Heart of Steel

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Heart of Steel Page 12

by Cathleen Cole

  “You ready?” His gaze flicked between me and Bridget, who was motioning, still trying to get me to reconsider changing. He nodded at Bridget and Anna, a typical Steel greeting. They both smiled and waved at him.

  “You two have fun.” Anna grinned as she said it, but then she pulled Bridget away. I mouthed ‘thank you’ at her as she strong-armed the blonde down the hall.

  I looked back at Steel and noticed his eyes were slowly perusing my body. I fought the urge to fidget. But then his eyes met mine and heat pooled low in my belly at the look he gave me. Honestly, the girls may have been right to assume I’d jump him. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stop myself if he kept looking at me like he wanted to eat me.

  “Yup. Let’s go.”

  Chapter 25


  I took Remi’s hand and led her out to where my bike was parked in front of her house. I couldn’t say I minded how often she ended up bumping into me. Anything to get her body against mine. I glanced over at her. I’d about swallowed my tongue when I saw her standing there in that tiny little red dress. It hugged all her curves perfectly. I couldn’t wait to see her without the little coat she had on over the top. It wasn’t buttoned, so I already had a great view of her tits, but I still wanted it off of her. Hell, I wanted the dress off her too, if that was an option.

  I looked down at her feet and laughed silently to myself. Wearing her Adidas seemed to be her trademark. Although I wasn’t sure if she did it to make some kind of statement or if she just really liked the shoes. The only time I’d seen her in anything else had been at her office. Remembering what we’d gotten up to in that office had the little bit of blood that was left in my head, flowing south.

  As we stopped at the bike, I saw her look at it apprehensively, then back at the house. “Maybe I should go change.”

  I frowned. “Why?”

  She looked at me like I was an idiot. “A dress isn’t the best thing to wear when riding a bike. I’m going to end up flashing my ass at someone.” I couldn’t help but grin at the thought.

  She started to go back toward the house until I caught her hand and stopped her. I stepped in close to her, enjoying the way she softly sucked in her breath and held it. It was nice to know I wasn’t the only one affected by whatever this was between us. I tucked a piece of her dark hair behind her ear.

  “Don’t change. That dress looks sexy on you.” I let my eyes roam appreciatively. When I looked back at her face, it amused me to see the way it had pinkened slightly. “Let’s go.” I moved away and pulled out the helmet. Remi put it on as I straddled my bike. She shot a quick look around before she quickly clambered on the bike behind me. I waited while she adjusted her dress so that she was sitting on the back of it securely.

  After driving across town, I pulled into the parking lot of Lock, Stock, and Barrel, the local bar that the club owned. Technically Cade owned it, but he felt the same as Riggs and me; what we owned, the club owned. Just as my brother and I had the guys in the club working for us in the garage, Cade employed only club members. It made it easier whenever things went down. In our line of work, things were always going down. Making up excuses for people outside of the club was more trouble than it was worth.

  As Remi and I entered the building, I saw Trip working behind the bar. His girl Amy was running drinks to the few customers here tonight. It was Sunday evening, so it was quiet. I didn’t mind. I didn’t feel like sharing Remi, and if a bunch of my brothers were around, they’d all want to meet her. I jerked my chin at Trip in greeting. I ignored him when he grinned, wiggling his brows, looking between me and Remi.

  We settled near the pool tables in the back, and I shrugged off my leather coat and draped it over the back of a chair. I grinned smugly when I saw her eye me appreciatively. I was wearing my usual jeans, t-shirt, cut, and boots, but luckily for me, that seemed to do it for her. We both looked up as Amy came over.

  “Hey Steel.” She looked over at Remi curiously. “Hi, I’m Amy.”

  “Hey, I’m Remi.” Both girls smiled warmly at each other.

  “Amy.” I acknowledged her.

  “What can I get you two?” I could tell she was dying to ask about Remi, but she wouldn’t with her sitting there. Thankfully Amy hadn’t been at that party the first night and Trip obviously hadn’t mentioned that I had a new girl. I knew the next family barbeque there’d be no getting around explaining who Remi was, though. I liked Amy a lot, despite her nosey nature. It was all done with the best intentions. She was a really good girl and great for Trip.

