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Nikolai Page 5

by Sandy Alvarez

  Once inside, I turn on the lights. First things first—I need coffee. Walking into the small breakroom, I set up the coffee maker and wait for the machine to fill my mug. This is how most of my work days start. In roughly two hours, my men will start arriving. Jake has been juggling Kings Construction and the shop while I've been out of town. Plus, Reid is recovering from his ordeal and is unable to take care of the company's emails and potential job bids over the past couple of weeks. With my coffee in hand, I head for my office and get to work.

  The next couple of hours pass by quickly as I bury myself in emails, invoices, bank statements, and payroll disbursements. I hear the unmistakable sound of Gary's old pickup truck pulling in outside, and chuckle to myself when the damn thing backfires before he cuts the engine. A few seconds later, he's rapping his knuckles against my open office door, and I raise my head.

  "Hey, bossman. When did you get back in town?" he asks, shoving what's left of his breakfast sandwich in his mouth. Gary is one of our job foremen and a damn good one.

  "Last night." I lean back in my chair, stretching the kinks from my back.

  "Shit. And you're here before the butt crack of dawn?" he shakes his head, and I chuckle at his choice of an American phrase—butt crack of dawn.

  "No rest for the wicked, my friend," I tell him.

  "I hope you at least took some leisure time while you were gone," he adds. Gary is about as fatherly as a guy can get. He's like that with most of the men that work here. That's another reliable quality of his, giving a shit about his men. In return, they have tremendous respect for the man, and so do I. Gary turns his head when he hears another vehicle pulling into the parking lot, alerting us to the fact the other guys are showing up for the day. "Well, I'll leave you to it. I'm going to head out and get this safety meeting over with, and get these men where they need to be."

  Before he leaves, I grab the pile of checks sitting on the corner of my desk. "Give these out for me."

  Gary grabs them from my outstretched hand. "Will do. It's a shame that Miss Martinez left us. I'm going to miss her coffee and those coconut pastry things she would bring in from time to time."

  "What's wrong with my coffee?" I raise a brow. Gary hangs his head, and his shoulders shake with the laughter he's holding in. Before he has time to answer, I hear someone coming in through the front door. Gary pokes his head into the hallway.

  "Hey there, young man, how can I help you," Gary says as he steps out of my office altogether, and at the same time my phone pings, vibrating against my desktop. Turning it over, I swipe the screen, reading a text from Gabriel.

  Sam and Leah should be there soon.

  I place my phone down. Looking up, I find Gary standing in my doorway. He points his thumb over his shoulder.

  "A guy named Sam is out here, with a young woman."

  That must be Leah. They showed up early. I like that. It shows eagerness. "Send them in."

  Gary nods. "I'll check in with you later, boss," then disappears.

  Seconds later, Sam appears at my door. "Mr. Volkov."

  "Sam?" I stand.

  "Yes, sir." He extends in hand, and gives me a firm short shake.

  "I was told you were to arrive with someone else." At my words, Sam looks to his left and holds his hand out. I watch as a young woman appears stepping to his side.

  "Yes, sir. This is Leah." Sam introduces his friends and my eyes stay glued to her face for a second before taking in the rest of her appearance. Her oversized clothing does nothing to hide the full curves beneath them.

  "I'm assuming Leah can speak for herself." I clear my throat and wait for her to slowly lift her gaze to mine. Amber-colored eyes, framed by dark lashes and a pair of glasses nervously, look into mine, and it feels as if someone sucks the oxygen out of the room.

  What the fuck?

  I shake off whatever the hell came over me. "Sit," I wave my hand to the two chairs in front of my desk, as I take my seat. "I hear you are looking for work?" I look to Leah as she settles in her chair.

  "Yes. Will you require references or work history?" Leah asks nervously. My eyes drop between her and Sam, where she hasn't let go of his hand, and I find it irritating.

