Unleashed by the Defender: A Kindred Tales Novel

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Unleashed by the Defender: A Kindred Tales Novel Page 23

by Anderson, Evangeline

  “Take me then,” he growled, his eyes flashing. “Fuck me, baby. You’re in charge—do what you want with me.”

  His hot words excited Imani even more. Again she couldn’t believe her own boldness as she pulled down his trousers, allowing his thick shaft to spring free.

  He was right—she was in charge and damn did it feel fine!

  She stroked his shaft gently from root to tip, enjoying the feel of velvet over steel as he pulsed in her hand. God, he was so big. How had all that fit inside her on their bonding night?

  Imani had heard that some kinds of Kindred had compounds in their precum that helped a female open for them. Maybe J’are had the same kind of thing—it was the only explanation she could think of.

  Only right now, she didn’t want to think—she wanted to act.

  Straddling his lean hips, she positioned her pussy right above the broad, flaring head of his cock. Sinking down a little, she let J’are watch as she rubbed him against her. She loved the contrast of his tan skin against her slippery dark folds, loved the hot way it looked when she slid against him and pressed him just a little way inside her.

  “Gods, baby—this is almost too much.” J’are’s deep voice was hoarse with emotion. “Maybe you’d better stop now,” he begged. “I feel…feel closer than ever to going feral.”

  “I told you, I’m not afraid,” Imani said. And taking him more firmly in hand, she positioned the broad head right at the entrance of her pussy and sank slowly down, impaling herself on his thickness.

  She moaned as his girth stretched her inner walls, forcing her to be more open for him. God he was big! But somehow she was able to take him.

  The effect on J’are was immediate. As Imani sank down on him, a low growl of pure lust rose from his throat and the thick muscles of his arms began to bulge. He gave a violent jerk and Imani gasped as both of the thick plastisteel handcuffs abruptly parted, setting him free.

  “J’are?” she gasped, looking down into his pale green eyes—eyes that no longer had sentience in them. They were glowing with animalistic lust and the desire to breed. They were the eyes of an animal—his feral side was out and it was hungry.

  Hungry and ready to breed.

  Before she knew it, their positions were reversed as J’are gripped her hips and flipped her over so that she was lying on her back with the big Nightwalker between her legs.

  “Oh!” she gasped, looking up at him. He was still buried to the hilt inside her pussy and she could feel him filling her, opening her, making her his. But for the moment, he made no move to thrust—he only pinned her to the bed and looked at her, the wild light in his eyes both fierce and hungry at the same time.

  Imani was well aware of what he could do—of how much bigger he was than her and how much stronger. Also, she was in an incredibly vulnerable position, flat on her back with his thick cock buried inside her.

  But she didn’t want this to be a repeat of their bonding night—didn’t want J’are to feel bad about it when he ‘woke up’ to his thinking mind again and accessed the memories from his other side.

  “J’are,” she whispered again and reached up to cup his cheek. “J’are, you might not completely understand me but I love you. And…I trust you.” She opened her thighs even wider, trying to make herself more open, trying to give him more room to thrust inside her. “Take me,” she told him. “Fuck me, J’are—own me.”

  She wasn’t sure if it was her words or her submissive posture, but something seemed to set the big Nightwalker in action. With a low growl, he bent down and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close as he pulled halfway out of her pussy. He buried his face in the side of Imani’s neck and she felt him breathing her in, inhaling her scent as he pressed a hot, wild kiss to the side of her throat. Then he thrust into her again, making her moan with surprised pleasure.

  “Oh!” she gasped as he did it again…and again and again and again. “Oh, J’are, yes—yes! God, that feels so good! Don’t stop—don’t stop!”

  Her pussy was already hot and wet and ready from the way he had tasted her earlier and suddenly Imani realized she was right on the edge of orgasm. She could feel his fangs sinking into her flesh—not to rip and tear but to hold and mark, to claim her as his own. At the same time, his thick cock was thrusting deep inside her, the broad head giving the mouth of her womb rough, delicious kisses with every stroke as he pounded inside her.

  So good, oh God, so good! she thought deliriously as the big Nightwalker opened her and owned her completely—making her utterly his as he took her.

  Just as her orgasm rushed over her, she felt him thrust as deeply as he could inside her and then his shaft began to swell.

  Imani cried out, helpless to stop the inner spasms of pleasure as her pussy gripped his thickness, massaging him, begging for the hot seed that spurted out to bathe her womb.

  As it had before, the feeling of his seed inside her set off another intense orgasm. The pleasure was so great she almost passed out, just as she had on their bonding night. Somehow she managed to retain consciousness.

