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The Lost Savior

Page 16

by Siobhan Davis

  “My date was officially invited to this party, so if anyone’s lying ass is being kicked to the curb, it’s yours.” He leans over me as he says this, and the stench of whiskey on his breath almost floors me.

  He messes up Kenzie’s hair as he passes, deliberately talking in a loud voice so he’s heard over the music. “Thanks for the blowjob, doll, but it appears your skills haven’t really improved in that department.”

  A choked sob rips from Kenzie’s mouth, and I’m done. Screw decorum. I lunge at Jack, swinging with my scrunched-up fist, and even though he swerves to avoid me, my reflexes are faster. My fist slams into his jaw, and his head jolts back. Straightening up, he rubs his red cheek, staring at me through wide eyes before busting out laughing. Strong arms grab me from behind, lifting me up off the ground. I kick my legs out, trying to break free, hissing at Jack. “You’re an asshole.”

  Kylie is consoling an embarrassed Kenzie while the four Roth brothers watch everything from their vantage point against the wall, sporting tense expressions.

  “Calm down, Tori,” Jensen commands while Hunter drags a still-laughing Jack away.

  “Put me down.”

  “Not until you calm down.”

  I try to wriggle out of his arms, but his grip is tight. “Jensen. For God’s sake, put me down.”

  Cooper is in front of us in a flash. Like, literally, one second he was over by the wall, and now he’s putting his face in Jensen’s.

  Fuckity fuck.

  “You heard the lady. Let her go.” His voice drips with tightly reined rage.

  “Screw off, asshole. No one asked you to get involved.”

  The other three Roth brothers line up beside Cooper, forming a united front.

  “You’re hurting her,” Beckett says, his eyes zoning in on the place where Jensen’s nails are digging into my arm.

  Jensen places my feet on the ground, stepping in front of me with his back to the Roths, rubbing my arms. “Sorry, babe. I didn’t realize my grip was so tight.”

  “I’m fine.” I look over his shoulder. “It’s fine.” I beseech them with my eyes.

  “Why are you deferring to them?” Jensen asks with a look that is part puzzled and part angry.

  “I’m just trying to defuse the mounting tension.”

  “I’ve a much better way of doing that,” he says before turning around. “Fuck off. All of you. And stay the hell away from my girl.”

  “Please go,” I mouth at Dane. He gives me a subtle nod, and they all move back in perfect sync. Maddox has a firm hold on Cooper’s elbow, dragging him away.

  I release the breath I’d been holding as they return to their place by the wall. That relief lasts all of two seconds. Jensen’s thunderous face peers into mine. “Would you mind telling me what the fuck is going on?”

  I put my hands on his shoulders, kneading his rigid muscles. “Babe, please. Chill.”

  He shoves my hands away. “I’m sick of being babied. I want to know what the fuck is going on with them and what the fuck you’re doing with Jack.”

  I think my jaw actually hits the floor. “What I’m doing with Jack?” I splutter, the disbelief evident in my tone. “I’m doing nothing with Jack except trying to deflect his advances these last few weeks.”

  “What?” His face darkens further.

  I wet my dry lips, tucking my hair behind my ears. “I know you’re mad that I didn’t tell you, but I knew if I did that you’d go ape on his ass and then Kenzie would find out, and I didn’t want her hurt any more. That jerk has devastated her enough.”

  Steam is practically billowing out of his ears as he leans into me. Instinctively, I step back, scared by a side of Jensen I haven’t seen before. “You’d better start explaining that right now.”

  I look up, noticing the small crowd watching the drama play out. “Can we go somewhere and talk about this privately?” I ask in a quiet voice.

  He parts his legs and crosses his arms, staring at me with steely determination. “No.”

  “Jensen, please. I don’t want to discuss this with a crowd.”

  “Tough. I need answers and I need them now.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Cooper being physically restrained by Maddox. Cooper locks eyes with mine. Rage mixes with concern in his gaze, and, in that one look, I know he’d kill anyone who hurt me. The thought reassures me, giving me the confidence to face this head-on.

  Jensen wants to do this in front of an audience? Fine.

