Nerddicks Game Over

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Nerddicks Game Over Page 4

by T. M. Grinsley

  “We invite you to relax and enjoy the show!” Hold on a second, I know that voice. A third light turns on, which turns our attention to the left. Another cage has a black cloth on it, but it’s pulled away to reveal Leigh Ann. My jaw drops when I see her costume. Princess Leia in all her glory, is dressed in her famous slave costume and looking sexy as hell.

  Men all around me whistle at my best friends. I see John, Damon, and Matt, all dressed in black slacks approach each designated cage. Removing the lock from each door, they each help Taylor, Jack and Leigh Ann down the steps and make their way towards me.

  Taylor is first to wrap her arms around me and pull me into a tight hug. “Didn’t think we would miss this, did you, Fuzzy?”

  I’m not going to cry, nope. Not going to happen. My best friends are here. Leigh Ann hugs me from behind and plants a loud kiss on my cheek. “We wouldn’t miss this for the world. Mike told us what’s going down tonight, and I had to see this for myself. Nothing like watching hot men strut their stuff and getting a little revenge.”

  “Y’all can kiss and fuck each other later. Places.” Jack snaps, but there is no bite to his words. He blows me a kiss and turns his attention to the crowd. He is a man who was born for the spotlight and he is the shining star.

  “Let the show…. BEGIN!” Fire starts to shoot out of the small cannons as several more cloths get ripped away, revealing women dressed in raunchy clothes, dancing to the music that’s blaring from the speakers all around.

  Scanning the area around me, I count ten cages all together. The ones that were once occupied now hold the man I love, Matt, and Williford.

  Oh no, what the hell is Jack planning. This can’t be good.

  “Damon, release the beasts!” Jack raises his left hand above his head, acting as a magician. The door to Ryan’s cage swings open and Ryan flees from his cage, dressed in leather chaps, and a black thong to cover his goods.

  Mentally fanning myself, I imagine myself going to pow town with him later. Keep the chaps on and fuck me like there is no tomorrow. Pressing my legs together, I bite my bottom lip just thinking about all the time we have spent apart.

  Ryan takes a few steps away from the cage and stops just a few paces away from Matt’s cage before moving his legs shoulder width apart and crossing his arms behind his back. Damn, my man looks like a freaking god. His skin glimmers when the light kisses it. Giving me his signature grin. I raise my eyebrow, trying to figure out what he is up to.

  Ryan just laughs and turns his head towards Williford. Jack mimics the same gesture he did at Ryan’s cage and out walks Williford in the same outfit as Ryan. Men and women all around us cheer him on causing Williford’s cheeks to turn bright red, and he flips me off. I hear the guys laugh in the audience which just makes it worse.

  Hold up, what the hell is going on here. Williford is not supposed to be wearing that. He is supposed to be in a sexy maid costume and was going to lead… I turn my attention to Jack and he gives me a smug look.

  That little bastard!

  “DJ, release the birthday boy.” Matt kicks open the cage in his black and golden chaps and black thong. Several whistles and catcalls are heard from the women in the audience, myself and my girls as well. Ryan turns to give me a murderous look, but I shrug it off.

  Pushing past Ryan and Williford, he walks towards Jack and stops a few feet from us.

  “Get ready.” Jack whispers to me and brings the mic back to his lips. “Ryan, Williford escort Matt to his private section so he will get a better view of the festivities.”

  Ryan and Williford lightly push Matt towards the chair to my far left, with the perfect view of the cages and runway. Taking a better look at what Jack has laid out, I see two females behind each cage, dressed in nothing but pasties covering their goods or costumes that leave nothing to the imagination. But out of the corner of my eye, I see what Jack has planned.

  Oh my God, this is going to be priceless. Ryan and Williford position Matt so he will only see the girls and not what’s hidden behind the cages.

  Leaning forward slightly, I keep my voice low enough, so no one can hear me. “You are a fucking genius.”

  Jack gives me a Cheshire grin and yells for the DJ to begin. Fire shoots out of the cannons as every cage around us flies open, allowing women of all sizes and color to walk out of their cages. “To our brethren, we want to wish you a happy birthday and hope you enjoy your gift.” Jack hands Williford the mic and grabs my hand.

