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Magnus Page 7

by Erin Havoc

  “That’s great. And we feared Nat would have to take the full blow of paying for the store. It’s fantastic you found someone to share the load with.” He nibbles on my earlobe for a moment, bringing shivers along my arms. “Did you girls discuss what I suggested? Let me make a speech or something on the opening day. That’ll get eyes on you.”

  Eyes on me. It’s an interesting notion. Once I had been the shy, reserved girl. Now I constantly find myself being mentioned on Twitter. When at first I had been afraid of girls backlashing me because, well, I had gotten Prince Charming, I had actually become a symbol.

  Curvy girls deserve love. Deserve happiness. And shifters do want us.

  I had sort of become the face for the Shifter Dating App, and our story is constantly told and retold. The way we met, the attack, how we felt the connection only to be confirmed by the app.

  Nat said her mate, Dean, hates it when she has to do some interview about the app. He never complains and never forbids her or anything, but he doesn’t like it. I guess it’s something to do with his animal. A wolf works differently than a panther.

  Because Magnus loves to see me on the spotlight. He revels in the pride. He loves to show me off at every given opportunity and say “see? This is my mate. Isn’t she glorious?”

  “We did discuss your idea, and of course we want you to open it. Maybe even cut the ribbon,” I tell him with a smile.

  Magnus purrs in contentment. “Can I have you on my arm? I like that.”

  I giggle. “I’ll never understand how you don’t mind showing me off. Shouldn’t you be more possessive?”

  “I’ll never get that either,” Jason says from the passenger seat.

  “It’s a cat thing.” Magnus grins, nuzzling into my hair. “I like to flaunt you. I want the entire world to know you’re mine.”

  “Crazy,” Jason mumbles, making us laugh.

  “Jason doesn’t get it. He’s a wolf, and canids would never understand how it feels like,” Magnus counter-argues, pulling me closer. “So, I was thinking about Chinese for lunch. Opinions?”

  “I love Chinese,” I scoot closer until I’m almost sitting on his lap. Magnus kisses my ear and rubs his fingertips on my scalp until I’m murmuring in delight. “Then a nap. I’d really like a nap.”

  He chuckles. “My panther loves naps. You have his approval.”

  “Great.” I turn to kiss his lips, my heart swelling. Finding his thigh with a hand, I grip the hard muscle, promising him with a glance that “nap” doesn’t involve sleep only. His eyes shift with desire, and I feel his member twitching behind his fly. “Can’t wait for it.”

  Magnus licks along the seam of my lips and I basically swoon. “Can’t wait for it either, mate.”




  Pain laces through the front of my head. Pressing two fingers over the bridge of my nose, I try to find some relief as I cross the corridor, my shoes brushing over the expensive rug. My eyes don’t study the paintings up the walls as I focus on the one thing I want right now.

  Mate. Bed. Sleep.

  Even my panther’s exhausted, and he never does a thing. I’m lucky he’s not begging to be let out. Even if the backyard has a private spot for me to shift, I don’t have the required energy for it.

  My phone buzzes on my chest pocket and I bring it out with a tremendous sigh. “Callahan.”

  “Sorry for calling, Magnus,” Callie says in a soft, regretful voice. “I know it’s been a hard day and you only want your bed, but I needed to let you know I managed to re-schedule the 800 meeting to 930, so you can sleep in tomorrow. Also I already finished the agenda, so you’ll have it on your email first thing in the morning.”

  “Thanks, Callie. You’re a saint.”

  “No problem. The congress meeting today almost burst my head too. I felt like killing half of them with a pen.”

  An exhausted chuckle leaves me as I halt in front of my door. “They were lucky you didn’t turn into a rabbit. It would have been the death of them.”

  She snorts. “If you’re making fun of my animal, kitten, you’re well enough to go to the meeting tomorrow early.”

  “No. I beg of you, have mercy,” I say with an exhausted laugh, my hand on the doorknob. My panther paces, restless to find my mate and lie next to her. It’s almost midnight, and I’m dying to have her body pressed to mine. The memory of the taste of her lips makes my mouth water.

