Samantha in Singapore

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Samantha in Singapore Page 22

by Alex Jamieson

  “Ride me, Sam,” he instructed.

  Sam climbed on top of him and straddled his hips as she lowered herself onto his rigid shaft. The groan of ecstasy she emitted was a pure reflection of her desire to be filled by the young guy’s long, thick manhood. When her pubic bone mashed into his, and his magnificent cock was buried, balls-deep inside her, the microphones clearly picked up his question.

  “Are you ready to try something new, Sam?”

  She nodded with a look that combined excitement with nervous anticipation. On seeing her agree, William kneeled up behind her then dropped a stream of the exotic oil from the tiny bottle slowly between the orbs of her ass. When the oil was running from her ass and down Simon’s cock, William reached down and gently eased his middle finger into Sam’s ass. The look on her face was priceless when he inserted a second strong finger and started to finger-fuck her ass.

  “Kiss me, Sam.”

  She leaned down and covered Simon’s lips with her own. He held her tightly to his chest, and it had the effect he desired. Her ass was raised provocatively in the air while her breasts were flattened to his chest.

  In the control room, I watched in horror. I knew what was about to happen, and I suffered a crisis of confidence because I was allowing it. Surely any husband should want to step in and save his wife from this indignity. So why was my gaze fixed on Sam’s ass and why was I immobilized by the sight?

  William pulled out his fingers and immediately placed the head of his cock at her slightly stretched opening. Simon was still kissing my wife passionately; maybe to relax her. William pushed forward slowly, and Sam let out a piercing wail as his huge cock breached her tight ring. It was impossible to judge whether it was from pain or pleasure. Maybe a combination of the two.

  I was witnessing my beloved wife’s first double penetration, and cameras were capturing it for commercial use by my employer. As I watched, my mind was a whirling vortex of emotions. I was proud of Sam and disgusted with myself. What kind of man would willingly offer up his wife to be treated like that?

  But Sam actually seemed to be getting into it.

  “Oh, my God. I’ve never felt so full.”

  “Does it feel good though Sam?”


  It had been on the list of activities at the resort, so I had to believe the guys impaling my wife were accomplished teachers. They had promised to look after her.

  Simon and William had set up a rhythm. As one stroked in, the other pulled back slightly. Glancing to the side, I could see that Phillipe was as entranced by the action as I was. Those two young, black hunks were fucking my wife into a frenzy. One in her wet, slurping pussy and the other in her tight, oiled, ass.

  I needed to stop them, or I needed to leave like J. I couldn’t watch it anymore. The flight or fight response kicked in as my sympathetic nervous system was activated, and my brain chemicals shifted. Phillipe sensed my distress and put a hand on my shoulder.

  “They’ll take care of her.”

  The passion of being taken by two men at once was having a wild effect on Sam. Her head was thrown back and her screams of “Yes. Yes. Yes,” resounded through the studio. When Julian climbed on the bed in front of her, she reflexively inhaled his thick, black shaft into her throat, and he started thrusting. My gentle wife was being pussy-fucked, ass-fucked, and face-fucked, and she was riding the throes of passion in a trance-like state.

  Another orgasm started to take possession of her body. She started to tremble and scream through the mouthful of hard cock. The guys pounded faster and faster. The orgasm was like nothing I’d ever witnessed. She pulled away from Julian’s cock and howled in ecstasy.

  Her explosive climax created such a tension in the room that William started groaning lustfully as his hot cum spurted deep in my wife’s ass. The feel of Williams cock, through that thin membrane, as it pumped his seed deep in Sam’s most private place, was enough to send shudders of an orgasm through Simon. Before William’s spurts were finished, Simon started to shoot a huge load into my gorgeous wife’s pussy. As the two of them filled Sam with their cum, Julian pumped his cock and cried out as the first shot of his cum hit Sam’s cheek. She quickly opened her mouth, and the camera captured the pleasure she felt as she felt every blast of Julian’s thick, white semen hit her tongue.

