More Than a Rogue

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More Than a Rogue Page 23

by Sophie Barnes

  Deciding not to examine it further and simply enjoy what was destined to be the most perfect day ever, Emily ate the rest of her breakfast while Patsy finished her hair.

  Griffin waited anxiously for Emily to arrive. The small church where the ceremony would take place was filled with London society, many of them people he believed his mother must have invited. He didn’t really care. All that mattered to him was the woman who was going to walk through the door any moment now.

  “Relax,” Caleb murmured close to his ear. “You’ll want to save your rigidity for later.”

  Griffin dealt his brother a quelling look, even as he did his best not to laugh in response to the bawdy double entendre. But the words did help ease the tension that gripped Griffin’s body, even though he knew it would not be completely gone until the priest pronounced him and Emily, husband and wife.

  The door creaked open, just a fraction. An exchange of voices took place and the choir boys started to sing. Griffin’s heart gave a hard beat. And then the door open more fully, allowing him his first view of his bride.

  Air rushed from his lungs as awe took its place. She was stunning, all dressed in creamy layers of silk and lace and with what he believed must be diamond-tipped pins sparkling in her hair. He swallowed as she started toward him, her eyes reflecting everything he was feeling right now, from pure elation to the soul deep connection that had blossomed between them.

  “Breathe,” Caleb whispered.

  Griffin blinked and inhaled. His lungs expanded and his heart settled into a calmer rhythm that allowed him to smile with every bit of love coursing through him.

  “Emily.” She was before him now, and by God she was perfect. A bit of moisture touched his cheek, and he realized it was a tear. “You look stunning,” he told her even though the words felt inadequate.

  Her eyes appeared to be watering as well. “And you are the handsomest man in the world. I can scarcely believe you’re about to be mine.”

  His heart swelled with pleasure, and although it was not really protocol, he took her by the hand, the sudden need to touch her dictating his movements.

  “Then let us proceed with haste,” he told her. “I’ve a sudden desire for all of this to be over so I can kiss you as you deserve.”

  She blushed, a delightful pink hue that complimented her appearance. Her fingers tightened around his, and together they turned to face the priest.

  He was a young man who worked his way quickly through the scripture. He didn’t linger on any of the parts like some of the older men of the cloth liked to do. And when he pronounced that Emily and Griffin were husband and wife, Griffin didn’t hesitate one second longer. He swept Emily into his arms and pressed his mouth firmly to hers, conveying not only that he loved her but that he needed her more than anything else in his life.


  The wedding breakfast dragged on longer than the ceremony itself. By the time the fifth course was announced, Griffin wondered if it would be terribly rude of him to whisk Emily away before cake was served.

  “Please tell me there isn’t a sixth course,” he said while leaning in close to his wife. She smelled enticingly sweet, like a summer bouquet made from roses and peonies.

  “I’m sorry.” She bit her lip. “When I had to pick out a menu, I couldn’t choose just three or four.”

  “This is your doing?” He should have known that her interest in food was to blame. “I was starting to think our mothers were trying to torture us.”

  “If it’s any consolation, the cake is next and after that, we can make our excuses.”

  Griffin tamped down the urge to grumble and reached for his glass instead. “They do say the best things in life are worth waiting for, so I suppose I can manage another hour of this.” Rising, he held his glass high in the air. “A toast, to Emily, the kindest, bravest, and most incredible woman I have ever known.” He dropped his gaze to hers and smiled in response to the pure adoration he saw in her eyes. “You are the sun that brightens my world, the light that guides me, and the steady certainty that soothes my tumultuous spirit. I would be lost without you, Emily, and I am both blessed and honored to be your husband.”

  Her eyes shimmered and her smile trembled just enough to inform him that his words affected her deeply.

  Rising, she raised one hand to his cheek as if needing to make sure that this was real. “I love you so much, my heart can scarcely contain it,” she whispered.

