The Amber Brooch: Time Travel Romance (The Celtic Brooch Book 8)

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The Amber Brooch: Time Travel Romance (The Celtic Brooch Book 8) Page 67

by Katherine Lowry Logan

  “If they want to take a trip, I’m sure Matt will go with them. I’ve never seen him so excited about anything as he was today planning his lecture. This perfectly aligns with his interests and expertise.”

  “You all can jabber away, but we’re going to drink beer and play pool,” Connor said. “Before we go back to the plantation, we’re picking Ripley up from the vet. She’s recovered enough to go home.”

  “I’m sure Noah will be thrilled,” Amber said. “Give Ripley a hug from me.”

  “Take your time playing pool.” Olivia held up a bottle of blue nail polish. “I’m going to paint Amber’s toenails.”

  Daniel studied the bottle in Olivia’s hand. “So that’s how they got to be blue.”

  “We’ve been painting each other’s toes since we were teenagers,” Amber said.

  Connor slapped Daniel on the shoulder. “Let’s go. You already know more than you need to.”

  But Daniel just stood there with a nervous lift of his square shoulders, looking uneasy over parting with her.

  “What’s the matter?” As soon as Amber asked, she knew. Daniel was adapting well to the twenty-first century, but he was still uncomfortable with public displays of affection. He never left her, even to go refill the water pitcher, without kissing her goodbye. With a room full of people, especially her mother, he was conflicted. “Mom turn around, so Daniel can kiss me.”

  Elizabeth spun. “Daniel and Connor have such nice manners. It’s so refreshing.”

  Daniel kissed Amber. “I won’t be gone long.”

  “I’m going to take a nap. Have fun with the boys.”

  Connor kissed Olivia, and the door closed behind both men.

  Olivia sat down on the foot of the bed. “So how is it? Does it hurt much today?”

  “It’s tolerable, but Daniel has been amazing. Whatever I need, want, wish for. He’s there.”

  “I couldn’t be happier with both of your men,” Elizabeth said. “Now, what about weddings? June is such a nice month.”

  “Daniel and I aren’t talking about that yet. We’re focused on my health right now. We don’t even know where we’re going to live.”

  “You’ll come back to Denver.”

  “Not right away, Mom. Noah is so attached to the boys, and Daniel depends on Braham. Neither of them wants to leave here.”

  Elizabeth fell silent, and her face tensed. Then, as if remembering something, she seemed to relax. “Where do you want to live?”

  “Wherever they are. Wherever they can be happy. We’ll see.”

  “I guess this means you’re leaving the firm, too.”

  Amber hugged her heart pillow, knowing how difficult this would be for her mom to accept, and wishing she could make it easier for her. “I was going to tell you I wanted out before all of this happened.”

  Elizabeth fingered wisps of hair at Amber’s temple. “Your father and I had long talks about both of you while we were away. All we’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy. You have our blessing to work remotely or leave completely. Whatever you want to do.”

  “Why don’t you focus on Noah, Mom. He’s going to be your first grandson. He’ll love having you for his granny. And if you’re hoping for a wedding soon, you’ll have to look to Olivia and Connor.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes glistened as she smiled, deepening the lines in the corners of her eyes and lips. “Noah and I already have an outing planned for tomorrow.”

  Amber yawned again. “Where are you going?”

  “We’re doing the Civil War tour, starting at the American Civil War Museum. He’s putting the itinerary together. I told him he could invite the others, but he wanted it to be just us, and Matt if he wants to go, too. He’s so precious.” She took a deep breath, blew it out, then once she was composed, asked Olivia, “What are your wedding plans?”

  “Good grief, you guys, we’re not even engaged. Next week we’re going back to Denver. Connor will be splitting his time between California and Colorado for the next few months and I’ll fly out to meet him when I can.”

  “But this is definitely a for-sure thing.”

  “It’s for sure,” Olivia said.

  Elizabeth’s cell phone rang. She looked at the face. “I don’t recognize the number.”

  “Take the call, Mom,” Amber said.

  She pushed accept. “Elizabeth Kelly.”