  “I’ll take a beer. Trip will know which kind.” Amy nodded, and we both looked over at Remi. She blinked at us for a second before she responded.

  “Can I get a Long Island Iced Tea?”

  “Sure, sweetie. I’ll be right back.” Amy hurried back to the bar and both Remi and I watched in amusement as Amy lit into Trip, motioning back toward us.

  Giving him an earful for not keeping her up on club gossip, I thought to myself. The women that our members dated were no different than most other women. They loved to know what was going on with those closest to them. Most of the wives and girlfriends of our guys got along, although there were a few who didn’t. We were lucky that our club members and their families were all pretty close. It was one of the things that was important to Cade. He wanted us all to be a family.

  I nodded over to the pool table. “Want to play?” I laughed at the mischievous look that spread across Remi’s face.

  “You’re on.”

  “Have you played before?” I asked, wondering if I was about to have my ass handed to me. I saw a few of our members scattered around the bar, along with a few of our locals that weren’t part of the club but were permanent fixtures here. The club members were watching us. I knew bringing her here would get a lot of attention, but I wasn’t about to bring her anywhere else to drink. Besides, the more the guys saw her with me, the more likely they’d be to remember to keep their hands off when they saw her at any future events.

  “Maybe,” She said. “I have to warn you.” She shot me a grin that was cute and mischievous. I mentally shook my head, wondering what it was about this girl that got to me so easily. I liked everything about her, and that was rare. “I’m extremely competitive.”

  “Good, so am I,” I laughed.

  Her eyes flashed at me in challenge. “Good, I hate it when guys try to let girls win.”

  “There’s no danger of that happening. In fact,” I said tilting my head while looking at her. “Why don’t we bet on it?” I dared her. Her smile got bigger.

  “Okay. What are the stakes?” Amy came back and set our drinks at our table. Remi called a thank you as Amy scurried off quickly, trying to give us privacy.

  “Best two out of three. If I win, you kiss me.” She narrowed her eyes at me but then nodded.

  “If I win…” She glanced around, then shot me a smug smile. “You dance with me.” She jerked her head over to the jukebox, which was currently playing a low, slow song.

  “Deal,” I said immediately. “Do you want to rack or break?” I smiled at the indecisive look on her face.

  “I’ll rack. I’m not sure I’ll break very well.” She walked over to our table and stripped off her jacket.

  “Jesus, fuck,” I muttered and rubbed a hand over the back of my neck when she turned around. She was going to fucking kill me. The dress was sexy. Her body was even better.

  “What?” She smiled at me innocently, but I thought I caught a gleam in her eye. I just shook my head, grabbed my beer, and took a long swallow. As she started racking up the balls, I glanced over at the bar and found Trip grinning at Remi like an idiot. I narrowed my eyes at him until he focused on me. He snapped up and got busy mixing a drink for a woman sitting alone at the bar.

  I leaned over the table with my cue and lined up the shot. I saw Remi studying my actions out of the corner of my eye. The balls scattered as the cue ball struck the triangle. Two stripes landed in separate pockets. I gave Remi a
smug look and lined up my next shot.

  “So, how does a twenty-one-year-old end up with a company like Mackenzie’s?” I watched as the ball landed lightly in the pocket, then looked over at her. I instantly noticed the stricken look on her face and cursed myself for being a moron. “I’m sorry. I know it’s because of your dad…” I rubbed the back of my neck and tried to salvage the situation. “I just meant; I’m surprised it didn’t go to your mom? Your uncle? A grandparent?”

  Thankfully, she seemed to have pulled herself together, and I hoped I hadn’t just hurt her too badly. Clearly, her father’s death was still a very difficult topic for her. For some reason, the thought of her in pain brought out every protective instinct inside of me.

