by Lisa Reid
The three of us had supper together and I don’t think Mom noticed anything strange. We discussed the beginning of my college semester within half a month from now. I revealed to them I had everything except one of the books I required. Mother enlightened us concerning one of her patients that died yesternight. Father was calmer than expected, yet in the event that Mom noticed that, she didn’t utter a word.
Mother simply left for work about an hour back and I’m lying in bed waiting impatiently. I quit any pretense of wearing robes since I love the vibe of the delicate, cool sheets against my naked skin. I continue fantasizing father will come to me anytime now. I need him to see me like this, naked and prepared for him. I’m eagerly anxious and energized. At that point, an additional twenty minutes pass. Possibly he concluded he doesn’t need me. I close my eyes and my ears are set on high alert; however, I can’t hear him. I shudder out of nowhere and check out my room. I must have fallen asleep. The light is on now. I recall I turned it off before. Father is standing at the foot of my bed gazing down at me. The duvet that was shrouding me is currently tangled at my feet. He is glaring down at me with lust-filled eyes and I open my legs a little to give him a superior view. “Barron, you came.”
“Dad. I need you to keep calling me Dad. Linda will get suspicious of what’s happening in the event that you unexpectedly begin calling me Barron. This might be the greatest mistake of my life; however, I can’t stop wondering about you. Linda even offered to engage in sexual relations with me before she left and I revealed to her I was drained. It didn’t appear to be right being with her while I’m fantasizing about you. She appeared so relieved. I chose then that I would come to you today around evening time. It just took me some time to make this last advance, coming into your room, realizing that everything will change drastically after tonight.” He pushes his pajama pants down and his hardening erection springs out into life. “You still crave for this Natalia? It’s not very late to change your perspective.”
I rise at my hand up to him. “I need you.” He grasps my hand and settles over me on the bed. I eagerly meet him midway when he inclines down to kiss me. His tongue brushes my lower lip and I open, permitting him to thrust profound. My tongue intertwines head to head with his, savoring the vibe of him in my mouth. I brace his head, holding him to me as our tongues investigate one another. Father’s weight settles over me and I recline lazily once more into the soft cushion as he ravishes my mouth lustfully. My hips anxiously thrust up toward him, quietly telling him what I need. For a moment, I feel both heaven and hell descended in my mind and I feel my pervert ideas corrupting my sole existence; my stepfather with me on my own bed in my room, I must be daydreaming.
Father’s hand meanders and wanders lecherously and sensually between our bodies. His fingers ravish my folds. He teases my throbbing clit with light squeezes at that point shoves his finger deep inside me. “You’re so wet for me.” He nearly sounds astounded. “You like my finger inside your tight pussy, Nat?” His lips brush against mine as he talks.
“I yearn for more, Dad... please…You know that.” I reply with trembling lips as goosebumps course all over my naked skin.
Father pulls back a bit, “I know my girl. I realize what you yearn for so desperately. I’ll give it to you. Be that as it may, I need a taste first. Only a quick taste.” And his warm lips trail down my aroused body; ceasing for a couple of moments to suckle every hardened nipple before diving further. I sense his hot breath on me seconds before his tongue slips between my luscious pussy lips. I hop a little as sensational delight ripples through me. Derek never used his tongue on me, which irritated me while we were dating. Be that as it may, presently I’m happy Dad is the first man to give me this sizzling pleasure stimulating my sole existence. “You taste so incredible, sweetie. This is all I’ve been considering since you left my room the previous evening.” His mouth keeps on working at my throbbing pussy, doing devious things to me, frightful things that make me wild and I feel my heart and stomach doing summersaults in my throat. The delight is ecstatic, heavenly and euphoric. His warm tongue is all over; flicking rapidly over my pulsating clit, slicing between my smooth folds, devouring all the dribbling juices, lastly shoving deeper into me and I shamelessly grind against him like a bitch in heat. My fingers string into his hair and I firmly fix his head to me, riding his tongue for everything I have.