  “This is Meredith Montgomery.”

  Elizabeth put the call on speaker.

  “Hi Meredith, I was just talking about you.”

  “I know. Connor told me. He said you offered to help. And I need all I can get. I know you’re tied up with Amber right now, but when do you think you could come to Napa? I need a full-time attorney who specializes in contracts and insurance claims. You don’t have to be on-site, but I do need daily access.”

  “How much of your inventory did you lose?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Everything bottled or in barrels is in the cave with our records, antiques, and paintings. Ninety percent of our crop was in. The fruit left on the vine will have some smoke taint. That’s all a loss, and all our fermenting wines were left open to the smoke-tainted air. That’s all a loss, too. I’m going to be working with the architects and contractors, and I need someone to work with the insurance companies, settling claims, and rewriting our contracts. I’ve read everything I could find about you and talked to several of your clients. I know you did something similar for a large conglomerate in Kansas that lost its entire operation to a fire. You saved it from bankruptcy.”

  “We’re expensive,” Elizabeth said. “If Connor just told you, how could you have talked to our clients?”

  “I’ve been on the phone for several days. I was going to call you even before you volunteered, but I was waiting until Amber was feeling better.”

  “Let me talk to Matt this evening, and I’ll call you back.”

  “Fantastic,” Meredith said. “Give Amber a hug and tell her I can’t wait to meet her and Daniel and Noah. Kenzie has told me everything.”

  Elizabeth disconnected the call. “That’s interesting.”

  “Connor said she’s highly successful and one of the nicest and most thoughtful women he’s ever met. He’s crazy about her, but she’s a control freak,” Olivia said.

  Elizabeth laughed. “Sounds like a few women I know.” She kissed Amber’s cheek. “You’re tired. You need to rest. I’m going back to the plantation to do some research on the winery and Meredith Montgomery. If you need me to bring up anything tonight, call.”

  “Bye, Mom,” Amber said.

  Elizabeth left and Amber just looked at her sister. “I’m so tired.”

  “I know you are. Close your eyes. I’m going to paint your toenails.” She pulled the sheet back, exposing Amber’s feet. “What happened to your polish?”

  “The nurses took it off before surgery.”

  “Well, I’m putting it back on.” She put the toe separators on both feet, used an emery board to file each nail down a bit, and polished her toes. “While you’re falling asleep, tell me about Daniel. How’s it going?”

  “I’m head over heels in love and I know you are, too. I never thought I’d feel this way. I didn’t want to tell Mom, but I think we’ll stay here. Charlotte said she’d sell us a few acres to build a house and a building to use for Amber’s Kitchen, and there would be room for a garden. We’re just tossing ideas around, but we might do a joint venture that combines my meals with Braham’s boutique wines.”

  “That’s so exciting. What will Daniel do?”

  “After discovering he’s a multi-millionaire, he doesn’t have to do anything, but he will. His biggest challenge right now is adjusting to the twenty-first century and catching up on the history of the world.”

  “Dad will help with that.” Olivia closed the bottle of nail polish and dropped it into her purse. “Okay, all done. And don’t you dare let the nurses take it off again.”

  “Does that statement have a hidden message?”

��Yes. No more emergency surgeries.”

  “You know, sooner or later, I’ll have to have a new valve.”

  “I don’t know why you didn’t get a titanium one?”

  Amber yawned. “Because I didn’t want to take blood thinners for the rest of my life.”

  “I probably wouldn’t want to either.” Olivia picked up a magazine from the tray table and waved it back and forth over Amber’s toes. “I was watching Noah at breakfast and you couldn’t tell from the way he interacted with the other kids that he’d only been in the twenty-first century a few days. He’s an amazing little guy, just like his dad.”

  “I can’t wait until I’m released, and Daniel and I have time alone. What about you and Connor?”

  Olivia waved the magazine over Amber’s toes again. “We’re waiting.”

  “For what? You’ve known him for almost a year. Every time I see you together you’ve got your hands all over each other. So what are you waiting for?”

  Olivia wiggled her ring finger. “He said he’s planning something special. That’s all he’d say.”

