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Clickbait Page 14

by Evelyn Dar

  “Was he at the party?”

  “Oh, uh, I’m not sure. There were a lot of people there.” She opened the front door. “I’m running late, Mom. I really have to go.”

  “Did he come home last night?”

  Laylah hated this. “I think so.”



  “Laylah Marie Carter. Look at me.”

  Laylah reluctantly faced her mother. Gale was still wearing her work smock, and her eyes were their normal shade of exhausted.

  Had her mother seen the photo of Avery and Kendrick plastered all over the news? Had she recognized Kendrick? What about the blood in Laylah’s room and her busted bedroom door?

  “Honey, I know these last two years have been difficult,” Gale began. “But I want to thank you. You’ve taken on so much.”

  “It’s nothing,” Laylah mumbled, her guilt eating her from the inside.

  “I know about your job at Earley’s,” Gale continued. “God knows, I wish you didn’t have to.” A tear rolled down her cheek. “But I promise, things will get better soon. I’m done chasing Teddy. It’s over. He won.”


  “Do you know the first thing that popped into my head when I heard Avery Bradley had been kidnapped?”

  “Mom, you don’t have to–”

  “Good. I thought, ‘good.’” Gale covered her mouth with her hand. “I actually thought something as terrible as that. It was only for a split second, but still.”

  “No one would blame you.” Laylah said.

  “They should,” Gale replied. “Teddy’s sins do not belong to Avery.”

  Laylah gritted her teeth and tried to reconcile the evil cheerleader Avery Bradley with the remorseful kidnapee Avery Bradley. “Avery might not be her father, but she still lied.”

  “Would you lie to save me?” Gale asked.

  “It’s not the same, Mom.”

  “Isn’t it?” Gale raised an eyebrow. “Teddy isn’t the perfect father, or probably even a good one – but he’s her father.”

  Laylah crossed her arms, refusing to admit she would have done the same thing if the roles were reversed. Her feelings about Avery were complicated enough.

  Gale smiled sadly. “I’m sorry honey, I know you have to go. Have a good day and please be careful.” She gave Laylah a long hug and whispered, “And thank you for helping with your cousin. I know he hasn’t made it easy lately.”

  Laylah felt herself choking up and pushed it down. “Uh, I have a shift at Earley’s after school, and then I’m hanging with Maddy, so I won’t see you until tomorrow.”

  Gale turned on the television, and Avery’s face filled the screen.

  “Okay, honey,” she said, her eyes glued to the screen. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”


  Laylah opened the passenger door, dropped three bulging plastic bags on the floor

  and climbed in. She sniffed the air. “Is that what I think it is?”

  Maddy sighed. “Apparently your cousin had no qualms about chain-smoking weed in my 2-month-old Audi, so yes that’s exactly what you think it is.”

  Laylah sank into the luxurious seat and closed her eyes. “I’ll pay to have it cleaned.”

  “No, you won’t.” Maddy took a sip of her Red Bull and moaned. “It’s official. Caffeine is my new Zaddy. Also, whatever is in those bags smells heavenly.” She peeked over her sunglasses. “Oxtails?”

  “Of course.”

  “God, I love you.” Maddy blew a kiss through the windshield at Earley’s. “And Kiki. Tell Kiki I love her, too.”

  Laylah reached for her seatbelt and winced.

  “Still sore?” Maddy asked.

  Laylah shot her a pained look.

  Maddy snorted. “And they said kidnapping was easy money.”

  As Maddy backed out of the strip mall parking lot, Laylah spotted a plastic bag in the back seat covered in AT&T logos.

  “Did you get everything?” Laylah asked.

  “Yep,” Maddy said. “Hey, do you think Reggie will reimburse me for the prepaid iPhones?” She smirked. “Also, we should totally rally for a 401k plan. And dental.”

  “That’s not funny,” Laylah said.

  “I know,” Maddy replied. “But if I don’t laugh, I’ll cry.”

  “Sorry, Mads. It’s just– I’ll never forgive myself if something happens to her.”

  “It won’t,” Maddy said softly.

  “It might,” Laylah said. “Reggie’s a psychopath. We shouldn’t have left Avery alone with him.”

