Slowly, she lifted up her head from the cold water rushing down the sink.
She turned around, arms dripping with the cold water. “I’m sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that. I wasn’t thinking rationally."
"I just don’t want to see you hurting, sis. We love you. We’re here for you,” Sondrea said as she raced to embrace Roya. Sunny reached around Roya to turn off the water. She ripped off a paper towel and handed it to Roya.
Her other sisters followed and wrapped their arms around Roya in the circle. All four embraced one another and prayed.
“Please give my sister, Roya, the peace and comfort she needs in this hour. Help her be able to move forward and continue to do your will. We trust you will mend her heart, and free her from this depression taking toil. No weapon formed will prosper. Shield her. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.” Sunny cried. The others followed with “Amen.” Roya’s tears soiled her shirt and she swiped at her cheeks.
“Clean up, Sis. We’ll help you,” Lavonne offered.
“Yes, we have to return to our seats,” Sondrea added, reaching for the paper towels.
“I got this!” Roya spoke with confidence.
She wiped her face, dug in her purse, and re-applied her makeup.
“You do. Proud of you, Sis,” Sondrea agreed.
“Ready, Ladies?” Lavonne held the door open.
Roya moseyed out of the bathroom as the others followed in a beeline.
Jewel Battle
Jewel stayed with Joy and Lance in the sanctuary, listening to Joshua. She saw her daughters walk back toward their seats. She smiled. Her mouth curved, and she whispered, “Roya needs to hear this.”
The congregation was reacting positively to Joshua’s moving and entertaining message. It seemed that everyone had excused Roya’s outburst, as many only regarded the sisters with a cursory glance.
“There are seventy percent of professing Christians who are secular.” Joshua heard several people gasp at the statistics.
“Do you agree with that statement, Jewel?” Lance inquired as he turned to look at her.
She nodded and waved him off, wanting to hear Joshua teach.
Joshua continued, “Many haven’t faced down the subtle tactics our government is using to get us to take the implant. Others have seen brutality, but we know why. We are threats—a roadblock of freedom—to the new world order of the Antichrist.”
“Will you take it if it came to it?” Lance asked her.
“No way. Fight or flight, I’ll fight.”
“I don’t know,” Lance sounded fearful. Jewel shook her head. At least he’s honest with himself.
Joshua’s voice rose, “We’re already faced with an option to take the implant. Many will be suckered in. Some of us will be willing to betray others.”
“What! No!” Joshua heard the voices yell in the audience.
“When the implant becomes an easy way out, having been already forced on the rest of the world, many of us will not be willing to lose our lives, or watch our families be unfed. Those unwilling to suffer will take it, believing it is an answer and that God will forgive us. I think not.”
“Tell us, Minister,” A woman stood up and waved her hand. “Why will we believe that God is behind this?”
“Jesus clearly states in the Word that whosoever takes the mark of the beast will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Propaganda will make many people believe the implant is an answer sent from heaven.”
The woman touched her chest with a low sigh. Joshua glanced at the woman, and inhaled heavily as he continued, “These things on Earth are temporal. Jesus offers us eternal life.” His voice boomed. “Yet, most of us won’t be able to see the big picture when the time strikes.” He glanced upward. “When the ‘opportunity’,” he paused to put air quotes around the word, “presents itself, it will seem so beneficial to society, to us, for our children’s future.”
“Help us, Minister,” Jewel hollered, beating the woman in the audience who had her mouth open to speak these very words. She gave her a mean-mug look. Jewel deflected the woman’s mug with a smile.
Joshua watched as a woman near Jewel placed her hand over her mouth. He glanced at other faces and many seemed mid-gasp or stunned. He took the moment to let the truth sink in, staying quiet until everyone looked at him to continue.
“I hate to admit it, but many of us will be slaughtered or martyred for the love of Christ.”
“I don’t want to die,” A man shouted.
