Samantha in Singapore

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Samantha in Singapore Page 9

by Alex Jamieson

  Sam’s face drained of all color as she audibly gulped.

  “I’m so exhausted after today's action-packed agenda and this evening’s revelations, but can I ask you one last question, Charlie?”

  “You can ask me anything, Sam… you’re my closest friend.”

  “When this whole idea first got discussed as part of the V.R. project, Jake expressed the opinion that the male population seems to be split in two. Between those who would be willing to do physical bodily harm to anyone who touched their wife and those who would consider it the fulfillment of their ultimate fantasy to watch their wife with another man. Would you agree with that opinion?”

  “I would, most certainly.”

  “I then asked Jake which side of the divide he was on, and he weaseled out of an answer.”

  I sat there, squirming in my seat. This had all been fascinating and erotic while we were discussing Tony and Charlie’s fantasies, but I was none too keen to have mine discussed in open forum.

  “Well, like I said, the best thing that Tony and I did for our marriage was to discuss our fantasies openly and honestly, so I encourage you two to do the same. It can be life-altering.”

  That’s what I was afraid of. It would really alter everything if the love of my life wanted to divorce her perverted husband.

  “Now it’s late. Bedtime. Sleep well, you two.”

  Tony took Sam in his arms and gave her a warm hug as he kissed her cheek. As Charlie did the same to me, she whispered in my ear…

  “Tell Sam how you felt when her colleague stroked her arm in that restaurant in Austin.”

  She’d seen me, and she’d seen through me. I remembered back to that knowing look she’d given me that evening. My darkest secret was blown. Surely, she wouldn’t tell Sam. Would she?


  After a quick shower, we crawled into bed.

  “I need you to cuddle me, Jake. I don’t think I’ve ever been so tired in my life. What a day. It’s been so much to absorb.”

  She rolled to face away from me, and I spooned her from behind. The tropical heat was such that we hadn’t even bothered to pack anything to sleep in, and my gorgeous wife’s naked ass was squeezed against my growing hardness.

  “Whoa, big boy… I thought this was just a cuddle. Or are you imagining the story that Charlie is telling Tony right now? My God, she had a threesome with those two amazing young studs. How hot was that?”

  I groaned, and my cock gave an involuntary jerk.

  “So, you thought it was hot too?” She laughed coyly.

  “By the way, Jake, I didn’t want to appear naïve at the time, but what is spit roasting?”

  There was no way out of it. I had to tell her.

  “It’s when a woman is taking one man in her pussy and another in her mouth.”

  “Holy fuck!”

  Sam rarely swears, and that was a doozy.

  “And how do men watch their wives do that without getting jealous?”

  “You’d have to ask Tony.”

  “Would you ever want to see me do that, Jake?” She’d asked it really quietly.

  I pretended to snore. I would love to have slid my cock gently into Sam’s almost-certainly wet pussy, but I took the cowards way out and feigned sleep.


  On the Sunday morning, we woke to a clear, sunny, and unavoidably hot day. When we went down to the kitchen, we found that the staff had laid on a superb continental breakfast of pastries, unrecognizable but delicious fruits, meats and cheeses, and fresh warm baguettes.

  A note was waiting for us by the coffee pot.

  As predicted, our night didn’t involve a lot of sleep!!!! Tony loved my stories. We will be sleeping in for much of the day so suggest you take the driver and hire a long-tail-boat and do a river tour of the Chao Phraya. It’s well worth it. We will see you in time for dinner.

  Love C & T


  It was good to spend some time alone as it allowed us to adjust to our new friends’ big revelations. Despite the magnitude of the previous day's events, we barely spoke about Tony and Charlotte as we reveled in the sights and sounds of Bangkok.

  The day was amazing. We found the pier quite easily and, as suggested, we negotiated with the driver of a long tail boat for a four-hour private tour of the river.

  The Chao Phraya River is a wide brown expanse of slowly meandering water that cuts through this vast city facilitating both public transportation and commerce.

