Montana Seduction

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Montana Seduction Page 12

by Jules Bennett

  “He’s with me,” Stella answered before Dane could.

  Ruiz wouldn’t recognize Dane’s name because each deal that Dane had his broker send had been listed under a business name. Ruiz had no clue who he was really dealing with. But Dane knew exactly what he was up against, which gave him just another edge he needed.

  Stella came to stand beside Dane as she crossed her arms over her chest. “You told me the other day that you were coming in a couple weeks. Why are you here now?”

  “I had news I wanted to deliver and didn’t want to discuss over the phone.” Ruiz glanced to Dane. “Perhaps your friend could give us some privacy and you could put some decent clothes on.”

  Stella stepped forward and Dane remained rooted in place. This was her fight, but he wanted her to know he had her back. If her father started mansplaining or talking like he had the impression he was above her, she could know Dane was there and was totally on her side.

  “Dane is staying here with me, so say whatever you need to say.”

  Ruiz’s brow quirked as he glanced between the two. “Well, whatever you have going on is irrelevant to the news I need to pass on. I’m selling Mirage.”

  Stella gasped. “Does that mean you’re giving me the chance to—”

  “No.” Ruiz pulled in a deep breath and took a step toward his daughter. “I received an offer just today and I’m accepting it. The terms were too good to pass up.”

  Dane didn’t know what to feel, how to react. Clearly he couldn’t show any sign of knowing about the offer, even though he had no doubt the offer Ruiz spoke of was his.

  After all this time, Mirage would be his. Dane swallowed the lump of emotions at the thought of getting his mother’s place back where it belonged.

  But he glanced at Stella and all of his elation simply vanished. The look on her face, one of betrayal and pain, sliced right through him.

  “You—you’re just selling this when you’ve known how much I want to have it?” she asked.

  “Business is business,” Ruiz stated with a shrug as if that summed up crushing his daughter’s entire world. “If you didn’t get so emotionally involved, you would know that and you’d already have a plan B instead of investing your entire future here.”

  “Plan B?” Stella asked, her voice cracking, revealing just how close to the edge she was. “You’re my family—I shouldn’t need a plan B for how to prove myself worthy of your time or attention. My entire life I’ve wanted you to notice me, to make a point to acknowledge that I’m your daughter. Your employees and stockholders rank higher on your priority list than I do.”

  Ruiz’s eyes darted to Dane. “You care to give us a minute?”

  “Yeah, actually I do care.”

  Dane folded his arms over his chest and glared back at the man who was used to people jumping at his every command. The muscle in Ruiz’s jaw clenched. Clearly he hadn’t expected Dane’s response.

  “Just tell me why?” Stella demanded. “Why would you do this? Why even give me hope when you planned on selling?”

  Ruiz focused his attention back to his daughter and Dane took a step toward her. She stood there not caring about her precarious state of dress as she fought for her future...a future he had stolen from her.

  Seeing her pain firsthand was sure as hell nothing he’d planned on. He’d thought he’d be gone before the ramifications of his actions kicked in...and back when he’d made the plan, he honestly hadn’t cared enough to even consider how someone else might feel at that moment in time.

  Her pain, her obvious anger, couldn’t deter him. He still had a goal, he still had to get his mother’s resort back where it belonged, and once he had that...well, then he could deal with Stella without her father prying into their business.

  Because now Stella was his business. He didn’t want her hurt, so all he could do at this point was try to make things less crushing. He had no idea how, but he’d damn well figure out something for her because unlike her bastard father, Dane actually cared about Stella’s future.

  “What was the offer?” Stella asked.

  More than you have, sweetheart.

  Yet Mirage was all he’d ever wanted. Money was just paper, not what kept him driven. Revenge and justice kept him pushing forward each and every day of his life.

  “The offer was well over what I paid for this resort, so the profit will be a nice chunk in my pocket,” Ruiz replied with a smug smile. “I’m sure we can find something else for you to do.”

  “I don’t want anything else,” Stella growled. “You know this is what I wanted. I love the story behind it, I love the setting, the idea. I love every aspect. Do you even know that kind of passion?”

  Ruiz narrowed his gaze at his daughter. “Don’t preach to me about passion. It’s my passion that gave you any opportunity you ever had. Money is the greatest passion of all.”

  “That’s sad if that’s truly how you feel,” Stella told him.

  Dane pressed a hand to the small of her back. Of course Ruiz would hang his black heart on his finances. He probably slept with a bag of money as a security blanket.

  “I never cared about money growing up,” Stella cried. “I wanted you there. I’d lost my mother and I never really had a father.”

  “You had opportunities most kids dream of,” Ruiz spat back. “So maybe you should be thanking me instead of whining. Without me, you would’ve been in the foster system and then what would’ve happened?”

  Stella gasped. “Foster care? What are you talking about?”

  Ruiz sneered and dread curled through Dane.

  “Your mother had an affair. I’m not your father.”

  * * *

  Stella reached out for something stationary to hold on to, to help her remain standing. But her knees shook, buckled, and only Dane’s strong, familiar arms wrapping around her kept her from collapsing.