  I have never felt so exhausted in my life… and I’d only watched. I’d been a witness to the sight of my wife being filled up simultaneously by three amazing men. One came in her delicate mouth; one in her beautiful pussy; and one in her near virgin ass.

  Phillipe turned to me.

  “Samantha is quite amazing, Jake. You must be so proud that she’s your wife?”

  My mouth was arid as a desert, and I attempted to generate some saliva in order to form a response to Phillipe. I couldn’t speak.


  I turned off the cameras. That was enough. Even if they had the stamina to go back for another round, I’d had enough. I needed to reclaim my wife.

  I went down to the performance space expecting some degree of awkwardness. But, as I walked in, a naked Simon strode towards me with his hand extended.

  “Jake, your wife is phenomenal. Thank you so much for allowing us to be with her today.”

  The other guys were equally magnanimous, thanking me profusely and telling me what a lucky man I was. It was hard to feel awkward despite what I’d just witnessed. How could this not feel strange? Chatting with three young, naked guys whose erections were only just starting to dissipate. Three guys who had just fucked the living daylights out of my wife.

  I looked over at Sam, who was sitting on the bed. She looked exhausted but thoroughly at ease. She was in a world of her own as she contemplated what she’d just experienced.

  There was something eminently beautiful about the sight of her tired, used body that made me smile at her. She looked back questioningly as if to ask if I was okay. I smiled and nodded as I walked over and sat beside her and took her in my arms.

  “Do you still love me, Jake?”

  “More than ever. You are the most amazing creature I’ve ever seen. And I’m the luckiest man alive.”


  Phillipe kindly took the guys off to lunch to allow the two of us to be alone together. There was something strangely distant about Sam as if she was encased in an invisible glass bubble and wasn’t aware of my presence.

  Fear reared its ugly head. A deep abiding fear that I’d lost her. I tried to calmly drag her back into the present, but her silent contemplation was firmly in control.

  “Oh, Jake, one minute I feel like I’m drowning. I keep summoning up a mental picture of Millais’ Ophelia, laying there in that stream looking so calm but so lifeless. But then, in the next breath, I feel so alive. All the nerves in my body are tingling with excitement. I’m all live wires and sparks like a toaster that’s fallen in the bathtub. I’m so confused about what I’m feeling.”

  I made soothing noises and stroked her arm. I had no idea what to say apart from repeating how much I loved her. She still tried to explain.

  “I keep finding my thoughts just slipping away into another dimension; a parallel universe where happily married wives do this outrageous stuff. It’s almost like I’m trying to become the single, wild woman I never was.”

  Wild, single woman… Was she trying to tell me our marriage was over?

  I was out of my depth. I should never have encouraged the whole hotwife fantasy. It was ending in disaster.

  As I pondered what to say, Sam’s phone pinged with an incoming message. She picked it up and stared at it blankly. It was a text from Tony.

  [ASmithson1] FSA approval has come through earlier than normal. Can you start on Monday?

  It was like a switch had been flipped. Sam immediately snapped out of her introspection and became the smart, professional woman I’d married.

  “Holy shit, Jake. What did we just do? That was madness. We should have stopped before this final shoot.”

��I think this was an experience we needed to have, Sam. I certainly did. I needed a wake-up call about what I was risking. I couldn’t bear to lose you.”

  “It was kind of an enormous wake-up call though,” she laughed wryly.

  “I told you that big stuff always happens in the fourth quarter of the game? Well, today proves that the final minutes can be positively explosive.”

  “How can you ever forgive me, Jake?”

  “There is nothing to forgive… we were in this together. And anyway, Gandhi was right when he said: “the weak can never forgive; forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” I just hope that you don’t see me as weak for not stepping in and stopping this.”

  “God Jake, you’re not weak, you are such a good man. And I wouldn’t have wanted you to stop it.”

  “Yup, you’re right, I am a good man. I’m actually a fine man and possibly a great man, but I can assure you that I’m absolutely no better than you, Sam.”

  I meant it. I loved her. Of course, my view of her had become more multifaceted. I still saw Sam as my wife, but now I contemplated her growth into a complex, sensual woman whose needs and desires had to factor into the equation. In all honesty, I found the newly evolved Sam even more appealing. And I told her so.