“Unfortunately, this is what happened to our brother, Solomon. Solomon was martyred for his love of God. His steadfast refusal to let the evil claim their souls cost him his life. We will see him soon…sooner than you know.”
He heard a few gasps.
“But he’ll spend eternal life with our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, 10,000 glorified saints, and his heavenly hosts forevermore. I can’t wait to see your brother again! You keep hearing that we’re living in the last days. The evil one is already residing on this planet, right now,” He thrust his index finger downward several times to emphasize his point.
“Who?” a few yelled.
“This man, the world leader, will demand that people from every nation take his mark, his image, the number 666. It will be inserted in their hands or foreheads.” Joshua spoke about the vicarious participation to come.
“Really, Minister,” Lance blurted.
“Anyone who takes the mark will belong to the man.”
“That evil beast,” Roya roared.
“…and will be thrown with him into the lake of fire—place that burns not only fire but also brimstone. Brimstone is just another term for sulfur,” Joshua continued.
“I sure don’t want to be on fire,” someone said.
Another said, “I don’t want to be on fire!”
“The beast of a man will arise to the acclamation of the world, for he’ll bring a false peace and prosperity.”
“Help us to discern the difference,” Sunny prayed.
“When he has gained the world dominion, those without his mark, not chipped, will believe they cannot survive in this economy.”
“What can we do?” someone asked.
“That’s happening now with our chip cards. We know that! That’s why many of us are here,” a man shouted angrily.
“We’re still given an option of using a chip inside us. But, believers, we know it’s the ultimate invasion of the temple within us,” He took a sip of water, then continued to remind them of the warning in Revelation, “Neither will they be able to sell anything they own to anyone else unless they have the mark,” He paused as the congregation began to respond.
“That lake of fire was punishment for Satan and his demons,” Jewel stated.
"Yes, originally it was for Satan. His demons.”
“Now, the sentence is for us humans too!” someone shouted.
“Now includes his followers—humans who affirm their allegiance to this leader and his lifestyle. Cut off from Jesus forever.”
“Cut off just like that,” someone said and snapped their finger.
“Many will not agree, but it is in here,” Joshua said as he lifted his Bible and patted it loudly.
“Oh, no,” a woman shook her head and then took her seat.
“Unbelievers. Workers of iniquity. Sin. Anyone against this Word of God will reject Him and turn to the beast for sustenance!”
Several people shouted in response, “Sinners!”
“The world leader and his now-able-bodied-controlled mummified humans will persecute anyone who doesn’t follow their beliefs! Kill them!” Joshua made an imaginary slice with this finger across his neck.
“Persecute. Refuse the mark. Kill us?” Roya asked.
“Whatever pressures they can bring will be used to force believers of the true God to be marked. Like Solomon, our elders and prophets will be killed, or watch their children die. Others will flee to the wilderness and have nowhere to lay their head. There’ll be a great mourning.” Jos
hua explained.
“Yes. I am mourning still,” Roya voiced.
“Jesus,” Sondrea said in fear. “Sorry for your loss, Sis.” She patted her shoulder.
Roya’s eyes became watery.
“I’ve lost family already,” another spoke.
A man cried, “I lost all my possessions!”
“The promise is if any of you take the mark that your fleshly needs will be fulfilled—that money will be a useless endeavor,” He held paper bills in his hand after digging them out of his pocket.
“Money will be no more. When they order the mint to quit printing, we’ll probably burn this for the warmth of fire.”
Someone moaned, “Oh, man!”
“Really!” another shouted.
Jewel rose from her seat and moved to the front. Lance trailed behind.
“As I said before Roya returned to her seat, some of you will weaken and surrender to the One who comes pretending to be your Messiah and take his mark.”
“Not me.”
“Messiah’s mark?” someone patted their chest in fear.
“You’ll say, 'God will forgive. God will understand,’ but you won’t repent. And then God will reply, ‘I have warned you repeatedly through the mouths of My prophets and ministers of the gospel.’ Repent now while it is still day, for the night comes when judgment will be set forever.”
