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Void Page 35

by Coralee June

  Render was all too happy to step in. His mouth closed around my nipple, and his fangs joined in. More of his blissful venom pumped into me, right there on my breast where my nerves were already alight with sensation.

  And then Gritt was coming with a roar, and I felt hot spurts of cum coat inside of me like a balm of erotic intent. “Now your body remembers that it’s mine,” he said before slipping out of me. His seed dripped down my thighs as Quade set me down, but I was so godsdamned horny that the sight only excited me more. I didn’t wait for any of my mates to move me next. I took control and twirled around, shoving Quade onto the bed. He fell back with ease. “Take off your clothes.”

  He smirked. “I like it when you’re bossy, Dev.”

  He kicked off his shoes and reached down to pull his shirt off, revealing his chiseled chest with a V that pointed down to his long, thick length. I yanked off his pants like a madwoman, and as soon as he was naked, I climbed on the bed with him and sat down on his dick. His head tipped back on the mattress, and his hands dug into the blankets. “Fuck, Dev.”

  Hands gripped my hips, and then someone was pressing down on my back. I lowered my head and turned to the side, and Hyde was there to meet me. I opened my mouth to him, taking his cock into my mouth. I sucked and licked, taking him down as far as I could, the head hitting the back of my throat as I bobbed.

  “Godsdammit, that’s the spot.”

  I chuckled around his cock, earning me a groan.

  “You’re the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen,” Render said reverently from behind me. I popped off Hyde to see him running his pale hands over my curves, and then his wet, thick digit was pressing into my ass. “Relax, babe. I won’t hurt you.”

  I knew he wouldn’t. None of them would. “I trust you.”

  I relaxed, and then Render was kneeling down and biting me right below the curve of my ass, spilling more venom into me. His finger started flashing in and out of my ass so fast that I cried out. I got so wet that I started making obscene noises as Quade pistoned in and out of me, his hands directing my body up and down over his cock.

  I was pressed further down, my breasts pinned against Quade’s chest, and then Render’s finger was removed, and the head of his cock was entering me from behind.

  “Oh gods, it’s too much. It’s too big, I can’t,” I whined.

  “You can take it,” Gritt said, and I looked over to see that he was hard again and stroking himself, watching with ravenous eyes.

  “You were made for us,” Render crooned in my ear, his fangs scraping over the sensitive skin. “And we were made for you. Our bodies are fated to join in every possible way.”

  Like his words opened me up, he slipped in even more, and slowly, slowly, with the help of his venom and Quade’s hot and cold fingers rubbing over my clit, he finally bottomed out.

  “Fanged fuck, that feels good,” Render groaned at my back.

  And it did. When I couldn’t stand for them to be still any more, I started rocking my hips, a noise like a whine escaping my throat.

  “I think she likes it,” Hyde chuckled.

  I leaned over and took him into my mouth again, so that three of my mates were inside of me. Not one to be left out, my hand was lifted and then put around Gritt’s girth, his hand directing how hard I squeezed and how fast I stroked him. The four of them moved me together in perfect harmony, and I’d never been so full before in my life. I was stretched to capacity physically but also in my heart. I could feel their devotion through the bond. I could sense their own pleasure mingling with mine.

  “Come again for us, Devi,” Quade whispered in my ear.

  Their magic coursed through me as I panted, climbing the peak right alongside them. My Void smoke surrounded us, sipping off of them slowly, and making it look like our five writhing, naked bodies were the only thing that existed.

  Quade’s hot and cold touch grounded me. Hyde’s life-giving magic heightened my every feeling. Gritt pumped me full of animalistic need, meeting my hunger with his own. And when Render leaned down and bit me again, flooding my system with more venom, I shattered into a million pieces. And they shattered with me.

  One by one, we came, and then we were just a heap of bodies and slick sweat and seed, lying next to each other in a pile of limbs where I was their magnet, their center, their sun.

  I was the Void again, and I had my mates back. And suddenly, everything in the world was right.


  “Hurry up, will you? My brother doesn’t care how you look, he just wants his powers back,” Gritt grumbled from outside the bathroom door. It had taken a full year to get the hang of my powers again, and I was so excited to finally fulfill the promise I’d made when we first met.

  I was taking my time, applying my lipstick with care just to piss him off. Damn shifter liked to be an hour early to everything. Which often times clashed with my carefree necromancer, defiant vampire, and overly social elemental.

  I opened the door and gave him a cheeky smile. “I’ll hurry if you let me ride your dragon again.”

  It was the perfect risk, flying high in the sky with nothing to hold onto but his back. He refused to go out when anyone was awake, too ashamed of his animal to let anyone see. I think that was partly why his animal picked me, he was tired of being held back. In the last few months, I’d gotten to meet all four of his animals. His falcon was greedy, his lion fiercely protective. His scrappy bobcat made me laugh. But all in all, his dragon was my favorite, not that I’d ever tell any of them that.

