Kray (Broken Deeds MC, #6)

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Kray (Broken Deeds MC, #6) Page 8

by Esther E. Schmidt

  “On what?” His eyebrows scrunch up adorably.

  “If it’s going to turn into a regular thing, because my ass isn’t built to have pie on a regular basis and if this thing between us isn’t a one-time thing...having loads of sex along with loads of pie will be very bad for my figure,” I groan.

  His head tips back and laughter rips out. “Are you fuckin’ kidding me?”

  “Don’t laugh, I’m serious. I only have to look at some butter and I gain a few pounds but Reva? She can eat anything and doesn’t have to do any freaking gym time to keep the perfect body. It’s so not fair. She loves sports, though. Not as much as she loves her computers, but still. Oh, and pie. She loves baking too.” I swallow hard and realize, “Cheesecake being her favorite. She can make a ten plus cheesecake.”

  “Yeah?” Kray whispers as if he too realizes the same thing.

  “I hope he wins the sort of bet we made...him finding her within two days and if he does, I’ll back off on him trying to see if she’s his ten plus. Because she never really dated anyone, you know? And with North being know, expert so to say? It’s either a really good thing or too overwhelming and I don’t think she needs the pressure but she needs something. Shit. I hope she’s found healthy and in one piece. Who cares if North will be a pushy asshole, as long as I have my sister back safe and’s all that matters.” Emotions are pulling at me and if I don’t force myself to change topics, I’ll turn into one sobbing mess and won’t be of any use to anyone. I clear my throat and pull on my pants. “We need to get some pie and I know just the place.”

  Kray’s gaze slides over my face and his eyes soften. He takes a step in my direction but I’m still too emotional and I can see he wants to pull me into his arms.

  I give him a little shake of my head and tell him with a firm voice, “We need pie. And maybe we could get some extra and bring it to North.”

  Great. Now Kray’s face twists with emotions.

  “Okay, this whole regret, sadness, on the verge of crying thing...though I was the one almost spilling my needs to be put on hold. We’re going to get pie, and then have the whole talk with you guys because North became all angry the last time he heard we shared a bed. And now we had sex and with him wanting a date with my sister? He needs to know that we...I don’t know what we are but you said it wasn’t a one-time thing. And you two are tight and he needs to know now. And not through a phone call or postpone the inevitable either, but face-to-face and right now, you know?”

  “We need pie,” Kray croaks and picks up his jeans.

  “Yes, we do,” I reply as the both of us get dressed.

  Kray collects all the papers and photographs and shoves them into a bag. “Are we taking one bike?”

  The question catches me by surprise and I take a moment to think it over. “Maybe it’s easier to take one? I remember Deeds telling me I have to stick with you guys, sounds more logical to take one, right?”

  “Yeah, it does but I didn’t want to leave you without a choice in the matter.” Kray shoots me a grin as if he expected me to make the most logical choice.

  The both of us head for his bike and when he’s put our stuff into his saddlebags he asks, “Where to?”

  I spill the secret of a tiny diner on a back road me and Reva discovered when we were lost on a Sunday afternoon. It’s called A’dam’s Taste and it’s actually owned by a Dutch old lady who makes homemade apple pie. I don’t know how her cheesecake tastes because I’m not a big fan of that—my sister is—but I’ve had some of her others and they are seriously good.

  I’m glad to see Kray’s frown and it makes me realize, “I gather you haven’t heard about this place yet, have you?”

  “Nope.” Kray grins. “Can’t wait to find out if...”

  “If the apple pie is a ten plus,” I finish for him and roll my eyes.

  Kray chuckles and pulls me close. “I already found my ten plus, who cares about pie when I’m already addicted to the place between your legs.”

  I can’t help but tease when I say, “Just the place between my legs then, huh?”

  “Woman,” he growls. “The second I saw you standing in the bar you were classified as a ten-fucking-plus. I didn’t even have a whiff of your pussy or brain but the second I did I knew I could put everything on hold between us until this case was over but in the end it wouldn’t matter; you and I were gonna happen.”

