Glutamine may also be ingested to further accelerate intestinal recovery. A great source of glutamine is unpasteurized whey protein.
The importance of the above starting point cannot be over emphasized because the recovery from diseases in which you are currently dependent on drugs depends on your ability to actually get the nutrients out of the food you eat and into your body in the correct form.
Now that we have your gut back in action, let’s tackle the easiest condition from which to recover: Diabetes. Yes, diabetes.
Addressing Type 2 is very simple because it is more often than not a simple, but severe deficiency of the trace mineral Chromium, also known as Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF). Western diets consist primarily of refined carbohydrates devoid of essential minerals combined with other poor lifestyle habits. As chromium stores in your body are depleted, your ability to transport sugar in and out of the cells is severely compromised, which is further complicated by antibiotics and childhood vaccines (primary contributors to the gut damage we healed from above).
Take 100mcg of 100% whole food GTF Chromium 3 times daily (avoid Chromium picolinate, -polynicotinate, -chloride).
Take homeopathic Lycopodium and Iris as needed to accelerate recovery replenishing chromium stores in the body.
Get Chris Barr’s book on Chromium and you can help others recover from Diabetes, too. (
Organic whole grains are another dietary source of chromium, but only if the soils contain it first.
Grow garlic – helps stabilize blood sugar levels.
Cinnamon stimulates insulin receptors, inhibits enzyme that inactivates receptors, half tsp/day
Oils – fish, coconut, olive, flax, organic butter
Type 1 diabetes is a more complicated issue, largely the result of an autoimmune reaction following childhood vaccination. The above suggestions are still applicable to reduce reliance on external insulin to whatever degree possible, along with a very controlled and measured raw diet. Avoid vaccination!
“Bart Classen, a Maryland physician, published data showing that diabetes rates rose significantly in New Zealand following a massive hepatitis B vaccine campaign in young children, and that diabetes rates also went up sharply in Finland after three new childhood vaccines were introduced.” - Nicholas Regush
What about Glutathione? Tests show diabetics have low levels of intracellular glutathione. Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant, controlling both oxidative stress and inflammation levels within the body. This makes it critical for diabetics to raise their levels.
Low glutathione=>oxidative stress=>
inflammation=>insulin resistance
Each and every cell within the body is responsible for producing its own glutathione as long as there are sufficient minerals to do so (selenium is primary among them). Glutathione plays a major role in diabetic health. This goes double for asthma. How to elevate glutathione:
Selenium – at least 200mcg daily (100% whole food)
NAC - N-Acetyl Cysteine
Unpasteurized whey protein (
Asthma begins in the gut as molecules slip through holes in the epithelium of the small intestine and directly into the bloodstream. This causes inflammation and an immune response within the circulatory system and lungs. The irritation/inflammation of the lungs presents as asthma. The situation is made worse due to a build up of toxins that the liver is unable to process adequately for excretion via the kidneys and colon. The body then compensates by dumping these toxins into the lungs as a compensatory detoxification pathway. This is an adaptation for survival, albeit an annoying and potentially life-threatening one. This is why increasing glutathione is critical for reversing asthma. Here are some other things to do:
Nebulize silver hydrosol to reduce inflammation, heal tissue and eradicate any infectious triggers of asthma.
Place a dropperful of Lobelia tincture in a large glass of water and sip on the water over the course of a few hours. Use with care as it is a bronchial muscle relaxant and expectorant. Not to be used continuously.
Homeopathic medicines – Bryonia alba, Antimonium tartaricum, Spongia tosta, Drosera rotundifolia (6x, 6c, 10x, 12x, 12c, 15x, 30x, 30c)
Betaine Hydrochloride at mealtimes to jump start digestion on a short term basis
Alta Health Products Can-gest 3 times daily to correct digestive dysfunction long term
Increase magnesium levels
In case of attack:
Mullein oil - stops coughs, clears bronchii, results almost immediate. Take in tea or juice.
Nettle - rich in butyric acid.
Vitamin C - general protection from inflammation, infection, increases air flow.
Garlic and onions contain quercetin and mustard oils
High blood pressure
The vast majority of hypertension is due to environmental causes, with resultant toxins circulating throughout the body. Hypertension due to kidney disease, or vascular anomalies, or endocrine dysfunction can complicate recovery. One of the largest triggers for renal dysfunction leading to hypertension is cadmium toxicity. Cadmium and other heavy metals deplete selenium levels in the body, resulting in inadequate production of glutathione. Another huge source of kidney damage leading to HBP comes from Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs including aspirin, ibuprofen and acetaminophen (Tylenol). Vascular elasticity is another critical need to restore, which is done by increasing silicon levels. Here are the critical things you need to do to normalize blood pressure without drugs:
Increase selenium intake, at least 200mcg a day of 100% whole food form
100% whole food silica – Alta Health Products 5000MG daily
Avoid smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, use of stimulants
CoQ10 boosts energy, enhances the immune system, and acts as an antioxidant, protects heart
Hawthorn berry – 300 mg, 3 times daily. Hawthorn dilates arteries and improves coronary blood flow reducing blood pressure. Can widen blood vessels, especially the coronary arteries. Some of the flavonoids in Hawthorn help prevent the narrowing of blood vessels. It also is a mild diuretic that reduces blood volume. You can expect a drop in blood pressure of 10 to 15 points over 8 weeks. Hawthorn can be used to strengthen the heart muscle.