  We got a completely new perspective of some of the wondrous sights by viewing them from the river. The Grand Palace, Wat Arun, known as the Temple of Dawn. Staggering beauty surrounded us on both banks of the waterway. On the other side of the river, we explored the narrow Klongs or canals of the Thon Buri district and saw the simple tin-roofed shacks built on stilts that vast numbers of people called home.

  By the time our driver dropped us back at the villa, we were shattered. In contrast, as we walked in the front door, Charlotte appeared as chipper and well-rested as I’ve ever seen her. Her eyes were bright, and she had an air of excitement about her.

  “Go, go go. Get yourselves showered and changed. We’re taking you to experience the best Thai food in the world. You’ve got to eat at our favorite restaurant before we leave in the morning. You have one hour to get ready, and your time starts NOW.” She brought her arm down with a dramatic slashing movement as if she was dropping a starting flag.


  Even though an evening on the town was the last thing we had in mind, we both found Charlotte's enthusiasm infectious. We forced ourselves through the rituals of getting ready, and once I was dressed and reasonably presentable, I went downstairs to join Tony and Charlie in the living room.

  Ten minutes later, we heard Sam coming down the stairs, and we all turned in her direction.

  “Sam, you look amazing,” Tony exclaimed.

  She looked shy but enormously pleased.

  I had to agree that Sam had outdone herself. The dress was a deep red silk sheath that plunged lower than normal at the front to show more cleavage than she is ever willing to show. When she spun around to show us the back, it turned out that there was barely anything there. The back plunged almost to the curve of her ass. I was astounded.

  “It’s thanks to your wife, Tony. She made me buy this dress. I would never have considered it in a million years, but she convinced me that it looks sophisticated.”

  “It does, I agree, but it also looks as sexy as hell.”

  Charlie slapped her husband on the arm.

  “Control yourself, you horny man. You can’t go lusting after our friends.”

  We all dissolved into gales of laughter, considering the irony of what Charlie had been up to the night before.

  “Okay, so how about just one glass of champagne before we go?”

  We all agreed.

  As soon as Tony had poured a glass for each of us, he stopped us from taking a sip. “First I want to propose a toast. Well, actually two.”

  We all looked expectantly at him.

  “My first toast is to friendship. Charlotte and I are so glad to have you as friends.”

  “Friendship,” we all chorused.

  “My second toast is to the two hottest wives in the world.”

  We raised our glasses again as Charlie and Sam beamed with pleasure.


  As promised, the meal was spectacular. We both love Thai food, but being here in Bangkok made us acutely aware of how substandard the version we got in America really was.

  We drank more than our fair share of wine with dinner, and I was beginning to hope that the driver would be ready to get us home to bed. But that plan was not to be.

  The indomitable Charlie had other ideas.

  “I’m really in the mood for dancing again. Would anyone object to another visit to Stags and Vixens?”

  I fully expected Sam to find some excuse for not going or, at the very least, to roll her eyes at me. To my astonishment, sh
e clapped her hands together and looked uncharacteristically enthusiastic.

  “I’m game,” she laughed.

  What was happening? Had alien pod people taken over my wife’s body?

  While I was pondering the strangeness of life, the others were gathering their stuff and heading for the door.


  At Stags and Vixens, we were welcomed back like old friends. Once again, Tony and I were seated in the center of the booth. This time Sam was seated next to Tony, and Charlie was beside me. Without having ordered any drinks Sven and Javier appeared like magic. Sven carried a try with four champagne flutes while Javier had an ice bucket with a bottle of Dom Perignon.

  Charlie positively gushed over the two young men which, given her activities the night before, was probably understandable.

  “Come and join us guys. That’s okay with everyone, right?”

  We all nodded our acquiescence and Sven squeezed in next to Charlie, pushing her along the bench seat until her thigh was pressed up against mine. I looked down to see Charlie’s short dress had ridden up as she scooted along, and I was getting a wonderful view of her tanned, slim legs. While I’d been busy ogling our close friend, I realized that I’d been distracted. Looking over to the other side of the booth, I saw that Javier had slid in next to my wife and she too had been pushed along until she was sandwiched between Tony and the handsome young Spaniard.