  “Okay,” I whisper as suddenly the reality of everything hits me. “So, we’re like...seeing where this leads?”

  “It will lead with you on the back of my bike carrying my ink,” Kray states and smacks my ass. “But first things first, hop on.”

  Wait...what? Kray straddles his bike and makes it rumble underneath him, preventing me from throwing questions at him. I reluctantly slide on behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, pressing myself tight against him.

  He grabs my thigh and gives it a little squeeze and I swear I hear him voice the words “First part is in the bag,” over the rumbling of the bike. Then it hits me; it will lead with you on the back of my bike. Shit. The next part is carrying his ink? What the hell does that even mean?

  Then I remember Lips. She has the Broken Deeds MC patch inked on her neck. I mentally lock up this little piece of detail and try to focus on the intense feeling of being on the back of Kray’s bike.

  I have my own bike for almost four years now. Reva hates it. She only thinks of all the danger that comes with riding a bike and like me, she’s never been on the back of one. Well, until now since clearly, I’m on the back of one. I have to say the feelings running wild inside me are surprisingly different than if I’m riding by myself. Maybe it’s because of Kray...oh, who am I kidding, it absolutely is.

  Ever since I locked eyes with this man my belly fluttered and my interest skyrocketed. The instant connection and let’s not forget the hot and raw sex we just had is only a fragment of what bursts free when we’re together. And I’m actually glad Deeds ordered for me to have Kray with me at all times. It gives us the opportunity to see where this might lead.

  I mean, some people don’t function well when they’re with each other twenty-four seven. They get on each other’s nerves. Like how North instantly nudged his ten plus down because he doesn’t like some of my character traits. To each his own, but it does make me wonder how things between Kray and me will develop; only time will tell.

  After we pick up some pie, we take the long ride to Kray and North’s home. There’s only lights on in North’s part of the house and that’s where we’re heading. Kray also has a key and punches in the security code before we enter.

  “In here,” North bellows from somewhere inside his home.

  Obviously, Kray knows exactly where “here” is because he stalks through the living room all the way to the back into a room on the left.

  “Wow,” I whisper when I step inside.

  The whole room is impressive. While one side covers a complete weapon arsenal, the other side is what my sister would label as heaven. Meaning there are three computers lined up, each with large monitors in front of them. All turned on, all working, and North is sitting in front of the middle one in a huge chair. When I inch closer, I notice Kazz is sitting in his lap, eyes closed while North is petting him.

  “Comfy enough for you, Kazz?” I snicker.

  And I have to say, it absolutely warms my heart to see he’s more at ease here with North than he was at home climbing the walls of his habitat. Dammit. North was right. How could I ever think I could take good care of Reva’s pet when all I did was feed him greens while he clearly needed more?

  “Hey,” North snaps. “Don’t give me a long face. Animals in the wild eat what they come across. Sometimes they don’t have anything for days. The little guy is fine. Reva will be here to take care of him again soon enough. I have something in the works, no worries, okay? Come on, let me show you the little guy’s home for the upcoming two days.”

  “Quite confidant don’
t you think?” I mutter but deep down I relish in the arrogance this guy radiates.

  With him implying Kazz will only be here for two days means he’s sticking with his insane deal he made with me. None of it matters except having my sister back, whatever the consequences are...even to have her mad at me for setting her up on a blind date with this arrogant biker.

  Chapter Nine


  North places Kazz in a large habitat I’m sure he spent a fortune on. I know he used to own a bearded dragon years back, before we met. He’s always mentioned how he’d like to own one again sometime but I guess with us always being on the road it’s hard to keep an animal.

  We’re in the kitchen where Vienna is grabbing plates and forks while I’m grabbing our drinks. North washes his hands and looks at the table where I placed two boxes. He’s drying his hands as he steps closer to inspect the boxes.

  “What are we havin’?” he questions, dividing his gaze between me and Vienna.

  I swallow hard because this has been a ritual between me and him and...for fuck’s sake why the hell does it feel like I cheated on the guy when I know damn well I didn’t. Fuck. Talk about emotional turmoil since what me and Vienna have feels fucking perfect but I don’t want to ruin the friendship I have with North.

