The Watcher: A Vampire Paranormal Romance (The Age of Vampyre Book 1)

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The Watcher: A Vampire Paranormal Romance (The Age of Vampyre Book 1) Page 13

by Sophia North

  Simone wanted to watch him play with her, so she quickly pulled her nightgown over her head as she rode his fingering.

  "That feels so good," she rasped, moving her hips to encourage him to go deeper.

  Needing to taste her, Dante flipped her on her back before she knew what had happened. Laughing low in his throat at her wide-eyed look of surprise at his strength, he kissed her passionately before taking his kisses on the road to heaven.

  Pausing to lavish her nipples with his tongue, he slipped his hand back down to her hot core to circle her clit with his thumb. Simone moaned and twisted her hands into the sheets.

  Dante's kisses moved further down her body, until they reached her wet pussy. Hungrily he tongued her, like a cat lapping at a bowl of cream. Simone writhed in unrestrained pleasure and could not help pulling at his hair.

  "Dante!" she groaned. "Oh, my god...oh, my..."

  The sensation of his tongue rubbing against her clit was almost overwhelming. She tugged at his hair again but Dante was too caught up in the moment to barely notice.

  "Oh, Dante!" she groaned in delight again.

  Her whole body trembled gratifyingly. She needed this so badly. Inviting Dante to her bed was the best decision she had ever made.

  But she couldn't expect full satisfaction in this way. She needed him inside her for that to happen. As if sensing her new desire, he sat up and removed his underwear.

  Lord, he was going to be a great lover. It was almost intuitive the way he knew what she wanted.

  When he came back to her, he wore a slightly coy expression on his face. They kissed again but more slowly, deeply with tongues flicking in and out. Simone reached down and clasped his fully erect manhood. God, it really was huge. She had expected it to be, though maybe not quite this large.

  As she caressed his powerful cock, Dante let out a deep moan. It was clear he was having to exert an inordinate amount of self-control.

  About to straddle him in order to push his wonderful cock inside her, a loud pounding on the door stopped her.

  "Dante, are you in there!" a familiar voice suddenly called out.

  Simone paused.

  "Dante!" the voice called out again from beyond the door. "Simone! Are you awake?"

  "Christ, it's Vlad," Dante groaned.

  Before she knew it, Simone had hidden herself under the thick duvet in embarrassment.

  "No, don't stop!" Dante complained but it was too late. "Wait...I'll get rid of him."

  "Yes," Simone agreed, her voice still heavy with longing.

  "What do you want?" Dante boomed at the door.

  "You need to get out of bed! I have news," Vlad shouted back from the other side of the door.

  Dante sighed and glanced at Simone.

  "Thwarted again," she whispered, desperately trying to keep the disappointment from her voice.

  "Goddamn it," Dante muttered under his breath. "Fuck, okay!" he finally shouted back at Vlad. "We'll be down in a minute!"

  Chapter Eighteen

  "DR. RADCLIFFE, YOU disappoint me. I thought we were at the start of something special."

  Sprawled in a wingback with a steaming cup of coffee, Vlad sat reading the Financial Times broadsheet. He looked like a gentleman enjoying an afternoon at his club, if not for the fact he was dressed head to toe in black leather. That sort of dress usually implied frequenting a different sort of club altogether.

  Simone's cheeks turned pink. The vampyre obviously knew exactly what she and Dante were up to before his interruption.

  "Do not try my patience, brother," Dante replied, a distinct edge in his voice. "Coffee?" he asked Simone, holding the pot aloft. Simone nodded as she sat down on the couch.

  Pouring them each a cup, Dante sat down in the chair beside Vlad's. "You look rather at ease for a vamp who nearly broke down my door...again. Why the earlier hysterics - has the FTSE taken a dive?"

  "Mock my interest in investments at your peril, mate. Where would you be without me - two, three billion behind?" Vlad admonished. "Unlike you, I'd take the poetry of Rothschild over Keats any day. And if you care to know, I was just enjoying an article about the American president's bold G7 declaration to end global tariffs. Now there's a man who knows how to make money. Almost makes me consider taking a trip to Yankeeland...almost."

