Scottish Rose: Second in Command Series - Coira

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Scottish Rose: Second in Command Series - Coira Page 4

by Rose, Elizabeth

  She slowly took a step toward him, drinking in his physique. Never had she seen such manly beauty. Just as she approached him, he threw down the poker and turned around, catching her perusing him.

  “So, you are interested after all, even if you pretend not to be.”

  “I – I never said I wasna interested, my – Lance,” she said, getting him to smile.

  “I like hearing you say my name. As a matter of fact, I like almost everything about you.” He stepped forward and placed his hand on her shoulder. Instant warmth spiraled through her body.

  “Almost everythin’?” she questioned wondering what he didn’t like about her.

  “I like your beautiful eyes that sparkle two-toned in the light of the fire like bright stars up in the sky.” He stared into her eyes when he said it, causing her to get lost in the swirling depths of his deep blue orbs.

  “What else?” she asked softly, liking the way it felt to have a man complimenting her.

  “Your nose.”

  “My nose?”

  “Aye, it is as cute as a button.” He reached out and tapped her nose with the tip of his finger. “And your mouth.”

  “My mouth?” His gaze dropped to her mouth. As he moved closer, he gently pulled her into his embrace.

  “Your lips look soft and full. Although I must say the kiss we shared at our wedding was quite different, indeed. Will it be that way every time I kiss you?”

  “I – I dinna ken.” She shyly dropped her gaze. When she did, her focus was on his bare chest. Curious to know how it felt, she raised her hand to touch him, but decided against it and pulled back instead.

  “How about we find out the answer,” he said, taking her hand in his and placing it against his broad chest. She felt muscles and a slight dusting of hair beneath her fingers. Her hand moved with his intake of breath. He leaned forward, raising her chin with two fingers and lowering his head to cover her mouth with his.

  Coira’s eyes closed as she held her breath, kissing her new husband. His lips were bold and yet sensuous at the same time. His mouth against hers was so intimate that it almost caused her knees to buckle. Slowly, he pulled away.

  “You can breathe now,” he said in a low voice, causing her to realize that she had, indeed, been holding her breath. She released it and, at the same time, the dog sighed from across the room. They both laughed and looked over at the hound. The dog was lying down with its nose between her paws, looking up at them with sad, wide eyes.

  “I think the dog knows she won’t be getting any more attention from either of us tonight.”

  “She willna?”

  He shook his head, looking at her with hooded eyes. “This is our wedding night, Coira. Are you ready to seal our vows of becoming man and wife?”

  Her fingers gripped at the neckline of her gown. She pressed her lips together, tasting his wonderful essence, and nodded slowly.

  “Good. Then the first thing you need to do is relax. And stop gripping your night-rail as if it were a lifeline.” Reaching out, he unclasped her fingers, taking her hand and dropping it to her side.

  “I am no’ sure how to relax,” she admitted.

  “Then let me teach you.” He caressed the side of her face, lowering his head and placing kisses down her cheek and to her neck.

  Coira’s head fell back as his strong arms held her securely, his fingers gently kneading her shoulders.

  “Do you like that?” he mumbled into her hair.

  “Aye,” she said, with her eyes still closed. His hands slowly moved down her back, stopping to rest on her rear. Then he gently cupped her cheeks and pulled her up against him. That’s when she felt his aroused form right through the towel. Her eyes sprang open. When she looked down, she realized he no longer wore the towel. Her gaze shot back up to his face. “Y-ye’re naked,” she said in a breathy whisper.

  “Aye,” he answered in a seductive tone. “That’s a crucial part of consummating a marriage.”

  “I suppose so.”

  “Now, it’s your turn.”

  Her grip shot up to her neckline again, but he grabbed her hand in his to stop her. “Nay, Coira. It is time. Trust me.”

  She thought about it. He was her husband now and, sooner or later, she would be expected to consummate the marriage. He had been gentle and kind to her so far, so there was no need to believe he would act differently.

