by Lisa Reid
Anthony grabbed my muscular hips and pulled me towards him with every bit of his youthful vigor, while likewise thrusting his hips down as hard as possible. He likewise strained his potent raging erection, flexing it within my insatiable pussy, compelling the head to extend just a little deeper.
At that point, he let his giant pole slide back. He felt my pussy muscles clenching and chewing around his pulsating pole, in a desperate urge to keep him inside and never release him, yearning hopelessly to have my boy in my body. After exquisitely thrusting in and out against that vigorous friction, Anthony joyfully gave me what I longed for. He slammed hard and fast, as hard as he could, as deep as he could while the sound of flesh colliding against flesh echoed quite loudly in the changing room. I pushed forward also, causing an incredible collision between our bodies. We pulled back long and slow and afterward Anthony pummeled forward, hard and fast once more. We were in a strong, wild and savage rhythm, pounding and fucking each other with extraordinary vigor, incredible energy, and passionate enthusiasm. With every vigorous thrust in and out, we groaned and moaned craving a wild desire for each other, flying the zeniths of the highest heaven.
Then, all of a sudden, there came a knock at the door. It didn’t even bother us. Why would that? We weren’t making love; we were fucking hard, so hard that we were busy moaning and shaking in each other’s arms in euphoric bliss. We carried on with our hard fuck, mom and stepson moving together in extreme delight toward ultimate satisfaction. The knock came once more. This time, Anthony paused, wrapped one arm around my back and hooked the other underneath one of my abundant butt cheeks. He flexed his sturdy muscles and stood in one quick move, lifting me, “Oh my God,” I exclaimed.
My man had immense strength more than I could have ever imagined. Then, keeping me impaled on his mammoth cock he ventured toward the door, our eyes met gazing each other’s reflection ardently, our lips met savoring each other’s heat of passion. I shivered as every step of his shoved his throbbing pole deeper and deeper into the profundities of my insatiable sex hole. He then began fucking me against the entryway, which opened inward direction. On the off chance that anybody attempted to open it, they would need to push against the intensity of his fucking. He supported my abundant butts with two hands gripping them with superhuman strength, enabling me to recline against the entryway. I arched my back as he pummeled me back against the entryway with his raging cock, bolting the entryway extensively. There were voices outside now; however, neither of us gave it a second thought.
Wow, that was so incredible…the best sensational way; I was pushed up against the wall. Anthony, my stepson was fucking me as I’d never been fucked before, he wanted to leave me unable to think, only feel and be lost in the passionate lust-filled moment, to lose myself and experience orgasms like never before.
Anthony leaned forward to lick one of my mummy tits. The succulent udders were moving a lot for him to wrap his lips over one, so everything he could achieve was to lick. Reading his mind like an expert paramour, I cupped one voluptuous bosom, and held it steady for him. Anthony devoured it greedily as if he had been thirty for ages. I dearly wished that he was breastfed by me, but he wasn’t carrying my blood since he was adopted. But, that never stopped the surging potency and tremendous vigorous vitality from developing within his veins. He was sucking hard and biting down on the nipple.
“Oh, baby,” I moaned. My eyes were closed, my back arched, my arms wrapping his brawny shoulders on either side striving to maintain my balance. All body parts were overlooked at that point with the exception of, for Anthony, his mammoth cock and mouth and, for me, my juicy mummy tit and overflowing cunt.
Somebody attempted to open the entryway. This only caused more noteworthy development between us in the passionate fucking movement. The very individual attempted a few additional knocks to push open the entryway, succeeding just in unknowingly taking an interest in our depraved sensational activities. Anthony mauled my ample butt cheeks hard, massaging it, scouring and feeling its enormous weight. He sucked my bosom hungrily, wishing he could feed on my nipples, envisioning that he was. I groaned continuously, diminished to a wild animal consumed with savage lust craving the hard fuck from my potent and vigorous baby boy. We both wavered on the very edge of cognizance; our minds predominated by the extraordinary intensity of our lascivious craving and wildest desires for each other.
Then an overwhelming power slammed the entryway. That dragged me down from the zeniths of ecstasies annoying me considerably. Perhaps, I panicked a bit as well. And so did Anthony making him cease his relentless vigorous thrusts in my drenched pussy. He swallowed hard. I knew I couldn’t let anyone see us in this forbidden position. I yelled, “What the fuck?”