“Oh, daddy!! That is so incredible. Your tongue feels so great in my pussy. Ugh, goodness Dad, I’m coming.” I squirm and buck helplessly as Dad devours me completely. Nothing in my life at any point felt this incredibly great. He, at last, pulls back and strokes his throbbing erection a couple of times before adjusting his hips between my legs. I feel his bulbous cock head teasing me, yet he doesn’t thrust right in.
“So, Nat! Are you on the pill, little girl? I can go get a condom.” Dad inquires.
“No condom, I’m on the pill,” I respond.
He thrusts further into me and I close my eyes in utmost pleasure relishing the delicious sensation of his invasion into my body. “Open your eyes. I want you to look down at us, Nat.” My dad commands sternly. I open my eyes and gaze down as he shoves right in, extending me scrumptiously. I intensely delight being so full. He pulls out and the energized veins in his thick cock are glistening from my juices. Father places my long, lanky legs over his broad shoulders and thrusts into me once more. He is unimaginably deep this time rocking the walls in the profundities of my sacred cavity. “Your tight little pussy feels great Nat. You like having my huge cock pounding you, isn’t that right?” Dad inquires lasciviously. I gulp hard and feel my heart pounding like brass drums. “Squeeze me you little bitch, work those juicy cunt muscles on Daddy’s cock.”
I contract my pussy muscles around him as he begins pounding into me vigorously. I can’t generally do anything else. With my legs so high I’m almost folded into equal halves. I can’t lock my legs around his waist and ride the manner in which I need. In any case, he enjoys dirty talk, I can give him that.
“Your cock dick feels so incredible Daddy. I love how delightfully it stretches my little pussy. Or on the other hand, would it be a good idea for me to state your pussy? It’s all yours now. You can have it whenever you need. Do you like your new high school pussy Daddy?”
Father groans. “Fuck, I love your tight little teenage pussy, little bitch. It’s the best I at any point had.” His balls slam against me as he pounds me viciously.
“Superior to Mom’s?” I gasp and enjoy the thrilling pounding of my stepfather.
“Fuck…Yes…Far better. Your pussy tastes a lot sweeter than your Mom’s. Chews my dick better as well,” dad moans and his sexy voice makes my heart skip a beat.
“You fill me up, so great Daddy. You make my pussy feel so insanely great. Fuck my pussy hard Daddy. Fuck me! Fuck meeeee...!”
Father shoves me harder and deeper. His thick erection is ploughing all through my pussy, claiming it, winning it and making it only his. I felt his hot cum flood my cavity, triggering my own ecstatic orgasm. “I’m coming, Dad!”
“Mmmm, fuck that is it my sweet little princess, cum with daddy.” Dad removes my legs from his shoulders and I wrap them around his midsection. He’s pounding me slower now as we both descend from our orgasmic zeniths. He at long last begins to soften inside me and pulls totally out. I feel our consolidated juices streaming down from my ravaged womanhood. My cum blending in with his is such intoxicating arousal. I reach down and touch myself as Dad collapses just beside me; totally drained. I rub our passion juices around my sensitive folds. Father reaches down, tangling his fingers with mine and we both caress my freshly ravished pussy. “You were astonishing Nat.”
“Not terrible for an eighteen-year-old girl, huh?” I tease.
He inclines down and softly brushes his lips over mine. “Best I at any point had darling. What’s more, I’m not trying to say that.”
“So we can do this at whatever point Mom is away?” I enthusiastically question.
“I’m relying on it. I don’t know whether I’ll ever get enough of you.” I see my stepdad reddening; such a delightful sight for me.
“I realize you’ll despite everything fuck Mom, however?” I offer it as a conversation starter. Despite the fact that I began doing this for mother, or so I let myself know, some perverted part of me might want to have Barron all to myself.
“Truly, I’ll despite everything fuck Linda whenever she’s requesting it. She’s as still my wife.” Dad is sounding cautious.
“I know. This is for her. As long as you’re upbeat, you’ll remain wedded to her. In any case, I need something only for me. I don’t need you to eat Mom’s pussy any longer, simply mine. I need to be the just only lady you go down on. Perhaps it makes me sound insignificant or envious, however now that we’re lovers I need some part of you that belongs only to me.”
