Kray (Broken Deeds MC, #6)

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Kray (Broken Deeds MC, #6) Page 2

by Esther E. Schmidt

  Vienna visibly sighs in relief and right after throws her shoulders back and crosses her arms in front of her chest; back to being self-assured. Fuck. My cock twitches again and it’s going to be one hell of a job keeping the fucker in check. We need to solve this case damn fast if I want to have a shot with her ‘cause as mentioned; no fucking around when it comes to club business.

  “My boss won’t be happy,” the agent grumbles.

  North snickers, “My Prez won’t be happy if Kray here decides to follow this Lockbaksy around with his cock. But seeing she already had a good grip on it a moment ago in the bar...I’m willing to take a risk. ‘Cause playing it safe is when you stay inside the limits of your comfort zone. One always needs to breach a fucking comfort zone, pencil pecker. Oh, and one more thing before you go...don’t put your hands on a woman again. This one behind me might be man enough to put you in your place but if I ever hear or see you doin’ that shit again...I promise you...I’ll break both your fucking hands before you can so much as blink.”

  North doesn’t wait for the pencil pecker to reply but throws over his shoulder, “We’re leaving.”

  I glance down at Vienna. “How did you get here? Car? Taxi?”

  “Bike,” she easily replies with a smirk and jogs off to a damn fine-looking custom bobber.

  I can’t fucking believe my cock just got harder. Impossible with all the blood already huddled in my groin. The fact the rest of my body is still functioning has me baffled. I watch her ass straddle the bike while I get on mine and ride up to her. North rides past me and I follow behind. Glancing back, I see Vienna trailing along behind us.

  North speeds up and after a few switches in direction, I know where he’s going and it makes my damn blood boil. I can’t do shit about it now but when we arrive, I’m going to let him know it’s not gonna happen.

  Chapter Two


  Stay professional. These two words have been on repeat in my brain ever since I discovered Reva was missing. But come on, they took my sister. And I’m ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent sure we have a rat in our team who is throwing roadblock after roadblock in front of us when it comes to the case we were working on.

  Not to mention my sister was taken during a coffee break. She didn’t have regular times for a freaking coffee break, dammit. And now she’s turned into a case and I’m not allowed to be involved because she’s my sister.

  Well, I’m not ashamed to say I’ve been eavesdropping and keeping an eye on my sister’s case...while building my own case since my team sucks ass and it seems as if they don’t want her to be found because they are running around in circles. I do have to add I was excited to hear the chief’s instructions to hand over my sister’s case to Broken Deeds MC.

  They are practically a legend. Something no one in our department, or hell even within the government, will ever admit to. While at the same time they are thankful these guys have almost a hundred percent closing rate when it comes to taking on unsolved cases.

  My sister knew about them, one might say she was obsessed by the legend wrapped around these guys and enthralled by their ability to solve each case they get their hands on. Hence my excitement because now I finally have a solid spark of hope my sister will be found. I just pray it will be in time to save her.

  I follow the two bikers and the one taking the lead guides us to a hotel. I’m guessing we’re renting a room to discuss the case but the two guys stop next to each other. The one who grabbed me in time before I could lash out at Wyman is now getting in the face of the other biker. There’s a lot of smacking pecs and growling back and forth until they drive off again. One of them signals over his shoulder for me to follow.

  Duh, as if I would disappear. These guys might be my only shot at getting my sister back in one piece. And what’s with the whole arguing back and forth? When I stepped inside the bar, they gave me the impression they work really well together, out in the parking lot too. But they seem to flip around just as easily and bump heads. Weird.

  I take a deep breath and try to calm my nerves while keeping my eyes on the road. I like riding my bike; the wind, the freedom it gives me to clear my head...everything. But I was kinda hoping to do other things tonight—like talk about getting my sister back—instead of riding for over a freaking hour now.

  We’re miles away from the nearest town and on my left the forest is closing in. To my surprise they take a left onto a side road and I curiously follow them until we’re at a gate. All three of us wait till the gate slides open and I follow the two guys again to a magnificent house. No. Make it two identical houses mirrored apart from each other with an enclosed space in between them.

  I park my bike near theirs but they seem oblivious to my presence. The both of them are back in each other’s face. I have no damn clue what their issue is but I, for one, have more important things to do than listen to them argue. I decide to give the one who grabbed onto me in the parking lot my back as I jump in and face the other guy.

  “Stop it,” I snap.

  I feel an arm wrap around my waist and yet again I’m being pulled against this guy’s chest. And seriously...does this guy have an everlasting hard-on? What’s up with that? Feels good, though. Shit. Focus.

  “She’s in between already, asshole,” the one in front of me growls. “If you can’t see it then you’re deliberately denying what’s right in fucking front of you.”

  I am shifted to his side as the guy holding me growls back in a very low and deadly tone, “Careful, North. Be very fuckin’ careful with what you say next.”

  “Or what? She might hear and get her fuckin’ panties in a bunch? She might be your ten fuckin’ plus but she ain’t mine,” the guy I now know is North snaps. A sinister smile tugs his lips as he glances at me and adds, “You think I care about your fuckin’ attitude and foul mouth? I only care if it’s still there when a cock is going up your ass and another in your cunt. But even then, it’s quickly solved by sliding out and pumping a cock down your throat.” His attention goes back to Kray as he rumbles, “Like I said...she’ll never be my ten fuckin’ plus.”