  “Oh, Jake, I’m a mess. I hate myself, but I couldn’t or wouldn’t change my destructive behavior, which makes me hate myself even more. That must be some kind of syndrome I’m suffering from. Perhaps I should see someone.”

  “I don’t think you need to see anyone about anything, my darling girl.”

  “Oh, Jake. Why couldn’t I stop before it came to this? You’re supposed to leave the dance before the lights come on, but I didn’t think I could leave this dance when I kept discovering new things about myself. Inevitably my selfishness almost meant the lights came on before I was ready. It could have brought us disillusionment and terrible consequences we’d never foreseen.”

  “With hindsight, maybe it could… but it didn’t. We’re fine, Sam. We were in it together, and it was a wild experience. And anyway, you’re just panicking because you can’t believe how much you have changed in such a short while. You shouldn’t hate yourself; you should be proud of yourself. I certainly am. It was Sigmund Freud who said “unexpressed emotions never die. They are buried alive, and will come forth later, in uglier ways.” I truly believe it’s a good thing for our marriage that you’ve allowed all your former repression to be so dramatically crushed.”


  We left the office and had Samson take us home. Sam needed a hot bath to soothe every muscle in her body. When she invited me to join her in the oversized tub, I was overwhelmed with emotion. We were going to be okay. With a soft sponge, I washed her tenderly. I stroked and caressed every inch of my wife’s gorgeous body.

  “Let’s go to bed. I might be a little sore, but I need you to make love to me.”

  We made love, and we slept until the ping of another message jolted us awake.

  [ASmithson1] Can we take you to dinner to celebrate the FSA approval. The four of us. Plus, Phillipe will join us.

  Although we desperately wanted to be alone, we knew we had to accept.

  [SAMMIEF] We’d love to. Let us know when and where.


  The dinner turned out to be one of the nicest evenings we’d had in years. Charlie was on top form as she explained her Plan A and Plan B for getting J to rethink his infatuation with Samantha.

  “So, first I decided that we needed to get him to feel he’d been replaced, which is why I invited Simon and the twins to visit us. That was Plan A. In case that didn’t work, I asked darling Phillippe here to be on hand to deal with his cousin. As Phillipe was a former lover of mine, he readily agreed. That was Plan B.”

  Sam and I raised our eyebrows at the news that Phillipe and Charlie had been an item. We were both mentally trying to imagine the pairing of the tiny, birdlike Charlotte with the imposing, powerful Phillipe. As we were pondering the idea, the man himself stood up.

  “Everyone, I would like to propose a toast. To Samantha, a truly remarkable woman. I know we’re here to celebrate the FSA approval, but I would also like to celebrate her as one of the sexiest, most liberated, women on the planet.”

  He turned to address Charlie and Tony. “You guys will be so impressed when you see the footage from today’s shoot. Sam was incomparable.”

  He raised his champagne, and we all joined him.


  “Oh my God Jake. When will you have the facial adjustments made? We need to see the footage. It’s making me hot just thinking about it.”

  Charlie was as incorrigible as ever.


  Sam started her new job the following Monday and, when Samson delivered her home, she was ecstatic.

  “It’s even more than I could have hoped for, honey. I’m so pleased we made the decision to come to Singapore.”

  As part of our compensation package, we’d received a commitment to two annual “home leave” trips back to America. We decided that, once Sam had got comfortable with her new role and felt her team could manage without her, we should make the long journey and have some time to ourselves.

  Chapter 10 – The Conquerors

  We have always held the philosophy that, if we’re together, the definition of home, is where we are at that moment in our lives. So, when family and friends asked if it was good to be “home,” we tactfully told them that we now thought of Singapore as our home.

  We spent a great couple of weeks in the U.S., first visiting family in Milwaukee and then moving on to spend time with friends in Austin. The only thing that we found a little disconcerting was that some of our family members seemed almost shy and withdrawn around us. We thought of ourselves as the same Samantha and Jake, who left all those months before and we couldn’t understand why people were overawed by us.