Some raised their hands, “I repent.”
“Jesus speaks to us in so much of the Word. Those verses all coalesce, saying, ‘If you don’t obey the beast and refuse to take his mark, I’ll take care of you and provide.’”
“Jesus. Help us in this hour.”
“I’m saying this again! In my own words, ‘Don’t be fooled. Don’t believe in empty promises by ANY false Messiah.”
“That’s in the Bible,” A man shouted. “we’ve been warned.”
“Keep in mind, great will be our reward.”
Joshua Mack
Joshua was gratified that his message resonated with the crowd. He surveyed the congregation and noticed they appeared mesmerized. He continued, "True, there’ll be a time of peace and prosperity during which the beast will gain popularity and esteem. He’ll make the problems of the world as though they were not, but the peace will end in bloodshed and the prosperity in great famine across the land.”
“Jesus, have mercy on us.”
"Fear not what man can do to you, but fear him who can cast your soul and body into hell.” He heard a man call out, “You right, Josh, repent now.”
“Amen.” He paused. “The wage of sin is death. The gift of God is eternal life. Jesus tells us to call on Him while you can. He accepts you and forgives you. He loves you and doesn’t desire any of you to be lost to eternal life. Believe this report and live. Choose you this day whom you will serve."
He stepped down from the platform. Many stood up in the room, cheering and clapping for him, and he promised to later speak about the twelve appointed ones in their camp. He’d also get names from those in the Ambassador in Christ clan. He trusted in his heart that soon, they’ll preach to the lost, and those who believe in Jesus Christ to continue to stand in their faith.
After the meeting, Joshua attempted to speak to Roya. He desired more than anything to make amends with her.
“Roya, is it a good time to chat with you?”
Roya turned her back to him.
He begged for her forgiveness, “Please give me a chance to speak to you. Accept my condolences. I wish I could’ve been there sooner and saved Sol.” She only nodded her head. He knew she was moved by his speech and held the tears back. Her watery eyes made it clear that Joshua had said something to touch her heart.
She exclaimed, “Your words…your sermon reminded me of Solomon once…. that speech two years ago—the one about love.”
“Thank you for saying that.” Joshua extended his arms out to Roya to hug her. After embracing her, he spoke, “I love you and your family.”
“We know, Josh,” Roya blew some spittle. Embarrassed, she wiped the sides of her mouth.
“I heard your mother wants to move you and your family away to California.”
“Yes. Mom’s here,” Roya added.
“She doesn’t want to see anything happen to you again.”
“I know.” She lowered her head.
“You’ve already been captured twice here in Florida, and once in Atlanta.”
Her anger flared. “Don’t remind me of that dreadful day!”.
Joshua quickly changed the subject, “Terry’s visiting us. He’s somewhere in the crowd.”
“That’s wonderful to hear. I miss him dearly,” Roya wiped her tears.
“But I want to say, I’m here for you and your family whenever you need me. I truly love you. Sister,” Joshua patted her hand.
“I think this is best. To go back to California.” She exhaled. “Maybe this time around, with those I love, I’ll be safe,” Roya countered, whispering the words, ‘I’ll be safe.’
Roya reached for Joshua and hugged him, thanking him for everything. She also congratulated him. Someone had to be appointed to do the work of God in these last days. Lavonne hugged Roya after Joshua moved a couple steps back to greet and shake other members’ hands.
“Roya, I love you too. I came for your welfare. I want to ask you for forgiveness for what happened in the past,” Lavonne’s voice cracked.
“Forgiveness? What are you talking about?”
“I’m sorry that I didn’t keep in touch.”
“Lavonne, girl, please. No need to apologize. We all have lives—busy ones that is,” Roya shooed.
“I still remember how Jewel was upset with these other children who Lazarus had fathered outside of his marriage. It was difficult at first for me to understand her bitterness and anger, but God showed me where she was coming from. He humbled me.”