“I can do that for you, sweetie.” Both of us drive a finger into my smooth flooding pussy and gradually pump them in and out. “I think your sweet little cunt has ruined me for any other person anyway. Linda doesn’t come close. One day you’ll get married, however, and I don’t figure your husband would value sharing your pussy to your stepdad.”
“Well, I positively wouldn’t disclose to him that he’s sharing my pussy to you. Whenever, I want to suck my Daddy’s enormous dick, or in the event that I need to feel my Daddy’s devilish tongue in my pussy, I’ll figure out how to be with you.”
“Fuck! In case you’re attempting to make me hard again, sweetie it’s working.”
I laugh and move my hand from my pussy to his dick. He is in fact hardening once more. I comfortably stroke my hand up and down his developing erection.
“I need you to come and work for me, Nat. Work with me in the hospital.” Dad says cockily. We’re stroking each other to the point that I’m anticipating the round two to begin whenever. I didn’t anticipate him to propose the exciting idea of a job.
“You need me to work at the clinic with you? I’m going to college in a couple of weeks.”
“I know darling. Yet, I realize you have two or three evenings free every week. I’d like you to educate at the clinic this semester, at that point, in the next semester keep your Tuesdays and Thursdays free to run my Glenwood office.”
“You need me as an office director in your new area?” Glenwood is a posh neighborhood. Since the majority of father’s patients lived in that locality, it seemed lucrative and a good investment to open another office there. “I’ve done nothing like that.”
“That is the reason you’ll be educated at the clinic within the next couple of months. I have exciting plans for us at Glenwood Nat baby. I’m not carrying any of the emergency clinic workers to that area. Just you and me. There’s a little room adjoining my office, that I at the first idea was ridiculous. In any case, presently I figure it would be perfect for both of us. With Linda’s timetable changing constantly we could go a long time without being separated from everyone else here. What do you say Natalia, a luxurious space all our own where you and I cooperate and fuck together?”
“I need that Dad. How about we do it.”
“It’s your turn to ride me this time little bitch.” Dad encourages me to settle down on his dick so that I’m straddling him. His right-hand reaches up to maul and fondles my juicy bosom. “Fuck my dick, Nat.” I reach down, adjust his cock head with my slit and settle down onto him. His pubic hair stimulates my clit when I’m completely situated on him. I tenderly pummel my hips, getting intensely stimulated by the sensation on the sensitive stub. “Pound my dick sweet young lady; make us both to feel great. I need to see you stir that gorgeous pink pussy all over my cock until we both come back once more.”
I grasp the headboard and begin riding the dick that fulfills me up better than I ever could have envisioned. Father grabs my waist and pushes my clit down so that with every vigorous stroke it brushes against his coarse hair. Fuck that feels better! I ride him harder. Father’s hand grabs my butt cheeks and I feel him raise up, attempting to thrust further into me. “Daddy, I’m coming. Goodness fuck, I’m coming so hard.” I grind against him, the wellspring of my extreme delight, accepting him as deep as I can and simultaneously scouring my clit against him as I spasm around his giant throbbing erection. “Fuckkkk...!”
“That is it, bitch, ride me as you cum.”
I have an inclination that I could be senseless from the euphoric delight of this magnitude. Rather I collapse on him. Father flips me over and begins pummeling into me. I was so messed up in myself I forgot him. I wrap my legs around him and match his cadence. “Give it to me Daddy, give me that enormous cock of yours that I love to such an extent. Pound it in my hungry teenage pussy. That feels so great.” My words prod him on and he hammers into me faster. The only sound currently is our overwhelming breathing and our skin slamming against each other as we fuck hard. “I need your cum, Dad. Nothing feels better than your enormous dick filling me up with hot cum.”
“Fuuckkk...” Dad jerks inside me and he fulfills me once more. I wasn’t lying. Nothing feels superior to this.
At the point when father, at last, pulls out of me, he stands up rather than lying by me this time. “I have to return to my own room, Nat. I don’t have the luxury to sleep in your bed.” He cups my cheek delicately and leans forward to brush his lips over mine. “Same time tomorrow evening little young lady?”