The voice yelled back, “What the hell are you doing ma’am? The next stall members complained of loud noises. Are you okay?”
“Um…Yes…I’m a little bit stuck up here.” I responded while my heart was pounding a thousand times.
“Please open the door. We’ve lady security to help you out. Hope you won’t mind?” The voice countered harshly.
“That won’t be necessary. If you don’t want to be sued by the one and only Vanessa Reese, mind your own business and give me ten-fifteen minutes. I was already done and you interfered.” I gasped horribly. I was sweating hard. Anthony was likewise bathed in his sweat. But I desperately prayed in that situation that spilling my popular name would threaten the guard sufficiently.
“Oh, my God! I’m sorry ma’am. But please hurry! Perhaps, I know what you’re doing in there. Ten-fifteen minutes, if not, I’ll have to break in.” The man yelled back; his voice had a tone of vexation and arousal.
“Sure thing man! But could you call my husband, Mr. Trevor Reese?” I questioned seductively, my voice was huskier due to the passionate poundings and under the forbidden pervert situation and I entrapped myself.
“I don’t have his number?” The man countered annoyingly.
“That salesgirl Amanda, he knows my husband very well. She could be of help,” I replied from the other side of the door.
“Okay! But please! No more than ten-fifteen minutes! You’re killing our reputation!” The man yelled again in extreme irritation.
My words puzzled Anthony beyond limits. Hardly had he thought in his wildest dreams, what devious schemes I had planned for my pathetic cuckold unfaithful husband. It wasn’t any secret and I had already told Anthony that his father knows about our twisted relationship. But bringing forth that secret in broad daylight was something beyond his youthful and exuberant imaginations. Actually, when I returned to the store to pick up my next dresses in Victoria’s Secret bag, I found Amanda, that pathetic bitch who bedded with my dumbass husband on my bed. Wrath filled my senses and vengeance corrupted my moral spirit and all I wanted was to teach that bitch a lesson for invading my home. I knew it wasn’t her fault in a way, had my husband never approached her, she would have hardly dared to step into Reese Mansion, and into my bedroom. But, I don’t know why rage consumed my feelings and got desperate to teach that college bitch a lesson.
“Sure thing man! If you could prevent any further disturbance, I could tip you well,” I gasped and Anthony again delicately started to shove in and out of my overflowing pussy. I was shocked at his boldness, my mouth gaped and he slipped in his tongue devouring my mouth. Our tongue intertwined and swirled, thrusting in and out of each other’s mouth, passionately, lustfully.
The sound of the footsteps retreated and I was certain the security guard had taken my bait. But Anthony’s foot strength gave away and he collapsed on his back on the carpet, I was still impaled on his mammoth fuck pole, and my succulent bosoms were bouncing in front of his hungry mouth. He had eyes just for his mom as I peered down at him with wild enthusiasm and overwhelming lust. “Well baby, you heard me. Ten-fifteen minutes max,” and I winked mischievously.
Story 5: Forbidden Temptress – Part 5
“I’ll make you feel again what it like is to be filled. In
side of your body, moving, pulsating and making your body scream in the gasps of ecstasy. I swear I’ll fuck you till your pussy hurts and you scream out my name.” Anthony gasped and started to pound from beneath.
His words shot electric impulses down my spine and brought me to the edges of excitement, oh my god, my man oozed sex from every inch of his sizzling body.
Anthony grabbed and started to move my hips. We bumped and grinded on each other conquered by unrestrained lust, endeavoring to cross the limits of sexual ecstasies. Anthony pulled me down against his body, embracing me to him, hammering his pole hard up into my drenched cunt.
“Mom…OOHHH,” he groaned.
“Oh, baby!” I screamed. “Oh my god, fuck your mommy’s cunt! Make it hurt as you said! Make me scream.”
We continued fucking and fucking, moving with an intense speed, frantically striving to cum together. Under those passionate circumstances and under an ultimate deadline, we worked more earnestly, harder and faster, enthusiastic to experience our sensual zeniths. Anthony pulled me up and back down in perfect rhythm while our bodies slammed against each other and my ample ass cheeks ricocheted with each vigorous thrust. He ran his hands all over my body, caressing my radiant skin, feeling my naked body. I reacted by doing likewise, running my fingers through my boy’s hair, scratching his arms and shoulders, clawing his brawny chest, making him aroused intensely. We screamed out with every fast movement.