  "Relevant news would be appreciated," Dante replied sarcastically.

  Vlad folded the paper and set it down on the coffee table. "My, my you are testy. Not enough sleep, brother?"

  Dante arched a warning brow at him.

  "Alright mate, I'll cease being an ass," Vlad conceded. "Roxy's Hive operations are going well and have already born fruit. She's been in contact with a dozen or so vamps, and we are well underway to organising a Meet."

  "Anyone of interest from those tracked down?"

  "Three at the moment. Two of use and one to watch."

  "To watch?"

  "Young Keeper Peterson is among the ranks of refugees. You will recall he was one of our pleasant greeters when we last stopped by HQ. He's put out word he has information about Lowerton which may be of use to those planning a counter attack. The source who brought forward his offer is credible. But...he seems a bit too eager for my liking."

  "Can we afford to be too picky?" Dante remarked. "Peterson may be useful in ways that will not require inner circle access. Who are the two of use?"

  "Hendricks and Begsy."

  Dante nodded. "Good heads. We will need a solid group of vamps if we are to have any chance of success. Any progress with our outer sphere of assistance?"

  Vlad moved forward to pour himself another coffee. "Mixed, according to Roxy," he replied, filling his cup. "But I am pleased to report we have one firm ally willing to provide the resources needed to contain the blood bank situation."

  Simone perked up at the mention of the tainted blood. Finally an area where she had something to offer. "What about testing samples of the blood to determine the reason for Vlad's reaction? Will this ally have the resources to accomplish that?" she asked.

  "You believe this is possible?" Dante countered.

  Simone sighed. She should have known a world run on the technology of a vampyre operated telephone exchange may not be the most scientifically advanced. They needed twenty-first century human technology to accomplish such a feat. "Utterly possible if you can get me a sample and access to St. Bart's - I have privileges there and can use their labs."

  "An intriguing proposition, love," Dante replied. "Should our ally fail to accomplish it, we may require your services."

  Simone melted slightly at hearing him call her 'love'. She adored the way his rich voice made it sound like a gentle caress.

  "Your ally ... bloody hell, I feel ridiculous speaking like this - does this ally have a name?" she asked. "You are being rather cagey about this person's identity, which usually means you've slept with said ally and don't want to offend my delicate sensibilities."

  "I have most definitely not slept with Horatio," Dante returned, his eyes dancing with amusement.

  "Well, thank god for that," Simone shot back, relieved to finally get a straight answer. "Does Horatio have the skills to test the blood properly? I have my doubts about Vampyre technology."

  "Easy there, love," Vlad cautioned. "We vamps have a few tricks up our sleeve in that department."

  About to begin his usual rant over the empire needing to invest more in R&D before, heaven forbid, humans caught up, Dante intervened. "Horatio is human - so it shouldn't be a problem."

  Human? Simone didn't know where to start - questions started firing through her synapses at record speed.

  Dante took one look at her face and read her like a book. It was strange how naturally he could, even before he'd drank her blood his ability to connect to her was strong.

  "Another time, Simone. I will answer your questions then," he said before she had a chance to get going.

  She stood down. "What day...or night... is it? Damn, I have lost all sense of time since arri
ving here," she confessed sheepishly.

  "It's Sunday night - which conveniently brings us to our next point of business," Dante decreed as if reading from an agenda. "How would you like to end your life, Dr. Radcliffe?"

  "Bit on the blunt side, mate," Vlad laughed.

  Simone sat frozen, unsure how to take what he'd said. "What do you mean 'end my life?’ I am perfectly happy with it as it stands, thank you very much," she nigh on screeched in reply.

  "Vlad, the room please," Dante asked his friend nonchalantly. "Simone and I need a moment."

  "Take as long as you need, brother. I have a few more calls to make."

  Simone watched the giant Viking vampyre practically fly from the library.

  What on earth did Dante mean? she wondered, her heart fluttering in intrigue with a hint of fear.

  "So, my beautiful Simone - here we are: answer time," Dante opened with. "Shall I restate the question?"

  Simone nodded even though she remembered it clearly. He'd asked her to give him one hour to convince her she had no choice but to stay.

