Bound By Darkness

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Bound By Darkness Page 33

by Alexandra Ivy

  “I understand.”

  The Ruah disappeared from the room, and unable to deny his overwhelming instinct another second, Ariyal crossed the floor to pull Jaelyn into his arms, his gaze never leaving the Oracle.

  Siljar might have protected Jaelyn from Kostas and the rest of the Addonexus, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to do something even worse.

  If he’d learned nothing else in his long life it was If something seemed too good to be true ...

  Wiping her hands down her robe, the Oracle gave a tiny shudder.

  “Such a ghastly demon.”

  Styx stepped forward, offering her a deep bow. It might have been strange to see the massive vampire showing such respect for the tiny demon. At least until you looked into Siljar’s dark eyes.

  Her power simmered like a nuclear explosion just waiting to happen.

  “You cut that a little close, Siljar,” he said. Gently.

  Ariyal felt Jaelyn stiffen in his arms, her gaze shifting to the Anasso.

  “You knew Siljar was coming?” she demanded.

  It was the Oracle who answered.

  “Styx approached me when he discovered the Ruah intended to seek you out.”

  Styx shrugged. “I couldn’t by law keep him from returning you to the Addonexus and putting you to death,” he admitted, his eyes narrowing. “Something that I obviously need to correct in the near future. Only an Oracle could prevent the inevitable.”

  “I’m deeply grateful.”

  Ariyal frowned, studying his mate’s pale face. He knew that voice. And it usually meant danger.

  “We’re both in your debt,” he added.

  Without warning, Jaelyn was out of his arms and flying across the room to slam her fist into Styx’s arm with enough force to make him stumble to the side.

  “Damn you.”

  “Ouch.” Styx grabbed his arm, his expression more bemused than angry. “Is that any way to treat your king? A king, I might remind you, who just saved your pretty neck.”

  “I was scared shitless.” Jaelyn planted her fists on her hips. “You could have given me a little heads-up.”

  Ariyal folded his arms over his chest, in full agreement with his mate.

  Although he wasn’t foolish enough to take a swing at the King of Vampires.

  “Kostas has his position as Ruah for a reason,” Styx reminded the glaring Jaelyn. “He would have sensed deceit the moment you entered the room.”

  Her jaw remained clenched, but it was obvious from her expression that Styx had a point.

  “So is it over?” he demanded, moving to pull Jaelyn back into his arms. He was fairly certain he was never going to let her go again. “Is she free of the Addonexus?”

  Siljar turned the dark, disturbing gaze in his direction. “She is still under contract to me.”

  His brows snapped together. “What does that mean?”

  Jaelyn jabbed him in the side with her elbow, nearly cracking a rib.


  “I would prefer to know if someone is going to try and take you away from me,” he growled.

  “I have no intention of taking away your mate, Sylvermyst,” Siljar assured him. “But I do reserve the right to call her to service should the need arise.”

  “Of course,” Jaelyn hastily answered, as if fearing Ariyal might say something stupid.

  Thankfully he was too overwhelmed with relief to say a word.

  It was Styx who asked the question running through all their minds.

  “Do you see the need arising anytime soon?”

  Siljar gave a vague wave of her hands. “Without the prophet it is impossible to say, but we must assume that the Dark Lord will not abandon his attempts to destroy the barriers between worlds.”

  With an abrupt motion the King of Weres stepped forward, his expression troubled.

  “We can’t forget that in meantime two of my people are being held captive,” he growled.

  “Caine and Cassandra have not been forgotten.” Something that might have been frustration touched the Oracle’s face. “Unfortunately we have not yet found a way to reach them.”

  Salvatore scowled. “Or anyone willing to try?”

  “As you say.” The tiny demon heaved a sigh. “We will not give up.”

  Salvatore’s attention shifted from the Oracle to the door, his eyes flashing gold.

  “What is that stench?” he muttered; then he growled as he shot Ariyal a disgruntled frown. “You really need to be a bit more discriminating in who you invite into your home.”

  Ariyal rolled his eyes as he caught the unmistakable scent of granite. Hell, if he had his way, he wouldn’t let any of them into his house. It was only to please Jaelyn that he’d let the vampire and Were over the threshold.

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  Grandly indifferent to the fact he was intruding into a private lair, the tiny gargoyle breezed into the room, his wings flapping as he moved to take Jaelyn’s hand and lift it to his lips.

  “Bon soir, ma enfant.”

  Jaelyn smiled, not nearly as annoyed as she should be by the trespasser.

  “Hello, Levet.”