  “Kendrick’s there,” Maddy said. “And so is Stacy.”

  “Stacy isn’t exactly on our side,” Laylah pointed out.

  “He’s not exactly on Reggie’s side either,” Maddy said. “That counts for something, right?”

  Maddy’s phone buzzed, and she glanced at the screen. “Jesus, not another one.”

  “What?” Laylah asked.

  “Siobhan.” Maddy handed the phone to Laylah. “She’s been on a posting spree.”

  Laylah’s eyes widened as she scrolled down Siobhan’s Instagram page. “Are all these about Avery?”


  “How many are there?” Laylah asked.

  “If that notification was for a new one”–Maddy squinted–“eleven. Apparently, we weren’t the only ones who didn’t sleep last night.”

  Laylah clicked on Siobhan’s most recent video and hit play.

  Siobhan sat cross-legged on her furry white rug with the previously free-roaming Yorkie asleep in her lap.

  “Jesus,” Laylah said. “She looks–”

  “Better than we do,” Maddy finished.

  If Siobhan had been up all night, her face hadn’t received the memo. Her hair and make-up were immaculate and her always-ready Instagram aesthetic bedroom looked, well, the same.

  “Hey, bon-bons,” Siobhan said solemnly. “Just wanted to give you guys a quick update. As of 3 p.m.”–she closed her eyes, and took a dramatic breath–“as of 3 p.m. Avery has officially been missing for over fourteen hours.”

  The photo of Kendrick carrying Avery filled the screen.

  “Please you guys, if you know who this person is, call the police or at least comment on this post.”

  Laylah paused the video, and for the hundredth time, studied the blurry screen grab of Avery dangling over Kendrick’s shoulder. She searched for any morsel of evidence that identified Kendrick but found nothing. He could have been any random guy wearing dark jeans and a North Face jacket.

  Maddy pulled into the school’s empty parking lot and drove to the back. She parked beside the dumpster and cut the engine.

  “Ready?” she asked Laylah.

  Laylah once again fought the urge to run in the opposite direction. Instead, she opened the car door.


  Avery’s stomach grumbled as a delicious aroma filled her nose. She wasn’t sure how much time had passed since she’d last seen Laylah, but it was long enough to develop a ravenous hunger.

  During an earlier chaperoned bathroom break – one of the rare occasions she was freed from her restraints – she’d almost asked Stacy for food, but fear and uncertainty stopped her.

  Stacy wasn’t as scary as Reggie, but Avery could sense his deep resentment towards her. Not to mention, he had given her fresh gauze and let her wash up in the sink, and she didn’t want to push her luck.

  Seconds after the intoxicating smell hit her, something cold and hard was carefully wedged between her zip-tied wrists. Although blindfolded, Avery knew the person gently cutting her restraints was Laylah. She couldn’t explain it, but there was something about Laylah’s presence that felt different from the others. It was warmer. Softer. Sweeter.

  “What the hell you doing, Legs?” Reggie asked from the doorway.

  “Cutting her hands free so she can eat,” Laylah replied calmly, but Avery could hear the animosity beneath her tone.

  “Come on now, Legs you know better.” Reggie laugh
ed. “If you put a fork in her hand, it’s going to end up sticking out of your eyeball.”

  The accusation irked Avery, and she spoke without thinking. “I would never hurt La– uh, anyone.” She held her breath.

  “Then you’re dumber than you look,” Reggie said.

  Avery’s face burned, and she didn’t think she could hate anyone as much as she hated Reggie.

  Did he have to say that in front of Laylah?

  “She can’t eat with her hands tied behind her back,” Laylah said.

  “Then I guess you’ll have to feed her,” Reggie replied.

  Avery heard something being dragged across the room.

  “And the door stays open,” Reggie said. “No funny business.” He laughed. “Unless I can watch.”

  Avery gritted her teeth; anger and embarrassment burning through her.

  “I’d take the blindfold off,” Laylah whispered, “but he left the door to the lounge open too.”

  “The lounge?” Avery asked.

  “The teacher’s lounge,” Laylah replied. “It’s his to speak.”


  “Give me a minute,” Laylah said.