  Amber carefully scooted over. “Get your butt over here, lie down with me, and let’s talk about our boys.”

  As Olivia removed her shoes and climbed into bed next to Amber she sang, “Country boy, ain’t got no shoes/Country boy, ain’t got no blues…”

  Amber joined her in a duet, singing quietly, “Well, you work all day/While you’re wanting to play/In the sun and the sand…” Then she tired out, without having the energy to even hum along, but she was thankful she could breathe easily. Her stamina would return. It had to. She had big plans.

  “I had a long talk with Dad about the Royal Gorge War,” Olivia said. “It was weird because I knew the story we heard as kids, and I knew the real story from being there. The current story, the story Dad knows, is a combination of the two. And get this. Masterson is back in the story. Go figure. I don’t know how that happened.”

  “He must have had a great marketing team, or a great biographer.”

  “Connor even paid a newspaperman to write the real story. I guess he discovered he could sell more papers if he fabricated one,” Olivia said.

  “Or else he got a book deal. Is Dad going to search the newspaper archives?”

  “He’s determined to write the real story, instead of one filled with lies.”

  “He needs to talk to Rick. He’s planning to write an article on Chief Ouray. Since Rick was in Pueblo for part of the day, they could help each other. I know Dad has always been interested in the chief’s story.”

  “Rick is such a nice guy, Amber.”

  “While Daniel went out for dinner with Braham last night, Rick and I had a long talk and cried our eyes out. We had made a pledge to hook up when you and Connor married if we weren’t in love with someone else. Well, I rescinded my pledge.” Amber unbraided her hair and combed through the ends with her fingers. “It was so sad. I love Rick to pieces, but I could never be in love with him. He’s a friend for life.”

  “I’m glad you had a long talk. Connor and I were worried about him.”

  “He promised me when he got to California he’d start going to therapy. He’s got a few issues to deal with. But whatever he needs, I’ll always be there for him.”

  “I think Rick was the only major player in this story who didn’t get lied to,” Olivia said.

  “I hadn’t thought of that, but I think you’re right. There were so many lies told and lies of omission.”

  “Great-Granny, Granny Hughes, and Mom kept the brooch a secret all these years. History lied about what happened in Pueblo. Connor lied to me. You lied to Daniel. I lied to the general.”

  “I lied to a judge,” Amber said. “That’s worse.”

  Olivia groaned. “You’re right. Lying to a judge tops the list.”

  “Daniel knew I was lying from the moment he met me.” Amber shivered. “If my toes are dry, will you cover my feet?”

  Olivia removed the toe separators and tossed the blanket over Amber’s freshly painted toes. “Even though you lied to Daniel, he still fell in love with you.”

  “How could he resist my charm?”

  Olivia cuddled up next to Amber. “He couldn’t. No one can.”

  “That creep who stole my journal wasn’t impressed.”

  “Maybe not, but your gallant knight beat the crap out of him.”

  Amber pushed the head-down-button on the controller and flattened the bed. “Daniel didn’t have to do that.”

  “Yeah, he did. Daniel thought the jerk shot Connor.”

  “That’s different. Then he deserved what he got.”

  “A broken jaw, nose, and ribs.”

  “Ouch. After having my ribs sawn in two, I know how painful broken ribs are.” Just thinking about her ribs made them hurt. Amber hugged her heart pillow tighter. “Do you think you’ll ever go on another adventure?”

  “I can’t handle the sexism and I’m not the adventurous type. This was Connor’s third trip, and he said he’s had enough.”

  “I’d go again,” Amber said. “But not for a while. If I start Amber’s Kitchen, I’ll be too busy. But you know who would go?”

  “Mom and Dad?”

  “Yep. They’ve been all over the world and still have the explorer bug. A time traveling adventure is right in their lane.”

  “Wouldn’t you rather be snuggling with Daniel right now instead of me?”

  “Yes, but I can’t hold him without crying or gasping in pain, so I’ll have to wait, but man oh man, it’ll be worth it. He’s so tender, and when he kisses me, I just melt.”