  “Jack has been hitting on me for weeks, culminating in an incident after practice on Tuesday. I’ve told him repeatedly to leave me alone, but no doesn’t appear to exist in his vocabulary. Dane saw him pinning me to the wall, and he came to help. The end.” I glower at my boyfriend. “Happy now?”

  He snorts, leaning into me with a ferocious look on his face. “That’s not the way Jack tells it.”

  I laugh, anger getting the better of me. “No, I doubt it is, because Jack wants to stir shit.”

  “Or Jack’s telling the truth.”

  My face falls. “What?” Never in a million years did I think Jensen would believe anything of the sort. “You don’t believe me?” A pang of sorrow spears me through the chest.

  He scrubs a hand over his jaw, his own grief transparent. “I don’t know what to believe anymore, but since they showed up, everything is turning to crap, and I know you’re not telling me the truth.”

  I reach out for him, but he jerks back, and that sharp stab of sorrow pulses in my chest. “Jensen, I don’t know what you want me to say. You know me, better than I even know myself sometimes, so ask yourself if I’m really capable of that.”

  He shakes his head, looking up to the ceiling. Tension swirls around us. He lowers his chin, fixing me with a sad look. “I don’t know what to believe anymore, except that you never kept secrets from me before, and now you’re lying all the time.” He drags a hand through his hair. “I need to go before I say something I’ll regret.” He looks sideways at Hunter. “Can you take Tori home later?”

  “Of course, dude.”

  “Wait? What are you saying?” I step into my boyfriend, purposely keeping my hands at my sides. I don’t think my heart can take another rejection.

  “I need time alone to think. I can’t be around you right now.”

  I hate that tears prick my eyes, but Jensen has never, ever, brought me somewhere and then left me there by myself. “Jensen, please. Don’t do this,” I plead.

  “I haven’t done this.” His voice is eerily quiet. We stare at one another, and all I see is doubt in his eyes. After all this time together, he doubts me so easily, and it calls everything I thought I knew about our relationship into immediate question.

  My hurt transforms to anger. “Fine. Leave. I can make my own way home, or I’ll crash here with Zara.”

  He doesn’t even look at me as he walks away, and something splinters inside my heart. I turn around, facing the window as I attempt to control my anguish. My lower lip wobbles, and tears flood my eyes. Kylie stands beside me, curling her hand around mine. “He doesn’t mean it, he’s just hurt.”

  “I know.” I squeeze her hand. Cooper appears on my other side, and I hastily swipe at my eyes, brushing the tears away. “Please don’t make a scene. This night is off to the worst possible start already.”

  “I promise I won’t. I just want to make sure you’re all right.” His voice is soft, matching his tender, worried expression.

  An errant tear cascades slowly down my cheek. There is no hesitation as he brushes it aside with his thumb. The instant his skin touches mine, fireworks explode inside me. His Adam’s apple jumps in his throat, and we are both frozen in time, his thumb resting against my cheek while we peer into each other’s eyes. It’s as if the outside world ceases to exist. The urge to lean into him, to wrap my arms around him, and let him soothe me is so powerful I don’t know how I resist. He hasn’t moved a muscle either, looking every bit as transfixed as me.

  “Um, Tori,” Kylie
says in a low voice only we can hear. “Everyone’s watching.”

  Cooper steps back, moving away from me with an apologetic smile. I look around, and sure enough, half the room is sending daggers in my direction, but I’m beyond caring at this point.

  I came here, in part, tonight to get answers, and I’m not leaving without them.

  I tip my chin up and force my shoulders back as I look at Cooper. “We need to talk.”

  His answering smile is radiant. “Yeah, beautiful. We really do.”

  Chapter 22

  “Tori, I hope you know what you’re doing,” Kylie murmurs, shooting a look between me and Cooper.

  “I do. I’ll be back.” I squeeze her arm as I step around Cooper, walking toward the other three Roth brothers. I’m extremely aware of Cooper’s magnetic presence at my side, along with the myriad of eyeballs glued to my every step. I stop in front of Dane, because he appears to be the one who calls the shots. “I need to speak with all of you. I need answers.”