  It feels like I haven’t seen her in days, though we had lunch together. That’s one of the rules I have here. Three times a week, at least, I have to have lunch with my family. The world can come crashing down, but they’re still my top priority. They’ll always be. Soon enough, the kids will be away for college and I’ll regret not spending time with them.

  For a moment, I look over my shoulder to the other doors down the hall. My heart fills knowing every one of them contains at least one of my kids. Karen and I have seven at the moment. Two pairs of twins. “Cats,” my mate would say, rolling her eyes.

  I want to enter their rooms and kiss every one of them goodnight, but I’ll possibly wake them up and some of them get very cranky when that happens. “Cats,” Karen would repeat, shaking her head.

  “Go find your mate, Magnus,” Callie says as she notices my attention has drifted off.

  “Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I hang up, opening the door and sliding inside. Karen’s smell covers the surfaces, and I drink it in as I pull my necktie out.

  When I reach the bed, I find the most delectable sight ever produced by God.

  Karen lies sideways, her curvaceous body half-hidden by a sheer teddy. One I’m about to rip with my teeth.

  Her eyes glint as she looks up, putting her phone away. A smile tilts her lips, and I know she’s not interested in sleeping right now. “Hello, Mr. President.”

  This woman knows how to press my buttons. My cock hardens in half a second, and I’m kicking off my shoes next.

  “Mate,” I tell her through gritted teeth. “I was ready to drop next to you and pass out.”

  “Yes,” she sibilates, crawling on all fours until she’s facing my crotch. “I’ve heard about the senate meeting. Callie sent me a couple of messages. Between pleads to let her husband know she loves him and elaborate assassination plans, I got worried.”

  Karen is no shifter, but the way she purrs makes me forget the fact. She’s a lioness. Powerful, sexy and with full control of her mate. I want to drop to my knees and praise her, adore her.

  This goddess. And she’s mine.

  She unbuckles my belt and tugs my pants down, a smirk crossing her face. I run my hands through her strands, marveling at how much prettier she gets with every passing day.

  “You’re such a tease,” I tell her, pulling her to her knees. Roping her strands between my fingers, I slide my lips over hers.

  She fingers the waistband of my boxers and lets my cock spring free. “If you’d like to rest, mate, I’ll let you. But I was thinking about having some fun before that.”

  I nod, laying her down and covering her body with mine. My fingers trace along the silhouette of a nipple, willing it hard. “I can’t let my mate down, can I? First I fuck daylight out of you. Then we wind down.”

  She scoots closer to the headboard, parting her legs to receive me. “I love this plan. You’re always so good with plans.”

  “These are cute, but I’m dying to see you off of them.” I grip one strap, my throat threatening to collapse if I don’t have her nipple in my mouth at the next second.

  Tilting her chin up, she licks along her delectable lips. “Do whatever you will.”

  Fuck. These magic words.

  So I tear the sheer clothes off her, exposing her nakedness. Her creamy skin and the curves of her body. And we take turns making love to one another and fucking like animals until we’re covered in sweat, her womb full with my seed, our lips swollen from abuse.

  We kiss and hug each other, and I bring
her close to my chest, until no space separates us. She’s my haven, my oasis. The person I’ll always miss, and always desire.

  The love we feel for one another has no words to describe. Destine fated it. Written in our bloods. Coded in our DNAs. Nothing can part us, and nothing ever will. For this woman is the single most important thing in existence, and I’d give my life for her smile.

  Forever is an adventure with her. A sweet, full-of-love adventure I will never tire from. As long as I have her by my side, I know we can take the world together.

  And step by step, we will.


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  Read Next!

  Blackhawk Mavericks MC Series

  Claiming Her Curves Series

  Craving Her Curves Series

  Curves Under Lockdown

  Curvy Holiday Series

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  Copyright© 2020 Erin Havoc

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  All characters depicted are 18 years old or older. For adults only.




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