  “I do trust ye,” she told him, dropping her hand to her side, letting him unlace her bodice and slip her night-rail down her arms.

  In one motion, he let the gown fall to the floor, pooling around her feet, leaving her stark naked.

  “That’s more like it,” he said, letting his eyes roam down the length of her body. “You are beautiful, Coira.”

  “I am?” she asked, hearing her heart thumping loudly in her ears.

  “Aye. You are.” He swept her up in his arms and carried her to his bed. Laying her back against the pillows, he covered her body with his, kissing her and making her forget she was frightened. His hands slid down to cup her breasts, and then his mouth took over, his tongue and lips bringing one nipple to a peak. A tingling sensation ran through her body, settling in between her thighs. “There you are,” he said, coaxing her to release her inhibitions and welcome this union. “Embrace it, Coira. This can be an extraordinary thing if only you will let it be.”

  “I will,” she said, relaxing and coming to life all at the same time. His hand caressed her womanly mound, and she pushed up against him liking the way it made her feel. And after more kissing and touching, he asked her the question she did not think he would ever ask.

  “Are you ready, Coira?”

  “I am,” she told him, feeling now as if she wanted to continue to make love with her husband. In his embrace, she was no longer frightened. Instead, she felt comfortable, aroused, and, most of all, safe.

  He slowly entered her then, starting out with gentle rocking. She welcomed him in, tensing slightly as his movements turned into thrusts.

  “Trust me, and accept me,” he said in a gentle voice, slowing the lovemaking until she relaxed and accepted him. His hands slid down her body, curving around her hips. “You are my wife now, Coira. I want you to crave the consummation as much as I do right now. If I have to, I will wait.”

  “Nay, dinna wait,” she told him, afraid he might pull away and they wouldn’t finish. “I want to be yer wife in every way. I accept ye, my lord . . . Lance . . . Husband.”

  They moved together as one as the dance of love continued. Once Coira stopped being so afraid, she enjoyed it and felt a part of her longing for more. It didn’t hurt. It felt nice. And then something surprised her. She felt a new sensation flowing through her and heard herself release a moan of desire.

  “That’s right. Let yourself enjoy this, Coira. Close your eyes and surrender to your passion.”

  She decided to do just as he suggested. He was her husband now and she his wife. The thought no longer frightened her but instead made her happy. He brought her to life and made her feel special. Her body craved him now. Lust filled her. She moved her hips to meet him. Keeping her eyes closed as he suggested, she focused on the feelings he brought to life within her. Coira surrendered to her passion and no longer tried to fight it. She surrendered to her fear, and enjoyed making love with her new husband. And just as he found his release, the thought of the possibility of conceiving a baby with Lance made her so excited that she shattered in his arms.

  The dog howled at the same time, releasing any possible tension that was left in the room, making them both laugh once again.

  “We are now husband and wife,” said Lance, rolling on his side and pulling her closer. “With me as your husband, Coira, you will never have to be afraid of anything again.”

  Coira hoped that was true. However, something in her gut told her that as long as she stayed at Liddel Castle, there was always going to be fear from the past lodged in her brain.

  Chapter 6

  “Are ye sure about this?�
�� asked Coira from across the room as she finished dressing. Lance felt vibrant and full of energy this morning and as if he could tackle anything. Last night, they’d consummated the marriage, and he came to the realization that he now had a wife. And a very beautiful one at that.

  “Aye, Coira, I think it is for the best.” Lance lured the hound over to him and scooped it up, dropping it into yesterday’s bathwater. The hound splashed and paddled and tried to climb out of the tub. “Not yet you dirty mutt. I am going to give you a bath, no matter if you agree with it or not.” He struggled with the animal, using some of the soft soap to wash its fur, rinsing her as well.

  “Lance, she doesna like that.” Coira pushed her shoes onto her feet and came running over, taking hold of the dog protectively over the edge of the tub. “It’s all right, my little Sweetcakes.” She kissed the dog on the head.