  "The Kings vouched for you." My attention shifts to focus on Leah. Her bouncing knee shows how uncomfortable and on edge she is, and her deer in headlights look confirms the fear she is living with. I think back to the conversation I had with the guys at the clubhouse yesterday, which is why she is under their protection. My eyes linger on the fading bruises that mare her face. Anger churns in my gut. I study her a bit longer, only for a second—taking in her heart-shaped face, and long unruly curly hair. Biting her lip, Leah lifts her hand and fidgets with her glasses. My mouth twitches when her eyes drop to her lap, and her cheeks flush. "Leah," her name brushes past my lips and prompts her eyes to snap back to mine. And fuck if it doesn't affect me. "Have you ever worked in an office before?"

  Leah's lips part and she takes a long breath before she speaks, and I find myself anticipating what her voice will sound like. "No, but I pick up on things quickly and know my way around a computer." Her voice is soft and sweet.

  "I have no problem teaching you," I assure her, and a small smile graces her face. Damn. She. Is. Beautiful. I look at Sam. "How soon can you start?"

  "Today," he says eagerly.

  "Good." Spinning my chair around, I open a file cabinet drawer, thumbing through papers until I come across an application form. Turning back around, I reach across the desk, handing it to him. "Fill this out and find Gary. He is the older gentleman you met earlier. He'll put you on whatever crew he needs you on." After a brief moment of discussing pay, Sam stands, as do I.

  "I appreciate the opportunity." And we shake hands again. He then looks at Leah, who is still seated. "You okay with finishing out your interview alone?"

  Before Leah can reply, I answer for her, "She's safe with me."

  After a moment's hesitation, Leah nods to her friend. "I'll be okay, Sam," she offers him a smile, and I wish it were for me. I briefly wonder if the two are more than friends and find myself not liking the concept.

  "I'll be waiting to take you home at the end of the day," he assures her, then walks out of my office.

  Silence fills the room, and I can tell Sam's presence was keeping her grounded because now that he is gone, she seems tenser than before. "Would you like some coffee, or maybe water?" I ask.

  "Um, water, thank you." Getting up, I exit my office, cross the hall to the breakroom, and grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator, and walk back to my office. I close the door behind me.

  Leah's posture stiffens, and she looks frightened. Hell, I don't blame her. What woman would trust any man after being beaten by one? "I promise to learn quickly and not be in the way," she suddenly blurts out.

  "You had the job before walking in here, Leah."

  "I did?" she questions, cocking her head, causing her loose curls to fall across her face.

  "Jake told me you are hiding from your father. Correct?" Instead of sitting in my chair, I sit on the edge of my desk, directly in front of Leah.

  She looks away, staring out my office window. "Yes."

  I don't know what comes over me. Reaching out, I brush my fingers along her chin, forcing her to look at me. I was expecting her to flinch at my touch, but she doesn't. The sadness in her eyes pulls me in, and I feel like I'm drowning in it. "Do you trust Jake and his club?" Her bottom lip trembles, but she nods. "Good. You should. They are good men, and they are asking you to do the same with me. Do you think you can do that?"

  Leah blinks. "Trust you?"


  "My father is a cop," she gives a bit of information I wasn't aware of. "He's resourceful, and probably won't give up until he finds me."

  My look turns severe and cold. "I'm going to assume you are aware that the men protecting you will go to any lengths to keep you safe."

  I have to hold back a grin when Leah rolls her eyes at me, showi
ng me a hint of another side of herself. "I don't live under a rock. I've heard things." Her arms cross beneath her large breast, making them look fuller.

  I want her to understand this next part, so I make sure I have her full attention. "Then know your father never wants to cross paths with me either." I pause for a moment, letting my words sink in. "You'll work here for me. I'll pay you in cash every week. Keeping you off the payroll will help keep you off his radar. You need something, tell me. I'll keep you safe." Like that, I have pledged to do whatever it takes to keep Leah out of harm's way—away from her father.



  "Are you coming to the clubhouse this evening with Sam?" Alba asks over the phone.

  "I told you yesterday I'd be there."

  "I know, but you flaked the last two times we made plans."

  I sigh. Alba is right. It's been a couple of weeks since she gave birth to her and Gabriel's son, Gabe. Not only has Alba been recovering from that, but she has also been getting over the ordeal with her stalker who broke into her home, beat her, and nearly killed Gabriel's sister, Leyna. Luckily, Alba and Leyna are both on the mend.

