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Samantha in Singapore

Page 14

by Alex Jamieson

  I needed to phrase my response carefully.

  “The performance was an absolutely perfect fit for The Myth of Mylitta.”

  “Yes, sure, but did YOU like it? I did it for you, you know.”

  Ah, so that was how she was going to justify it to herself. But I remembered quite clearly her words… “that was quite wonderful.”

  “It was hot Sam. But you let him cum on your face. No, that’s not right, you asked him to cum on your face. We’ve never done that.”

  “Would you like to?”

  “That’s not the point. You’ve never even vaguely suggested that it was something you’d enjoy. You even licked his cum from your lips.”

  “Well, I tasted that drip on your chin last week. It was my first taste, and I quite liked it. And, on the spur of the moment, I remembered what you’d said when we had our porn-watching marathon. You said that the facial shot was hot because it was so visual. I thought of you, and how you would love to see it and I thought it would make a perfect visual for the game. I thought you’d be pleased.”


  “What can I say, Jake, I just got a bit carried away.”

  “Answer me this. Did he bring you to orgasm with his tongue?”

  My wife couldn’t look me in the eye as she nodded.

  I took her hand and led her to the bedroom, stopping by the sofa that was in front of the huge picture window with its views over the acres of lush tropical green.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  I had never been the alpha type who would order Sam around, but I needed to feel that I was back in control. I needed to know she was mine, and I needed her to know she was mine.

  She actually seemed to like it. She undid the dress and slipped off her panties.

  “Now bend over the arm of the sofa.”

  “Right here in front of the window?

  “Bend over the arm.”

  She obediently leaned forward over the arm of the sofa and presented me with her gorgeously firm rear end.

  “Now spread your legs.”

  She parted her feet, and I dropped to my knees. If that damn J could make her orgasm from his tongue, then I certainly could. It seemed like only seconds before the realization of my intent hit her, and she started bucking back against my face. I drove my tongue inside her sopping pussy and savored the new bareness of her until she screamed and flooded my mouth with her delicious essence. She almost reduced me to tears because the name she had screamed in her passion was mine.

  I pushed my cock into her from behind and fucked her to reclaim her. It wasn’t making love it was pure animalistic fucking and, as I spurted my load into her depths, I was consciously hoping that J was jealous of me rather than the other way around.

  The sex that weekend was off-the-charts amazing. We had never been so passionate, even in the early years of our marriage. I popped into the studio for a couple of hours on Saturday morning to perform wonders on the facial tweaks but, other than that, we were barely out of bed.


  Early Monday morning Tony and Charlotte texted:

  [Asmithson1] Can we drop by the studio to review footage. Bring Sam in, and we can all go to lunch.

  [JakeF] Excellent. We’ll be expecting you.

  I went in a little late so that Sam wouldn’t have to sit around waiting. I needn’t have worried about her being bored as J swept her into the office and chatted endlessly. Every time I glanced in, their heads were together laughing. Or was it conspiring? I felt like calling him on it and getting him back to work, but then I’d have seemed petty.

  When Charlotte and Tony arrived, they insisted on a private showing. We sent J and Paolo off to run some personal errands and sat around the massive widescreen monitor in the office.

  As the action on the screen unfolded, everyone sat there transfixed. This was the first time Sam had watched herself, and it was impossible to judge what she was thinking. When the final climactic scene left my wife’s face covered in cum, the room went silent. Charlie was the first to speak.

  “I need the ladies’ room.” Without any further comment to stood up and left us.

  “Wow.” Was all Tony could manage.

  I was entirely unsure of Sam’s reaction. She looked almost bewildered by what she’d seen. As if she couldn’t believe it was her up there. That she’d been the one to lick a young black hunk’s cum from her lips. Oddly she didn’t seem embarrassed. Perhaps because my facial tweaks had slightly disguised the truth. A truth that everyone knew.