  North spins around and stalks to the house on the left and disappears. While I try like hell to keep one very angry biker from going after him. Did North really say all these things? Did they argue about me the whole time?

  Kray is still seething and with all of this going around in my head he leaves me no other choice but to knee him in the balls and when it impacts...I know I’ve made my mistake because the look in his eyes goes feral.

  I dash back and hold my hands palms up. “I didn’t actually have another option, okay? I don’t like you two fighting and I could hardly let you go after him. You guys didn’t bring me here to drink some tea and have a brawl on the damn side, asshole. I need help and...” The words North said come back to mind and I let anger overtake me again. But instead of trying to kick him in the balls again, I growl, “What the actual kinky shit did you guys have in mind, bringing me here?”

  I rear my head back and swallow hard. Are they for real? The whole chain of events replays inside my head. Especially the way these two guys flawlessly interact. Swooping in twice to save me while caging me in between them. Oh, great Vienna. What the fuck did you get yourself into now?

  North wasn’t kidding about my attitude and foul mouth. It has gotten me in trouble more times than I can recall. But this? Taking two guys at the same time? Nope, no damn way. Not even if they would stick a gun to my head; it’s never going to happen. Shit. Just fucking great. My last shot at saving my sister has blown into smithereens.

  “You two can go fuck each other. I don’t need this,” I mutter, all the fight suddenly drained out of me. I stalk to my bike and grab my helmet.

  The guy jogs toward me and rips the helmet from my hands and throws it on the ground. “You’re not going anywhere. We took the fucking case and you need to get your ass inside the house so we can be debriefed.”

  “Oh, and would that be before I g
et a cock in my ass and another in my cunt, or after?” I snarl. “Or maybe North would like to shove his down my throat seeing he’s repulsed by my attitude and foul mouth. Well, I have news for the both of you. This girl right here isn’t itching to bang the two of you in one go. And the asshole who just left can go fuck his hand for all I care because his dick isn’t coming anywhere near me.”

  The corner of his mouth twitches before a deep sigh rips from his throat. I swear he mutters something that sounds like “Motherfuckin’ mouth on her,” before he points to the house on the right and says, “No cock will come near you in my house, you have my word.”

  I narrow my eyes at the man. “You sure? Because all the time I’ve bumped into yours it’s been obvious it’s ready for action at every turn.”

  My eyes travel down to the dick in question. Needless to say, it’s straining against his jeans. Huge. Hard. A monstrosity. And now my mind is wondering how it’s ever going to fit if these two guys take a girl at the same time. Yep, that’s it, I’m losing my mind.

  “Do I need to take it out so you can get a better look?” the man damn well chuckles.

  I shoot a glare in his direction. “No thanks, pretty sure I’m well acquainted with all the bumping into, rubbing onto, and grabbing hold. More than I can say about the man attached to it since he didn’t even bother to tell me his damn name. Rude by the way. Both the lacking introduction as for the whole cock discussion you and your fuck-buddy had. Not to mention you rubbing Mr. Hard against me at every turn.”

  “Kray,” the man only states in return.

  “Kray?” I ask, confused.

  “Uh, huh. Kray.” Shit. That man is way too sexy when he smirks.

  And then it hits me and every vibe I had thinking he was sexy falls away. Astounded I squeak, “As in kray, kray? You’re calling me crazy?”

  “Fuckin’ hell, I’m Kray. As in kray, kray. Yeah, me, not you. It’s my fuckin’ name,” he sighs and rubs a hand over his face. “Damn hothead, and the mouth on you, holy hell.”

  “Well, clearly it’s my damn character and just so you won’t go away. Not ever. Not even when there’s a cock going up my ass, down my throat, or two at the same time. And no, I’m not mentioning the whole double tag thing as an open invitation, because it’s never going to happen. One on one is all I need. And don’t start with the whole ‘It’s every woman’s fantasy’ shit either. It might be for some, but not me.”

  Kray’s shoulder’s sag. “To be honest, it was what the fight was about between me and North. We always share when a woman spikes our attention, and we always go to a damn hotel. I flipped when North guided us to a hotel, though North wasn’t thinking about testing the merchandise together. He was thinking of an easy place nearby to talk things over, but it was me who jumped to the wrong conclusion, okay? Also, the reason why he blew up ‘cause in a total of twelve fucking years we’ve never had a fight...not like this...not about a damn woman. And most certainly not about not wanting to share. So, nothing’s gonna happen, okay? I just need you inside the house so we can talk about the case. We said yes which means we can’t fuck ‘cause there’s a rule set in place by our club. I give you my word; no cock will come near you in my house.”

  Talk about throwing out honesty and way too much information. It does make me wonder, though. “Seriously? Twelve years you two have known each other and not took a girl one on one? Always together? No secret behind the other’s back, not one quickie on the side?”