Remineralize with Himalayan crystal salt (contains over 74 trace elements). Make brine and take a tablespoon everyday in a large glass of water
Nattokinase - An enzyme isolated from the vegetable Natto; It is known to have blood clot dissolving abilities and prevents the aggregation of red blood cells.
Omega 3 essential fats (EPA/DHA combination – 3 grams daily) to reduce susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmia, decrease platelet aggregation, reduce triglyceride levels, retard atherosclerosis, lower blood pressure, promote nitric oxide induced endothelial relaxation, reduce overall inflammation.
Garlic can thin the blood as well. Garlic’s antiplatelet activity and other cardiovascular effects may be due to activation of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and subsequent production of nitric oxide. The correlation between low levels of nitric oxide and high blood pressure has been known since 1991, and research has correlated the effect of garlic extract on NOS and platelet aggregation. - The Encyclopedia of Popular Herbsby Robert S. McCaleb, Evelyn Leigh, and Krista Morien
B complex rich foods, vegetables, nutritional yeast
Fresh organically grown fruits and veggies
Only organic animal products. Toxins are concentrated up the food chain. Factory-farmed animal products have antibiotics, synthetic hormones and pathogenic microbes within them due to the way the animals are raised and kept alive.
Avoid toxins. Switch to natural personal care and cleaning products (Orange TKO).
Entering a crisis such as a societal/economic collapse is stressful enough, but enteri
ng it from an unhealthy, drug-dependent place can make survivability much more daunting. Overcoming drug-dependent conditions like Diabetes, Asthma and Hypertension now, while you still have options, is a much better strategy to ensure that you are fully capable to care for your family when the crisis hits.
Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor or pharmacist when weaning off any medication for which your life depends.
Robert Scott Bell is a homeopathic practitioner with a passion for health and healing. Each week Robert Scott Bell empowers his listeners with healing principles that can aid in physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, economic and even political healing!
Fitness For When TSHTF
by Jim Mahan
How To Be Fighting Fit - Your health and fitness levels are among the most vital resources for surviving a disaster. Post disaster is too late to determine if you are fit enough to carry your Bug-Out Bag or other gear in order to survive the effects of the disaster; much less being able to fight or shoot your way out. Consider this, an EMP attack takes out your Bug-Out Vehicle and you have to walk/pack out your BOB and possibly other equipment so that you can get to your Bug-out shelter. Are you strong enough to carry 75-100 pounds over a long distance? Another scenario is this – You arrive at your off grid shelter and find that it has been occupied, and now you need to drop your gear and fight to retake your preps. Do you have the cardiovascular endurance and conditioning level to run, jump, shoot and fight after your long walk out of the city? Maybe fitness should have been on our prep list too.
Most preppers and survival minded folks that I meet tend to leave fitness and health totally out of the planning process with a “I’ll be able to run because I’m scared” mentality. Or worse, I’ll always have my BOV, car, bike, etc. to carry what I need to survive the first 72 hours. Really? Jim Collins said it best, “Good is the enemy of great.” If you don’t check it, measure it and use it, it will not be there when you need it. Isn’t that why we prepare for everything else? Our Fitness preparation needs should match the time and intensity that all others do. Bottom line.
This article will show you several everyday items or readily made items that you can use to get your body into fighting shape and then how to maintain it for the duration of the disaster.
Step one is to choose fitness tools or equipment that are readily found, small and lightweight in both our current home and shelter. The first tool that we are going to use is the common sandbag. I prefer to use the heavy duty, cotton duck type. We can use them for so many things besides fitness, so it makes the list. For fitness, I prefer to use deer corn or the like as it is easily procured and quickly ditched when needed to fill with earth for defensive uses. No deer corn? Just go with dirt.
The sandbag is making it’s way into mainstream fitness as a premier strength and conditioning tool. We can use it for the traditional clean and press, military press, upright row and many others. It’s best asset is that it primarily forces the body to use functional movements instead of isolated ones. This movement pattern is extremely important for fighting or survival strength as it fores the body to use maximal muscle for each movement.
Our next tool is the suspension trainer. This piece of equipment is relatively new to the market but has made huge inroads with the military community largely in part to its size, portability and number of exercises you can do with it. The best thing about having a suspension trainer is that you can use it for other uses until you need to work out. It will train the entire body in a wide variety of exercises. They are easily found on the market, but are pricey; so I made my own and they are as strong or stronger than factory made ones. You will need two lengths of tow strap or cargo strap, several carabiners and two 1’ long pieces of 1” PVC pipe. Here are your step by step pictures for making your own suspension trainer.
Now – We have the tools, how do we use them to prepare for general fitness as well as when the SHTF? The athlete can use a barbell, a track, a suspension trainer or a multitude of other tools to get the “job” done. The tools of the trade, combined with nutrition, hydration and recover are what make up our “Warrior Training”. Strategy is our utilization of our resources, while our tactics are the sciences which drive the strategy.