  Pulling me as far away from Matt as possible, we reach the DJ table on the opposite side of the party, where Lawson, Maslanik, and John are standing.

  Songs blare from the speakers and people are shouting at the girls walking out of the cages and strutting their stuff towards a very smug and turned on Matt. Leigh Ann and Taylor stay put, knowing full well what is about to happen. The last of the girls walk out of the cages and I get a full view of what Matt’s surprise present is.

  The lights go out all around us, and I can see shadows enter each cage. Matt screams and whistles for more, but the sounds are being drowned out by the crowd cheering at the spectacle that just took place.

  Grabbing Jack’s hand, I brace myself for what’s about to happen. Lawson and Maslanik are on the verge of tears from trying to keep their laughter at bay and John isn’t far behind them.

  Hey, all I have to say is, never mess with the Nerdboobs. All I am saying. Payback can be a bitch and right now it is time to get even. Happy birthday, Matt. I hope you never forget this one.

  “And now, for the main event. Happy Birthday, Matt.” Jack yells into his mic. Nodding towards the DJ, the song I am about to love more than anything in this word starts. ‘It's Raining Men’ starts to blare out of the speakers and all the lights turn back on.

  Matt is tied to his chair and men who look like they could be on the cover of a freaking magazine, all covered in oil, begin to walk out of the cages. Each one is wearing nothing but a thong with an animal face on the crotch. Strutting their stuff towards Matt, each one pretends to grind on Matt before planting a kiss on his forehead.

  A look of horror is on Matt’s face and when his eyes land on mine, they are murderous. Ryan and Williford’s shoulders are shaking from their suppressed laughter and I know the others are in the same predicament. Matt attempts to break free of his restraints, but Ryan and Williford hold him down.

  I feel a light tap on my shoulder and Jack points to the middle cage, which causes me to bust out laughing. A man that would make any gender weak at the knees walks out with a black sleeve on his penis that says the word ‘Nerddick’.

  When sex on a stick’s back is towards us, that is when the guys all around me lose it. Painted on the guy’s back are the words, ‘Game Over.’

  “Game over?” Why would Jack put Game over on this dude’s back?

  Jack tries to answer me between each giggle, but fails miserably. Leaning against his husband, who looks like he is ready to pounce the guy who is thrusting his junk in Matt's face, he turns towards me and tries to translate Jack’s gibberish, that even I can’t understand.

  “Game over is painted on his back, because when this is over, Matt will never look at Nerdboobs the same way ever again. He put this all on himself. I heard rumbling around town about moms wanting to set their sons up with him. This will just confirm what Matt already started. Goodbye sexy females, and hello sexy men.”

  Oh, I am so dead. “Jack!” No, no, no. This was not supposed to go this far.

  I hear a roar coming from the one place I wish it hadn’t. “WHERE IS SHE?” You know when you should never look over your shoulder, when you know someone is talking about you and it never means anything good? Well, stupid me did that. Bad idea. Ryan and Williford are on the floor clutching their ribs and howling with laughter.

  Several of the male models tell Matt to call them as he pushes past everyone on his way towards me. Looking around me, I see that all the guys deserted me, so I bolt behind the bushes to get away from Matt. No way in hel
l am I going to get caught by him.

  Bolting behind the bushes, I make it a few feet before strong arms wrap around my waist and whip me around, so I can see him. Matt’s features are hard as stone, telling me I am in deep shit.

  “Animal heads on fucking cocks? Nerddicks on a penis sleeve with a man who is hard as a rock? Men giving me lap dances and asking for a private session later? I should wring your fucking neck!” Matt growls, but for some reason there is no anger behind his words.

  Matt’s hard features start to crack, and his shoulders begin to shake. His booming laughter soon follows, and I am at a loss for words.

  “You are a fucking evil little genius.” Matt pulls me in for a tight embrace and kisses me on my temple.

  Still nothing. Come on, brain, any time now please. With my jaw hitting the floor, and my brain turned off, I just stand there frozen.