  Though, I know for a fact our days of taking one woman together have come to an end. I’m one hundred percent committed to Vienna and I am never going to share her with anyone. My mind simply can’t handle it. The mere thought rouses a hatred to burn deep.

  “We’re having pie,” Vienna states. “I hope you’re not angry at Kray here because I kinda wanted to...”

  North snorts, “Share the moment?” His eyes find mine. “Shared a bed but no sleep this time, eh?”

  I give him a tight nod and brace myself for his reaction. The silence is so damn thick around us you would have trouble cutting it with a sharp knife.

  Until North gives us a feral smile. “Well, let’s have it, Kray. Sit and give me those two damn numbers. Where did you get it? Someplace new?” North rattles and grabs a box and opens it.

  “We went to this little place called A’dam’s Taste. The owner is a Dutch old lady who makes homemade apple pie. I must say, I’ve never had the cheesecake, though. But, I’m sure it’s not a ten plus ‘cause, you know...only my sister makes the best cheesecake, but then again...I’m biased. I have to be, it’s a twin thing. Even if I don’t even like freaking cheesecake. Reva has to make you one, then you can grade both in one go,” Vienna rumbles and puts a slice of apple pie on a plate and licks her fingers.

  Did she gaze connects with North and I can tell he’s biting the inside of his cheek to keep his laughter inside. Fuck. Did Vienna seriously just imply North needs to sample both her sister’s sex skills along with her cooking skills? Innocent words and yet they imply oh so fucking much. I don’t think she just realized what she rattled out without thinking.

  Silence yet again surrounds us, making Vienna mumble, “What?”

  North shoots me a wink and says in all innocence, “Nothing. Just making a mental note to do exactly as you said. Now, what kind of cheesecake did you bring?”

  “Both lemon and strawberry,” I tell him while I grab myself a huge slice of apple pie.

  Two breaths later my mouth is filled with a huge chunk of the best pie ever. I’m telling ya, eyes closed, moaning, savoring the taste and getting ready to hop on my bike and ride back to A’dam’s Taste to go get some more of this woman’s apple pie.

  “Fuck,” North groans. “Good pie, man.”

  “Hell, yes,” I agree. “Mine’s a double ten-fucking-plus.”

  North snorts. “Riiiiiight. Biased. Like your woman and her damn twin. She’s put you on a high and slid her pussy underneath your skin. Ya don’t fool me. This pie is ain’t a ten plus, though.”

  “Like I said, you haven’t tasted...” Vienna mumbles and has to chew and swallow a few times to clear the pie from her mouth.

  But North finishes her sentence before Vienna can. “Your sister yet.” He shoots her a wicked grin while Vienna almost chokes on the last bite of her pie. His eyes slide to mine and turn serious. “I’ve put some things in motion and I know you’re not going to be happy with it.”

  “What the fuck did you do now?” I growl because I know him.

  He jumps straight into shit and even if I always have his back and would follow him off the face of the damn earth...this time shit’s different. I’m no longer unattached to said world. I feel like I’m tied to it; tied to Vienna.

  The thought should freak me the fuck out, but it doesn’t. Even if things have barely started between us and shit’s as fragile as a soap bubble, I’m dying to follow this through instead of risking my damn life in general. Great. Now I’m second-guessing every damn move when I normally wouldn’t.

  The corner of North’s mouth twitches and I can see by the damn twinkle in his eyes he knows my thought process. Fuck. He jumped the gun on his own because he damn well knew what was gonna happen between me and Vienna. That’s the whole reason he left and wanted me to stay in the clubhouse with her.

  “You planned this, didn’t you,” I sigh.

  “It’s a no brainer, the two of you together was inevitable. Meant to be and all that mushy stuff. Made it easy for me to plan shit because I had a hunch. I talked to Deeds, Chopper, and Nash about it and set things in motion once I found the fucker. I didn’t think it was easy, though. But it was, and all I have to do is sit back and wait for Shade’s folks to contact me.” North places his fork down and rubs his belly. “Damn good pie. I’d say a nine...minus.”