  And as she rose up onto her toes to kiss him, their families and friends clapped and shouted encouragement. There was even a whistle, which Griffin was sure had come from Caleb. It infused the mood with a celebratory lightness that caused Griffin to laugh against Emily’s mouth as he kissed her.

  “Hurrah for the newlyweds,” Bethany’s tiny voice shouted through the noise.

  Emily turned her face in the girl’s direction, allowing Griffin to kiss her on the cheek this time while three loud hurrahs followed.

  In that moment, Griffin had no regrets over the number of dishes he had to consume or how long it would take. Being here, surrounded by love and seeing the joy on his mother’s face when he glanced her way, made it all worthwhile. Because this was as much for her and Mrs. Howard as it was for him and Emily.

  Even so, he was glad to leave when it was time to do so. He could scarcely wait to have Emily all to himself and to truly make her his.

  As if sensing the direction his thoughts had taken, Caleb caught him by the elbow as they headed toward the foyer and quietly said in a mischievous tone, “If you need any pointers, I’m happy to offer advice.”

  Griffin coughed. He glanced at Emily, who was busy chatting with Mary and Cassandra, just to make sure she hadn’t overheard. “I’m glad to know you’ve figured out the mechanics of things after all these years, Caleb, but I do believe I can manage.”

  Caleb barked with laughter, causing the women to look in their direction. “You truly are a rogue, brother.”

  “I love you too,” Griffin said with a smirk before moving closer to where his wife stood. He waited for Mary to finish speaking before asking Emily, “Are you ready to go?”

  Emily shifted her body so she leaned into his. “Yes,” she said, the soft sensuality of her voice flooding his veins with liquid heat.

  Trying not to look too eager by picking her up and running outside to the waiting carriage, Griffin took the appropriate time to bid his brother, Mary, and Cassandra farewell. He then linked his arm with Emily’s and led her toward the door. He’d almost managed to step through it when his progress was halted by the sound of Laura’s voice calling to her sister.

  With a sigh, Griffin braced himself for another delay and released Emily so she could turn back.

  “I just wanted to wish you well one more time,” Laura said in a rush. She wrapped her arms around her sister in a tight embrace before letting go.

  “It will be your turn to walk down the aisle next,” Emily said.

  “And all because of you.” Emotion caught hold of Laura’s voice and caused it to crack. “Thank you.” Her smile wobbled a little before managing to regain its balance. She looked at Griffin. “Promise me you’ll take good care of her.”

  “Of course.” He took a step forward and dropped a kiss on his sister-in-law’s cheek. “I will do everything I can to make her happy.”

  Laura nodded and stepped away, allowing Griffin to finally escort Emily down the front steps of Camberly House. They would spend the next week at Mivart’s Hotel, after which they’d return to his brother’s home until they purchased a house of their own.

  A surge of excitement raced through Emily’s body as Griffin handed her up into the carriage, for as lovely as the wedding had been, she looked forward to what came next. He slid in beside her a second later, and then the door closed with a click, blocking out everything else but him, the man she’d married. A sudden shyness assailed her now that they were completely alone. Hoping to quash it by busying herself with something, she leaned past Griffin and waved
to her friends and family until the carriage rolled forward and they vanished from sight.

  Before Emily could lean back against the squabs, Griffin looped one arm around her and pulled her against his side. She tipped her head back and gazed up into his gorgeous brown eyes.

  “Happy?” he asked with an adorable hint of uncertainty.

  “Extraordinarily so,” she whispered, earning herself a slow kiss so perfect and precious it made her toes curl.

  “I plan on making you even happier once we reach the hotel,” he whispered against her ear, the brush of his breath causing frissons to sweep down her spine. “Happier than you’ve ever been before in your life.”

  Her breath caught in response to his low husky tone and the wicked suggestiveness of his words. “I can hardly wait.”