  I hear the gang’s laughter before they start to join us.


  “Did you see the size of his cock? Fuck me. He would destroy my vagina. But totally worth it.” I hear Leigh Ann say and look at Matt for any signs of jealousy or malice. But there was nothing. What happened between those two?

  “When’s the next party, Bree?” Prosser asks.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ryan pull Matt off me, lifting me off the ground before his lips slam on mine. Everything inside me starts to thaw as I run my hands up Ryan’s oily skin and I moan as each divot of his muscular muscles cause my vagina to scream, fuck me.

  Pulling back from the toe curling, bone chilling kiss, I go to answer Prosser, but Williford cuts me off.

  “Not for a very long time. I can’t look at another penis the same again.” He says and looks down at his crotch and sighs. “That is just not natural.”

  Everett slaps Williford on the back and starts to lead him back to the party. “Come on. I’ll buy you a penis pump tomorrow.”

  Shaking my head at the gang, everyone smacks Jack’s hand and congratulates him on a kick ass party.

  “So, Matt-”

  Matt raises his hand and cuts off Ryan. “Don’t even fucking say it. The Queen of Nerdboobscan keep her shit. I will be burning my shirts first thing in the morning. Long live the books.” Matt chuckles and starts to talk about boobs to himself.

  “I think there will be a lot of porn and one nighters in his future.” Jack mutters and laces his fingers with Damon’s before joining the party. “Come on, babe. Let’s get a few shots of the Orgasmic Twist and leave these two love birds alone for a bit.”

  Ryan kisses the top of my head and wraps his arm around my waist. “You are an evil genius. I love you, Bree.”

  Molding my body against his, I place a gentle kiss on his chest. “Love you too.”

  “Come on, let's go have some fun. I plan to explore every inch of your body when this is all over, but I fear Jack would cut off my balls if we left now.”

  “You have no idea.” Oh, how true that statement was. One thing about Jack, you never leave before the party has just begun.

  * * *

  Five hours later, several shots of Orgasmic Twists, and one killer case of blue balls. The party is finally over. Ryan is helping Damon get the guests home safely and make sure there are no stragglers lost in the forest.

  The party was a massive hit and one I’m sure no one will ever forget.

  “Hey, Bree. This was left for you at the front door. Some creep dressed as Chucky told me to hand this to you and then just left.” Jack walks back onto the porch steps and hands me a small envelope with my name written in bold letters.

  “What’s this?” Turning the letter over, I opened the flap and pulled out a small note written in cursive. I feel Jack hovered over my shoulder, wanting to know what the big mystery was, mumbling the words out loud as he read what it said.

  “Fuck, Bree-”

  My hands start to tremble as my worst fear is coming true. No, no, no, please God don’t let this be true. Weatherford never intended to destroy Ryan’s business and take the kids for himself. The guys have been running in circles this entire time, chasing a ghost. “Jack. Jack, you can’t tell anyone about this. Promise me.”

  My small little bubble of happiness no longer exists. I knew Weatherford was out there, but one night. I just wanted one night to not think about the traitorous bastard.

  Jack rubs his hands over his face and turned his back to me. “Bree, what your asking-.”

  “If they find out about this, shit is going to get a hell of a lot worse.” Holding the letter in front of me, I grab Jack’s shoulder and turn him around, so I can look into his eyes. “Ryan will kill everyone in his path to find him. The gang will tie me up in the basement and make it impossible for me to ever step outside again. No one can know about this. If we stand any chance at finding Weatherford and protecting my family, we have to do this.”

  Jack grabs both my wrists and the look in his eyes pleads for me to find another way. “What you are asking is suicide.”

  “Promise me!”

  “No, I won’t lose my best friend. You are not going to do this alone.” Bringing my hands to his lips, he places a gentle kiss on each wrist and does the unthinkable. “Forgive me. LAWSON!”