  Which meant so she was awake and aware when J’are finished his own orgasm and came back to his thinking mind.

  “Imani?” He looked down at her uncertainly, taking in the way they were still joined together with his shaft hilt-deep in her open pussy. Imani watched as fear bloomed suddenly in his no-longer glowing eyes. “Gods, are you all right?” he asked anxiously. “I thought you chained me down so I couldn’t hurt you!”

  “You broke the chains but you didn’t hurt me!” Imani assured him quickly. “You just…loved me, J’are.” Reaching up, she stroked his cheek. “Very thoroughly and very deeply but you didn’t hurt me, I promise.”

  “Gods…” He looked like he wanted to pull away and roll off her, but he couldn’t yet. Just as he had told her, it took some time for a Nigthwalker’s shaft to deflate after breeding. So they were stuck together a little while longer.

  “Why don’t you roll over so I’m on top?” Imani asked him, a bit breathlessly.

  He complied and, with one swift move, she found herself where she had started, sitting astride him with his thickness buried inside her. But J’are still didn’t look happy.

  “I can’t believe I let my feral side out after so many nights of keeping it back,” he growled morosely. “Can’t believe I let it get to you again!”

  “Hey, look at me.” She reached down and tilted his chin so that their eyes met. “Don’t talk about ‘it’ like that. Your feral side is part of you,” she told him. “A part that I love just as much as I love your thinking mind. And I promise you, once and for all, you did not hurt me.”

  “Honestly?” J’are had begun to look more hopeful.

  “Honestly.” Imani wiggled against him. “In fact, I might be up for round two…if you’re interested.” She gave him a naughty smile.

  His eyes went half-lidded as he took in her expression.

  “I could definitely be interested in that. But this time I want to take things slowly—want to stay in my thinking mind.” Reaching up, he cupped her cheek gently in one big hand. “I don’t want to just fuck you or breed you, Imani—I want to make love to you.”

  Imani felt her heart swell.

  “Oh, baby—I want to make love to you, too. That sounds wonderful.”

  “Ride me then.” J’are’s voice was hoarse and his eyes were half-lidded. “Let me watch you taking me the way I took you. Let me feel you all around me, my Defender.”

  “I’m more than your Defender now,” Imani reminded him breathlessly as she began to raise and lower herself on this thick shaft. “I’m your wife—your mate. And soon I’ll be the mother of your child.”

  “You’re the one the Goddess chose to Claim me,” he growled softly. “The female who was sent to set me free. I love you so much, Imani.”

  Imani felt her heart swell.

  “I love you too, J’are,” she murmured as he began to thrust up into her again, picking up her rhythm. “And
we’re going to spend the rest of our lives together.”

  “And all because you trusted me and came for me,” he murmured.

  “Yes,” Imani agreed, moaning as she rubbed herself against him, taking him deeper. “God, yes, J’are!”

  In that moment she knew that somehow the two of them would find a place to live—a place to raise their child and make a new life for themselves and they would never be parted again.

  All because the Goddess had put them together and she had come to set him free—because J’are had been… Unleashed by the Defender.


  “So are you ready to find out if it’s a boy or a girl?” Kat squeezed her hand excitedly as they waited for the little machine Liv had put Imani’s blood test into to finish its business.

  “I am but I’m so nervous.” Imani put a hand to her heart. “Of course I know it’s probably going to be a boy, which means we’ll either have to go live on J’are’s home planet or go back to Yonnie Six.”

  “Yonnie Six?” Liv looked shocked. “Why in the world would the two of you go there?”

  “Well, because we got a message from Judge Thoughtgood—the judge who was trying J’are’s case,” Imani said. “She let us know that since Lady Bittlebum, was dead, the property and money she had stolen had all reverted to J’are, as his adopted mother originally intended.”

  Kat snorted. “About time! So I guess you two could go live in the lap of luxury?”

  “Yes.” Imani nodded. “I could pretend to be his Mistress and he could pretend to be my bodyslave.” She sighed. “It’s not really how I want to live but neither of us knows anybody on his home world and I really don’t want to be exiled to a planet that’s mostly wild and covered in jungle.”

  “You could just go back to Florida and live in the Everglades if that was what you wanted,” Liv pointed out.

  “We thought about that,” Imani said seriously. “About going back to Earth—maybe buying a place near the wilderness so J’are could run through the woods when he goes feral at night.”

  “Why don’t you, then?” Kat asked. “That sounds like the perfect solution.”