  “It was very naughty of you to have a party and not tell me,” he gently chastised, glancing toward Styx and Salvatore, who scowled at him with equal displeasure. “Unless of course my invitation was lost in the mail?”

  “Something like that,” Jaelyn hastily assured the ridiculous creature.

  “I thought that must be the case. After all ...”

  His words trailed away and his tail suddenly stood out straight, making him look as if he’d been hit by lightning. Then slowly he turned, his gaze narrowing at the sight of the tiny demon who had remained in the shadows at the back of the room.

  “You,” he breathed, his expression stunned.

  Siljar lifted her hand and the demon stepped forward. Ariyal blinked in surprise, belatedly realizing the gargoyle was looking like a lovesick sap at the sight of Yannah.

  Jaelyn had mentioned the ridiculous gargoyle was jonesing for the mysterious demon, but this went beyond the hope for a drink at the local bar followed by a quickie.

  The poor bastard had it bad.

  At any other time he might have been amused.

  Now he just wanted them gone.

  “Yannah,” Siljar said in the stern voice only a mother could achieve. “Is there something I should know?”

  The girl tilted her head in the exactly same manner as her mother.

  “Not yet.”

  In a besotted daze, Levet moved toward her, his hands held out in pleading.

  “Why do you run from me?” Levet demanded, his French accent thicker than usual.

  She giggled. “Because I like to be chased.”

  “But I have much I want to say to you.”

  Yannah leaned forward, landing a kiss squarely on the gargoyle’s mouth, her fingers running a teasing path over his quivering wings. Only when the gargoyle was ready to melt into a puddle at her feet did she pull back, her dark eyes shimmering with amusement.

  “Then catch me.”

  With a pat on Levet’s cheek the demon disappeared.

  Really and truly disappeared.

  Like there one second and gone the next.

  Blistering French curses filled the air as Levet stomped his way to the door, his wings fluttering in a blur of shimmering color.

  “Leaving so soon?” Ariyal demanded.

  “Do not fear, I will return,” the gargoyle promised, leaving the house in obvious pursuit of Yannah.

  Ariyal wrinkled his nose. “That’s my fear.”

  Seemingly indifferent to her daughter’s peculiar taste in demons, Siljar pressed her hands together.

  “I must leave as well.” She allowed her gaze to sweep the room. “But know this. The days of evil are not ended. The Dark Lord remains a constant threat, as well as his minions, who grow in number with every passing day. We must be prepared.”

  Her warning was still echoing th
rough the air when she vanished into thin air.

  “Cheery,” Salvatore said with a shiver.

  Ariyal didn’t blame him.

  He felt like doing a little shivering of his own.

  “And right,” Styx grimly pointed out. “We all know that the Dark Lord is still poised just on the other side of the barrier, waiting for the opportunity to escape.”

  “While his minions are infesting the world like a plague,” Salvatore added.

  Styx lifted a hand to stroke the tiny amulet hung around his neck.

  “You know, I have a sudden need to be with my mate.”

  Salvatore abruptly grimaced. “Oh ... there’s something I forgot to mention.”

  Styx narrowed his eyes. “Why do I suspect I’m not going to like what you have to mention?”

  “Because it has to do with our dearly beloved mother-in-law.”


  Ariyal lifted his brows at the edge of fear in the massive vampire’s voice.

  Or was it horror?

  Salvatore looked equally disturbed by the talk of their mutual mother-in-law.

  “Yeah,” the King of Weres muttered. “Harley talked with her yesterday and it seems the bitch from hell, I mean ... Sophia, has decided she wants to spend more time with her daughters.”

  “What do you mean, more time?”

  A sudden smile curled Salvatore’s lips. “She bought a new home just a few blocks from you.”

  Styx shuddered. “Oh no. Hell, no.”

  “Oh wait, it gets better,” Salvatore promised. “She’s opening a new strip club featuring vampires and pureblooded Weres.”

  “A strip club.” Styx threw his hands in the air. “I need something to drink. Preferably something that fights back.”

  Salvatore slapped the huge vampire on the back. “Me too.”

  “Then by all means, don’t let the door hit you on the way out,” Ariyal urged, more than eager to have some alone time with his mate.

  Styx pulled back his lips to reveal his humongous fangs, going eyeball to eyeball with Ariyal before he gave a sharp laugh and glanced toward Salvatore.

  “He’s going to fit in just fine.”

  Salvatore smoothed a hand down his silk tie. “Always assuming we don’t kill him.”

  “True enough.”

  “Out,” Jaelyn snapped, pointing her finger toward the door.