  “Me neither.” His teeth scraped her skin and she helplessly arched toward him. A chuckle rose from his throat and vibrated through her. “You and I are about to have a very long night, Emily.” He sat back, eyes darker than before and filled with the sort of intensity that threatened to make her catch fire. Raising her hand to his lips, he placed a tender kiss upon her knuckles, then pulled her close once more and simply held her until they reached their destination.

  By the time they arrived in the bedchamber where they would be staying, Emily’s anticipation was such that she could scarcely stand still. So she paced around the space, studying everything from the en suite dressing room complete with a tin bathing tub, to the view of the street from the window. Hands trembling, she began removing her gloves, then turned and sucked in a breath when she saw Griffin leaning against the closed door. He was watching her closely, with the sort of predatory interest that made her pulse flutter rapidly.

  The edge of his lips drew upward into a knowing smile, as if perfectly aware of how viscerally he affected her. Pushing away from the door, he crossed to a small table where a pair of glasses and a bottle of something she believed might be champagne stood waiting.

  “You seem nervous,” he said while filling one glass with the bubbly liquid.

  Emily’s heart raced faster. More so when he locked his eyes on hers and began walking toward her. Tall, handsome, and incredibly elegant for a man his size, Emily could only stare since she’d apparently lost her ability to speak.

  “This will help.” He held the glass to her lips and tipped it slightly so she could drink.

  A burst of fruitiness fizzed on her tongue and flowed down her throat like sparkles falling from the stars. Griffin eased the glass away from her lips and took a sip too while holding her gaze. He then set the glass aside and lowered his mouth to hers in a deep, impassioned kiss that allowed her to taste him.

  Every nerve in her body relaxed in response to his skillful distraction. She forgot to worry about what he expected from her or how he’d react when he saw her undressed or if she would make a mistake that he wouldn’t approve of. Instead, she allowed sensation to sweep her away and let instinct guide her. So she didn’t even notice that he’d unbuttoned her gown until it slipped from her shoulders and by then she did not care. By then she just wanted more – more kissing, more touching, more Griffin.

  “So pretty,” he murmured against the edge of her stays while running a finger across the embroidery. “You’re like a present for me to unwrap.” He went to work on the laces until he was able to free her from the restraining garment. His breaths deepened as he stepped back enough to admire his work. “The most tempting present I’ve ever seen.”

  The gleam of desire in his eyes made Emily’s mouth go dry. So she swallowed and licked her lips, prompting him to release a low growl that produced a thrill in the pit of her belly.

  “I need to see you,” he murmured. “Take off your chemise.”

  The command in his voice added heat to the already burning fire inside her. She drew a shuddering breath and slowly pulled the delicate fabric up and over her head, leaving her utterly bare for his perusal, save for the stockings, garters, and shoes she still wore.

  He stared at her as if she were an angel descended from heaven. “Christ, Emily.” His gaze slid over her body, from her face to the tips of her toes and back up again. Contrary to what she’d expected, she didn’t feel shy or inadequate, but rather empowered. Especially when she caught the look of pleasure in his eyes. “You’re even more stunning than I imagined.”

  “You make me feel beautiful,” she told him sincerely. Because it was true. Standing before him right now, she felt like a goddess about to be worshiped.

  He reached for her, dragged her against him and grasped her firmly so he could kiss her again. The abrasion of his clothes against her skin, the juxtaposition of him still dressed while she wore almost nothing at all, made her want in a way she’d never wanted before. And she knew that he wanted too, for she could feel him pressing against her with greater insistence the more they kissed.

  Without warning, he lifted her off her feet and carried her to the bed. Swallowing her gasp of surprise, he laid her down carefully, then straightened himself. His hair was ruffled from where her fingers had disturbed it, adding an untamed look to his appearance that only made her crave him more.