“Truly Dad.”
Story 4: Seduced By Instincts
That was a long needed vacation for her, Samantha had excused herself from all household and university works and all she planned was to cherish the sightseeing of her parental countryside manor. Throughout the following two days, she had very little work to do at her home and all Samantha craved for was to hope that the weekend would arrive soon. With a tight schedule of work, her mother couldn’t bear to extend her happy get-together with her throughout the day. Be that as it may, before leaving for the afternoon, she had requested a cleaning and maintenance of her estate at the neighborhood hardware store and the manager obliged to her request. Moreover, Samantha would be at home for the afternoon, so if necessary she could monitor the maintenance folks with explicit orders. As the week advanced, Samantha was getting seriously on edge and stimulated contemplating her cam-works, what she accomplished for her ardent followers. Furthermore, her jovial correspondences with her closest companion Bettina about her BDSM experiences never enabled her to settle down her nerves.
She had promised herself to abstain from internet dating and cam-work sessions till the successful completion of her university appraisals. Be that as it may, she couldn’t keep herself away from examining the web about sexual relationships and hardcore sensual experience stories. Upon the arrival of the Villa maintenance work, Samantha was in solitude in the house, checking the hunks in the lawn who were working on the plasters, fence, and mowing the weeds. Moreover, after reading one messier hardcore erotic book on her PC about a horny youthful college girl getting gangbanged at her birthday party, she couldn’t resist the temptation from getting turned on by the possibility of various hunks taking on a lady. Maybe, as BDSM, this was likewise one of her hidden fantasies where she wanted that she would be persuasively taken by certain hunks and who might play dirty with her. While becoming mixed up in her own exuberant desires, she thought about whether something was miserably amiss with her. Yet, with such a significant number of online sites sharing sensual experiences, she consoled herself that presumably there were numerous young girls like her who clearly fell in her classification. Furthermore, it’s absolutely unfair when you hide your actual self, isn’t?
At the point when she was done with her amorous story, she was so horny that she decided to comment her feedback. Eventually, she wrote:
“Once in a while I simply wish that I could encounter my stepdad and his hunky friends really do every one of the fantasies that are engraved here in this story... I don’t have the foggiest idea why I get so turned on by the possibility of my step dad and his
friends slamming against me as I get ravaged by them helplessly. Probably the most blazing fantasies are to get all my cavities filled up by some powerful tools as though being air locked. Despite the fact that I’ve never attempted such a desperate thing, I could never refrain myself if life introduces such an exciting opportunity.”
At last, reviewing her comment, she decided she was done. She believed that it was presumably the most brief survey and feedback she’d ever composed. She snickered at herself ignorantly because normally her feedback and comments stretched out to the length of the sexual stories that she read. In addition, she wanted to portray explicit fantasies and situations that she’d prefer to experience if she were the story character. She breathed out; she strolled to the kitchen from where she pulled out a cucumber. Despite the fact that she realized it wouldn’t be the same (in any event she could have a stirring feeling), and in sheer desperation, she scoured it with her hands to warm it up.
After stripping out herself from her dress, she lay naked on the floor and thrust the cucumber into her drenching pussy while envisioning a group of studs around, jerking off. As she plunged further into her fantasies, she imagined in her mind one of the maintenance hunk men working in the garden, pounding her in the middle of her legs. She began to shove the cucumber all through her pussy and attempted to fuck herself harder with it. She fantasized around two different hunks knelt down on either side sucking and kneading her nipples. She was attempting to experience an overwhelming climax.
In any case, that wasn’t working in any way. She was not able take herself even near what she imagined in her mind. Her urgency developed, enticing her to discharge her passionate juices. Feeling on edge and hopeless, yet horny, she pummeled the cucumber into her pussy hard and played with her succulent tits. At long last, she chose to forsake her fantasy and strived hard to climax. In spite of the fact that she came hard, she anticipated a more noteworthy sensation. Be that as it may, she was unable to experience it which at last left her unfilled and frustrated inside. Washing the cucumber off her juices, she placed it back in the refrigerator and retired to her bed for a rest.