Little Bird (Advantage Play Series Book 3)

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Little Bird (Advantage Play Series Book 3) Page 15

by Kelsie Rae

  “Well, I—”

  “Regina! There you are,” a deep voice calls from a few feet away. Alessandro’s and my head swivels in the same direction to see a stranger stalking closer. I’ve never seen him before, but that isn’t exactly surprising given my history. However, when his mouth stretches into a secret smile, I know that I’m going to like him.

  “I believe you owe me a dance.” He offers his arm, and I catch myself taking it without a second thought. I’d do anything to get away from the creeper, and this stranger seems like the best kind of distraction to battle my woes with Dex, so I’m going to call it a win-win.

  Leading me to the dance floor, he spins me into his arms then shifts his weight from one foot to the other while keeping a respectable amount of distance between us. The space earns him a few extra brownie points too.

  “I’m Matteo, by the way,” he introduces himself with a mischievous smirk. “Looked like you needed a little help back there.”

  I don’t miss the fact that he doesn’t mention his last name. It’s peculiar, to say the least. Especially in a setting like this where the weight of a last name can crush adversaries. After a moment of hesitation, I decide to let it go.

  “I did, actually. Thanks.”

  “Don’t mention it.”

  “I’m Regina,” I add, remembering my manners. I mean, I know he knows my name, but it still feels weird that I didn’t officially introduce myself.

  He grins. “I know.”

  The heat from his hand as it rests against my lower back is…weird. It’s apparent he’s making sure to only touch my mid-back, but still. No one has ever touched me like this. Except Dex. My chest tightens as I peek over Matteo’s shoulder in search of him and his floozy in a red dress.

  I glance down at the dress I’m wearing that matches the bimbo’s in color. My expression sours, causing a deep chuckle to reverberate through my dance partner.

  “You okay there?”

  “Mmhmm,” I hum through pursed lips.

  “You sure? ‘Cause you just gave your dress—that looks beautiful on you, by the way—a glare that would make a grown man cower in fear.”

  With a light laugh, I roll my eyes before admitting, “It’s nothing.”

  “You’re a terrible liar, Regina,” he points out. “But I’ll let it go for now.”

  “That’s very kind of you.”

  “Not usually a term that’s used to describe me, but I’ll take it. Besides, we’re in the mafia. Our entire world is built on secrets, is it not?” He spins me around before pulling me back into his arms and dipping me low.

  “It is,” I concur when my feet are firmly on the ground, and we go back to gently swaying.

  “Tell me this,” Matteo prods. “Does your secret have something to do with a big, brooding man over there?” His gaze shoots over my shoulder before he spins me around so that I can take a peek without seeming too conspicuous.

  When I see Dex glaring at me, I mutter, “Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.”

  “Interesting. Can I also assume that your little vendetta against your dress might have something to do with Bianca Castello, who wore a matching color and happened to be hanging on him earlier tonight?”


  He nods.

  “As in…Dominic Castello?” The name leaves a sour taste in my mouth. My dad approached me before he died and mentioned finding me a potential spouse before I lost my shit on him. Thankfully, he bailed on the idea before seeing it come to fruition, but I’ll never forget the bastard’s name.

  “Bianca is Dominic’s younger sister, though I’m a bit confused as to why they were invited.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, growing more and more fascinated by Matteo the longer I spend my time in his presence. Seems to me that he’s a keeper of secrets. Yet, here he is, divulging them to me. A woman.

  “There’re rumors that he was in bed with Burlone. Not literally,” he clarifies with a crooked smirk. “But he was definitely invested in the Allegretti name. Then again, so was your boy.”

  I lick my lips but don’t comment, praying he’ll feel generous and continue his musings.

  “Would you like to hear my theory?” he asks, watching me with open curiosity.

  I nod while taking in the laugh lines around his soft green eyes.

  “I think it’s a power play. Your brother is showing that he isn’t afraid of the Allegretti name. That he dethroned Burlone from power and can easily do it again to anyone who stands against him.”