  “Because the Kindred High Council won’t allow it.” Imani sighed unhappily again. “Not because of J’are—Commander Sylvan has spoken to them and made them see that he’s safe now that he’s bonded to me. But when I have the baby, if it’s a boy, well…”

  “You’re going to need someplace an unbonded Nightwalker Kindred male can grow up safely,” Liv said softly, finishing her thought.

  “Exactly.” Imani nodded. “Which is one reason we were thinking of moving back to J’are’s old house on Yonnie Six. It has the simulator room where our son could run and play as he grows up, just like J’are did.”

  “But what an awful culture to raise a child in!” Kat exclaimed. “You don’t want to raise your little boy in a place where he’s considered a second-class citizen.”

  “No, I don’t…” Imani bit her lip. “But I hate to move to an alien jungle planet where neither J’are or I know anybody, either. Which is why this is such a tough choice!”

  “And it’s all because you’re probably pregnant with a boy, right?” Kat asked sympathetically. “I mean, if you were having a girl, you could either stay on the Mother Ship or move down to Earth.”

  “Exactly,” Imani said sadly. “But I know that’s not going to happen. I’ve been praying about it, of course. Praying that the Goddess will help me make the right choice and accept whatever comes…”

  At that moment, the little machine dinged musically.

  “Oh, the test is done!” Liv exclaimed. She reached into the little slot at the bottom of the coffee-maker-sized machine and curled her fingers around something. “Are you ready to find out?”

  “Yes.” Imani gripped Kat’s hand tighter and nodded her head. She knew it was going to be a boy—or, well, she was ninety-five percent sure it was going to be, anyway. That was the way it was with the Kindred—they almost always fathered sons. But still…

  “Here you go.” Liv opened her hand, revealing… a small, delicate flower with a lovely pink bloom.

  “Oh! Oh my God!” Kat exclaimed excitedly. “Imani, it’s pink—that means a girl! You’re going to have a girl!”

  Imani stared with disbelief at the lovely little pink flower.

  “A girl?” she whispered, cradling it in her hand. “But…but this means we can live wherever we want!”

  “You can sell the place on Yonnie Six and buy a big farm by a forest on Earth and then you can commute to the Mother Ship by shuttle if you want to,” Kat suggested.

  “That…that sounds just perfect.” Imani’s heart flooded with joy and relief. It wasn’t that she didn’t want a son—but this made things so much easier. And she loved the idea of a delicate little daughter to raise and love. Her mom and dad would be overjoyed too, that she didn’t have to leave Earth and her family.

  “I think the Goddess heard your prayers,” Liv said, giving her a smile. “I’m glad—we don’t want to lose you around here!”

  “Thank you.” Imani swiped at her eyes which were suddenly filled with tears of relief and gratitude. “Thank you so much,” she murmured.

  For a moment, she felt a warm presence enfolding her—as though some powerful, invisible being was giving her a hug.

  “You are welcome, daughter,” whispered a soft voice in her ear. “Be well and grow in love and laughter for you are one of my children…one of the Brides of the Kindred.”

  Then the warm presence was gone but Imani knew she would never forget it. For the rest of her life whenever she felt worried or upset or sad she could close her eyes and remember that hug and know that the Goddess was watching over her, as she watches over all of her children.

  The End?


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  Also by Evangeline Anderson

  Below you'll find a list of available and upcoming titles. But depending on when you read this list, new books will have come out by then that are not listed here. Make sure to check my website for the latest releases and better yet, sign up for my newsletter to never miss a new book again.

  * * *

  Brides of
the Kindred series

  (Sci-Fi / Action-Adventure Romance)

  CLAIMED (Also Available in Audio)

  HUNTED (Also Available in Audio)

  SOUGHT (Also Available in Audio)

  FOUND (Also Available in Audio)

  REVEALED (Also Available in Audio)

  PURSUED (Also Available in Audio)

  EXILED (Also Available in Audio)

  SHADOWED (Also Available in Audio)

  CHAINED (Also Available in Audio)

  DIVIDED (Also Available in Audio)

  DEVOURED (Also Available in Audio)

  ENHANCED (Also Available in Audio)

  CURSED (Also Available in Audio)

  ENSLAVED (Also Available in Audio)

  TARGETED (Also Available in Audio)

  FORGOTTEN (Also Available in Audio)

  SWITCHED (Also Available in Audio)









  Contains Claimed, Hunted, Sought and Found


  Contains Revealed, Pursued and Exiled


  Contains Shadowed, Chained and Divided


  Contains Devoured, Enhanced and Cursed


  Contains Enslaved, Targeted and Forgotten


  Contains Switched, Uncharted and Unbound


  Contains Surrendered, Vanished, and Imprisoned

  All Kindred novels are now available in PRINT.


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