  Charlotte returned and was her usual outrageous self. “My God Sam, you were born for this. I had to go to the women’s room and masturbate.”

  Tony just laughed uproariously at his wife, who could always be relied upon to shock.

  “You need to think about including Paolo next Sam. We don’t have any multiple partner footage yet. Just imagine how that would look in the game.”

  Finally, Sam was forced out of her reverie by Charlie’s wildness.

  “NO, Charlie. YOU ARE TOO MUCH. My performing days are over.”


  As I watched myself on the screen, it was difficult to comprehend. It wasn’t me. But apparently, it was. It was there on video. The proof that I was a cheating slut. Is this what Tony and Charlotte had meant when they talked about the “hotwife” lifestyle. Is this the kind of thing that Charlie did in the “special rooms” behind clubs in Bangkok?

  I couldn’t get out of my mind what J had whispered in my ear while we were filming,

  “I have wanted you since the first day I met you.”

  I kept trying to talk some sense into myself. But God, the man is so hot. That smooth black skin, and those taut muscles, and that magnificent black cock. I pleaded with myself not to develop a crush on J. I kept reassuring myself that I was happily married. Really. But I kept thinking about him all the time. I hadn't fantasized about someone like that since I was a teenager.

  I know it was me who set the rules, but oh, how I’d wanted him inside me.

  I kept thinking about popping into the studio during the week in the hopes that he’d be there.


  [JakeF] Charlie. Would you have lunch with me tomorrow?

  [CHARLIE] Best offer I’ve had all week. Meet you at Won Ling at noon.

  Charlie arrived fifteen minutes late, as always, but she looked radiant, as always. She kissed me quickly on the lips.

  “Well, this is a pleasure, hot stuff. I don’t usually get you on my own. To what do I owe the honor?”

  Luckily, I knew her well enough to know when she was teasing me.

  When I told Charlie of my fear that Sam was falling for J, she looked so sad.

  “Oh, no. That’s not how this works. It’s supposed to be fun. I thought we’d explained that. The hotwife lifestyle is for the mutual enjoyment of a husband and wife… it’s not for crushes and love. That’s just called cheating. I feel bad now. It was me that led her down this path.”


  “Give me a minute... Okay, we need a plan. We need to get her mind off J, and we need to show him that she is NOT in love with him.”

  She appeared deep in thought.

  “Got it… Just the thing. Are you free next weekend?”

  “We are, yes.”

  “Then come away with us. We are joint owners of a private island resort out in the Gulf of Thailand. It will work wonders for your marriage, and I have an idea on how to solve the problem with J. Our driver will take us all out to Changi. Be ready for pick up at your apartment at one thirty on Friday afternoon. Pack light. No need for shoes. Not even flip-flops. Beach stuff only and you won’t even need much of that. Trust me.”

  Trust Charlie? A big ask!

  Chapter 7 – The Island

  As promised the Smithson’s driver collected us on Friday afternoon. We stopped by their house to pick them up, then we were immediately off to Changi Airport.

  The usual Smithson, private plane rituals of champagne and
gossip took us from Singapore to a small airport on the East coast of Thailand. There we had to climb aboard a couple of beaten up jeeps that drove us about two miles to a rickety looking pier where a seaplane was moored. This was turning into a marathon journey for just a weekend trip. And how was this supposed to be solving the problem with J?

  The seaplane ride was a first for Sam and me, and it was quite spectacular. We skimmed over islands surrounded by coral reefs and the most turquoise water imaginable. Conversation was impossible over the incredible noise of the seaplane’s engines, but Sam and I nudged each other to laugh at the fact that the pilots were both barefooted.

  As the seaplane came into land, we spotted our destination. Dusk was almost upon us, but twinkling lights illuminated a pier jutting out from an island, where we could see maybe a dozen palm-thatched roofs. On the pier stood three uniformed young men, all black, and all standing rather formally with their hands clasped behind their backs. Next to them were two golf carts that were ready to take us to our respective villas.