  Kray sighs again, closes his eyes, and rubs his fingers over them before they land on me. “I’ve already said too damn much. Come on inside. I need a cold beer, probably something stronger. Besides, you’re not here to talk about me or North, you’re here for your sister.”

  He doesn’t wait but turns and stalks off to the house. I jump into action and trail behind him, soaking up every detail of the lovely house I step foot inside.

  I can tell this man made most of the furniture himself. Or not. I have no clue, but he seems like the kind of guy who would spend his free time working with his hands. The chairs along the bar are basically made from branches. The simplicity is obvious but the roughness and warmth radiating from it is amazing. So are the kitchen cabinets.

  It’s one wide open space with a stairway leading up to a second floor where I imagine his bedroom and bathroom are located. This space, though? With a large, comfortable, brown leather couch taking up most of the space right in front of a TV, is made for lazy Sundays.

  Crawl into the comfort of the couch with a nice book and a glass of wine. A little background noise while every now and then your eyes will slide to the window where you can enjoy the amazing view of the forest we passed through. I wonder if there would be deer grazing in their lawn at the crack of dawn.

  I hear glasses clink and swing my head in the direction it’s coming from. Kray holds up a bottle of scotch. I give him a nod without thinking things through because I need a drink, or two, but I have to keep in mind I have a long ride home ahead of me when we’re done talking things through.

  I wrap my fingers around the glass and throw it back in one go. Damn. I love the burn sliding down my throat. Before I can say glass is filled back up. Oh, well...this whole debriefing my sister’s case will take up a few hours and my head will be clear by then. But I can’t have any more after these two.

  Great. I’ve thrown back four glasses of each two fingers worth of scotch. I’m all warm and calm but there hasn’t been one word exchanged between the two of us. I’ve kicked my boots off, curled my legs underneath my ass, and swirl the scotch around my glass to watch it circle in its confinement. Weirdly enough, it’s the first time in ten days I’ve felt some of my anxiety slide to the background.

  “Somebody die?” North’s voice scares the bejesus outta me.

  Kray snickers, “Didn’t you hear him comin’? He was loud enough.”

  “Was not,” North mutters and plunks down next to Kray, holding up his glass and silently requesting a refill.

  “I guess the scotch had me mesmerized. I also have to say it’s the first time I somewhat let my guard down. The last ten days have been hell,” I croak, suddenly turning emotional.

  Great. Just what I need. To break down in front of these two complete strangers.

  “Mind sharing details about the case we took? I know we’ll get the files tomorrow morning, but seeing it’s your sister, we’d rather hear it from you first,” North says.

  “He’s right, a file is a file...details. While you will add personal shit and it’s the tiny personal details making all the difference. It’s the same as going over an eyewitness report or doing a second interview. You hear shit they didn’t think of, hear the emotion, or put it in a different perspective and so on,” Kray adds while North nods in agreement.

  I watch these two for a moment. Relaxed. Together. As if nothing happened. I could never do that. If I’m angry at a person it could last a few days. Hell, sometimes shit only gets shoved to the background and I’d hold a grudge for months, sometimes years.

  “Weren’t you two fighting a moment ago?” Yeah, me and my big mouth.

  I shouldn’t have mentioned it because they could start back up again while we should indeed be talking about my sister. But it’s hard not to mention it because, like I said, I always hold onto my anger. wonder North doesn’t like my nonstop mouth action.

  I cringe at my own train of thought and North catches the move. The corner of his mouth twitches as if he knows exactly what I was thinking.

  “We were, now we’re not. We never hold a grudge. We say what’s on our mind, take a breath.” North holds up his glass. “Or have a drink or two, and move on. Life’s too fuckin’ short to dwell on point of views, misunderstandings, or harsh reality people have to deal with themselves instead of blaming someone else.’s always women who need to bullet point arguments to hash out every damn detail. Us men don’t need that shit. And one should never hold on to anger inside you,
the only one getting buried underneath it would be yourself. Like I said; get it all out. Move on, is the way to go.”

  “You do realize you’re pointing out the whole reason why a lot of marriages end up in a divorce, right? ‘Cause the whole ‘throw out your issues, have a drink and we’re back to happy go lucky’ is insane. It’s not talking stuff through and it most definitely doesn’t solve anything,” I squeak in pure astonishment.

  “I got it all off my chest.” North shrugs. “I feel better now.”

  “True,” Kray adds. “Same here.”

  I blink very, very, slowly and wonder how in the ever-loving-hell I got here.

  Chapter Three


  I can tell by the look on her face Vienna is doubting our sanity. I don’t expect her to understand our dynamics. I’ve never cared if anyone else did but I do feel the need to explain a little because I don’t like the unease in my gut.

  “We like to keep things simple. If something is bothering either one of us, we throw it out. Not hold anything in but go head-to-head. We’ve done so from the start and never had any serious issues or repressed anger over old shit. It works. Well, for us it works.”

  She keeps staring while her chest rises and falls as she processes everything. She downs another shot of scotch and shrugs. “Okay, then. Who am I to question dude on dude stuff? It seems to work since y’all have been together for over twelve years, right?”

  “We’re not a fuckin’ married couple,” North grumbles, grabs the bottle of scotch, and fills our glasses for another round.


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