  Avery heard rustling plastic, containers opening, and furniture moving. The smell of the food was driving her insane and when she felt Laylah settle beside her, her stomach let out a massive roar.

  Avery blushed furiously.

  “He’s such a jerk,” Laylah whispered. “I can’t believe he didn’t feed you.”

  “I’m kind of glad he didn’t,” Avery said. “I’d much rather have you feed me.”

  Laylah didn’t respond, and Avery hoped she hadn’t said something wrong.

  Finally, Laylah spoke. “I hope you like soul food.”

  “If it tastes as good as it smells, I’m sure I’ll love it,” Avery said, grateful for the topic change. “So, uh what’s on the menu?”

  “Fried pork chops, mac & cheese, field peas and rice, and hushpuppies,” Laylah said. “I wasn’t sure what to get, so I got a little of everything.”

  Avery smiled. “Macaroni and cheese is literally my favorite food.”

  “Do you want to start with that?” Laylah asked.

  Avery swallowed. “Sure. Um, tell me when to open, I guess.”

  “Open,” Laylah said.

  Avery chuckled nervously. “That was fast.”

  She opened her mouth and the moment the macaroni touched her tongue, her taste buds exploded. Avery closed her lips around the spork and moaned loudly as the rich, velvety substance filled her mouth. She chewed and swallowed quickly, then opened her mouth for more.

  Another spork full and Avery moaned again, this time quieter.

  “I take it you like it?” Laylah asked.

  Avery swallowed before answering. “Oh my God yes, it’s literally better than sex.”

  Something dropped to the floor, and Laylah cursed.

  “What was that?” Avery asked.

  “I-I dropped the spork,” Laylah said, her voice faltering. “Uh, I’ll get another one.”

  While Laylah searched for another spork, Avery analyzed their conversation and frowned. Had her sex comment upset Laylah?

  Avery felt Laylah settle beside her again. She opened her mouth to apologize when it was filled with a delicious, but unexpected piece of fried pork chop. Caught off guard, Avery turned her head to the side and spit out the food, coughing.

  “Oh, God. Are you okay?” Laylah asked. “I’ll get you some water.”

  Avery coughed for a few more seconds.

  “She aight?” Stacy asked from the doorway.

  “Do you care?” Laylah asked.

  There was a long silence, then something scrapped loudly against the floor and the door slammed shut. Avery’s blindfold was pulled down.

  Laylah’s cheeks glowed, and she stared at Avery with intense concern.

  “I’m sorry,” Laylah said. “When you opened your mouth, I thought you wanted food.”

  “No, I’m the one who’s sorry,” Avery replied. “I was trying to apologize. For what I said. You know…the better than sex thing?”

  If Laylah’s cheeks were glowing before, they were on fire now.

  “I didn’t mean–”

  “Water?” Laylah held up a water bottle with a straw sticking out.

  Avery almost growled. Laylah Carter was the most frustrating girl she’d ever met.

  Avery nodded, and while she drank, she stared at Laylah, who refused to look at her. Laylah then stabbed a piece of pork chop with the spork and raised it to Avery’s mouth.


  Avery nodded.

  As Laylah fed her, Avery savored the meal. Not just because she was starving, and the food was amazing – although both were true – but it was the intimacy of the act. Laylah fed her almost tenderly and after a few mouthfuls, they developed a rhythm.

  Laylah knew exactly how far to push the spork into Avery’s mouth, and Avery applied just the right amount of pressure when she bit down to let Laylah know when to pull out. And Laylah always pulled out gently and smoothly. At just the right speed.

  Avery flushed at the comparison her mind made, but this time had the good manners not to speak it aloud. Although…

  Avery stole a glance at Laylah as she attempted to spear a piece of hushpuppy with the uncooperative spork. The girl was drop-dead gorgeous. How did she not have a girlfriend? Or three?

  Avery could only remember bits and pieces of the party, but she had a strong sense she and Laylah had gotten close. But had they touched? Kissed? She recalled Laylah’s heated gaze and smiled to herself.

  Laylah finally nabbed the hushpuppy with the spork but the moment she raised it to Avery’s mouth, it fell into her lap.