  The plane pulled up to the mooring, and the three young men stepped forward to greet us.

  Charlie was the first to clamber out of the plane. She ran to the closest young guy and flung her arms around his neck.

  “Julian, my darling, how wonderful to see you, you are looking as handsome as ever.”

  Sam and I stood there as Tony smiled at the guys. As Charlie moved on to the next, Tony stepped forward and clapped “Julian” on the back. “Great to see you, man, how have you been?”

  By this point, Charlie was hugging the second guy, and it dawned on Sam and me that he was “Julian’s” identical twin. We missed his name when Charlie greeted him, but Tony strode over to him and called him William. Sam is great with names, so I relied on her to remember them all.

  Trying to catch up with the fast-moving Charlotte, we gathered that the third guy’s name was Simon, although we had no real idea what his role was. We had no idea who any of them were. We assumed they were part of the staff of the island, but it was difficult to fathom how three guys with distinct Caribbean accents were working on a private island in the middle of the Gulf of Thailand. They were all helping unload the seaplane as Tony came to our rescue.

  “Jake. Samantha. Let me introduce the three people you will interact with the most over this weekend. The island is privately owned, and this weekend we will be the only guests in residence. Each private villa is assigned a Personal Butler and Simon here will be taking care of you.”

  We both shook hands with the handsome young Simon. He seemed a little shy, but his handshake was firm, and his smile was endearing.

  “Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Fielding, it is my great pleasure to meet you. Anything you need while you are here, twenty-four, seven, you must call on me.”

  His accent had the Bahamian lilt that combined the Caribbean with a traditional British education.

  “As we are co-owners of the resort, and because Charlie is known for being greedy, we have two Personal Butlers who, as I’m sure you’ve realized, are identical twins.”

  Julian and William stepped forward to shake our hands and welcomed us warmly in their similar accents.

  Tony went on to explain the question that was lingering in my mind.

  “I’m sure you’re wondering how three young men from the Caribbean come to be so far from home. We have a sister resort there, and the staff gets the chance to travel between the two places. Our guests can also request the presence of their favorite members of staff, which is why our friends William and Julian are here.”

  Charlie had heard enough about logistics. She was itching to have fun. “The whole resort has been designed by a group of owners who have successful but stressful lives. The two driving philosophies here are exoticism and eroticism. It was one of your great American folk writers who encapsulated everything that the island is about:

  “Dance like nobody’s watching, and live like it’s heaven on earth””

  Sam and I glanced at each other and raised our eyebrows.

  “You will want for nothing. We will probably see very little of each other, but I recommend that you take advantage of everything that is on offer.”

  Her emphasis on the word everything had us perplexed. Sam and I shared another glance as if to say what is everything?

  “Enjoy the resort and enjoy each other. Simon will take you from here if you point out your bags to him. Have fun.”

  As Sam took Simon to show him our bags, Charlie leaned over to me and whispered in my ear.

  “Anything that might happen this weekend, just let it happen. If you want to put a damper on Sam’s “thing” for J, I’m sure my plan can work.”

  With that cryptic comment buzzing in my head, Charlie took one arm each of William and Julian and walked off, chatting happily, down the pier towards the island. Tony gave us a broad smile and a shrug of his shoulders, as a comment on Charlie’s incorrigibility, as he climbed into one of the golf carts and followed them.

  Simon had put our two carry-on bags on the back of the other buggy and asked us to climb aboard. He held Sam’s hand as he guided her into the front passenger seat, and I got in behind her. Climbing in beside Sam, he turned to me, before starting the engine.

  “Would you prefer that I call you Mr. and Mrs. Fielding or Jake and Samantha?”

  “Oh, we would definitely prefer first names unless that’s not the protocol of the resort.”

  He smiled.

  “The protocol of this resort is that protocols are forbidden. Everyone goes by their first name.”


  He started the engine, and we were off to our villa.