  “You’re perceptive,” I compliment, albeit grudgingly. “What else have you observed?”

  “That you’ve already won the hearts of every available man in this room, though yours seems to have been stolen for some time.”

  I swallow but don’t bother to deny it.

  “Who are you?” I repeat, my voice laced with awe.

  “A friend, if you ever need it.”

  “To me? Or the Romano family?” I press.

  “Both.” Spinning me a second time, he pulls me in close then murmurs, “Tell me, Regina. The man who’s stolen your heart is currently contemplating how he can make my death look like an accident. Would you like me to continue our charade that’s making him question his sanity, or should we put him out of his misery?”

  I sneak a quick peek over Matteo’s shoulder then lick my lips. “I guess I should probably go talk to him.”

  With a soft shake of his head, Matteo leans closer and whispers in my ear. “Excuse yourself from the room. I guarantee he’ll follow, and you’ll be able to find a bit more privacy. As I’m sure you can see, you won’t find it in here with all of these guests who are watching your every move.”

  He’s right.

  I nod my assent before my mouth stretches into a smile as I realize that I actually enjoyed our little interaction. “Thank you for asking me to dance.”

  “Thank you for accepting the invitation instead of making me look like a fool in front of a fellow associate,” he returns with a knowing grin. “Alessandro is an ass, but he’s harmless.”

  “Good to know. I’ll uh…I guess I’ll see you around.”

  My heels click against the floor as I make my escape, though I can feel more than one set of eyes on me as I do so. When I round the corner and find a bit of privacy, I clutch my chest and look around to find it empty.

  “What the hell was that?” Dex spits seconds later, grabbing my forearm. Tugging me into the closest room, he slams the door shut then shoves me up against the nearest wall.

  “Excuse me?” I reply, just as frustrated. “What the hell was what?”

  “That”—he waves his giant hand toward the room where the party is being held—“dance, or whatever the hell it was. He was all over you!”

  A dry laugh bursts out of me as I roll my eyes. “Are you serious right now? He was an absolute gentleman––unlike Bianca Castello,” I spit her name like it’s a curse.

  Shaking his head, his hands tighten on my hips until I’m sure they’ll leave tiny bruises on my skin. But I look forward to seeing them. It’ll remind me that, at one time, I was able to pull enough passion out of the enigma in front of me that he couldn’t control himself.

  “I don’t want Bianca,” he growls.

  “Could’ve fooled me.”

  “That’s bullshit, and you know it.”

  “Then why did you let her touch you?” I seethe.

  “Because I needed information.”

  I shove him away, but he barely budges. “Is that what they’re calling it these days?”

  Shaking his head, he spits, “You’re one to talk, Regina. For a girl who claims she loves someone, you seemed pretty entertained with Matteo fucking Moretti.”

  “What?” His last name leaves me spinning.

  “Yeah. Does the name sound familiar, Little Bird? Or maybe you just have a thing for your captors, and now that I’m one of the good guys, you’ve lost your initial thrill. Am I getting close?”

  My face scru
nches in disgust. “That was a hit below the belt, and you know it.”

  Squeezing his eyes shut, he leans down then rests his forehead against mine. The pain emanating off him breaks me.

  “I’m sorry,” he chokes out. “You’re right, Little Bird. I just….”

  “I know,” I murmur, hating how easily I accept his apology. “I can’t be away from you. You don’t know how much it killed me to walk down those steps only to see you beside someone else.” My eyes well with tears from the memory. “It’ll always be you, Dex—”

  His mouth is on mine before I can finish my thought, but as soon as my mind catches up with what’s happening, the words scatter like raindrops in a hurricane, and I know I could drown in his kiss. Fisting the lapels on his tux, I tug him closer, but it isn’t enough to satisfy the need pulsing through me. I fumble with his slacks in search of connecting with him in a way I’ve been missing ever since he rescued me from Burlone’s prison. He knows me well enough to see right through my scrambling and hoists my red dress up to my waist. The cool air kisses my bare thighs, amplifying my need to have him closer.