  "I promise I'm coming this time. Now, I need to get off the phone before I get into trouble for taking personal calls at work."

  "Fine," Alba huffs. "Just know that if your booty is not here later like promised, I will hunt you down and drag you out of that apartment."

  "Okay, okay. I'm hanging up now." Alba's giggle is the last thing I hear before disconnecting the call. I figured that's why she was calling me at work. Here I wouldn't be able to dodge her like I have been when she calls Sam. And I have flaked on going to visit her. I went to see her right after she got home from the hospital, but that was it. Now she wants me to come to the clubhouse this evening for dinner. Just thinking about it makes me uneasy. I'm not good with people, especially large groups of people. And Alba said everyone would be there. On that thought, my mind drifts to a certain someone, and I wonder if he will be in attendance. Nikolai. I can't take being around my new boss more than I already am. God, that man is scary intense. Not that he does anything for me to be afraid of him. It's more about this look he gets. I can't explain it. It's like he has a storm brewing behind his eyes. Eyes that glue to me and demand my attention, yet warn me to stay away at the same time. Over the years, I have perfected the craft of becoming invisible; at staying under the radar. Not that boys ever gave me much thought. Being the awkward, chubby girl doesn't get you noticed by guys. But when I met Nikolai the other day, the intensity in his eyes made me feel he wasn't looking at the shy fat chick. For a fraction of a second, something flashed across his face, and it was like he liked what he saw in front of him. A look that was gone just as quick as it showed. It was a ridiculous notion anyway, a man who looks like that being interested in someone like me. Let's not address the fact I can't bring myself to look directly at his face when he speaks to me. I find myself looking at his shoulder or his chest. Sometimes I pretend to pick at a piece of imaginary lint on my shirt. Nikolai Volkov is gorgeous. He stands at 6 feet 2 inches tall. Has dirty blond hair shaved close on the sides on long on top that compliments his blond beard perfectly. And don't get me started on his unique eyes: one green and one blue.

  The ringing of the phone knocks me out of my stupor. Picking it up, I answer, "Kings Construction, can I help you?"

  "Hey, Leah."

  "Hi, Sam. You need to talk to Nikolai?"

  "Naw. I called to see if you wanted some lunch. I'm making a run to the lumber yard but can swing by and drop something off for you on my way through town."

  "No. I brought my lunch."

  "You sure? You don't have to pack your lunch every day. I don't mind bringing you a burger or something."

  "Yeah. I'm good, Sam, but thanks."

  "Alright, sweetheart. I'll see you later."

  "Bye, Sam."

  After hanging up the phone, I note the time. I'm allowed an hour lunch break every day at noon. Reaching under the desk for my bag, I pull out the plastic container I packed away in there this morning. Popping the lid off, I swipe one of the carrot sticks and take a bite. Closing my eyes, I try to imagine it's a juicy hamburger. I huff, taking another bite. Sadly, it doesn't work. The bitter taste of the carrot rolls around on my tongue, making me all too aware that my trying to lose weight is going to be torture. I decided a couple of days ago it was time to go on a diet. I keep trying to tell myself it's not because of how I want my new boss to look at me or because I can't stop hearing my father's voice inside my head telling me no man will ever want me.

  "No man wants a fat wife, Leah." My father planted those seeds at an early age, and they took root. And when something like that takes root, it's hard to pull out. It also doesn't help when those roots are watered. It allows them to keep growing.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I try to suppress the monster's voice that continually reminds me I'm not good enough.

  "What are you doing?" I'm drawn out of my musings by a familiar husky baritone voice. When I open my eyes, Nikolai is standing over my desk. Eyes laser-focused on my face. Me being my usual awkward self, I become mute. So, when I don't answer his question, he asks again, this time more slowly. "What are you doing?"

  I suddenly worry that I have unknowingly done something wrong. How long was I spaced out? Is my hour up already? Taking a glance down at my watch, I note it's only fifteen minutes past noon. Then I peer back upward at the man standing in front of me. Well, I look at his t-shirt covered chest because, like any other time he speaks to me, I can't look at his devastatingly handsome face. God, I'm so lame. He must think I'm an idiot.

  "Eating my lunch."