  Beckett smiles, and I can’t help smiling back. Maddox and Dane eye me somewhat warily. “Agreed,” Dane says, his voice seductively low. “But not here. We can talk in private back at our place.”

  “Okay. I just need to use the ladies’ room first, and I’d rather not be seen leaving with you. How about I meet you out front in ten minutes.”

  “Cool.” Dane’s eyes drift to my lips for a nanosecond, and the connection crackles between us. Cooper lightly chuckles, and I pin him with a cautionary look. “Try not to cause any trouble before you leave.”

  Beckett laughs quietly. “I wouldn’t bet on it.”

  I start barreling my way through the throng of bodies, making a beeline for the stairs. Zara and Ethan appear in front of me. “Tori, what the hell’s going on?” She plants her hands on her hips. “Jensen is leaving, and I’ve never seen him so mad.”

  I gesture toward the pool table. “The others are back there. They’ll explain. I need the bathroom.” I squeeze past them, anxious to catch up to Jack. I spotted him outside a few moments ago, and I intend to give him a piece of my mind before I leave.

  I pick my way through the mob upstairs, finally making it out to the backyard. Zara’s property stretches over acres of unspoiled landscape, and I walk through the manicured lawn, keeping my eyes peeled for Jack. As I round the side of the pool house, a hand covers my mouth and I’m pulled roughly around the waist. Lashing out with my legs, I bite down on the hand, dropping to the ground as I’m suddenly released. “You fucking bitch,” Jack yelps. “You bit me.”

  “You assaulted me!” I screech, rising to my feet. “What the hell has gotten into you lately, or is the guy Kenzie dated completely gone?”

  I’m shoved up against the wall, his arm wedged under my neck, constricting my breathing. “You genuinely don’t have a clue, do you?” His condescending smirk is hugely irritating.

  “Enlighten me.”

  He shakes his head. “Nah. It’s much more fun this way.”

  I claw at his arm. “Let me go. I can’t breathe.”

  He laughs. “That’s kinda the point.”


  His gaze rakes over me as if he’s mentally undressing me with his eyes. Tiny goose bumps lift on my skin, and it’s not from the harsh weather. A wicked gleam flares in his eyes, and fear surfaces. “Put me down, now, Jack, or I’ll scream.”

  “Knock yourself out, sweetie,” he taunts. “The music will drown out your screams, and there’s no one out here to hear you.”

  This time I feel the change overtaking my body. Liquid calmness surges through me, and that ball of energy inside me swells with confidence. My eyes narrow as I penetrate his gaze, planting my hands on his shoulders. “Get off me or I’ll make you.”

  A wicked amber glint flashes briefly in his eyes. “Game on, princess.”

  I shove at his shoulders, injecting it with everything I’ve got. He stumbles back, a look of shock splaying across his face, before he busts out laughing. “Oh, it’s on, sweetheart. It’s so on.” I dart to the side, crouching down as he straightens up, approaching me head-on. He lunges for me, superfast, and I don’t move out of his way in time. He grabs my shoulder, digging his hand in, and it feels like he’s crushing my bones. I cry out, falling to my knees, as he continues pressing down on my shoulder. Summoning inner control, I rear up, jerking out of his reach. Fabric rips, and a blast of cold air coasts across my bare shoulder.

  He comes at me again, but this time I’m ready for him. I spin around him, in a move that shouldn’t be possible, and I shove my foot in his back. He slams into the wall, grazing his cheek against the stone casing before tumbling to the ground. He jumps up, way too fast, stalking toward me with blood dripping down his face. He cricks his head to the side, and the sharp clicking noise causes me to wince. “Now I’m pissed, and you really don’t want me pissed.”

  His blue eyes roll back in his head, and when he refocuses on me, they’ve changed color. They’re this unusual ocher color now. His mouth pulls into a snarl, and he emits a puke-inducing roar before launching himself at me. I turn to run, and I’m slammed to the ground, the weight of his body trapping me in place. Air expels from my lungs in a mighty rush.

  Roughly, he turns me around until I’m face up, straddling me with his powerful thighs. His hair is all over his head, going in a million different directions. The murderous, dark glint in his eye breaks through my layer of composure, and potent terror takes a hold of me.