  She leaned back against him as she stared at her father.

  No. Not her father. A man who wanted accolades for his half-hearted efforts in keeping her out of the system.

  “You’re lying,” she accused, not really knowing what else to say. Dane’s strength kept her up, but she held on to his forearm for fear he’d let her go.

  “I’m not,” her father said. “She cheated on me and her lover was your father.”

  How could he just now be dropping this bomb on her? Why after all of these years did he want to purposely continue hurting her?

  “I want his name.” She straightened her shoulders and stood straight up, but didn’t let go of Dane. “I want to know who my real father is.”

  “He’s dead.”

  Stella stared at him for a moment before she let out a laugh. “You’re such a liar. You’re going to great lengths to ensure I hate you forever.”

  “Fine, if you need to know, then his name was Martin Hernandez. He was killed in a small commuter plane crash when you were two. Look him up if you don’t believe me. Use my investigator. I had a paternity test done to prove in case I needed it for future reference, but he died before—”

  “What? Before you could blackmail him or hold me over his head?” Stella snarled. “Why did you even keep me? Why not just give me to him when I was born?”

  “Because he hit your mother when she told him about the pregnancy.” Ruiz might have had a flash of remorse in his eyes if he had a heart. “I might be a bastard, but I don’t condone hitting a woman. Besides, I grew up in the foster system and I didn’t want that for Maggie’s baby.”

  Stella fisted her hands at her sides and had no clue what to do next. How did anyone react when their entire world was ripped away? First her mother passed, then her father—who wasn’t her father—kept her out of some semblance of pity, only to pawn her off on nannies and teachers and coaches. And now? Well, now that she thought she could get somewhere with her life, somewhere that might make her fath
er take notice and maybe see her as a worthy businesswoman, that opportunity was stripped away.

  As much as she wanted to scream and shed tears, Stella wouldn’t dare show Ruiz any emotion. He didn’t deserve to know that he could affect her. All of these years and she’d never gotten anything from him by way of feelings. That’s all she’d wanted, but apparently because she hadn’t been his by blood, she hadn’t deserved even the slightest hint of true affection.

  “I want you to leave.”

  The words slipped through her lips before she realized she was even thinking them. But as soon as they came out, she realized she really did want him gone. Stella didn’t want to look at that smug smirk another second.

  “Listen to me,” he started, taking a step toward her. “I didn’t purposely set out to hurt you, but things fell into place, both in the past and now. It’s out of my hands.”

  Stella gritted her teeth and used up every ounce of energy not to haul off and hit him. If he wanted her to truly hate him, he needn’t say another word.

  “All of this was in your hands,” she fired back. “You could’ve told me about my father, you could’ve told me you had no intention of ever letting me take over this resort. You spied on me because you didn’t think I could handle running this place, and then you went behind my back to sell to the highest bidder. Don’t act like you couldn’t have done anything about this. You’ve manipulated my life from the start without a moment of care or concern for me. You never had time for me—well, now I have no more time for you. So get the hell out.”

  Ruiz smoothed his suit jacket down and cleared his throat. “Actually, this resort belongs to me until the new owners take over. So if anyone is leaving it’s you. But, since I’m kind enough, I’ll give you two weeks to move your things.”

  Stella glanced around her space. She’d already gotten so used to being here, in this space she called her own.

  Swallowing the lump of pain and remorse, Stella focused her attention back on Ruiz. “Who bought Mirage?”

  “My assistant handled most of the details, but I was told Strong L Ranch is going to be the new owner.”

  Stella chewed on her lip to keep it from quivering. Whoever bought this place couldn’t love it near as much as she did. There was no way they had the emotional connection she did. Stella had wanted this place for years and had been so close. So damn close.

  “Stella asked you to leave.”

  Dane’s low, commanding tone reminded her he was still here, still supporting her. He’d been quiet, letting her handle things, but she was damn near to the point of breaking. She wanted her father—no, Ruiz—gone. She needed him gone.

  “I hate that things came to this,” Ruiz stated. “You’ve actually surprised me with your determination and work ethic. I’m sure there’s another business that I can—”

  “I don’t want your businesses and I don’t want your pity.” Stella pulled in a deep, shaky breath. “I’m done waiting for approval from you. I’m done hoping you’ll see me for the woman I am. I’m not a failure, I kick ass at what I do and someone will see that...even if the man who supposedly raised me can’t.”

  Stella turned and crossed to the elevator. She punched the button with more force than necessary, but she had nowhere else to channel all of this anger.

  Ruiz stepped into the elevator and Stella forced herself to look at him. She wanted him to see that she wasn’t weak, no matter how many times he had continued to knock her down. He may have shown a sliver of nobility by raising another man’s kid, but Stella knew he regretted every day he’d been stuck with her. She’d never truly been his daughter, and as much as that hurt, she was glad she knew the truth.

  He continued to hold her stare as the doors slid closed.

  And then he was gone.

  All the energy, all the emotions from the last hour took their toll. Stella flattened her hand over the elevator keypad and dropped her head. Tears burned her eyes, every word she didn’t know to say got caught in her throat.