  When Nikolai doesn't respond, I take a quick peek up. His eyes dart from my face to the bowl of carrot sticks and apple slices sitting in front of me. The second I see his jaw tick, I look away.

  "Let's go."

  At his abrupt command, I snap my head up, settling my gaze on his forehead. "What?"

  "Now, Leah." Nikolai turns on his heel and walks out the door. Confused but not wanting to defy my boss, I stand, grab my purse, throw my coat on, and shuffle out. Nikolai is standing at the passenger side of his truck with the door open as he waits for me to get in. "Shouldn't you lock up?" I gesture toward the entrance of Kings Construction.

  "Nobody around here is stupid enough to fuck with the place. Let's go."

  Shuffling toward his vehicle, I do as he says. Once I climb in, he shuts the door. My pulse races as I watch him move around the hood to the driver's side and climb behind the wheel. Nikolai doesn't say one word as he backs out of the parking space. Less than ten minutes later, we pull up to Polson's local diner. Nikolai barks another command, "Stay."

  "What am I, a dog?" I say to an empty cab.

  Nikolai opens the passenger door for me. He waits without a word for me to slide out. When I do, my body freezes up at the feel of his palm against the small of my back as he guides us into the diner. I walk stiffly, aware of Nikolai's touch burning into my skin. If Nikolai notices my reaction, he doesn't say a word. A few seconds after we enter, we are shown a booth, and a waitress comes over to greet us as she places our menus down on the table.

  "Can I get you two something to drink?"

  I peer up at her. "I'll have water, please."

  "Coke," Nikolai grunts.

  The waitress walks away, and I take the time to look over the menu. There is not much to accommodate my diet, so it seems like I will be ordering a Cobb salad, although the thought of the cheesesteak sandwich or a juicy burger and fries is making my mouth water.

  "You decided what you'd like to order?" I take my eyes off the menu to address the waitress once again. "I'll have the Cobb salad with dressing on the side."

  "No, she won't," Nikolai cuts in and I snap my head in his direction.

  "She'll have the bacon and Swiss burger with fries. I'll have the same but with onion rings. Bring her a Coke too." He hands the menus to the waitress, and she smiles.

>   "Sure thing. I'll have your order out in a few and be back with that Coke in a second." The waitress walks away, and I speak.

  "I wanted a salad."

  "Tough. You're getting a burger instead."

  "I…that's not what I wanted," I say, not meeting his eyes.

  "You eat with me, you eat. And not any of that shit you had back at the office."

  I fidget at his terse tone and decide not to argue. Luckily, the waitress returns with our meal, and Nikolai doesn't say anymore. My stomach rumbles when my plate is set down in front of me. I sit and stare at my food while Nikolai picks up the burger on his plate and digs in. The whole time he does this, I can feel his eyes on me. His attention is uncomfortable, and I begin to squirm in my seat.

  "Are you going to eat?"

  I pick up the glass of soda beside my plate and take a sip. "I'm not hungry," I mumble. My stomach decides at that moment to let out another loud rumble.

  "Leah." When Nikolai calls my name, it's done with a softer tone, and I can't help to look at him. Not his forehead or his chest, but his eyes. We stare at each other, neither of us saying anything. I know by the way his unwavering gaze boars into mine, he sees what I was hiding.

  "Eat your food." He jerks his chin toward my plate.

  Biting my bottom lip, I push my glasses up my nose. After a beat, I nod. Then I pick up the burger and take a big bite. And I swear it is the best tasting hamburger I've ever had.

  When we arrive back at Kings Construction, and I take my seat behind the reception desk, Nikolai picks up the container of carrot sticks I left on my desk and tosses it in the trash. He does this without saying a word then disappears down the hall to his office, missing the small smile that appears on my face.

  "So, how do you like the new job?" Alba asks from where she sits across from me at the clubhouse. True to my word, I rode out here to have dinner with Alba and her family. Now here I am, sitting on the sofa holding her son, Gabe. The little guy is fast asleep in my arms, and I can't help but be mesmerized at how beautiful he is. With his head full of dark hair, he is the spitting image of his dad. It doesn't take long for him to realize he is no longer in his momma's arms, so when he starts squirming, I pass him back to Alba.


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