“I see.” Roya lightly tapped her shoulder.
“And I moved to Los Angeles after graduating from my paralegal studies program in San Diego.”
“Good to hear you’re doing well,” Roya offered.
“Please listen to your mother and come back with us to California. There are three states where people are actively warning against forced implantation because it would impinge on our rights. California is one of the places. We love you and want the best for you.”
“Of course, you do.” Roya responded as she forced herself to embrace Lavonne. “I love you too Lavonne. It’s a pleasure to see you here. I’m so happy for you. I do forgive you. Forgive me also for not keeping in contact as well.” Roya backed away and slightly lowered her head.
Lavonne gave a slight nod and handed Roya her business card.
Roya stared at the fancy card and put it in her purse. Sondrea raced up from behind and hugged both of her sisters. Sunny arrived and hugged each one of them individually with a kiss on the cheek. Joshua stood in the distance. He relished seeing the joy in her face and the bonds of love being shared by the sisters. He turned away as his mouth curved into a half-smile.
Melt-down, Lord Renew Me
Roya Whitmore
Late Fall in Los Angeles, CA
After eight grueling hours waiting in Denver for a connecting flight, Roya slowly stepped inside of her Los Angeles mansion with Joy. She wandered aimlessly around the mansion, feeling the loss of the man of her dreams. He’d become the love of my life! He’s a part of me—we’d truly become as one. My sons were specially anointed and will now become the two to defeat the enemy walking the earth. I still have to live for them, and my dear daughter Joy. This lifestyle of the rich and famous has been built and established by the hard work and creative mind of Solomon Whitmore. Thank You, Lord, for all you’ve given me. I’m going to set up a plan to provide for the rest of our society for the few years we have left. I have nothing to lose when I give it all away. When I fly away, it will at least have touched as many lives as it possibly can.
She gave Josh
ua permission to use their house in Florida as a remission center for those who turned their lives over to Christ, having voluntarily removed the chips they permitted inside their bodies. She smiled. They are trusting You, Lord, to take them home. She reminisced on the service Joshua gave a week ago, and remembered feeling amazed at how some were still skeptical about the mark of the beast being an implantable microchip. One of the elderly women had mentioned a controversy that this chip thingy was the Social Security card back in the 1930s while President Roosevelt was in office. She insisted that she heard from her great grandma about it, that people tucked away paper money, which was then marked exchangeable for gold, and putting wine and oil in their basements. Then the argument led to credit cards that tracked spending habits, locations frequented, and now technology has progressed to a microchip implant. They were arguing over whether an implant could legitimately be called a “mark.” She shook her head, remembering the nonsensical debate. Lord, at least they should understand that it really is about Your sovereignty in our hearts.
She entered Solomon’s office. Her memory recalled his sincere smile and the glow of his pearly white teeth, and how he would plant a kiss on her forehead. She smiled sadly at the memory and hugged herself. When he smiled, and kissed me, even my worst day lit up. His masculine deep voice, brutally honest, but loving words flowed from his kissable lips. She imagined herself staring into his oval-shaped dark brown eyes, rubbing her fingers through his tight curly hair, usually cut low to his scalp or a round-shaped ‘fro to expose his tight curls. She missed her mocha-brown husband lying beside her golden butter skin while massaging her medium-large frame, which he called her “thick and curvy.”
She also recalled the music artists who came and went from the office before they recorded the sensational and inspirational gospel collaboration album.
Then, she sat in his executive black leather chair, leaned back, and spun around. Joy ran in, extending her arms to her mother, and Roya embraced her, inviting her to join her in the chair. She reached for the remote resting on the executive desk to turn on the surround sound system and they spun together, listening to the music as it echoed through the hallways. She stopped to click on the prompt on the HDTV, commanding the system to play Avalon’s The Creed.
Marked Souls Page 7