  “Sweetcakes? What kind of a name is that?” Lance grumbled, grabbing the dog and putting her on the floor. She shook, getting both of them wet.

  “I only meant it as an endearment, but I think I like the name. Aye, she’ll be called Sweetcakes from now on.” Coira grabbed a towel and dried the dog.

  “How about sweetmeats instead?” Lance suggested with a chuckle. “At least meat is something dogs like.”

  “But sweetmeats are no’ even meat, they’re dried fruit,” she reminded him.

  “You’ve got a point there,” he said, knowing that whatever she named the dog he wasn’t going to like it. “What if we call her –”

  “Nay, Lance. Ye gave me the dog as a weddin’ gift. I want to call her Sweetcakes.”

  Lance found himself being drawn in by Coira’s childlike innocence. He thought back to last night, and the intimate time they’d shared together. She had been so frightened, but he managed to make her feel safe and secure. He liked the fact he could do that. It was his responsibility to watch over and protect his new wife.

  “All right,” he said with a sigh, bringing her to a standing position and pulling her into his arms. He kissed her passionately, immediately feeling a response within him. “I wouldn’t mind going back to bed and starting this day all over.”

  “Me, neither,” said Coira, running her hands down his chest.

  Lance was about to take her back to bed when there came a knock at the door. The wet dog shook again, splashing both of them and ran to the door barking.

  “Who is it?” Lance called out.

  “It’s Jack,” came a muffled voice from out in the corridor.

  Lance sighed, and walked over and opened the door. When he did, the dog sped past Jack and ran away.

  “What was that?” asked Jack, peering down the corridor after the hound.

  “Just Sweetcakes – and don’t ask.”

  “Lord Lance, I came to tell you Sir Philip of Sussex and some of his men have arrived. He is requesting your presence in the great hall.”

  “Uncle Philip is here?” asked Lance. “I wonder what he wants. Coira, I will meet you later to show you the castle.”

  “I dinna need to see it,” she said, suddenly becoming very closed off.

  “But there is a special place I’d like you to see,” he explained. “I have a feeling you’re going to like it.” Without waiting for her to answer, he took off down the corridor at a good clip with Jack right on his heels.

  “Slow down, my lord. I can barely keep up.”

  “He wants the castle. I know that’s what it is,” mumbled Lance.

  “But you have a missive that says Lord Ralston left it to you, don’t you, my lord?”

  Lance stopped in his tracks and turned around. “Why do you ask? Have you heard otherwise?”

  “Nay, my lord,” Jack answered. “Why do you seem so nervous?”

  “I’m not nervous.” He ran a weary hand through his hair. “All right, I am. Jack, there is something I need to tell you, but you have to promise not to say a word to anyone.”

  “Of course, my lord. What is it?”

  “My uncle didn’t will me this castle. His estranged wife owned it after his death. I heard that she died recently. That’s why I hurried here right away and was even late to my own wedding.”

  “You stole the castle?”

  “Shhhh,” said Lance, covering his squire’s mouth and looking around. “I have everyone thinking Lord Ralston left it to me but that I couldn’t claim it until the death of his wife. In reality, the castle should go to Ralston’s brother, Philip. I am sure he is here to challenge me.”

  “What are you going to do?” asked Jack.

  “What can I do? I’ve already claimed Liddel Castle. If Philip wants it, he is going to have to fight me for it.”

  “Do you think it’ll come to that?” asked Jack.

  “I hope not. I only had a manor house before this and want more than anything to make my new wife happy. Coira deserves a castle, and I am the one who is going to give it to her.”

  “But you just met her two days ago. How do you know she deserves anything, let alone a castle?”

  “I can tell she is a good woman.” He nodded, thinking about her. “She deserves so much more than I could ever give her. Don’t you see, Jack? For once in my life, I have everything I ever wanted. I am lord of a castle and have a beautiful wife as well. With any luck, last night’s consummation will produce an heir. I want many children, and Coira is the one I want to give them to me. Aye, this is all going to make her very happy.”