  Each villa was enclosed in a walled garden. We pulled up in front of massive double wooden gates, and Simon swung himself with ease out of the driver’s seat. He pushed open the gates, and we found ourselves in a magical courtyard garden. A water feature bubbled quietly at its center. At the farthest back end of the space, a huge pagoda contained a king-size day bed for lounging. Simon pointed it out as a popular place for couples to relax and maybe read during the heat of the day.

  The villa itself was accessed through another set of double doors from the courtyard.

  As he took us in, Simon was watching for our reactions, and I don’t think we disappointed him. The place was amazing. One giant space with a roof that soared maybe thirty feet high, it contained a king size pedestal bed, a living area with two sofas and two huge armchairs around a giant coffee table, and a dining table with four chairs. Behind the bed, an entire wall of etched glass shielded a bathroom and dressing room that was so opulent that it almost edged towards decadence.

  Simon demonstrated how everything worked. The lights, the automated blinds, the air conditioning, the electric faucets, there was no way to absorb it all, and I feared we would be endlessly pressing the wrong buttons.

  “The only other thing you need to know is that all meals will be served to you here in your villa. There is no restaurant facility in the resort. On the dining table, there is a menu, and you just need to make a choice about one hour before you are ready to eat, and I will bring your food. I think you will find something for every taste but if you have special requests, then please let me know, and we will do our best to accommodate them.”

  We nodded along with him as he explained every last detail of the villa and the resort.

  Darkness had set in, so we had a little difficulty getting our bearings. Our next surprise came when he opened the blinds from the living room area. There was another garden. A large thatched terrace with sun lounges led down to a lush green paradise of a tropical jungle with tall palms and colorful flowers surrounding our own private swimming pool. This place was almost too much.

  Sam didn’t think so.

  “And we're expected to leave after one weekend. I think I might move in.”

  Simon laughed along with her.

  “Through the garden on the other side of the pool is a hidden pathway
that leads to the beach. It is possible to walk around the entire island on the beach in about twenty minutes, and it makes for a nice stroll. If you are runners, then it’s great for early morning exercise.”

  “I think that’s all the details and don’t worry if you forget anything, I am always around.”

  He fished in his pocket, pulled out a cell phone, and handed it to Sam.

  “This phone has only one purpose. It connects you to me. Just press “TALK,” and we will be connected. Any time and for anything you need. I will be ready.”

  What was he implying?

  Sam’s reaction was to lower her head and look directly at him from behind her lashes in a slightly provocative manner. What the hell was happening to my innocent wife.

  “So, I have covered all the mundane details, and I am instructed to tell you about the lifestyle of the resort. As Miss Charlotte mentioned, there are two driving philosophies here. They are exoticism and eroticism. The resort is entirely clothing-optional, and most of our guests wear nothing for their entire stay.”

  So, that’s why Charlie had implied that we wouldn’t even need much beachwear. I had even noticed that every item of furniture was covered in toweling slipcovers. Presumably for laundering daily along with bed linens and towels. Clever.

  “Clothing for all the Personal Butlers is at the discretion of the guests. Over there by the front door is a small closet. If your wish is for me to be naked, I will store my clothes in there. If the resort were full, I would put clothes on again as I left your villa. However, Miss Charlotte has instructed that, as you are the only couples here, if your decision is for me to be naked then my clothes will stay in that closet for the entire duration of your visit. The choice will be yours.”

  Sam gulped and looked over to me.

  “Erm, can we make that decision a little later, Simon?”

  “Absolutely. Get settled in. Take a look at the menu to see what you would like for dinner, then when I bring your food you can tell me your choice.”

  “Before I leave you to settle in, my final responsibility is to point out the list of optional activities. It’s also on the dining table. All activities are complimentary, and they have been designed for relevance to the philosophies of exoticism and eroticism. I know that Miss Charlotte is eager for you to try some of them. Let me know at any time if you would like to schedule anything.


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