  Still smiling, the two most powerful demons in the world strolled out of the room, putting aside the heavy burden of their leadership to enjoy their fleeting moment of camaraderie.

  Ariyal understood.


  The day of reckoning hadn’t been avoided, merely postponed, and soon he might very well have to lead his people into war. For now he intended to grasp at any happiness the fates were willing to offer.

  In fact, he intended to grasp a whole lot of happiness.

  With a wicked smile he scooped his mate off her feet, his blood heating as her arms instinctively looped around his neck and her indigo eyes darkened with arousal.

  “I thought they would never leave,” he growled.

  Running her tongue along her fully exposed fang, she snuggled against him.

  “Now that we have this big old house all to ourselves, what on earth are we going to do?”

  The mere thought of those fangs sinking into his throat had Ariyal rock hard and moving toward the sofa.

  There was no way in hell he was making it to the bedroom.

  And if that gargoyle waltzed through the door he was going to mount him over the mantle.

  “Allow me to demonstrate, poppet,” he murmured, laying her on the cushions. He forgot how to breathe as he took in the pale beauty of her perfect features and the river of raven hair that spilled free of her braid.

  His exquisite Hunter.

  His mate.

  “You know, Sylvermyst, if you play your cards right I might allow you to demonstrate more than once,” she promised, reaching up to rip open his shirt.

  He chuckled as he tossed aside the hideous garment, leaning down until their lips were pressed together.

  “I never could resist a challenge.”

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you’re enjoying the Guardians of Eternity series. I’ll admit that I fell in love with the characters from the moment I sat down to write Dante’s story in When Darkness Comes. And my passion has only deepened with every new installment. It’s been a magical journey as the stories have unfolded and I’ve spent my days surrounded by a clan of beautifully lethal vampires, hot-blooded sexy Weres, and now the lost tribe of Sylvermysts. Oh, and one very charming gargoyle. What could be more fun?

  Next up will be Caine and Cassandra’s story, scheduled to be released in September 2012. I know many of you have been anxiously waiting for their book and I assure you that I’m having a fabulous time trying to tame Caine into a reluctant hero. I hope you’ll take as much pleasure in his transformation as I am!

  In the meantime I have several novellas that you might want to check out. They’re all a part of the Guardians series with many characters you’ll recognize, along with a few new ones I hope you’ll welcome into your hearts.

  In Yours for Eternity, coming in September 2011, my novella “Taken by Darkness” introduces Juliet Lawrence, a half witch/half imp who is resigned to being sought after for her ability to detect magical objects. But Victor, the clan chief of London, desires much more than her talent. He wants her in his bed—and the powerful vampire is accustomed to getting what he wants.

  In Supernatural, also available in September 2011, my novella “Darkness Eternal” follows the vampire Uriel as he goes in search of Laylah’s mother, Kata. He intends it to be a simple “snag and bag,” but after being held captive by one vampire for four centuries, Kata has no intention of trusting a bloodsucking leech, even if he awakens an intoxicating desire.

  In The Real Werewives of Vampire County, being published in November 2011, my novella “Where Darkness Lives” returns to Sophia, the mother of Darcy, Regan, Harley, and Cassandra as she settles in an elegant gated community in Chicago. Not surprisingly, it doesn’t take long for one of her neighbors to want her dead, but she learns the true meaning of danger when her bodyguard, Luc, the wickedly delectable pureblooded Were, moves in to protect her.

  And as a special bonus, Kensington will be repackaging and republishing my Immortal Rogues trilogy. Many of you may not be aware that I began my career writing Regency romances under the pseudonym Debbie Raleigh, or that the trilogy that included My Lord Vampire (coming in March 2012), My Lord Eternity (coming in December 2012), and My Lord Immortality (coming in 2013) were my first paranormals. They tell the stories of three heroic vampires who travel from their home beyond the Veil to Regency London to protect the women they love. You’ll recognize Nefri from Bound by Darkness long before she meets the aggravating Santiago!

  I also want to take this opportunity to thank all of my wonderful readers who have not only enjoyed the Guardians of Eternity, but also shared word of the series with all of their friends. It’s because of you that I can continue this amazing journey, and I never forget that without you the Guardians would never exist. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart!


  Alexandra Ivy

  ZEBRA BOOKS are published by

  Kensington Publishing Corp.

  119 West 40th Street

  New York, NY 10018

  Copyright © 2011 by Debbie Raleigh

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  ISBN: 978-1-4201-2552-8
  ISBN-10: 1-4201-1136-1




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