  “Excuse me, my lord, but it sounds to me like you want all these things for yourself, not for Coira. How do you even know these things will make her happy?”

  “How could they not make her happy? After all, look around.” Lance stretched out his arms to make his point.

  “There you are, Nephew,” said Sir Philip, sticking his head out of the doorway of the great hall. “I was starting to think you weren’t going to show.”

  “Uncle,” said Lance, walking forward with his arm extended to clasp hands with the tall, burly man. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. You must realize that I was just married and have been spending time with my new wife.”

  “Married?” Philip raised a brow. “To whom?”

  “He married a Scot,” Jack told him. “Her name is Coira MacDuff.”

  “You married a MacDuff?” Philip’s brows angled downward. He pulled Lance to the side where no one else could hear them. “What is the matter with you?”

  “Whatever do you mean, Uncle?”

  “I know you were away campaigning in France for the last six years, but don’t you know what you’ve just done?”

  “Of course, I know.” Lance grabbed two tankards of ale off a server’s tray, handing one of them to his uncle. “I married a Scot and have made an alliance. Thanks to me, we’ll be safe from future invasions. Highlanders or Lowlanders will not attack Liddel Castle, so we don’t need to worry.”

  “We? There’s no we involved, you fool. We both know you stole this castle right from under my nose. Ralston’s wife just died, and now the castle is mine.”

  Lance took a swig of ale. His eyes narrowed as he studied the brash man. He didn’t doubt the only battle held here would be between him and his uncle. “This is my castle, and you need to leave.”

  “Once I tell King Edward you have married and are harboring a MacDuff, he’ll have your head.”

  “Why would he care who I marry?”

  “You fool! It was the MacDuffs who crowned Robert the Bruce, or did you forget? Plus, my brother had the Stone of Destiny in his hands, and because of a MacDuff it is no longer in possession of the English.”

  “I’m sure Coira had nothing to do with it.”

  “On the contrary, I think she did. You need to find out from your traitorous wife where the stone is and bring it back to England.”

  “Why should I care about it?”

  “Because, if you can find it and bring it to Edward, you will be his champion. If you don’t find it, or even look for it, I will fight you and take back what should be mine.”r />
  “So, you’re saying if I find out where the Scots hid the Stone of Destiny, you’ll leave me alone?”

  “If you do, you can have this broken-down castle.”

  “I see. You want me to do all the work while you take the glory even though it isn’t yours.”

  “No different than you taking Liddel Castle out from under me.” Philip gulped down the ale, keeping his eyes fixed on Lance. “Your precious, little bride thinks this castle is yours. I am sure you don’t want to disappoint her.”

  Lance’s eyes snapped up. “You’ll not say a word of any of this to her.”

  “Then you’ll find out from her where the Scots hid the stone?”

  Lance didn’t want to be put in this position. He was happy here and didn’t care about the stone. He only wanted to live a normal life and raise children with Coira. But he also wanted Coira to be proud of him and to be happy. She seemed so frightened and frail. Last night, they had made progress. And this morning, she had seemed like a different woman once again. Aye, it was best not to upset things. If he could nonchalantly find out from her where the Scots hid the stone, all his problems would be solved. He didn’t care about the coronation stone at all. If one action would keep his uncle away and secure Liddel Castle as his own, he had no choice but to do it.

  “All right,” he said, finishing off his ale and slamming the tankard down on the table. His uncle made him so furious that he was ready to strangle the man with his bare hands. “I’ll find out where the stone is, but then you will leave my castle and never threaten me again. Do you understand?”

  “Done,” said Philip with a grin spreading across his face. “Now, where is this bride of yours? I would like to congratulate her on her marriage.”

  “You’ll meet her when I say so, and not before. So, make yourself scarce,” spat Lance, storming off to meet up with Coira.

  Chapter 7

  “Zara, I had an incredible night with Lance.” Coira strolled the courtyard with Zara at her side. The day was bright and sunny, and she felt happier than ever before.


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