  He grabs hold of my neck with one hand, pressing his body down on top of mine. His hand flexes, tightening around my throat, and I’m starved of oxygen. I try bucking him off, but he’s too strong. Keeping his hand around my neck, he leans into me, blowing sour-smelling breath all over my face. “You should’ve just given me what I wanted.”

  He grazes his nose across my cheek. “I might have made it more pleasant for you.” With his free hand, he slides his fingers under my shirt, and bile floods my mouth. Hell to the no, this shit is not happening again. When his mouth crashes down on mine, I reach out, gripping his elbow and holding on tight. I return to that safe, calm zone in my mind, and I’m unnaturally composed as I focus my mind with zero thoughts to the consequences.

  The same fiery sensation heats my blood, rushing to the tips of my fingers. I grip his flesh firmly, eradicating all other thoughts and concentrating my mind.

  Jack’s body convulses, and he tries to wrest his mouth from mine, but he’s unable to. I strengthen my hold on his arm as the wandering hand on my stomach stills. I sense his fear, but still I don’t let go, clutching on to his elbow, letting the fire pour from my body to his. He jerks against me, every bone in his body twitching, and then a loud voice rings out in the chilly, silent night air.

  “Alinthia! No!”

  You’re killing him.

  Cooper’s holler, and the thought in my head, brings me to my senses. I snap out of it, and Jack falls back, slumping to the ground in a heap. I clamp a hand over my mouth in horror. “Oh my God.” I climb to my feet, staggering back, my breathing ragged and out of control as panic jumps up and bites me.

  “Look at me.” Cooper’s voice is insistent, and his hands are warm as they cup my face, forcing my gaze from the crumpled body on the ground. “That’s it, beautiful. Keep your eyes trained on me.”

  “What did you call me?” I whisper, my entire body quaking.

  He curses under his breath before removing his coat and wrapping it around me. “You’re hurt, and you’re freezing.” He takes my hands in his, rubbing them until they warm up. I thread my fingers in his, needing the connection to distract me from what nearly happened. “Hey. It’s going to be okay. I promise. We’ve got you.” He wraps his arms around me, and I lean my head on his chest, closing my eyes as I’m cocooned in his warmth and his reassurance.

  My brain empties, and a lifeless floating sensation spreads through my limbs. While I’m aware Cooper is holding me, I can’t feel his arms any longer. Sound blurs around me, and my stomach lurc

  When I open my eyes, mere seconds later, we’re standing in the middle of a large open-plan living room. A crackling fire flickers within an open stone fireplace, sending waves of heat around the room, but it does nothing to stop the chill seeping into my bones.

  “What the hell?” I shriek, stepping out of Cooper’s arms, my eyes widening in panic. “How did we get here?”

  Cooper approaches me cautiously. “I teleported us. This is our house. You’re safe here.”

  “You what?” I screech.

  “You want answers, beautiful, and I won’t ever lie to you.” He walks to the couch, pulling a blanket off the back of it. Draping it around my shoulders, he steers me to the large comfy chair in front of the fire, gently easing me into it.

  I shiver, circling my arms around my waist. Cooper leaves the room, returning a minute later with a bottle of water and some crackers. He sits on the arm of the chair, handing me the food and water. “You should eat, and when you’re warm enough, you can clean up. I’ll collect some of your stuff in a while.”

  Silently, I do as I’m told, replaying everything in my mind as I nibble on the crackers.

  Cooper is quiet, for a change, scrutinizing my face as he watches me eat and drink.

  When I’ve finished, I put the empty bottle and plate on the floor and lift my head to his. “What’s going on? And what’s happening to me?”

  He brushes wispy strands of hair off my forehead. “I thought you might’ve figured out part of the truth by now.”

  I lean into him, despite the terror gripping me on all sides, because his touch is comforting. “I don’t know who I am anymore.” I look into his gorgeous blue eyes, eyes swimming in concern. “Is anything even real anymore?”

  His expression is awash with compassion. “Some of what we have to tell you isn’t going to be easy to hear, so you should prepare yourself.”

  “Is Jack … did I … is he okay?”


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