  Strong arms wrapped around her. Dane eased her around until she faced him, then he scooped her up without a word. Stella looped her arms around his neck and shut her eyes as he carried her away. As strong as she prided herself on being, there were times she just couldn’t hold it together anymore. Everyone had a breaking point and Stella had more than reached hers.

  Dane set her on her feet and Stella blinked up at him. He’d carried her to the bed and he started undressing her.

  “I don’t have the—”

  Dane placed his finger over her lips, cutting off her words. “You’re going to rest. That’s all you need to do right now. Nothing can be done about the resort or Ruiz right this minute. Just let me care for you.”

  Tears continued to slide down her cheeks. Stella swatted at them. “I’m not weak,” she defended.

  Dane framed her face with his hands and forced her attention on him. “Baby, I never thought you were. You just got the wind knocked out of you. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.”

  Stella lifted one foot, then the other for him to remove her boots. When he straightened back up, Stella rested her head against his chest and inhaled that masculine, woodsy scent she’d come to associate with Dane.

  “Why haven’t you left yet?” she muttered.

  She thought he murmured something about “not being done” but she wasn’t sure and she was too tired to ask him to repeat it. All that mattered was that he was there and she knew he would stay for as long as she needed.


  “I’ll wrap up a few things and then be right there,” Dane explained. “I’ve verbally secured the deal. I need to get back to the ranch and finalize the sale, then I’ll pack a bag.”

  Ethan gripped the cell as he stood on the balcony of his penthouse resort room, overlooking the ocean. He glanced over his shoulder to the owner of the red bikini he’d met on the beach. She’d been in his bed since.

  Harper. Her name was Harper and she had been filling his time and keeping him relaxed while he waited on Robert to get to the island. He hadn’t planned on finding the distraction, but there was no way in hell he was turning her down.

  “Leave the flannels at home,” Ethan replied, turning his attention back to the view of the beach. “Do you even own swim trunks?”

  “I’m not coming to work on my tan,” Dane growled. “We’re halfway to our goal. Do you think you can stay focused?”

  Memories of the past few days and the curvy woman in his bed flashed through his mind in vivid detail.

  “Oh, I’m focused.”

  Dane let out a sigh. “I’m going to the ranch later today. I’ll text you when I’m on my way to Sunset Cove.”

  Something in his brother’s tone had Ethan turning back to make sure the patio door was closed. He crossed the balcony and took a seat on the club chair.

  “You don’t sound near as thrilled as I thought you’d be.”

  “I finally have Mirage,” Dane muttered. “What more could I want?”

  “I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking.”

  The line went silent and Ethan waited. He stared out at the horizon as the sun started creeping up. A new day, and another step closer to finalizing their goals.

  So why was Dane so...monotone?

  “It’s the manager, isn’t it?” Ethan guessed. “Is there something going on there?”

  “Don’t worry about me.”

  Ethan clenched his teeth, but ultimately decided he was done being pushed aside.

  “I’ve worried about you every single day since Mom died,” he stated. “You might have dealt with grief your own way, but I needed you. Damn it. Don’t push me out now.”

  More silence and Ethan wondered if he’d gone too far, revealed too much. He was human and sometimes those emotions just came out. He wasn’t sorry he’d finally said something, but he was sorr
y that this conversation was over the phone.

  “I’m not pushing you out,” Dane finally said. “Not on purpose anyway. I’m just... Let me get things wrapped up here. This isn’t all about the resorts. It’s about us.”

  For the first time in nearly two decades, Ethan had a blossom of hope that he and Dane could get back to where they’d been before their world got ripped to shreds.

  “I’ve got a room booked for you,” Ethan assured him. “See you soon. And, Dane? Great job getting your resort. Mom would be proud.”

  The line went dead.

  Ethan stared at his phone before dropping it to his lap and raising his gaze to the sky. Maybe he and Dane had further to go in repairing their relationship than he’d thought. Perhaps the mention of their mother triggered something in Dane.

  Ethan didn’t know. What he did know was that there was a vivacious woman in his bed, more than eager to continue this fling for as long as she was in town, and he was this close to securing his future and his legacy...and claiming revenge on Robert Anderson.

  * * *

  Dane had packed his meager bag, touched base with his broker and was all set to head back to his ranch.

  But he didn’t want to leave Mirage. He’d just acquired it—technically. All that was left was to sign the papers, but this was a done deal.

  He wasn’t frustrated and cranky because he was leaving Stella. No, they’d decided at the beginning this connection or whatever they had would be temporary. Just because he was leaving her while she happened to be already emotionally crushed and shattered because of Ruiz, well...

  Damn it.

  Dane ran a hand over his stubbled jaw and glanced around the penthouse. His eyes landed on the note he’d left for Stella. She was working and he didn’t want to interrupt. Even though she had been dismissed by her father, she was downstairs right now making sure each and every guest had what they needed to ensure a getaway they’d never forget.

  And Dane was a damn coward for sneaking out without saying goodbye. He could freely admit it, but there was no way in hell he could stay any longer. He’d gotten what he came for and hanging around would only prolong the inevitable. Stella needed to move on, and so did he.


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