  "Are you convinced?"

  Convinced? He didn't seem to quite grasp the enormity of her answer. It would mean the end to life as she knew it. It would mean totally accepting the existence of the supernatural. It would mean entrusting her future to a creature she'd barely begun to understand.

  Was she convinced? Hell no, but nor was she adverse to the idea either. The feel of his hands on her body, his tongue...were certainly strong contenders in the 'Stay' column.

  And there was also the undeniable truth that she'd already felt the stirrings of change in her life. Her time at Gould & Associates was at an end. InsideOut? She'd miss it, true. It was the one creation from her time as a psychoanalyst she was proud of - where she knew she'd actually helped the right people. But there were many ways to assist others. And perhaps a spell with a vampyre may prove to be the biggest adventure of her life.

  Simone drew in a deep breath. Decision time. "I am in...for now. But I agree, Dr. Simone Radcliffe must cease to exist."

  Dante quelled his disappointment with her cold reply. He'd hoped for a more impassioned response over her decision to stay. Yet, as he was ultimately getting what he wanted, he hid his feelings from her.

  "Then let's get Vlad back in here and work out the details." Dante picked up a small bell and rang it.

  In a simmering streak, Vlad returned. "Shit, that was fast. Do I need to fetch some chains?"

  "No Vladimir, I shall be staying of my own accord," Simone replied pointedly.

  "Easy Doc, there is no need to dreg up my past to make a point. I am much more useful to you as an ally, than a pissed-but-will-put-up-with-you kind of friend."

  "Apologies, Viking. My mistake. How good are you at making a human disappear?"

  "Top of my class. What do you have in mind, Doc? Freak accident...mysterious disappearance...presumed dead - I handle the lot."

  Simone laughed. Vlad did amuse her with his antics. "How about accidental overdose after a night of wild partying? I'd like to go out on a high note. My life was quite the opposite. I rarely went out socialising, let alone took part in wild nights of debauchery."

  "I find that hard to believe with a Greco-Gaelic dragon as your best friend. But for Dante's sake, we'll pretend you lived in a nunnery until the two of you met."

  Penny. She may prove to be an obstacle. "I must tell Penny what is going to happen. Otherwise, she will not rest until she knows the truth and will never accept the overdose story."

  "Simone, darling. Convincing attractive women their best friend is living the happily ever after dream is my forte. Leave the sweet Penelope to me. I'll take excellent care of her."

  "You will not go within one square mile of her," Dante declared. "I do not want Simone's friend dragged into our world during this time of upheaval."

  Seeing Simone's elation on his stance over her friend's involvement, matched by Vlad's dejection at being denied the chance to meet the object of his interest, he continued, "...however, you will not be making any more phone calls either, Simone. Alfred told me you were very vague with Penny the other night, but the telephone network cannot be trusted."

  Simone bristled at the notion she'd been spied on by Alfred in his raven form, but said nothing. She did not want to draw any more attention to her conversation with Penny than necessary There were elements she preferred not to have to explain and it mainly had to do with the meaning behind their Godolphin discussion.

  "Very well. How then shall I communicate with her - carrier pigeon?"

  Dante smirked at her cheek. "In a sense. You can write Penny a note and Alfred will see it is delivered. He can be trusted to be discreet."

  Sensing the coming storm brewing between them, Vlad stood and turned up the collar of his long black leather coat. "Well, I can see my presence here is verging on the point of uselessness, so I shall get on with Simone's untimely demise. I'll make it memorable, Doc - whilst of course preserving a sliver of dignity for your good name. Those are always crowd-pleasers. I'll report back later."

  And poof - he was gone.

  Alone, Simone and Dante sat staring at one another, battle grounds drawn.

  "Would you prefer to dictate what I can divulge or will Alfred censor?" she asked haughtily.

  "Let's not shoot the messenger, hmm? Alfred does what is required to protect this house - unashamedly," Dante retorted. The raven in question joined in with a caw of support.

  "Duly noted, Herr Polidori. Where might I find suitable writing materials?"

  "My desk holds everything you require, princess."