  “My mom… isn’t in the picture.” She let her gaze skip from mine, and it landed on my pool cue, which I was leaning on. “Uncle Caleb doesn’t want it.” She looked back up at my face and laughed at the look of disbelief she saw there. “No, really. Money and power don’t motivate him.” I narrowed my eyes at her and shook my head, dismissing that idea.

  “Money and power motivate every man,” I stated matter-of-factly.

  She frowned at me, then just shrugged. “Well, as far as I can tell, he doesn’t care about either. It’s too much work for him. He wants enough to be comfortable but not so much that it eats into his home life. He’s a really good manager, He understands the truckers and mechanics, but… he’s not good with the higher levels of stress. Being the acting owner is more than he can handle.”

  I still didn’t get that, but she’d gotten a little defensive before when I’d mentioned that her uncle may not be as disinterested in taking over Mackenzie’s as she thought so I didn’t comment.

  “My grandparents are gone. I have no other family. But even if I did, dad wanted me to have his company.”

  I didn’t miss the fact that she called the business his. I searched her face. “And do you?” She looked at me in confusion. “Want it,” I elaborated. She blinked slowly at me as though she hadn’t expected the question.

  Chapter 26


  Not once, from the time my dad had gotten sick, and certainly not since his death, had anyone asked me what I wanted. Dad and Uncle Caleb decided the whole way through what I would do. The only thing I put my foot down on was selling the home I grew up in. Uncle Caleb insisted it was pointless to hold on to it. I refused to sell it. I wasn’t willing to part with anything that was once my father’s and was now mine.

  Somehow Steel saw through all the bullshit and knew what to ask even though I didn’t fully know the answer. “I don’t know.” It came out as more of a whisper than I’d meant. He just sat there silently staring at me, waiting for me to continue. “Yes, because I don’t want to disappoint him,” I said finally, firmly.

  Steel watched me longer than was comfortable before he spoke. “I doubt you could do anything that would disappoint him.” He reached past me and picked up his beer with his free hand, drinking before setting it back down. “Something tells me you were more important to him than a company.”

  “Now, your uncle? It wouldn’t surprise me if he’d be pissed if you sold. Or maybe that’s exactly what he’s hoping for so that he can buy it from you. All while having it be your idea.” At my surprised look, he shrugged. “Sorry wildcat, in my world men don’t pass over the opportunity to gain more money or power, let alone both.”

  I glared at him. “You don’t even know Uncle Caleb.” But his words sparked doubt inside of me. Was Uncle Caleb only saying he didn’t want dad’s company while secretly waiting for me to break down and give up on it and sell to him? That would explain why it felt like he was constantly pushing me past my breaking point with both school and taking over within the business. Steel’s next words broke me out of my somber thoughts.

  “You’re right. I don’t.” His tone was anything but reassuring though. “So, are you going to keep it?”

  I had been staring down at his boots, considering his previous words, when he asked the next question. I met his curious eyes. Determination swirled through my stomach. At that moment, I made a decision on something I hadn’t even known I’d been wrestling with for the last year.

  “Yes. I am.”

  The corner of his lips tipped upwards before he turned back to the pool table.

  I watched as Steel made shot after shot as we talked. We’d lightened the mood considerably from the beginning of the conversation. We talked about school and how it was going. I found out his favorite color was forest green, which was weird since he only wore black or white. We told each other a few stories from our childhoods, although I could tell he wasn’t sharing much on that front. I didn’t want the conversation going back down such a serious path though, so I didn’t push for more information.

  Suddenly I realized how few balls he had left on the table. Uh oh, I thought as I took a drink of my Long Island. He was going to run the table if I didn’t do anything.

  Trailing my fingers along the side of the pool table, I strolled over toward him, hips swaying. He was leaning down, but his eyes were no longer on the ball in front of him. I angled myself so I was directly in the path of his gaze, bending down to study his shot. I knew I was playing dirty, giving him a great view of my breasts, but a girl had to do what a girl had to do.

  I tilted my head enough to draw Steel’s gaze up to my face, and I smiled innocently at him. The look on his face would have worried me only a few short weeks ago. He looked intense, a frown pulling his eyebrows low over those gorgeous eyes. But I was beginning to figure him out. The look in his eyes was pure lust.