  “Anxious, Little Bird?” he teases.

  “You know me. Always one to take advantage of an opportunity when I see it.”

  With a deep laugh, he unbuttons his pants while diving in for another kiss. Maybe one day, we’ll reach a point in our relationship where we can have sex on a bed like a normal couple. But for now, it appears we’re still stuck in moments that involve stolen kisses with a side of spontaneous dry humping.

  Or…not so dry, I note as my hand slides down his chest before gripping his erection. The heat from it scorches my palm, and I can’t help but give it a deliberate squeeze in appreciation.

  “Careful, Little Bird,” Dex grunts while simultaneously thrusting into my hand. “I’ve been craving you for way too long—”

  “And now you have me,” I quip. “The question is…are you up for the challenge of getting me off before someone from the party catches us with our pants down?”

  His rumble of laughter makes my heart sing.

  “Always so bossy, Little Bird,” he teases with a look of amused adoration. Bending down, his fingers dig into my bare thighs then he enters me with one swift thrust.

  “Shiiiiit,” I moan under my breath, squeezing my eyes shut and counting my lucky stars that he’s finally inside of me.

  “Like that, Little Bird?”

  “Mmmhmmm,” I hum before rolling my hips into him. His hands tighten along my thighs as he holds me in place, and the orgasm that I know is imminent builds until I’m ready to—

  “Shit! I’m so sorry! I’ll just—”

  Our necks snap in unison toward the open doorway that’s currently framing a very surprised Ace. Her deer in the headlights look would be comical if she hadn’t just literally caught Dex with his pants down and me with my dress shoved above my waist. Covering her eyes with her hands, she steps back before rocking forward, then back again like the most indecisive person I’ve ever seen.

  “Shit. Sorry. I just, uh—” She lets out a gust of air before gathering her thoughts and stating, “Dex. A guy’s looking for you. Dominic…Castello? I think? I told him I’d find you and uh…deliver the message. So. Yeah. That’s what I’m doing. I’ll just uh. I’ll just go now.” Turning on her heel, Ace steps out before using her hand as a shield and looking at the door. Once she finds the object she’d been searching for, she grabs the handle and closes the solid piece of oak with a little more force than necessary.

  Carefully, Dex sets me back onto the ground and makes sure my dress is situated. After inspecting me from head to toe and deciding I must look presentable enough, he tucks himself back into his slacks then zips them back up.

  The silence in the room is unbearable. But I don’t know what to say. The repercussions for what we just did could be catastrophic. My brother’s girlfriend just caught one of his soldiers breaking a very specific order. If she tells Kingston what she saw…. My entire body starts to tremble with anxiety before I cover my mouth and stare at Dex.

  “If she says anything—”

  “She won’t.” He doesn’t look very confident. And I don’t blame him. Sure, she’s my best friend, and we would do anything for each other. But I’ve seen the way she looks at Kingston. And when you find a love like that, a love like the one I share with Dex, you’d sacrifice anything to have it, and you wouldn’t let anything come between it, either. Even your best friend.

  “Dex,” I start, my voice cracking as I whisper his name.

  His big, brooding body cages me against the wall before he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “She won’t, Little Bird. Everything is going to be okay, but I need to get out there before anyone else comes looking and finds us in here. Understand?”

  I give him a jerky nod.

  “Good. I love you, okay? No matter what happens, I don’t regret what we just did. Understand?”

  My throat feels like sandpaper as I try to swallow back my tears, but one still manages to slip past my shaky barrier. Swiping his thumb along my cheek, he catches the moisture then kisses my forehead.

  “I gotta go.”

  “Go,” I order. “I’ll be okay.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah.” I nod, unsure if I’m trying to convince him or myself. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. We shouldn’t walk out of here together anyway, right?”

  I can feel his eyes take in every inch of my face before he finally gives in and steps away. “I’ll come find you later.”