  “Has he seen Steggy?”

  “My tattoo? Yes. I was getting out of bed this morning to go to the bathroom. The covers were tangled, and I flashed him wearing this hospital gown. I thought he was going to faint. He wanted a better view, but I told him he’d have to wait. He got on the iPad and Googled tattoos. Then he found out from Noah that David, Kenzie, Braham, Connor, and Rick all have one.”

  “Connor does? Hmm,” Olivia said.

  “Yep, but I didn’t ask what or where. You’ll have to discover that on your own.”

  “Does Daniel want one now?”

  “You know,” Amber said, “I have a feeling if he doesn’t have one when he comes back from playing pool and drinking beer, he’ll get one soon enough.”

  “What do you think he’ll get?”

  “A tat that represents his past life, so he won’t forget where he came from. That’s my guess. But I could be wrong.” Amber yawned again. “If I don’t wake up when you leave, I’ll see you tomorrow. And thanks for doing my toes.” She rested her head on Olivia’s shoulder. “I love you, sis, to the moon and back.”

  “Back atcha, sweetie.”


  Four Weeks Later, MacKlenna Farm, Lexington, Kentucky—Elliott

  Elliott rolled over in bed and placed his hands over his eyes, pressing down on the lids to block out the light from the bedside lamp. The boys had slammed one too many doors, and he was awake now. His skin still had the lingering coolness of drying sweat. Maybe a shower would ease him back down into slumber.

  No, he doubted that would happen. He’d been keyed up all day, and even after a couple hours alone with his bride, he was still hyped up.

  After four weeks in Napa, Meredith had finally come home. The separation had been hell on them. She stirred now, and he pulled her close, snuggling against her shoulder, nose to warm skin.

  “That was a nice respite, but now I’m wide awake,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Shh. Go back to sleep,” she said.

  He moved away, and the sheets hissed, as he slid out from underneath them. Slowly, he crossed the room of their master suite and climbed into the shower, hoping the hot water would send him off to dreamland again.

  A few minutes later, he sat on the edge of the bed, close to her, towel drying his hair. “What did Rick say about the contractors?”

  “You’re not going to let me sleep, are yo

  She reached over and trailed one finger down his spine, resting her hand on the skin of his back as he stretched and flexed. He slipped his hand under the covers and ran his fingers up her leg and stopped at the juncture of her thighs, and there, he teased her until she squirmed. There was a quick intake of breath, held for a moment in deliberation, then released in surrender.

  “I miss real face-to-face time with ye. Talk to me and then we’ll…” He winked, and she smiled with that smile that made him feel like he was the only man on earth.

  “Hmm. Everything is on schedule. They’re going to start construction of the Welcome Center on Monday. Oh, don’t stop. That’s nice. Now come back to bed. I’ve talked enough.” Her chest rose and fell in a long sigh.

  “What about yer house?” He leaned over and kissed her, and she lifted her throat as his mouth left hers and proceeded along the line of her neck.

  “The architect and I have a meeting scheduled next week. I need a mediator, and I’d like you to be there. But since you can’t come to Napa, we can meet in San Francisco or even fly to the new ranch.”

  “I need to go to Colorado next week. Let’s meet there since Kit and Cullen are already there and I need your help with them.”

  “They’re yer relatives. If ye can’t handle them—”

  “Kit’s your goddaughter and she learned stubbornness from you.”

  “So, ye want to put me in the middle again. Have ye forgotten what happened last time? Kit ended up with a broken leg, and I had a stroke.”

  “I remember, but I think we can do this calmly and find a compromise. Kit and Cullen want a house like the original one. I want a house like the villa I grew up in. We need a mediator.”

  “If mediating is up to me, Cullen is out of luck. I’ll give ye whatever ye want.”

  “I want you.”

  Her warm voice wrapped him in a blanket hotter than any quilt could. He gathered her to him. “Ye’ve already had me.”

  Her gaze strayed to the crumpled sheets, the hollow where he had lain next to her and he kissed her. First on the forehead then again, more lingering, on the mouth. She patted the bed. “But I want you again.”


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