  Laylah growled and picked up the rebel hushpuppy. She was about to drop it back into the container when Avery had an idea. A terrible, horrible, and very bad idea.

  “Wait.” Avery eyed the hush puppy in Laylah’s hand and opened her mouth wide.

  Laylah’s eyes went round. “Oh, uh…okay.” She brought the hush puppy toward Avery’s open mouth with a slightly trembling hand.

  When Laylah’s hand was an inch from Avery’s mouth, Avery leaned forward and wrapped her lips around, not only the hush puppy, but the tips of Laylah’s fingers as well. She let her lips linger for a moment, then sucked softly.

  Laylah yelped and pulled her hand back.

  Avery grinned, feeling pleased with herself, but when she looked into Laylah’s eyes, rather than excitement, she saw…fear. Avery’s appetite vanished. She watched as Laylah attempted to gather the rice and peas on the spork, but her hand shook so badly, the food fell.

  Avery’s smile faded, and she squeezed her eyes shut. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. I just thought–” She sighed. “It doesn’t matter what I thought.”

  Laylah lowered the spork and looked down.

  “Please, look at me,” Avery said.

  “I’d rather not,” Laylah said quietly.

  Laylah’s words cut through Avery, and the wounded look on Laylah’s face felt like a kick to the throat.

  “I’m sorry,” Avery whispered. What else could she say?

  The doorknob clicked and before Avery knew what was happening, her blindfold was back in place.

  “Dinner time’s over.” She heard Reggie say. “It’s showtime.”


  Kendrick stood in front of Avery holding an iPhone 7 while Maddy instructed him. Stacy leaned against the wall, scrolling through his phone, but as Maddy spoke he drifted closer, listening just as intently as Kendrick.

  “The live stream’s ready to go,” Maddy explained. “Just press this button when it’s time.” She turned to Reggie, who was lying on his back on the teacher’s desk. “Once the stream starts, I’ll text Avery’s father the link with this.” She held up another iPhone 7. “We’re ready when you are…I guess.”

  “Yo, Legs?” Reggie said, without moving. “You done yet?”

bsp; Laylah hammered in the last push-pin with the butt of a large, metal stapler, then stepped back and inspected her work. Reggie wanted a plain, unidentifiable background for the video and had instructed Laylah to hang two large trash bags on the wall behind Avery.

  While hunting for tools, Laylah discovered a treasure trove of supplies in a former art classroom. The resulting backdrop was a haphazard quick fix that wouldn’t stay up for long.

  She dropped the stapler. “It’s done.”

  Reggie squinted. “Looks like shit.” He sat up. “It’ll do.” He hopped off the desk. “Let’s do this.”

  Kendrick aimed the phone at Avery. “It’s on.”

  “Okay guys,” Maddy said. “Once I send the link and Teddy clicks it, he’ll be able to see whatever Kendrick is filming and hear everything we say.”

  “In other words,” Reggie said, “keep your fucking mouths shut and stay behind the camera.” He nodded at Maddy. “Send it.”

  Maddy hit the button. The plan was to text the link, then wait 60 seconds before making the call.

  A minute later, Reggie snapped his fingers, and Laylah handed him a flip phone. He dialed, and a ring in a half later, Teddy’s harried voice came through.


  Reggie pulled on his ski mask and walked up to Avery.

  “Please don’t hurt her,” Teddy pleaded.

  Reggie wrapped his hand around Avery’s throat, and Laylah took a step forward. Stacy clamped a hand on her shoulder.

  “A hundred K,” Reggie said through the voice changer.

  “Look,” Teddy said. “I don’t have access to that amount of–”

  Reggie let go of Avery’s throat and acted like he was about to walk out of the frame, then spun around and backhanded her.

  Laylah lunged, but Stacy grabbed both her arms, pinning them behind her back. She struggled against him with all her strength, but it was like trying to move a brick wall.

  Avery groaned, and a line of blood trickled from the corner of her mouth.

  “Okay,” Teddy said. “I’ll get it, but it’ll take time. I don’t have that much cash liquid.”

  “How long?” Reggie asked.

  “Four days,” Teddy said.

  “You got two.”

  “That’s impossible.


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