  Simone ignored his slight on her character by referring to her as essentially a spoiled brat and went to the large walnut slab he called a mere desk. The ornate brass handles were cool to the touch and she needed to use both her hands to slide open the impressive center drawer. Laid out in graceful order were paper, envelopes and a wide variety of pens.

  Removing a thick, ivory sheet of paper, Simone placed it on the leather writing surface in front of her and removed the gold top of a Mont Blanc pen. With swift bold strokes she wrote to Penny of her impending 'death', assured her there was nothing to worry about - her demise was nothing more than an elaborate cover. She ended the note with a cleverly worded departure:

  Fear not, dear friend. My plans are flawless. Do not forget I am a Godolphin Girl and, like you, is always prepared. Take care. I'll be in touch soon.

  Finished, she placed it in an envelope lined with gold foil and was about to seal it when she noticed it lacked the usual strip of adhesive.

  "There is red wax and a brass seal on the right - along with a lighter," Dante remarked from his side of the room.

  Pleased by his gesture of trust, she quickly found the items he'd mentioned. As the flame melted the wax, she enjoyed watching its ruby droplets fall onto the back of the envelope to form a small circular mound. Satisfied with its coverage, she removed the brass seal with an impressively entwined DSP engraved on its surface.

  "What does the 'S' stand for?" she asked, firmly pressing the seal into the wax.

  "My middle name - Sebastian."

  She traced the imprint. Or Simone, she silently mused. Shaking off her fanciful thought, she rose and returned to where Dante was sitting. "Here, ready for delivery. Penny's studio address is on it. She tends to work at night and I would be grateful if she received this sooner rather than later. I don't know how fast Vlad works but I don't want her unnecessarily upset if it can be avoided."

  Dante took the note from her. "Alfred, would you ensure this is delivered to Penny. Do not return until it is, understood?"

  Alfred squawked, took flight and swept the note from Dante's fingers as he flew from the room.

  "I'd say it is time to feed you properly. How does a grilled steak and a bottle of Chianti sound?"

  "Heavenly," Simone replied, suddenly feeling quite famished.


  Half an hour later, she pushed back her plate and pronounced
: "That was delicious. You really are a marvel in the kitchen."

  "My true talents lie elsewhere, love," he replied seductively, refilling her wine glass.

  Simone drank greedily, eying him over the rim. "Really? Sadly, I have only limited evidence to go by...but I will grant you, what I did enjoy...was certainly promising."

  "Steady, love. I have a few matters that I can no longer ignore and need to go out for a few hours."

  "Excellent," she said drunkenly. "Where are we going? I dressed right? If not, my options are limited unless we can go to my flat first. Can we do that? Go to my flat? What will happen to all of my...stuff?"

  "You need more rest Simone..." Dante tried to explain but she was having none of it.

  "Rest? I've slept for hours...days even. In fact, I can't remember when I've slept so much. Why is that? Hold on, stop trying to distract me. You were about to take me to my flat so I can change and we can go out..."

  In five...four... three...

  "Sleep, yes...I am tired. So tired." Simone's head dropped onto her outstretched arm.

  "That's right, love. Sleep."

  Chapter Nineteen

  THE CAGE OF the lift slid smoothly into place. Dante pressed the button to his desired floor and stood back as the mechanism creaked along its slow ascent. Lost in thought, he leaned back onto the rich mahogany paneling of the lift's interior.

  The last twenty-four hours had passed by in a blur. From Vlad's untimely interruption of his and Simone's amorous romp, to then arriving for tonight's Meet with Lowerton loyalists. He’d barely taken a moment to consider all that had happened.

  After slipping a powerful sedative into Simone's wine at dinner yesterday, he'd tenderly laid her to rest in his generous bed and went about his business.

  He'd managed to cover a lot of ground during his first stint away from her. After arranging the packing and delivery of Simone's belongings to one of his secure facilities, he turned his attention to the task which mattered most to him...putting an end to the vampyre Samsun.

  For hours he searched for any leads. But unfortunately, at dawn, he was forced to retreat back below the earth. Unable to rest, he'd checked in on his 'guest' and was pleased to find her still deep in slumber.


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