  Then he’s gone.

  But the ghost of his touch still lingers on my skin, making me miss him more than ever. Especially when I’m unsure if it’ll be the last time I feel him.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  My Little Bird didn’t mention it, but I still rub my thumb along my mouth in case any of her deep red lipstick might’ve found its way onto my skin during our…encounter. I glance down at my thumb and confirm it’s crimson free before rounding the corner to the gathering that feels a hell of a lot more like a funeral after I was caught screwing the princess of the Romano family.

  Bianca spots me from across the room, waggling her fingers back and forth flirtatiously while balancing a glass of dark red wine in her other hand. I don’t bother to return the gesture as I continue scanning the premises for her brother, Dominic Castello.

  What the hell is he doing here, anyway?

  And what the hell was Kingston thinking by allowing him to enter in the first place?

  When I catch Ace staring at me beside Kingston, her face turns pink, and she becomes very invested in her hors d'oeuvres. I’ll be needing to chat with her too. I just pray that she doesn’t say anything to Kingston before we’ve had a chance to talk about what she witnessed. If she does, it’ll be my head that rolls.

  Tugging on the white collar of my shirt, I continue my perusal of the premises. For a guy that was supposedly looking for me, he’s pretty damn absent right now. When a soft hand squeezes my ass, I glance over my shoulder before gritting my teeth.

  “Little busy, Bianca.”

  “I can see that,” she notes. “Are you looking for someone?”

  “Your brother,” I answer. “I thought you said he wasn’t here?”

  Her pouty mouth forms a frown. “Apparently, he changed his mind. He’s out on the balcony. You should join him.”

  I hold her beady gaze for a split second before heeding her advice and heading to the balcony off the side of the estate. It’s getting colder, but I don’t bother to grab a coat as I step into the brisk air. Sticking my hands into my front pockets, my shoulders bunch up around my ears.

  Sure enough, there’s Dominic Castello. The bastard who gave Burlone Regina’s picture while simultaneously plastering a target on her back.

  And he’s going to die for it. But first, I need to know what the hell he wants to talk about.

  “Hello, Dex,” he greets me, balancing a cigarette between his fingers.

/>   Stalking closer, I reply coolly, “Hello, Dominic.”

  “Congrats on the whole”—he waves his hand through the air—“Romano family thing.”

  I almost snort. “Thanks.”

  “Good catch, by the way.”

  My eyes narrow for a split second before I smooth out my features. “For?”

  “For finding out your fearless leader was a rat. I heard you were the one who suspected it then brought the issue to Kingston in hopes of finding a…solution fit for a snitch.”

  He means putting a bullet in Burlone’s skull without the entire Allegretti family hunting me down afterward.

  After inhaling some more nicotine through his cigarette, he asks, “Tell me, do you know what they did with the girls?”


  “You know…the fruit Burlone had acquired for the tournament. Where are they?”

  I cock my head while fully understanding that he’s prying for something. I’m just not sure what it is. “Why do you want to know?”

  “I have a…. Well, let’s call him an associate, shall we? He’s looking for one in particular.”

  I do the math in my head, crossing off names and faces in search of which girl he might be especially interested in. Other than Regina and Q, the rest of the girls were taken in by the Feds before likely being returned to their families in shitty condition. If his associate was looking for any of them, he wouldn’t have to look very hard to locate their whereabouts. But they were merely apples. A dime a dozen. It would be easier to simply pick a different apple than it would be to find the same one alone and unsuspecting.

  And if he spoke to any man at the gathering, he’d know that Regina is here. Which means he’s talking about Q. The question is, what does he want with her?

  “Which one?” I ask, pretending to be oblivious.

  Shrugging, he replies, “Blonde. Pretty. A virgin.”


  “She’s dead,” I offer blandly, about to turn on my heel and end this ludicrous conversation.

  He stops me with a condescending tsk that grates on my nerves. “I don’t believe you. Where is she?”


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