  “Why would Shade’s people contact you?” Vienna questions before I can.

  North holds Vienna’s stare as he says, “Because I replied to the bounty ad the fucker placed. Believe me, he’s going to contact me once he’s verified the tiny hint of information I gave him.”

  “You’ve already made contact?” I snap.

  “Oh, yeah,” the fucker easily supplies and snatches himself a slice of apple pie. “Of course, I sentenced a guy to death by doing so, but this is all about getting Reva back.”

  I grab his plate and drag it toward me. “That’s my fucking pie, asshole. Now, I repeat; what the fuck did you do?”

  He snatches the plate back and cradles it in his hand as he stands and stalks to the other side of the table. Once he’s at a safe distance from me he says, “I’ve located Blancher, you know, the fucker who killed Beau, Shade’s brother. Shade has wanted this guy ever since Blancher attacked Shade in an effort to steal his black-market business.”

  “I know who Blancher is, asshole,” I growl. “Tell me why you tracked him down because I know he won’t trade...fuck. This isn’t about trading Blancher for Reva, is it? This is about you going in undercover on your fucking own. No, asshole. Not just no, but Fuck, no. It’s fucking suicide,” I roar.

  He looks me dead in the eyes. “It’s nothing that we haven’t done before,” he simply says.

  And it’s true, he knows it, and I know it. Yet, this time it’s different somehow.

  “Fuck,” I bellow and start to pace the room.

  It’s all screwed up or this whole situation with Vienna is making me glance at the world through different eyes or some shit.

  “Sit down, Kray,” Vienna sighs. “I’m sure North knows what he’s doing. Take a breath and listen, I’m sure he’ll explain what he has in mind. Right, North? Or do you want me to leave? I could head into Kray’s living room.”

  North grabs Vienna’s hand. “Stay. I don’t mind you hearing what I have in mind. As I said, Deeds, Chopper, and Nash are aware of the plan. Besides, it might not work out if Blancher manages to slip through their fingers ‘cause all I did was give them the information on where to find him. They had this huge bounty on his head but all I demanded was a job. I might have also added my resume. Nash set up my background, so you know it’s solid if they do start digging to find out if I’m legit.”
/>   Yeah, like I said, it’s nothing like the shit we haven’t done before but somehow my gut is telling me this is wrong.

  “I don’t know, man. I have a bad feeling about this.” I let my fingers slide through my hair and release a deep sigh.

  North stalks up to me and lowers his voice. “You know damn well this might be our only shot. You saw the woman in the pictures. She was Shade’s hacker before he replaced her with Reva. He isn’t going to let her out of his sight, not while she’s still breathing anyway. Let me do this, okay?”

  “What’s your cover?” I grumble, knowing I can’t talk him out of this.

  “You know me. I dabble between weapon expert, computer expert, assassin, the works. I told them to shove the reward in their own pockets and let me work for them instead. Even mentioned I could have taken Blancher out myself but left it to them to deal with it as a show of trust.”

  The both of us regain our seat at the table while Vienna and I think over the words North just gave us.

  “Do you think they’d be open to your offer?” Vienna questions.

  And I have to say, I was wondering the same thing. “You do know they’re an airtight front. Those three guys working underneath Shade have been there for years, no one gets close to Shade himself. Why the hell do you think you can demand they let you in and give you a damn job?”

  “Because Nash just shot me a message about an hour ago,” North says, a huge fucking smile on his face. “Seems their weapon expert, slash, assassin, had a little accident. The fucker didn’t do bombs that well...get me?”

  “Oh, come on,” I sigh. “Wouldn’t it be too fucking obvious? One gets killed while you place an offer on the table demanding a job? I repeat, asshole, this is suicide.”

  “No, it’s not,” North growls, the smile he had on his face disappearing in an instant. “Didn’t you read every file we had on this fucker? The guy Shade took out fucked up twice before. Not to mention Shade seems to have a personal strategy to taking out and replacing his own guys one by one over the last few months.”


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