  “Fine. But for gods’ sake, get a move on,” he relented while dragging his hands down his grumpy face in exasperation.

  “Are you rushing perfection again, Gritt?” Hyde asked while strolling into the bedroom. He was wearing a graphic t-shirt that said Necromancers Do It Better and tight denim jeans.

  Pushing past Gritt, he landed a sloppy kiss on my mouth, effectively smearing my bright red lipstick. “Oops,” he said while pulling away, not bothering to wipe the evidence of our kiss from his lips. “Guess you’ll have to start over.”

  I laughed before grabbing a tissue and wiping the smeared mess from my face. I could tell from Gritt’s twitching eye that he was about ten seconds away from going all feral on me, when Quade walked through the door. “You did it!!” he yelled, holding a sheet of paper as he rushed through the door. “You aced your finals!”

  I ran out of the bathroom and collided with him, laughing as he spun me around. We both cheered while Hyde danced, and Gritt rolled his eyes. “We all knew she would,” he grumbled.

  It had been hard, staying behind at Thibault Academy while they took up their duties as council members. Luckily, they made sure to visit often. The school had never had so many officials on campus.

  “Where the hell is Render?” Gritt asked. And in true vampire fashion, he flashed into the room.

  “Miss me, Shifty?” he mocked as he walked over to me, eyeing my outfit appreciatively.

  “You wish,” Gritt grumbled. They loved each other, their brotherhood something beautiful to watch, despite the playful bickering they threw at one another all the time. There was a certain camaraderie between them that seemed to bring the entire community together. Even in classes, I’d noticed a huge change. Breeds weren’t separated anymore. Elementals sitting with shifters, necros dating vamps. We’d started a shift in perceptions, and I was proud to be a part of something that brought everyone closer.

  “Hey,” Render said before kissing me, lightly grazing my lip with the sharp points of his teeth before sealing it shut with a swipe of his tongue.

  “Hey, yourself,” I replied with a shiver. “Did you talk to Reed?” I asked. Reed moved to LA and was going to film school. He was feeling particularly inspired, thanks to knowing about all the things that went bump in the night. I missed him, but having council members with unlimited access to portals as my bonded made visiting easier.

  “Yes, I did. I told him I’d help with his little movie. Should save him he
aps on special effects.”

  “Thank you,” I sang before pecking him on the cheek.

  “Can we please go now?” Gritt asked. He looked miserable and anxious to get going.

  His timeliness was driving me crazy. After a year together, I’d been acquainted with all their unique quirks, and every new layer had me falling more and more in love with them. Like how Render liked to read to school children once a week, his own penance for the life he’d taken as a child. Hyde visited his parents’ graves once a month and left them dead rabbit corpses instead of flowers because it was their favorite undead animal. Quade wrote his parents letters about us, telling them all about the girl he loved, his own way of reminding them how wrong they were for keeping us apart. Gritt was timely, a leader that was always herding us to the best versions of ourselves.

  “She’s not going like this, is she? Every supe in the room will be salivating at the sight of her,” Render said while dragging his fingers up my spine.

  “Oh stop,” I joked before playfully shoving him away.

  “He does have a point,” Quade murmured before placing his fist under his chin in speculation. I looked down at my crimson dress that hugged every curve. I picked it because it was Render’s favorite color and showed off my long legs, something I knew Hyde appreciated.

  “We should strip it off of her, hmm?” Hyde asked in a sultry tone before walking over, a devilish smirk on his face.

  “We only have an hour and a half until we’re supposed to be there!” Gritt reminded us all, but there was a smoky tone to his words, and from the corner of my eye, I saw his tented pants.

  “Sounds like plenty of time to me,” Render rasped.

  My breath hitched as I looked around the room at my men—my bonded. It seemed like there would never be enough time. I wanted them for eternity. “Better make it quick,” I replied before reaching up to unclasp where my dress was fastened behind my neck. The moment the soft fabric fell to the floor, they each took a collective gasp. Their awe and devotion still made me emotional, even a year later. It was hard to believe that I went from the girl cursed with the nothingness of the Void to the girl who had it all.

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  About the Author


  Raven Kennedy is a bestselling international author and a voracious reader. She enjoys writing all kinds of genres, because each one brings a different experience. Whether it be romantic comedies or romances on the darker spectrum, she hopes her words connect with people. She lives with her husband and daughter in California.

  Raven’s website: ravenkennedybooks.com

  About the Author


  Coralee June is an international bestselling romance writer who enjoys engaging projects and developing real, raw, and relatable characters. She is an English major from Texas State University and has had an intense interest in literature since her youth. She currently resides with her husband and two daughters in Dallas, Texas, where she enjoys long walks through the ice-cream aisle at her local grocery store.

  For more information about her and her upcoming releases, please visit her website at:


  Also by CoraLee June and Raven Kennedy






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