  We told one of our closest friends in Austin about our experiences with our families in Wisconsin. We explained that we’d been saddened by the way they’d reacted to us.

  “You need to face the fact that you’ve both changed. You seem more confident and self-assured. You are giving off the vibe of returning conquerors; not arrogant or anything negative like that; just supremely confident. I don’t know how to put it into words, but you have a presence… At Sara’s party last night, I watched people turn to look at you. I can’t really describe it, but you have a new aura of authority.”

  That evening we had dinner alone, and the conversation inevitably drifted towards our friends’ comments. It was difficult to contemplate that our family and friends now perceived us through a different prism.

  “Conquerors. What was that about?” Sam quizzed me.

  We reasoned that we had undoubtedly conquered the rigorous expectations of our jobs and we’d conquered our initial trepidation at the thought of living overseas.

  “I think the most fundamental boost to our self-assurance has come from conquering some of the constraints to our personal limits. We’ve been lucky enough to explore boundaries and push into new emotional and sexual territory. I can hardly believe you’re the same woman I’ve lived with all these years. You have evolved into an all-powerful goddess, and I feel privileged to be your husband.”

  “Stop saying how lucky you are. I’m even luckier. How many women have husbands who would allow them to explore their sexuality like you’ve done for me? Looking back, I now see that there were times when I was out of control. Were you ever scared when I was exploring my desires like that, honey?”

  “Of course I was. When I realized that you had an innate need to link emotions with sex, I recognized the risk of losing you. You were living out my fantasy in front of my eyes, but I hadn’t realized it would come at a cost. So many doubts niggled at me when I grasped the potential consequences of having encouraged you down that path. You know that line, “had you, then I lost you” from that Goo Goo Dolls song you love? Well, it was on an endless loop through my head when you
made your admission of having crushes on J and Simon. These doubts have haunted me like ghosts ever since.”

  “You have always had me, and you will never lose me, Jake. I’m yours forever. I think it’s time for you to exorcise your ghosts.”


  We went back to our hotel overlooking the Colorado River and made love through the night. All the new things Sam had learned were now a part of our regular sex lives, but I remained amazed that my innocent wife was so liberated. I would gaze in wonder at her when she took my cock to its full length into her throat. I would still feel incredulous as the heat of her tight ass milked the cum from me. I marveled at my good fortune in having married this phenomenal woman.

  It was almost dawn when Sam suggested a drive up to Hippy Hollow to watch the sun come up over Lake Travis. When we pulled up, the scene looked like a photograph in National Geographic. A light mist was enveloping the lake giving the silence an ethereal otherworldliness. It reminded me of the opening scene from Hamlet. I just hoped my ghosts wouldn’t prevail.

  As we stared silently, the sun came up and slowly burned away the mists, and I considered the future. Would we stay in Singapore forever or, now that we were conquerors, would we eventually seek out a new challenge? Would we spend weekends in Bangkok with Tony and Charlie or go back to the life we knew before? Would we indulge our mutual desires and fantasies with wife-sharing adventures or creep sedately towards middle age?

  I knew what my choice would be, and I’m the luckiest man on earth because I knew that my beautiful wife agreed with me. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle. I had watched my smart, beautiful, caring, compassionate, principled wife reduced to her atavistically raw sexuality. It was a potent feeling to know that it wasn’t because she was a slut. It was a result of a desperate need to shed the constraints of her past.

  With a wistful smile, Sam turned to me and kissed me gently on the lips then, speaking softly, she mused.

  “Sitting here now it’s almost impossible to believe all that stuff really happened and that it’s changed us so much. Do you remember the Mark Twain quote that we laughed about in college: “years from now we will be more disappointed by the things we did not do than by those we did”? Well, it seems like we won’t have much cause to feel disappointed. We’ve created memories that will never fade. But memories aren’t necessarily facts. They are something we each recreate with varying degrees of accuracy. In effect, we develop our own narratives of an event and call it a memory. Your memory of something will never be the same as mine.”


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