  I couldn’t keep the innocence in my smile when I saw how he was looking at me. He narrowed those grey eyes at me before he focused back on the table. He knew exactly what I was doing. He drew back his cue, and I ran my hand up and down my own as he brought his forward. It was enough to draw his attention at the last minute, and his ball tapped the outside of the pocket before spinning away.

  “Aw, nice shooting though.” I sauntered away, heartily enjoying myself. I hadn’t let loose and flirted with anyone for far too long. I bent down to line up my shot and flicked my eyes up. There was no doubt he was enjoying the view as he sat drinking his beer. I grinned to myself and sunk my first ball.

  I managed to put two more solids into the pockets before I missed. Steel prowled around the pool table, searching for the best shot. I leaned back against the table and took slow sips of my drink. I wasn’t planning on getting drunk tonight. I needed to stay sharp to keep up with this guy and not just in pool. He had a way of getting under my skin that made me feel nervous, but also excited.

  Finally, Steel leaned down for his shot. My eyebrows rose because it was directly in front of me and I watched as his jeans molded to his ass. He sunk the ball and went back to his restless stalking. It was like he was a big cat in the jungle going after prey, not a guy in a bar playing pool. I wasn’t even paying attention to how many balls were left on the table anymore. I only had eyes for the way the muscles rippled in his back. The way his biceps tightened and flexed as he made his final shots.

  Steel turned around and gave me a satisfied smirk. It was at that point I realized he’d just won the first game. I set my empty glass down and felt my head spin lightly as I headed for the table.

  Shit, I shouldn’t have drunk that so fast, I thought. I wasn’t drunk, but I had a slight buzz going. Now, I was really going to have to pay attention if I wanted to win. It was rare for me to not be ultra-focused when playing for stakes.

  He set the balls back up, and it was my turn to break. I leaned over the table, and I was very conscious of him standing behind me.

  Please don’t let my dress have ridden up too high, I thought with a blush. I took the shot and frowned when only three balls broke off the triangle in the middle of the table. I’d over-embellished a little when I made it seem like I’d even played pool a few times. I’d played twice. Enough to know the rules, but never enough to have gotten good.

  Strong hands slid down my biceps to my forearms as I felt the heat of his body close to mine seconds before I felt him from chest to thigh against my back. He directed my hands back into position and I fought to breathe as he leaned us over the table to set me back up to re-break.

  “Tighten this hand.” His breath tickled my ear, and I tried to suppress a shudder. His deep voice in my ear had my nipples hardening. Licking my lips, I tightened the hand that he tapped. Then he moved his hand and placed it on my hip.

  Oh, good Lord, I thought desperately. He was going to melt me into a puddle. There was certainly puddle action beginning to happen somewhere.

  “Now, loosen your grip on the front hand just a little.” He kicked my right foot slightly, forcing my stance wider, and shoving my ass directly into his thigh.

  Oh, maybe that wasn’t his thigh, I thought and suppressed a nervous laugh. I realized I was breathing a little quicker and fought to calm it, so I didn’t sound like a hyperventilating, horny rabbit.

  “Pull back, then really drive it home. Don’t manhandle the shit out of the front of the stick though.” He reminded me as I started to do just that.

  Steel moved to my left side, just enough that I wouldn’t hit him with the cue when I made the shot. I laughed in triumph when all but two of the balls scattered and I pocketed a stripe. I turned and smiled at him in triumph.

  The smile slipped off my face as desire hit me straight in the stomach. We were standing so close I had to tip my face up to look at him. Steel’s eyes dropped to my lips, and I leaned slightly in toward him as his hands settled on my hips.

  “Hey!” A big, brown-haired, green-eyed guy slapped Steel on the shoulder and made both of us jolt. I swear Steel let out an actual growl of frustration. I wouldn’t know what else to call the sound. He glared over his shoulder at the guy but didn’t drop his hands from my hips. Stepping away, I ducked my head and went over to search for my next shot, giving them some space and taking a little for myself as well.


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