  I watched as Javier whispered something into Sam’s ear, and her response was to giggle nervously. The noise in the club, of dance music combined with the buzz of laughter and conversation, made it impossible to hear the intimate conversation on the other side of our booth.

  I was torn. Where to look. With a quick glance down, I could see that Sven had his hand on Charlie’s bare thigh. That would certainly be interesting viewing. But on the other side of the booth, Javier had his arm behind Sam, and I remembered the backless dress. Was he stroking the bare skin of her back as he chatted away to her? Only then did it occur to me that she couldn’t possibly be wearing a bra with the way that dress was cut.

  My heart had started to pound so hard that I thought I might be having a stroke. Suddenly Tony nudged my elbow and caught my eye to give me a comradely nod. He was doing his best to reassure me that everything was okay.

  But was it?

  “I came here to dance.”

  Charlie had broken the spell, and my heart rate subsided.

  “Sven, you need to dance with me, right now. And Javier, I know for a fact that Samantha loves to dance.”

  Sven and Javier looked only too happy to take the most attractive women in the club onto the dance floor.

  “Are you doing okay.” Tony was concerned for me.

  “I think so. It’s all a little fast.”

  “Charlotte told me what she’d seen in the restaurant in Austin. She thinks you and I might share the same fantasy. She also thought you might appreciate the way she arranged the seating here.”

  I nodded, but I had no idea how to respond. Of course, he was right. Of course, Charlotte had been spot-on in her ability to read me. But was I anywhere close to admitting this to myself, let alone to a friend?”

  He gave me another encouraging nod, and we turned to look out at the dance floor. We were both looking straight ahead, but I heard his voice again.

  “Just see how the evening goes and, if you are uncomfortable, just give me a nudge and let me know. Charlotte and I have agreed that if either of you feels out of your depth, we will call a halt to the evening and get you back to the villa. If this isn’t what you want, you just need to say. You can see why we come to Bangkok. Our hobby really can’t be enjoyed too close to home.”


  Out on the dance floor, Charlie was her usual exuberant self. She had her arms in the air and was pushing her great body against Sven in the most erotic fashion. It wasn’t hard to imagine her the previous evening with Sven’s cock buried deep in her pussy while she took Javier into her throat. For some reason, I had no doubt in my mind that Charlie would possess some remarkable deep-throat skills.

  Meanwhile, Sam was dancing with Javier. Although it turned me on to watch her, she was far more inhibited than Charlie. Javier kept attempting to put his arms around her, but she would manage to wriggle away without appearing to be too uptight.

  When the pounding beat of the music calmed down, and a slow, sultry chill-out number came on, I saw her look directly over at me. I gave her the most loving smile I could muster and a quick nod of my head. I wanted to let her know that she was free to enjoy herself. Not that she needed my permission, but I knew she would be riddled with guilt if she thought she was hurting me.

  Charlie already had her body welded to Sven, and they were moving sensuously as one.

  As Javier looked my wife in the eye and took her in his arms, I watched with excitement and horror. Excitement about her previously suppressed innate sexuality and horror at the thought of losing her to another man. The exquisite dilemma of the husband of a hotwife.

  Sam and Javier were swaying gently to the music, and I noticed his hand caressing the nakedness of her back. She was making no effort to stop him. Lower and lower went his hand until I realized that the tips of his fingers were disappearing below the, already low, edge of her dress. His fingers must be grazing the tops of her firm cheeks.

  One hand then reappeared at her lower back. No sooner was his hand in sight than it disappeared into the side of her dress. Was he now grazing that deliciously soft area of side boob that is one of my own personal favorite spots of Sam’s anatomy? I love that smooth softness. That’s my territory. What right does he have to be touching her there? She’s MY wife. I was about to burst.

