work on them. So, you’ll get there before us, without even trying.”

  “One less thing to worry about, then. What I had in mind after we get to Charlie’s, was to send all the ships that need work to a system Phonelia has found, until their repairs are finished. I was hoping you would take charge of that for me.”

  “Sure, I can do that. Any idea how long it might take?”

  “You know Scotti. Faster than you would think possible, I’m sure, but I don’t have any hard numbers for you.”

  “So, I’m taking the rest of the fleet off to hide, while you go see your pretty wife?”

  “Most of the fleet, anyway. Steve is taking a detachment on a mission, three destroyers, the Puller, and a few freighters.”

  “We had that many ships mission-ready?”

  “Scotti is giving them priority.”

  “Hmm, let’s see. The Puller, so you’re planning a Marine assault, freighters, so there must be something to haul, and the destroyers for security. You found a place to put those folks on the mean planet, didn’t you?”

  “Chesty and the Marines knew of a place.”

  “Things just happen around here, don’t they?”

  “Seem to.” We got to Engineering and found Zoom. She said, “Oh, good. I thought I would have to chase you guys down. Could I see your comm, Commodore?” There was a joke there somewhere, but I couldn’t dig it out, so I just handed her my comm. She stuck it in a small machine for a few seconds, pulled it out, and said, “There you go. It won’t send out its location anymore, and if the person on the other end has the scrambler software installed, no one at the office will be able to tell what you say.”

  I asked, “Do you have another one of those that I can take down to Charlie’s Planet? The folks down there need to be scrambled, as well.”

  “It’s already aboard Ozzie’s Toy, Boss. I also sent a bot to Earth, so our people there could get the upgrade.”

  “Good idea. Will he meet us at Charlie’s?”

  “I sent him in one of the saucers that we fixed up to sell. He can catch a ride on the next supply run.” She took care of Dee and Dingus’ comms, and we got out of her way. My comm rang. By some miracle, I had the presence of mind to look at the caller ID. “Bob Wilson. What can I do for you, Major Rottum?”

  “You can call me Bill, for starters. You remember that sensor ghost you chased down for Sergeant Darning?”

  “I do, Bill. I’m not in Earth system, you might do better to call Max.”

  “Well, this one is out of our normal patrol area. It was reported by a commercial ship, and we don’t have anything close enough to go after it. I was hoping you might have someone in the area who would
be able to help.”

  “Send me what you have, and I’ll get someone on it. Depending on exactly where it is, it may take us a bit to get there.”

  “Say, Bob, did you know that your comm isn’t sending out location data?”

  “It’s not? I’ll have to have that looked at.”

  “That isn’t supposed to be possible, Bob.”

  “I’ll pass along your compliment to Scotti.”

  “I don’t want to know where you are, or what you’re doing, do I?”

  “I’m guessing you would sleep better if you didn’t, Bill.”

  “Thanks, I think. Let me know what you find out about that sensor reading.”

  “Soon as I know something, I’ll call. Talk to you later.”

  “Bye, Bob.” The nav data came through. I asked, “Gene, could you display this for me, so I can see where the problem is?”

  “Sure, Boss.” He put up a hologram that showed our position, Charlie’s Planet, and the unknown signal. The unknown was closer to where we were than I would have liked. Dingus asked, “What’s that, Bob?”

  “That’s the question. Bill heard something, but he doesn’t know what, thinks it is a ship in trouble. Wants us to check into it, since it’s out of his jurisdiction.”

  “Who are you going to send?”

  “Well, Commodore, I think I’ll take this one myself.”

  “You mean to leave me in charge of this bunch, and go off to have an adventure, just because you’re tired of sitting in the big chair?”

  “Right on the first guess.”

  “Why on Earth would you do that?”

  “Because the Rescue and Repair parts of this job are the fun stuff, and lately, I’ve been getting stuck with all the administrative crap.”

  Dee asked, “Who are you leaving in charge of the Gene?”

  “Topper can handle it. He only has to fly from here to Charlie’s, how bad can it be?”

  Dee replied, “I know you know better than to say that out loud, so I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear it.”

  Dingus asked, “Are you sure about this, Bob?”

  “Nope. But it seems like the way to go. I have all the rescue and recovery training, and all I’m doing here is waiting for Squirrels that don’t seem to be coming.”


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