Skill training is movement specific, just as there are specific movements that we practice to clear a jam on a weapon, movements streamlined to rapidly change magazines on our weapons, as well as the planned movements we wish to use when it’s time to bug out. Strength and conditioning is the foundation of our warrior attributes. Strength, timing, focus, endurance, flexibility, etc. speed up our response time (sprinting, swimming, shooting), or our ability to pull, push or drag our equipment, a wounded family member, etc. (ring pulls, sandbag clean and press, push ups).
Our strategy is for us to be able to run, jump, push and pull at least our body weight for an undetermined period of time. The goal is to be prepared for the unknown and unknowable...
When you initially begin, set a goal for two weeks at a time. Setting goals will enable you to eliminate the distractions in your life and help you to focus on the really important things. By knowing exactly what you want, you are able to concentrate on specific areas with more accountability and focus. Goals allow you to get more things done so you can achieve more. Who doesn’t want to achieve more? Not enough time?
Combine activities. Need to test out your new water filter? Go for your run in the park and get water from the stream and test the filter at the same time. Use your imagination to combine work sets. Have a weekend planned to test out new gear and rotate food supplies? Why not plan a workout in with it. Set a goal to be able to bug out, carry only what can go on your back, run into the cache or hide area and set up camp. Run your defensive line and do certain exercises at each point. The ideas are limitless.
I like to take one large goal and break it into smaller, more attainable “mini-goals”. This will give you the direction you need if you get off track. Goals create steps. The old saying goes, “How do we eat an elephant?” Answer: One bite at a time. No matter what task we have to tackle, we often can’t do it all at once. We can, however take small steps toward completing the task.
Always, always, always write down your goals! Set small, measurable, and attainable goals. Focus on getting the result that you want. Why did you set this goal? Why is it important to you? Make a commitment to yourself, and then take action with your end result in mind. Use your time wisely and work hard. Don’t waste your valuable time and energy with work that will not achieve that Warrior Fitness goal.
I have included a general strategy and tactics based workout plan to start being able to meet that goal. Most of the workouts are intense, short duration workouts using the aforementioned tools.
(Make sure you check with your doctor BEFORE beginning any exercise program to make sure that you are healthy enough to exercise.)
During your workouts, listen to your body. You will begin to learn to tell when you are reaching it’s current limitations. You might feel twinges in your muscles or all of a sudden you just don’t have the gas to continue and want to vomit. When this happens, slow down and step back. You are close to the limit and may cause injury. Make note of what you did and how hard in your journal or notebook and plan to push past that time or repetition set at a later date.
If you are at that edge, take a day off but not for more than 48 hours. Lower the reps, Take it slower, our bodies will let us know how to progress. It’s okay to venture out of the comfort zone and into areas where we are weak. We will learn to master our minds and our bodies to be unbroken and prepared.
Remember, we are preparing for the unknown. When we plan for the worst and can handle it mentally and physically, we will be ready when the SHTF. Are you ready? “Victory is reserved for those willing to pay the price.” - Sun Tzu
Spend 5-10 minutes warming up (for example light jog, or 10 squats, 10 lunges, 10 push-ups, 10 mountain climbers and light stretch.)
Day 1: Strength and Conditioningr />
3 rounds of: 10 Suspension Trainer Pulls, 15 Push Ups, 20 Sand Bag Clean and Press, 25 Sand Bag Squats
Day 2: Core and Cardiovascular
5 rounds of: Run 400 meters, Sand Bag Sit Ups, Flutter Kick, Leg Lift, V-Up
Day 3: Sustained Power
3 rounds of: 400 meter Sand Bag Run, 50 Suspension Trainer Pulls, 50 Suspension Trainer Push Ups, 50 Burpees
Day 4: Strength and Conditioning
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes: Run 600 meters, 40 Sand Bag Clean and Press, 40 Sand Bag Squat
Day 5: Core and Cardiovascular
In your best time possible: Run 1.5 miles, 100 Sit Ups
Day 6 & 7: Rest
Warrior Fitness, Self Defense and Close Quarter Battle Expert, Jim Mahan has helped thousands of individuals learn simple and effective ways to prepare themselves for the unknown.
Jim spent 26 years in the US Army and three combat tours in regular line units as well as special mission units teaching US/Allied forces basic and advanced fighting skills used on current battlefields.
Inexpensive Luxuries for the Get Home Bag
by Jim Cobb
Whether you call it a Get Home Bag, a Bug Out Bag, or a Vehicle Emergency Kit, they all have similar contents. Enough non-perishable food to last a couple days, bottled water and the means to purify more, first aid kit, fire starting supplies, a compass, a knife and/or multi-tool, and other basic survival gear are the bare bones of any kit, right? Whether you buy a pre-assembled kit, or preferably, make one yourself, there are a number of items you should consider adding that cost very little money, take up very little space, yet will provide a much needed degree of comfort should you find yourself on foot, trying to get somewhere safe, or stranded in your vehicle for hours on end. While these items won’t really make the difference between life and death, they can at least make a miserable situation a little more tolerable.
Survivalist Anthologies Volume 1 Page 25