  I was sitting there watching my wife and having to make a conscious choice of whether to intervene. For Sam, it appeared that she wasn’t actively making any choices to allow more and more to happen, she was just caught in a current and was allowing it to sweep her on into ever-deeper water.

  The track ended and, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tony signal briefly to Charlie. She took Sven’s hand and led him back to the table and sat next to me again.

  “Looks like Sam’s having a good time.”


  “Are you?”

  “I think so.”

  “Good. The first time is a bit gut-wrenching, isn’t it? Or so Tony told me.”

  Tony laughed.

  “My darling Charlie, every time is gut-wrenching. That’s part of the appeal.”

  “So, it doesn’t get any easier?” I asked him.

  “No, not really. Every time is just as exciting and just as gut-wrenching.”

  I noticed Sam and Javier coming off the dance floor. I assumed that Sam had seen Charlie come back to the booth and didn’t want Javier to push his luck anymore. As she scooted into her seat next to Tony, she gave me a worried look, as if to check that I wasn’t having a meltdown. I tried my hardest to smile back confidently, but I’m afraid my smile might have looked a little scary. It certainly felt that way.

  Another miscellaneous young stud appeared at the table with another round of drinks… for all six of us this time. I’ve no idea how, when, or if, we ordered them.

  The background music was continuing in the sexy, sultry mode and, looking around the place I could see that several couples had been joined by one of the perfect-looking young guys who volunteered their time to work at the place.

  The only real conversation at the table was between Charlie and Sven who were whispering so quietly that, even right next to them, I had no idea what they were saying. On the other side of the table, the conversation seemed to be extremely one-sided with Javier whispering sweet nothings into Sam’s ear. Apart from an odd smile of agreement, she barely said a word and her eyes were fixed on the table with a glazed stare.

  Tony didn’t seem at all fazed by the lack of small talk. He just sat there with his gaze fixed on his wife. Only when I heard a slight moan did I look down and see that Sven had pushe
d Charlie’s dress up further. I found myself looking at the indescribably sexy view of a shaved pussy being gently stroked by a young Norwegian. She had no panties.

  Where to look? Obviously if she’d have been worried about privacy Charlie would never have allowed this to happen but, even so, I didn’t feel like I had the right to stare. BUT how could I not? I tried to be surreptitious, but by that point, Sven had a finger deep inside her, and I could smell the delicious scent of her arousal. I watched as Charlie reached over and squeezed Sven’s cock through his trousers. Even just in outline, it looked enormous, and once again I conjured the vision of it pounding her last night.

  It suddenly occurred to me that yet again I’d let myself be distracted. I knew what was happening beside me, but what was happening on the other side of the booth? Tony would probably know, but I couldn’t just ask him.

  I could see that Sam’s hands were both on the table. So, unlike our friend, she wasn’t touching Javier’s cock. But his hands weren’t anywhere in sight. Was he finger-fucking my wife? The love of my life.

  Just as the thought was crossing my mind, we all clearly heard Charlie experiencing an obvious orgasm from Sven’s large fingers.

  I couldn’t keep this up any longer. It was all too much, too soon. I chickened out and gave Tony a sharp nudge.

  He got the message without hesitation and, from somewhere, he summoned a very genuine sounding yawn.

  “I’m sorry to break up the party folks, but we have an early start in the morning.”

  Charlie looked disappointed, Sam looked bewildered, and I looked at Tony gratefully.

  He gave me a half smile to let me know that he understood completely.

  As we said our goodbye’s, both Sven and Javier made us promise to visit again. They both told us their travels sometimes took them to Singapore, and everyone exchanged numbers as if this had been a normal social gathering. Oh sure, let’s look each other up some time so you can give our wives a good fucking. Great deal.

  I was feeling bizarrely bitter.

  Sven leaned forward to kiss Charlie and, right there in front of her husband, I thought his tongue was going to disappear down her throat. They seemed to be fighting over whose tongue could reach the farthest. It was astounding.


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