“UMM… Honey…cum for mommy, please!” I was literally begging to be filled by my stepson.
Fortunately, Anthony understood me and he rolled, and pinned me down underneath him, arching his body to force all weights down through his raging cock, down into my wet, burning, overflowing cunt. I arched too, shouting out in supreme, heavenly, unspeakable joy with every single movement between us.
“OHHH… mom, I need you so badly!” Anthony screamed passionately.
We rolled sideways again, his hard cock slamming agonizingly into my pussy, but that stimulating blend of pain and pleasure felt so staggering. We kept on fucking out there on the carpet of the changing room, perhaps surrounded by prying eyes; but we didn’t care. He hammered into me harder and faster dragging me to the zeniths of highest heavens, and soon I screamed his name out loud, “Oh…Anthony!” and soon my cunt spasmed relentlessly, my entire body shivered as I experienced a mind-blowing orgasm, one of the many that was about to follow soon. He still continued to ram me, more grounded, pounding, arching, pushing, thrusting, squeezing, fucking and fucking and fucking, deeper into the pleasure profundities into my body, his potent erection covered by my exotic muscles, crushing his cock, drenching his pole, enwrapping his manhood.
“Oh...yes, baby. You make mommy so happy! Now cum in mommy!” I moaned; my voice was a faint whisper as I was getting exhausted by the vitality of a potent youthful man. He was using me as his fuck toy, so invigorating, so electric.
“Yes mom,” Anthony moaned out. He pinched my tits, kissed them, licked them and sucked them implanting his teeth marks on my succulent udders. We squirmed and rolled on the floor carpet. Then I felt his breathing getting erratic, his pounding becoming more vicious, hammering and thrusting his potent erection as we lay on the floor carpet.
“Baby…I love you so much…please, it hurts for mommy now… Please, cum…we don’t have much time!!!” I begged desperately.
“Mmmph… I love you so much!” Anthony’s eyes rolled back into his head. He battled to remain conscious.
“I love you so much baby,” I groaned back. “I love you so much, baby… you’re my man.”
I don’t know how, but he lifted me and then smashed me against the wall, bumping me against it. He spanked the side of my abundant butt cheeks, licked my tits, pounded my overflowing cunt, and I cherished each second of it. He lifted me up, not supporting me with his hands, simply lifting me up off the ground against the wall along with him. Indeed, even with the entirety of the pressure from my body weight, he kept on lifting and thrusting. It was sufficient to strain his raging cock finally than it had felt yet. That sensual accomplishment made the first squirts of cum spill into my body. I shook again and another mind-blowing orgasm washed through my body, almost making me fainted.
I felt his pulsating cock’s bulbous cock head engorged and I realized what was coming. I pushed into my baby, making him collapse down onto the floor on his back; the cum still spilling. Quickly, I un-mounted from his fuck pole and leaned forward down on knees and I wrapped my luscious lips over his mammoth erection. Anthony’s head spun uncontrollably with intense and exceptional delight. He looked down to see my head bobbing up and down on his orgasming cock. He couldn’t exactly feel it since his pole was numb from exuberant, overwhelming joy. He reached down to brush my hair, so he could witness the remarkable sight of his step mother’s mouth sliding and slurping all over his potent baby-maker to ensure it was truly happening.
At that point, he felt it. A flood of milky cum was stirring its way up the length of his throbbing cock. As it rose he felt my lips, the wet ring that developed around his fuck meat, and my luscious tongue as it licked the length of his pole. I greased up it with my salivation as my sensual lips slid all over, my warm, wet tongue slurping all over it simultaneously. I was now giving him an unfathomable blowjob. He felt his cock head, scour the back of my throat, simultaneously as the upwelling of semen arrived at its exit.