  Leaves crinkle behind me and out walks Lawson, Mike, and Jason. “No need to shout. We heard the entire thing.” Lawson snaps, his eyes narrowing on me. Shaking his head, he crosses his arms over his chest and glares at me. “When will you ever learn?”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I turn to the guys, knowing what’s coming next. “Go, ahead. I know you are chomping at the bit to bite my head off and chew my ass out. Just get it over with already.”

  Mike and Jason stay back as Lawson makes his way towards me. “As much as I would love to do that, for once you’re right. Ryan can’t know about this. He already has one finger on the trigger at all times and will blow a gasket if he finds out. Innocent blood will be spilt. No, this needs to stay between us.”

  “So, what are you saying?”

  Mike places a hand on Lawson shoulder and answers for him. “It means we are going to help you. Weatherford is toying with our brother and it's time we level the playing field. And the only way we can do that is by keeping you both apart.”

  “Divide and conquer.” Jason says as he throws his arm over my shoulders. “Or pray Ryan has mercy on our souls, and run like hell.”

  Taking one last look at the letter, I rip it to pieces and dump it in the nearest fire pit. “When do we start?”

  “Tomorrow. Ryan will be revealing something to you, and you need to act like nothing's wrong. Act as if nothing is happening and finish your preparations for Seattle.” Lawson responds and takes one step closer to me. “If this is going to work, I need your absolute trust. Do as I say and don’t fuck around. Got it.”

  Yeah right, like that is going to happen. The moment we hit Comic Con, all bets are off. Raising my hand, I position my fingers in the traditional Scout’s Honor symbol and give him my answer. “I promise not to fuck things up and listen to your every word.”

  Mike and Jason snicker at my answer while Jack mutters bullshit right beside me.

  A shadow of a smile starts to crack Lawson’s hard exterior and he exhales. “Almost has me convinced. But nice try.” Scanning the area around us, he pulls out his phone and dials someone’s number. “Anna, Lawson. Looks like I will be heading back home sooner than I thought. Can you get things prepared for our arrival?... Perfect. There will be seven of us... No, Ryder won’t be with us… I am not having this conversation again… Goodbye, sis.”

  Lawson has a sister, no way. I mean he is human, and I figured he has family outside of our little circle, but he never talks about them. What is he planning?

  “You sure it’s wise to get her involved? Matt is going to kill you.” Mike asks. Why is Matt going to kill Lawson if he gets Anna involved? I thought he was all about Leigh Ann. Well, as of late, there’s been zilch between those two. But who is Anna? I mean, I know she is Lawson’s sist
er, but who the bloody hell is she?

  “Matt can get the fuck over it and grow up. He lost his chance a long time ago. He is lucky I didn’t skin his ass alive and let the rodents feast on his flesh. That’s the last time I let any of you fuckers get close to her. Now, shut up and fucking listen. We have one month to get our shit ready. Mike and Jason, you will stay here and keep an eye out for Weatherford and his men. Williford, Prosser, and Maslanik are coming with me. Bree, get your girls up to speed and let them know what’s going on. Jack, well, you know what to do. Are we all clear?”

  Each of us nods our head and everyone gives me a hug before walking off to get things ready. Lawson is the only one stuck behind, and something in my gut tells me there is more to what he told everyone else.


  Taking a deep breath, Lawson motions with his head to follow him. It took a few minutes to get far enough away from the house and away from prying ears.

  “Bree, it’s just you and me out here, no one else. Before we do all this, I must make sure you know what is at risk. If Weatherford gets what he wants, the Ryan we all know, and love will be gone. He never told you about his past, and for good reason. That fucker makes your worst nightmare look like a saint. And if he catches wind about what we are planning, we are all dead. He won’t care that we are his brethren. You are the only thing in this world that brings out the good in him. Do you understand what I am saying?”

  Great. If we succeed with our plan, Ryan will be all hunky sexy man meat that everyone loves and adores. If we fail, he will turn into Satan’s hound and shred us all to bits. No pressure. “I do.”

  At least, I think I do.

  Special Note

  Thank you all so much for reading Nerddicks Game Over. If you have enjoyed it, please show your support by leaving a review. Just visit my Amazon Author page:

  Brianna, Ryan and all the guys will be back Winter 2018/2019.


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