  Panting slightly as if he’d just run up a long flight of stairs, he began untying his cravat. Emily stared, enthralled by his every movement, by the veins pulsing slightly in his neck when he drew the long piece of fabric away, by the smoothness of his shoulders and abdomen once his waistcoat and shirt had been tossed aside, and by the dusting of hair on his legs when he’d finishing shucking his trousers, smalls, and hose.

  Mostly, however, she was captivated by the part of him that made him so different from her. Though she realized she probably ought to, she simply couldn’t look away. “That is…” She wasn’t sure what to say or if saying anything would even be proper but—

  “What?” he asked with a note of curiosity. When she didn’t reply immediately, he lowered himself to the bed and proceeded to kiss his way up her leg. “Don’t stop being honest and bold with me now, Emily. I want to know your thoughts.” He licked her and she responded with a groan. “I also want to know what you like. So…” He lifted his head so he could look her in the eye. “I believe you were going to tell me something about my manhood. That it is…”

  “Bigger than I expected.” She knit her brow in thought and then added, “Very impressive and rather daunting, to be perfectly frank.”

  He grinned and pressed a kiss to her hip. “You cannot imagine how pleased I am to hear you say that.” He slid between her thighs and settled more firmly against her. “We’re going to fit together perfectly, you and I.”

  “You’re sure?” Now that the moment of truth was upon her, she was starting to live in her head again rather than in the moment.

  “There may be a little discomfort at first, but after that, it will be like it was in the carriage.” Heat rose to the surface once more as she thought back on that incredible experience. “Except this time, we’ll leap off the cliff together.”

  The love she saw in his eyes allowed her to relax, as did the kisses and caresses that followed. So by the time Griffin joined his body with hers, she hardly noticed the brief discomfort it caused. Especially since her husband was quite determined to distract her from it in every way possible. And just as he’d promised, they flew toward the horizon together, until they collapsed side by side with exhaustion.

  “I love you, Lady Griffin,” Griffin told her after rolling to his side and pulling her against him.

  “And I love you, my lord.”

  He kissed the side of her neck. “How do you feel?”

  “Like I’ve just had the best experience of my life,” she said with a sigh as his hand trailed over her waist.

  “I see.” He sounded immensely satisfied. “So then I take it you may want to do it again sometime?”

  Turning more fully toward him, she moved her mouth closer to his. “Most assuredly,” she whispered, upon which she kissed him, conveying without words, the love and devotio
n that was in her heart.


  The temperature was finally rising and with the sun shining today from a clear blue sky, it was possible to enjoy the outdoors as long as one was properly dressed. Making her way along a flagstone path lined by bright yellow daffodils, Emily carried a tea tray toward the garden table where Griffin sat. Bird song filled the air and a breeze stirred a nearby birch, rustling its leaves.

  Griffin raised his gaze when he heard her approach and smiled as he always did whenever he saw her. His hair might be grey now instead of brown, there might be more creases around his eyes, and his scar might be more pronounced than it had once been, but to Emily, he was still the handsomest man she had ever known. During their marriage, he’d given her the three children she’d dreamed of having. Two sons (Finnegan and Douglas), and a daughter named Lara.

  “Is that what I think it is?” he asked as he cleared a spot for her on the table. He’d been working on a mechanical butterfly for Lara’s daughter, Rose. It was to be a gift for her tenth birthday, and Griffin was determined to finish it on time, even though the precision required was more challenging now on account of his trembling fingers.

  Emily set down the tray. “Scones. Just as you like them.”

  He helped her arrange the plates and teacups. “You spoil me more than I deserve.”

  “Not nearly enough,” she argued with a deliberate smirk.

  Grinning, he patted his lap. “Come sit with me, Lady Griffin.”

  She accepted his invitation with a chuckle. Her figure was plumper now than it had been when they’d met, but that hadn’t changed anything. The love she saw in Griffin’s eyes had only deepened over the years. And although there had been moments where doubt had gripped him, where she’d had to remind him that nothing would ever tempt her to leave him, their life together had been filled with joy and happiness.


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