The loads of cum he shot into my throat were unlike anything he had ever produced. Gigantic, thick globs were spasming out in my eager and hungry mouth, it felt so delicious, so manly and so potent for his age, it always felt like that to me. I gulped them as they arrived, guzzling down his protein shake, feeding off his pulsating cock as he had tried to feed on my bosom. After a few moments of bewildering delight, I pulled my mouth from his cock. Cum sprayed all over my face, then my ample tits and stomach as I moved back up his body. I quickly guided the fountain of cum into my hungry cunt and slid my man back deep inside. I arched my back, groaning and moaning out as my own climax shook my whole body, and goosebumps coursed all over my skin. We experienced another overpowering and overwhelming orgasm together, cum dribbling from my pussy as it filled up with creamy sensational ecstasy. Anthony inclined up to suck from my voluptuous mummy bosoms while I arched my back in electric stimulations coursing all over my naked body.
After a couple of minutes of constant, massive and satisfying orgasms, I collapsed over my boy and engaged him in a profound, passionate, arousing kiss. I pushed my tongue from my cum-lined mouth into my step son’s, licking his tongue, sucking on his lips, gnawing, licking and kissing him ravenously. We kept on moving our hips. Anthony felt an electric stirring in his scrotum and another couple of squirts of cum filled me. Some way or another, this after-climax was considerably more pleasurable and tremendously satisfying than all the previous ones.
He pulled away his mouth from mine. “Oh… fuck, yes mom, you’re so incredible…it feels soooo… good...” He exclaimed.
I invaded his mouth once more, proceeding with the passionate kisses, proceeding to ride my son’s potent manhood. Both of us had further thundering and tremors of sensational climaxes and extreme delight. Anthony squeezed and mauled my ass cheeks to the point of agony, kneading it like dough, but that pain was accompanied by unspeakable pleasure. Our bodies were slick and glistening with sweat and clingy with Anthony’s cum which had squirted all over me. We kept up the movements, physically incapable to cease pleasuring each other. Pants and groans escaped relentlessly from our throats frequently while we kissed and moved together; slowing down from the amazing euphoric experience.
I moved my hips around in a circular motion, grinding Anthony’s raging erection and letting his potent shaft shove its way around within me. I thrust up and down in fast twitching movements, savoring every bead of cum that I could drain out of his balls. Anthony rotated his hips also, twisting and straining his still-hard manhood within me. He was completely mindful of all aspects of his body that was in touch with mine. He f
elt my luscious lips crushed against his parched ones and my tongue inside his mouth. He felt hot breath expelling from my nose against his face, which was mostly secured by my thick dense hair. Anthony experienced lines of delight being drawn over his skin as my erect perky nipples dragged over his chest, my enormous delicate juicy bosoms squashed against his brawny chest. He felt my warm and wet tummy squeezing against his own; my hips flush against him, and obviously his potent manhood pounding and shoving deep inside my feminine womanhood. Lastly, he knew about our thighs and legs tangled up together, glistening with sweat, sliding against one another.
Anthony broke my kiss once more. “Mom,” he panted. “This is astonishing.”
I lifted my head, groaning, moving around to cause significant pleasurable friction between our craving bodies. My long hair covered the vast majority of my face as I stroked Anthony’s brawny chest, curving my back, pounding my hips down still against my boy. Both of us clenched our eyes to savor the tremendous pleasurable sensation. I crumbled down, proceeding to drag my clingy tits against him. I ran my fingertips down the sturdy length of his muscular arms, then back up, tracing them along his sides, to his hips and ass, touching his raging cock there also. Each touch that I made sent waves of stirring pleasure and sensational delight all through Anthony. And still, we continued our thrust, the intermittent bit of semen spilling out of Anthony’s cock.
After a time, Anthony glanced around and noticed the knock on the door again.
“Shit! He’s back,” I exclaimed.
“Mom, I think we better stop now!” He gasped exceedingly tired at all the exercises he did for me, for me.
I glanced back at him. I lifted a finger to his lips. “Shhh... No words. Tonight mama will give you a special treat.”
I ascended, letting his flaccid cock plop out, I hurried to the bench where our dress had been piled up. My bosoms were wiggling from side and side and shimmering with sweat and cum. Anthony’s body was glistening in his sweat. We got dressed never cared to cleanse us properly. When I put my panties on, I felt them completely drenched immediately by his juices and mine and also some of the cum dribbled down and streamed through my inner thighs.